AppEngine: How do I get the sequence of datastore write events? - google-app-engine

I need a sequencer for the entire application's data.
Using a counter entity is a bad idea (5 writes per second limit), and Sharding counters are not an option.
GMT time stamp seems unsafe due to clock variances with servers, plus a possible server time being set/reset.
Any idea?
How do I get a entity property which I can query for all entities changed since a given value?

Distributed datastores such as the app engine datastore don't have a global sequence - there's literally no way to determine if entity A was written to server A' before entity B was written to server B' if those events occur sufficiently close together, unless you have a single machine mediating all transactions and serializing them, which places a hard upper bound on how scalable your system can be.
For your actual practical problem, the easiest solution would be to assign a modification timestamp to each record, and each time you need to sync, look for records newer than (that timestamp) - (epsilon), where epsilon is a short time interval that is longer than the expected difference in time synchronization between servers (something like 10 seconds should be ample). Your client can then discard any duplicate records it receives.


Whenever my PC crashes, my SQL DB adds 1000 to the next ID [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Identity increment is jumping in SQL Server database
(6 answers)
Closed 23 days ago.
I'm running a .NET stack from my desktop. I have Blazor and SQL Server in my dev environment, running the entire stack and database locally on this PC.
Lately the electricity on my block has been having issues. The company is working on fixing it. Power went out, and when I turned my computer back on, I noticed something about my application...
For every next entry in any table in my database the ID becomes 1004. I was thinking maybe because the crash for some reason it just adds 1000. But actually this happened a second time the next day, and at this time I had a different number of entries in every table, but it looks like the exact same thing happened. The next entries started at ID 1004.
I know this power issue is not ideal, and it should be solved soon. But if this happened to a client who purchased one of my apps, it would be bad for their data. I know I could use GUID, but I've heard as a high number of those entries stack it becomes a heavier resource load. How can I enforce the integrity of the ID, this is my primary key. What's the best way to handle this sort of issue?
I have investigated my application to make sure entries were not going through while this power outage occurred, but everything looks right. Those methods are usually super quick anyway, I do keep SSMS up and running most of the time. I wonder if this could be related?
In a database, sequences are designed to generate unique values, period.
... or almost period actually. It also needs to:
Do so as quickly as possible, using as little computing/memory/storage resource as possible.
Support concurrent operations from multiple clients.
Guaranteeing sequences have no gaps would break the above requirements.
What you are seeing is the consequence of the DBMS reserving sequence values in advance (that makes the number generation faster) but not remembering which values were actually used, only which values have been reserved, through the outage (that limits the resources needed to make it work).
Other events create gaps in a sequence:
Deleting a record (e.g. deleting id 2 when the table has id 1 and 3).Rather than a gap in the sequence, it is a gap in table using that sequence for its primary key, but it makes no difference after the DELETE is committed.
I invite you to imagine how much slower sequences would get if the DBMS first needed to check if an old value got freed.
Using a value in a transaction that later gets rolled back.
You may think "then why does the DBMS not put the value back to the pool for the next call to the sequence?" and this answer to it is the concurrent operations. It would also slow down the DBMS a lot if it had to check no other calls to the sequence were made before the rollback, especially considering that it would require threads to share information, which is never easy/fast to do in programming.
To repeat: the cost of [fast + minimum resources used + support of concurrent access] is that a sequence does not allow to guarantee the values are generated with no gaps; that very much includes outage.This will most certainly not have any negative repercussion on the application you are developing, as for all the other applications that connect to a database worldwide.
SQL Server reserves 1000 numbers for the primary key that are auto incremented. If the database service is stopped normally, the unused number for keys will be released, but if there is an interruption in the work of the database engine, like you said, then the database engine so that there is no problem in the main key mechanism, the next time it is executed, it considers these 1000 codes as used and reserves 1001 to 2000 this time.
This is not a problem in itself, but it usually becomes a problem when you'd like to use the primary key as a sequence counter for purposes such as traditional archiving. For this purpose, you should consider a separate field that you manage yourself.
For more info you can refer to ^, ^

Query compilation and provisioning times

What does it mean there is a longer time for COMPILATION_TIME, QUEUED_PROVISIONING_TIME or both more than usual?
I have a query runs every couple of minutes and it usually takes less than 200 milliseconds for compilation and 0 for provisioning. There are 2 instances in the last couple of days the values are more than 4000 for compilation and more than 100000 for provisioning.
Is that mean warehouse was being resumed and there was a hiccup?
The SQL is parsed and simplified, and the tables meta data is loaded. Thus a compile for select a,b,c from table_name will be fractally faster than select * from table_name because the meta data is not needed from every partition to know the final shape.
Super fragmented tables, can give poor compile performance as there is more meta data to load. Fragmentation comes from many small writes/deletes/updates.
Doing very large INSERT statements can give horrible compile performance. We did a lift-and-shift and did all data loading via INSERT, just avoid..
PRIOVISIONING_TIME is the amount of time to setup the hardware, this occurs for two main reasons ,you are turning on 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X servers and it can take minutes just to allocate those volume of servers.
Or there is failure, sometime around releases there can be a little instability, where a query fails on the "new" release, and query is rolled back to older instances, which you would see in the profile as 1, 1001. But sometimes there has been problems in the provisioning infrastructure (I not seen it for a few years, but am not monitoring for it presently).
But I would think you will mostly see this on a on going basis for the first reason.
The compilation process involves query parsing, semantic checks, query rewrite components, reading object metadata, table pruning, evaluating certain heuristics such as filter push-downs, plan generations based upon the cost-based optimization, etc., which totally accounts for the COMPILATION_TIME.
QUEUED_PROVISIONING_TIME refers to Time (in milliseconds) spent in the warehouse queue, waiting for the warehouse compute resources to provision, due to warehouse creation, resume, or resize.
To understand the reason behind the query taking long time recently in detail, the query ID needs to be analysed. You can raise a support case to Snowflake support with the problematic query ID to have the details checked.

Improve throughput of ndb query over large data

I am trying to perform some data processing in a GAE application over data that is stored in the Datastore. The bottleneck point is the throughput in which the query returns entities and I wonder how to improve the query's performance.
What I do in general:
everything works in a task queue, so we have plenty of time (10 minute deadline).
I run a query over the ndb entities in order to select which entities need to be processed.
as the query returns results, I group entities in batches of, say, 1000 and send them to another task queue for further processing.
the stored data is going to be large (say 500K-1M entities) and there is a chance that the 10 minutes deadline is not enough. Therefore, when the task is reaching the taskqueue deadline, I spawn a new task. This means I need an ndb.Cursor in order to continue the query from where it stopped.
The problem is the rate in which the query returns entities. I have tried several approaches and observed the following performance (which is too slow for my app):
Use fetch_page() in a while loop.
The code is straightforward
while has_more and theres_more_time:
entities, cursor, more = query.fetch_page(1000, ...)
has_more = more and cursor
With this approach, it takes 25-30 seconds to process 10K entities. Roughly speaking, that is 20K entities per minute. I tried changing the page size or the class of the frontend instance; neither made any difference in performance.
Segment the data and fire multiple fetch_page_async() in parallel.
This approach is taken from here (approach C)
The overall performance remains the same as above. I tried with various number of segments (from 2 to 10) in order to have 2-10 parallel fetch_async() calls. In all cases, the overall time remained the same. The more parallel fetch_page_async() are called, the longer it takes for each one to complete. I also tried with 20 parallel fetches and it got worse. Changing the page size or the fronted instance class did not have and impact either.
Fetch everything with a single fetch() call.
Now this is the least suitable approach (if not unsuitable at all) as the instance may run out of memory, plus I don't get a cursor in case I need to spawn to another task (in fact I won't even have the ability to do so, the task will simply exceed the deadline). I tried this out of curiosity in order to see how it performs and I observed the best performance! It took 8-10 seconds for 10K entities, which is roughly be 60K entities per minute. Now that is approx. 3 times faster than fetch_page(). I wonder why this happens.
Use query.iter() in a single loop.
This is match like the first approach. This will make use of the query iterator's underlying generator, plus I can obtain a cursor from the iterator in case I need to spawn a new task, so it suits me. With the query iterator, it fetched 10K entities in 16-18 seconds, which is approx. 36-40K entities per minute. The iterator is 30% faster than fetch_page, but much slower that fetch().
For all the above approaches, I tried F1 and F4 frontend instances without any difference in Datastore performance. I also tried to change the batch_size parameter in the queries, still without any change.
A first question is why do fetch(), fetch_page() and iter() behave so differently and how to make either fetch_page() or iter() do equally well as fetch()? And then another critical question is whether these throughputs (20-60K entities per minute, depending on api call) are the best we can do in GAE.
I 'm aware of the MapReduce API but I think it doesn't suit me. AFAIK, the MapReduce API doesn't support queries and I don't want to scan all the Datastore entities (it's will be too costly and slow - the query may return only a few results). Last, but not least, I have to stick to GAE. Resorting to another platform is not an option for me. So the question really is how to optimize the ndb query.
Any suggestions?
In case anyone is interested, I was able to significantly increase the throughput of the data processing by re-designing the component - it was suggested that I change the data models but that was not possible.
First, I segmented the data and then processed each data segment in a separate taskqueue.Task instead of calling multiple fetch_page_async from a single task (as I described in the first post). Initially, these tasks were processed by GAE sequentially utilizing only a single Fx instance. To achieve parallelization of the tasks, I moved the component to a specific GAE module and used basic scaling, i.e. addressable Bx instances. When I enqueue the tasks for each data segment, I explicitly instruct which basic instance will handle each task by specifying the 'target' option.
With this design, I was able to process 20.000 entities in total within 4-5 seconds (instead of 40'-60'!), using 5 B4 instances.
Now, this has additional costs because of the Bx instances. We 'll have to fine tune the type and number of basic instances we need.
The new experimental Data Processing feature (an AppEngine API for MapReduce) might be suitable. It uses automatic sharding to execute multiple parallel worker processes, which may or may not help (like the Approach C in the other linked question).
Your comment about "no need to scan all entities" triggers the thought that custom indexes could help your queries. That may entail schema changes to store the data in a less normal form.
Design a solution from the output perspective - what the simplest query is that produces the required results, then what the entity structure is to support such a query, then what work is needed to create and maintain such an entity structure from the current data.

Best way to access averaged static data in a Database (Hibernate, Postgres)

Currently I have a project (written in Java) that reads sensor output from a micro controller and writes it across several Postgres tables every second using Hibernate. In total I write about 130 columns worth of data every second. Once the data is written it will stay static forever.This system seems to perform fine under the current conditions.
My question is regarding the best way to query and average this data in the future. There are several approaches I think would be viable but am looking for input as to which one would scale and perform best.
Being that we gather and write data every second we end up generating more than 2.5 million rows per month. We currently plot this data via a JDBC select statement writing to a JChart2D (i.e. SELECT pressure, temperature, speed FROM data WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN startTime AND endTime). The user must be careful to not specify too long of a time period (startTimem and endTime delta < 1 day) or else they will have to wait several minutes (or longer) for the query to run.
The future goal would be to have a user interface similar to the Google visualization API that powers Google Finance. With regards to time scaling, i.e. the longer the time period the "smoother" (or more averaged) the data becomes.
Options I have considered are as follows:
Option A: Use the SQL avg function to return the averaged data points to the user. I think this option would get expensive if the user asks to see the data for say half a year. I imagine the interface in this scenario would scale the amount of rows to average based on the user request. I.E. if the user asks for a month of data the interface will request an avg of every 86400 rows which would return ~30 data points whereas if the user asks for a day of data the interface will request an avg of every 2880 rows which will also return 30 data points but of more granularity.
Option B: Use SQL to return all of the rows in a time interval and use the Java interface to average out the data. I have briefly tested this for kicks and I know it is expensive because I'm returning 86400 rows/day of interval time requested. I don't think this is a viable option unless there's something I'm not considering when performing the SQL select.
Option C: Since all this data is static once it is written, I have considered using the Java program (with Hibernate) to also write tables of averages along with the data it is currently writing. In this option, I have several java classes that "accumulate" data then average it and write it to a table at a specified interval (5 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 1 hour, 6 hours and so on). The future user interface plotting program would take the interval of time specified by the user and determine which table of averages to query. This option seems like it would create a lot of redundancy and take a lot more storage space but (in my mind) would yield the best performance?
Option D: Suggestions from the more experienced community?
Option A won't tend to scale very well once you have large quantities of data to pass over; Option B will probably tend to start relatively slow compared to A and scale even more poorly. Option C is a technique generally referred to as "materialized views", and you might want to implement this one way or another for best performance and scalability. While PostgreSQL doesn't yet support declarative materialized views (but I'm working on that this year, personally), there are ways to get there through triggers and/or scheduled jobs.
To keep the inserts fast, you probably don't want to try to maintain any views off of triggers on the primary table. What you might want to do is to periodically summarize detail into summary tables from crontab jobs (or similar). You might also want to create views to show summary data by using the summary tables which have been created, combined with detail table where the summary table doesn't exist.
The materialized view approach would probably work better for you if you partition your raw data by date range. That's probably a really good idea anyway.

app engine data pipelines talk - for fan-in materialized view, why are work indexes necessary?

I'm trying to understand the data pipelines talk presented at google i/o:
I don't see why fan-in work indexes are necessary if i'm just going to batch through input-sequence markers.
Can't the optimistically-enqueued task grab all unapplied markers, churn through as many of them as possible (repeatedly fetching a batch of say 10, then transactionally update the materialized view entity), and re-enqueue itself if the task times out before working through all markers?
Does the work indexes have something to do with the efficiency querying for all unapplied markers? i.e., it's better to query for "markers with work_index = " than for "markers with applied = False"? If so, why is that?
For reference, the question+answer which led me to the data pipelines talk is here:
app engine datastore: model for progressively updated terrain height map
A few things:
My approach assumes multiple workers (see ShardedForkJoinQueue here:, where the inbound rate of tasks exceeds the amount of work a single thread can do. With that in mind, how would you use a simple "applied = False" to split work across N threads? Probably assign another field on your model to a worker's shard_number at random; then your query would be on "shard_number=N AND applied=False" (requiring another composite index). Okay that should work.
But then how do you know how many worker shards/threads you need? With the approach above you need to statically configure them so your shard_number parameter is between 1 and N. You can only have one thread querying for each shard_number at a time or else you have contention. I want the system to figure out the shard/thread count at runtime. My approach batches work together into reasonably sized chunks (like the 10 items) and then enqueues a continuation task to take care of the rest. Using query cursors I know that each continuation will not overlap the last thread's, so there's no contention. This gives me a dynamic number of threads working in parallel on the same shard's work items.
Now say your queue backs up. How do you ensure the oldest work items are processed first? Put another way: How do you prevent starvation? You could assign another field on your model to the time of insertion-- call it add_time. Now your query would be "shard_number=N AND applied=False ORDER BY add_time DESC". This works fine for low throughput queues.
What if your work item write-rate goes up a ton? You're going to be writing many, many rows with roughly the same add_time. This requires a Bigtable row prefix for your entities as something like "shard_number=1|applied=False|add_time=2010-06-24T9:15:22". That means every work item insert is hitting the same Bigtable tablet server, the server that's currently owner of the lexical head of the descending index. So fundamentally you're limited to the throughput of a single machine for each work shard's Datastore writes.
With my approach, your only Bigtable index row is prefixed by the hash of the incrementing work sequence number. This work_index value is scattered across the lexical rowspace of Bigtable each time the sequence number is incremented. Thus, each sequential work item enqueue will likely go to a different tablet server (given enough data), spreading the load of my queue beyond a single machine. With this approach the write-rate should effectively be bound only by the number of physical Bigtable machines in a cluster.
One disadvantage of this approach is that it requires an extra write: you have to flip the flag on the original marker entity when you've completed the update, which is something Brett's original approach doesn't require.
You still need some sort of work index, too, or you encounter the race conditions Brett talked about, where the task that should apply an update runs before the update transaction has committed. In your system, the update would still get applied - but it could be an arbitrary amount of time before the next update runs and applies it.
Still, I'm not the expert on this (yet ;). I've forwarded your question to Brett, and I'll let you know what he says - I'm curious as to his answer, too!
