Amazon AWS:: Which service should I use? - sql-server

I am planning to host my iphone game on amazon aws. Basically my game just need a database, and currently I am using mysql (relational database) to store users data.
I am new to amazon aws, and I have read some of the articles. This page: provides some available choices for databases.
RDS (relational database services)
EC2 with Relational Database AMI (it has mysql)
I think I will skip simpleDB, because I have read the sample codes, the database structure is kind of different from relational db, no join tables, all data stored in strings. The current game that I am developing is already in relational form, with all the php codes already, maybe for future project, I could consider it.
Now, left RDS and EC2, which one should I use? In comparison in costs, performances, reliability and stability? My game server requirements:
MySQL database (as I only familiar with this database engine and I already developed the game half way, no time to re-write or learn new language)
Easy to scale
Load balancing
Automatic backup
(if possible, less maintenance works in future)
Please give me some advice, thank you very much.

As you have already chosen MySQL on AWS, the question is only whether you want to host the Database Server on the Instance or through AWS RDS Service.
In comparison in costs, performances, reliability and stability and the your game server requirements:
MySQL database Easy to scale,
Load balancing,
Automatic backup,
(if possible, less maintenance works in future),
AWS RDS would be the BEST option.
As once you scale the Environment, it might be complex and needs lot of processing and maintaining if you host it on the INSTANCE.
While AWS RDS makes it easy for you.
Hope It Helps.. :)

If you need EC2 instance(s) anyway (for web hosting for instance) then hosting MySQL on an EC2 instance that you are already paying for is going to be cheaper...
But as your load goes up I would definitely look towards RDS for easier scaling, reduced admin overhead, better disaster recover story, etc... No reason in my opinion to host MySQL on dedicated EC2 instances...

For your requirement of load balancing and easy scaling you will need a dedicated instance for database. Your EC2 instances hosting your game would be behind load balancer and those will all connect to one database on dedicated instance.
That dedicated instance hosting your database could be RDS or EC2 instance. RDS is expensive but has its benefits.


Is it recommended to use Database as a container in Production environment?

Assuming we are using a micro service architecture for a product and we decide to use 'Database per service' model, and deploy in cloud servers by provider like AWS.
It is convenient to have databases running as a container for development and test environments.
But can same be implemented for Production environment! If so, how safe it would be?
Or is it proper to go with cloud solution as AWS RDS-DB instead!!
This blog post lists some reasons why you should not run production databases in containers. It also references another blog post describing problems with updating docker and unstable storage drivers.
The main points here for me boil down to this:
Dodgy storage drivers. This may be less of a problem when you write your database state to the host system but Docker for example explicitly encourages users to use volumes for exactly that (see the docs: Citation: "Volumes are the best way to persist data in Docker"). It may just work fine under normal circumstances, but what about the edge-cases like power-failures or read-errors for example?
Managing databases in production is hard. Many companies employ full-time DBAs to ensure smooth operation of production databases. The devops paradigm (every dev creates a plethora of DB servers in containers) makes it nearly impossible for a DBA to do his job. That is if the DBA even has access to these DBs.
In conclusion: Containers are fine for certain tasks and a bad idea for others. Running production databases in containers is one of those bad ideas.
We containerise our db in production (on-premises enterprise application). Many do. It's perfectly stable and the deployment is much simplified. Of course our db is not under stress; we're dealing with hundreds of concurrent users, not tens of thousands. We just make sure that the container has enough RAM and is monitored well.
If we did need to dedicate an entire VM to the db alone, then yes I would skip docker.
According to link below, it is not a good idea to use database container in Production.
But as I have experienced; if you isolate your container from your app and update your container regularly and also manage networking stuff, there seems to be no problem.
As you are using Database Per Service Model for Microservice, in Production perfect solution can be AWS RDS instance for database, Now you have 2 approaches :
You can create single RDS Instance and can have different databases for different services on same RDS insatnce, it will save cost a lot but you need to take care of database connections and load you will be having on database based on that you have to choose RDS instance type like 4xlarge etc, better the instance type more connection it will provide and more database load it can handle effectively.
Second solution can be creating several RDS instance and number of RDS instance will be equivalent to your microservice count as each service will be using one RDS instance for its database independently, this is not the effective solution, it will incur lot of cost and this solution will under utilize AWS RDS instances.

Whats the best redundancy setup on AWS for SQL Server 2014

We're migrating our environment over to AWS from a colo facility. As part of that we are upgrading our 2 SQL Server 2005s to 2014s. The two are currently mirrored and we'd like to keep it that way or find other ways to make the servers redundant. # of transactions/server-use is light for our app - but it's in production, requires high availability, and, as a result, requires some kind of fail over.
We have already setup one EC2 instance and put SQL server 2014 on it (as opposed to using RDBMS for licensing reasons and are now exploring what to do next to achieve this.
What suggestions do people have to achieve the redundancy we need?
I've seen two options thus far from here and googling around. I list them below - we're very open to other options!
First, use RDBMS mirroring service, but I can't tell if that only applies if the principal server is also RDBMS - it also doesn't help with licensing.
Second, use multiple availability zones. What are the pros/cons of this versus using different regions altogether (e.g., bandwidth issues) etc? And does multi-AZ actually give redundancy (if AWS goes down in Oregon, for example, then doesn't everything go down)?
Thanks for the help!
The Multi-AZ capability of Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is designed to offer high-availability for a database.
From Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments:
When you provision a Multi-AZ DB Instance, Amazon RDS automatically creates a primary DB Instance and synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ). Each AZ runs on its own physically distinct, independent infrastructure, and is engineered to be highly reliable. In case of an infrastructure failure (for example, instance hardware failure, storage failure, or network disruption), Amazon RDS performs an automatic failover to the standby, so that you can resume database operations as soon as the failover is complete. Since the endpoint for your DB Instance remains the same after a failover, your application can resume database operation without the need for manual administrative intervention.
Multiple Availability Zones are recommended to improve availability of systems. Each AZ is a separate physical facility such that any disaster that should befall one AZ should not impact another AZ. This is normally considered sufficient redundancy rather than having to run across multiple Regions. It also has the benefit that data can be synchronously replicated between AZs due to low-latency connections, while this might not be possible between Regions since they are located further apart.
One final benefit... The Multi-AZ capability of Amazon RDS can be activated by simply selecting "Yes" when the database is launched. Running your own database and using mirroring services requires you to do considerably more work on an on-going basis.

Migrating SQL Server from EC2 to RDS vs Resize EC2 instance to improve application performance

We have an mvc web application with IIS and SQL Server residing in the same Amazon EC2 instance. We plan to move the database from the EC2 instance to Amazon RDS (to improve performance, the application is a bit slow at the moment - high cpu usage on the server).
I can't figure how this could be potentially helpful. On the flip side.
Migrating the database to Amazon RDS is not straightforward
Amazon RDS does not allow change in allocated storage for SQL Server
You can not use Backup / Restore to move DBs in and out of RDS
What are the benefits of migrating a SQL Server DB from EC2 to RDS? Rather than migrating to RDS should we look to resize the EC2 instance itself?
The biggest benefit to migrating to RDS, imo, is that your database becomes a database-as-a-service: you no longer need to manage it like you do when its running on your own instance. Automated backups, ability to take a snaphot and spin up an identical instance etc - all great things.
A while back I migrated all the SQL databases I supported to RDS and slept very well at night no longer needing to worry about them - but then, little by little, all the problems you mentioned became clearer and harder to ignore - inability to take backups of a single db and use locally, no longer have true administrator privileges to the DB or server and so ultimately, in a furry of activity migrated everything back to my own EC2 instances over a weekend.
IMO, until RDS allows you to take a local single-database backup and restore it to RDS, (and the opposite allow you to take a single database in RDS and make a backup that can be restored locally), I don't consider RDS to be a viable solution for me for any solution that is likely to need changes.
If I had a system that was 100% 'done', (if there is such a thing), and no need to enhance, modify, customize the database, than RDS has some benefits - but not having the ability to import/export backups is a show stopper for me as long as there is any chance I may need to make changes down the road - for the life of me can't figure out why AWS has not allowed/enabled this feature.
As to what you should do, first and foremost, you need to make sure that the database is really the bottleneck - it might not be.
If it is, then:
If you are not already, start using a cache in front of your database
Upgrade the size of your ec2 instance.
Split the database onto its on EC2 instance.
Moving your database to RDS has some benefits, but an immediate boost in performance is not necessarily one of them.

Is scaling out a NoSql database in the cloud easier than scaling out an RDBMS?

The company I work at uses Sql Server mainly for persistence and are planning to move to AWS. I hear that scaling out RDBMS in cloud is really hard and costly because of the Geographical regions that you have to cover for fail-over scenarios. does moving to a NoSql database alleviate the problem of scaling out in the cloud?
It doesn't matter what technology you use. You challenges on scaling would be very similar.
I hear that scaling out RDBMS in cloud is really hard and costly because of the Geographical regions
I don't agree. That's probably where cloud providers has most benefits. Say for example with one click you can enable multy-az RDS. Yes it's not cross -region but fault-tolerant for sure. Alternatively you can dump DB to S3 and enable recently launched cross-region replication of the data.
Another example is AWS Redshift that enables you to resize warehouse with no downtime.

Using Amazon RDS while having your application running on-premises. Makes sense?

I'm interested in taking advantage of Amazon's managed database (RDS), but, at the same time, I'd like my web application to run on-premises or on another cloud provider that offers data centers near me (less latency, as my application not always has to fetch data from the DB).
Is this scenario common? Would it make sense, or is Amazon RDS supposed to be run with instances running in Amazon?
If you're looking to reduce latency this is probably not your best option, as DB performance is going to be pretty bad (very large latencies between the web application and the DB server, basically cancelling out and advantages of having the app server as close to your clients as possible).
I've actually had to test a similar configuration, with a DB server in Europe and an app server in the US and the performance was much worse than having both in any of the two regions.
I've recently moved the database for our web application to RDS whilst still having our application servers hosted on-premise. Eventually the entire application will live on AWS, but it was too big a move to do all components at the same time. I'm only dealing with latency between Perth and Sydney in Australia, which is about 50ms, and this is working fine for us.
I don't recommend that you adopt this as a permanent configuration. You'll get much better performance from hosting your entire stack at AWS as opposed to keeping parts separated.
