How do file systems track free space - filesystems

I'm writing a program that needs to read and write lots of data in random order, and since I don't want to use hundreds of small files, I'm trying to develop a sort of virtual file system that writes to one large file that keeps track of where the "files" are in the "disk" file.
Thus, I've been trying to find detailed information about file system implementations, but theres one thing that never seems to be explained in a way I can understand: How does the file system track free/deleted sectors for new file creation? FAT, for example, has an index of all sectors at the beginning that seems to be the only place that holds this information, but searching the index for a new area of free space in a linear, O(n) fashion seems like it would be rather inefficient, especially if there are no deleted sectors and you have to insert something at the end of the list. Am I missing something, or is this is how file systems really detect unused sectors for writing? Thanks!

The answer depends on the overall file system architecture. It can be a linear list of free pages, or the free space can be counted in the same way as other files (eg. linked lists).
Practically developing an efficient file system is quite serious task for a side task that you have. So it makes sense to use some already created virtual file system, such as the one CodeBase offers or our Solid File System.

I found a helpful PDF explaining how free space is mapped in linux file systems. This is more along the lines of what I was looking for.

it's just like a link list: each file may be seperated into many partitions and at the end of the partition each partition it's refering to begining of the next the same goes for the free speaces. think of free space as one large file that contains every byte which is not inside another file!


Implementing a database in a single file

This question is about creating a new single file database format. I am new to this!
I wonder how SQLite does this- for databases larger than the available memory, SQLite must be reading from certain parts of the file somehow, i.e. reading at position n?
Is this possible at sub-linear runtime complexity? I assume that when SQLite fetches a particular row, it uses a O(logn) index lookup first- so it doesn't fetch the entire index- and then it fetches the row from a particular location in the file. All of this involves not reading the whole file into memory- but FS methods appear not to provide this functionality.
Is fs.skip(n) [pseudocode] done in O(n) or does the OS skip straight to position n? Theoretically this should be possible because in the OS files are divided into blocks- and inodes reference 1-3 levels of array-like structures that locate the blocks, so fetching a particular block in a file should be possible in sub-linear time- without reading in the entire file.
I wonder how SQLite does this- for databases larger than the available memory, SQLite
must be reading from certain parts of the file somehow, i.e. reading at position n?
Yes. Almost every programming language has documentation that explains how to position the read on a file.
All of this involves not reading the whole file into memory- but FS methods appear not to
provide this functionality.
Every file system access API that I know of does support this, and it is explained in the documentation. Examples range from memory-mapped files in Windows (which are "quite" advanced and not supported if you plan to go OS-agnostic), down to something simple like the fseek() method in C that positions a file stream.
I suggest brushing up on your knowledge of file-system access methods in your programming language of choice.

Changing inode behaviour

I am trying to modify the ext3 file system. Basically I want to ensure that the inode for a file is saved in the same (or adjacent) block as the file that it stores metadata for. Hopefully this should help disk access performance
I grabbed the kernel source, compiled it, read a bunch about inodes and looked the inode.c file in the fs subdirectory. However, I am just not sure how I can ensure that any new file being created, and the inode for this file, can be saved in the same or adjacent blocks. Any help or pointers to further readings would be appreciated. Thanks!
Interesting idea.
I'm not deeply familiar with ext3, but I can give you some general pointers.
Currently ext3 stores inodes in predetermined places. Each block group has its own inode table, an array of inodes. So when you have an inode number (i.e., as the result of looking up a filename in a directory), you can find the corresponding inode on disk by using the inode number first to select the correct block group and then to index into that block group's inode table.
If you want to put the inodes next to the corresponding file data, you'll need a new scheme for finding an inode on disk. If you're willing to dedicate a block for each inode, then one possible scheme would be to allocate a new block every time you need an inode and then use the block number as the inode number. This might have the benefit that for small files you could store the data in that same block.
To make something like this happen, creating a new file (i.e., allocating an inode) would have to work very differently than in the current ext3 file system. Instead of using a bitmap to find an unused, pre-allocated and pre-initialized inode, you would have to allocate an empty block and initialize it yourself. So, you'll probably want to look at how the file system allocates blocks when it's writing to a file, then mimic that for allocating an inode.
An alternative scheme would be to store the inode inside the directory. So you save an I/O not because the inode is next to its data, but because when you lookup the filename you also read the inode. This was done back in the 90s as an experiment in BSD's FFS file system, and was written up in an excellent USENIX Paper. Those ideas never made it into FFS, or into any other main stream file system that I'm aware of, so it might be interesting to see how they work in ext3.
Regardless of whether you pursue one of these schemes or come up with something of your own, you'll also have to modify mke2fs to initialize the file system on disk in a way that your new file system variant will understand.
Good luck! It sounds like a fun project.
Kudos for getting into file system design!
First, a bit of engineering advice before you get too deep into hacking: make a copy of the ext3 tree and rename the file system to something else. I've found that when introducing experimental changes into a file system, you really don't want it to be used for your main system. Your system should still boot even if you introduce a bug that randomly loses files (it will eventually happen). You'll also need to branch the ext3 userspace tools to work with your new system.
Second, go get a copy of Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3 ed. by Bovet and Cesati. It presents an organized view of kernel subsystems, and I've found its explanations to be worthwhile. It's written for an older kernel (2.6.x for some x < 15; I forget exactly), but it's still accurate in many places. Read through its descriptions of file systems. I believe it covers ext3.
Third, about your actual project, you aren't proposing a simple modification to ext3. That file system has a pretty straightforward way of mapping an inode number to a disk block. You'll need to find a new way of doing this mapping. I would not anticipate any changes to the rest of ext3. Solving this challenge may be one of the key design points of your architecture. Note that keeping around a big array of inode -> disk block maps doesn't solve your problem: it's probably no better than existing ext3.

how is a file represented on a disk

so I want to ask, and forgive me if this is obvious, or newbie question:
if I create a file, say a text file - save it, (I'm using Ubuntu), so this file I have created, has some extra information associated with it, such as, the place on my hard drive where it has been saved. How to examine this information? Where does this information get stored for my specific file? How to examine the file as it is stored on my disk, I assume in terms of, what, bytes?
Maybe I need to focus this question,
This is the responsibility of your file system. In very brief, a file system is a data structure which is laid out onto your entire disk -- that's what "formatting" a disk does -- and your files are saved into that data structure. There are lots of file systems, and their details vary quite widely. has a whole bunch of papers on file system design and organization. I'd start with McKusick's A Fast File System for UNIX; it's old, but it contains lots of ideas that are still influential today.
You need a filesystem-specific forensics tool if you want to look at the data structures on your disks. Ubuntu's probably using something in the ext2 family, so try debugfs.
I think maybe you do need to focus it a bit :-)
For UNIX file systems, there are many different types.
The one I'm most familiar with (ext2) has a "file" on disk containing directory entries. These entries are simple names and pointers to the file itself (which is why you can have multiple directory entries pointing to the same file, hard links).
The file itself is an inode which contains the properties of the file (owner, size, permissions and so on).
The inode also contains direct and indirect pointers to the contents of the file. By direct, I mean a pointer to a data block.
An indirect pointer is a pointer to a pointer to contents. I believe you can go to another two levels of indirection, which gives you truly massive file sizes:
More details on Wikipedia.

Performance issues in writing to large files?

I have been recently involved in handling the console logs for a server and I was wondering, out of curiosity, that is there a performance issue in writing to a large file as compared to small ones.
For instance is it a good idea to keep the log file size small instead of letting them grow bulky, but I was not able to argue much in favor of either approach.
There might be problems in reading or searching in the file, but right now I am more interested in knowing if writing can be affected in any way.
Looking for an expert advice.
The way I thought it was that the OS only has to open a file handle and push the data to the file system. There is little correlation to the file size, since you have to keep on appending the data to the end of the file and whenever a block of data is full, OS will assign another block to the file. As I said earlier, there can be problems in reading and searching because of defragmentation of file blocks, but I could not find much difference while writing.
As a general rule, there should be no practical difference between appending a block to a small file (or writing the first block which is appending to a zero-length file) or appending a block to a large file.
There are special cases (like trying to fault in a triple-indirect block or the initial open having to read all mapping information) which could add additional I/O's. but the steady-state should be the same.
I'd be more worried about the manageability of having huge files: slow to backup, slow to copy, slow to view, etc.
I am not an expert, but I will try to answer anyway.
Larger files may take longer to write on disk and in fact it is not a programming issue. It is file system issue. Perhaps there are file systems, which does not have such issues, but on Windows large files cannot be write down in one piece so fragmenting them will take time (for the simple reason that head will have to move to some other cylinder). Assuming that we are talking about "classic" hard drives...
If you want an advice, I would go for writing down smaller files and rotating them either daily or when they hit some size (or both actually). That is rather common approach I saw in an enterprise-grade products.

Truncate file at front

A problem I was working on recently got me to wishing that I could lop off the front of a file. Kind of like a “truncate at front,” if you will. Truncating a file at the back end is a common operation–something we do without even thinking much about it. But lopping off the front of a file? Sounds ridiculous at first, but only because we’ve been trained to think that it’s impossible. But a lop operation could be useful in some situations.
A simple example (certainly not the only or necessarily the best example) is a FIFO queue. You’re adding new items to the end of the file and pulling items out of the file from the front. The file grows over time and there’s a huge empty space at the front. With current file systems, there are several ways around this problem:
As each item is removed, copy the
remaining items up to replace it, and
truncate the file. Although it works,
this solution is very expensive
Monitor the size of the empty space at
the front, and when it reaches a
particular size or percentage of the
entire file size, move everything up
and truncate the file. This is much
more efficient than the previous
solution, but still costs time when
items are moved in the file.
Implement a circular queue in the
file, adding new items to the hole at
the front of the file as items are
removed. This can be quite efficient,
especially if you don’t mind the
possibility of things getting out of
order in the queue. If you do care
about order, there’s the potential of
having to move items around. But in
general, a circular queue is pretty
easy to implement and manages disk
space well.
But if there was a lop operation, removing an item from the queue would be as easy as updating the beginning-of-file marker. As easy, in fact, as truncating a file. Why, then, is there no such operation?
I understand a bit about file systems implementation, and don't see any particular reason this would be difficult. It looks to me like all it would require is another word (dword, perhaps?) per allocation entry to say where the file starts within the block. With 1 terabyte drives under $100 US, it seems like a pretty small price to pay for such functionality.
What other tasks would be made easier if you could lop off the front of a file as efficiently as you can truncate at the end?
Can you think of any technical reason this function couldn't be added to a modern file system? Other, non-technical reasons?
On file systems that support sparse files "punching" a hole and removing data at an arbitrary file position is very easy. The operating system just has to mark the corresponding blocks as "not allocated". Removing data from the beginning of a file is just a special case of this operation. The main thing that is required is a system call that will implement such an operation: ftruncate2(int fd, off_t offset, size_t count).
On Linux systems this is actually implemented with the fallocate system call by specifying the FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE flag to zero-out a range and the FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE flag to completely remove the data in that range. Note that there are restrictions on what ranges can be specified and that not all filesystems support these operations.
Truncate files at front seems not too hard to implement at system level.
But there are issues.
The first one is at programming level. When opening file in random access the current paradigm is to use offset from the beginning of the file to point out different places in the file. If we truncate at beginning of file (or perform insertion or removal from the middle of the file) that is not any more a stable property. (While appendind or truncating from the end is not a problem).
In other words truncating the beginning would change the only reference point and that is bad.
At a system level uses exist as you pointed out, but are quite rare. I believe most uses of files are of the write once read many kind, so even truncate is not a critical feature and we could probably do without it (well some things would become more difficult, but nothing would become impossible).
If we want more complex accesses (and there are indeed needs) we open files in random mode and add some internal data structure. Theses informations can also be shared between several files. This leads us to the last issue I see, probably the most important.
In a sense when we using random access files with some internal structure... we are still using files but we are not any more using files paradigm. Typical such cases are the databases where we want to perform insertion or removal of records without caring at all about their physical place. Databases can use files as low level implementation but for optimisation purposes some database editors choose to completely bypass filesystem (think about Oracle partitions).
I see no technical reason why we couldn't do everything that is currently done in an operating system with files using a database as data storage layer. I even heard that NTFS has many common points with databases in it's internals. An operating system can (and probably will in some not so far future) use another paradigm than files one.
Summarily i believe that's not a technical problem at all, just a change of paradigm and that removing the beginning is definitely not part of the current "files paradigm", but not a big and useful enough change to compell changing anything at all.
NTFS can do something like this with it's sparse file support but it's generaly not that useful.
I think there's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem in there: because filesystems have not supported this kind of behavior efficiently, people haven't written programs to use it, and because people haven't written programs to use it, there's little incentive for filesystems to support it.
You could always write your own filesystem to do this, or maybe modify an existing one (although filesystems used "in the wild" are probably pretty complicated, you might have an easier time starting from scratch). If people find it useful enough it might catch on ;-)
Actually there are record base file systems - IBM have one and I believe DEC VMS also had this facility. I seem to remember both allowed (allow? I guess they are still around) deleting and inserting at random positions in a file.
There is also a unix command called head -- so you could do this via:
head -n1000 file > file_truncated
may can achieve this goal in two steps
long fileLength; //file total length
long reserveLength; //reserve length until the file ending
int fd; //file open for read & write
sendfile(fd, fd, fileLength-reserveLength, reserveLength);
ftruncate(fd, reserveLength);
