Have you experienced DataStore downtime in AppEngine? What are the odds? - google-app-engine

Google start to use The High Replication datastore (HRD) as the default for new applications.
HR from the docs:
The HRD is a highly available, highly
reliable storage solution. It remains
available for reads and writes during
planned downtime and is extremely
resilient in the face of catastrophic
failure—but it costs more than the
master/slave option.
M/S from the docs:
your data may be temporarily
unavailable during data center issues
or planned downtime
Now, have you ever expirienced downtime? If this "downtime disclaimer" is just something theorical and doesn't happen frecuently I would use the M/S becouse it's cheaper.
What are the numbers that Google handle to say "downtime"? maybe their downtime is just a few seconds in a year, something totaly acceptable for some kind of apps.
Would love answers from experienced AppEngine developers.

I would recommend you to use HRD as Google said they will make M/S more expensive than HRD until the end of the year and even remove the M/S option as they are looking to "force" the businesses & developers to take advantage of all HRD goodies. The real reason is that maintaining a single type of infrastructure is cheaper than to maintain the both HRD and M/S so Google picks HRD.
Source : Google I/O 2011

Downtime isn't theoretical - it happens in any distributed system. There are two types, roughly speaking: localized and global. Localized issues occur when a particular machine has trouble and can't serve requests; global downtime happens when something happens to the service as a whole.
Both can occur on App Engine: the former due to localized hardware failure, and the latter generally only due to planned maintenance that requires setting the master-slave datastore read-only for a brief period. The HR datastore handles both more robustly than the MS datastore, and doesn't require a read-only period during maintenance windows.
Once the new pricing scheme comes into effect, both datastores will be charged at the same rate.
For these and many other reasons, you should always use the HR datastore in new apps.


Master/Slave Datastore vs High Replication Datastore

Before starting GAE datastore, I think it will be good to know the difference b/w Master/Slave Datastore and High Replication Datastore?
And what makes GAE team to migrate from Master/Slave to HRD?
The difference between the two (as well as the reason for the switch) is increased fault-tolerance and data consistency.
The Master/Slave Datastore implements a primary-backup protocol. Each app is served by a master (i.e. a single data center) and its data is replicated asynchronously to the slave (i.e. some other data center). The problem with this schema is that it doesn't protect your application from local failures and is more likely to lead to data inconsistencies.
The High Replication Datastore implements the Paxos consensus algorithm to ensure that a majority of data centers maintain a consistent view of your application's data. Because your data is no longer reliant on the health of a single data center, the datastore is able to function properly even in the presence of local/global failures. Google's engineers also benefit from this implementation, as it allows them to perform data center maintenance without having to enforce scheduled read-only periods for AppEngine applications.
The downside of using the High Replication Datastore is slower writes (about 2x as slow, since Paxos is inherently 2-phase). This isn't that big of a deal though, especially when compared to the increased fault tolerance and data consistency that the High Replication Datastore has to offer.
For the first three years of App Engine only with Master/Slave, the health of the datastore was tied to the health of a single data center. Users had low latency and strong consistency, but also transient data unavailability and planned read-only periods.
The High Replication Datastore trades small amounts of latency and consistency for significantly higher availability.
Master/Slave store is deprecated, it's advised that you do not use it, https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/usingmasterslave

How to estimate hosting services cost on GAE?

I'm building a system which I plan to deploy on Google App Engine. Current pricing is described here:
Google App Engine - Pricing and Features
I need an estimate of cost per client managed by the webapp. The cost won't be very accurate until I have completed the development. GAE uses such fine grained price calculation such as READs and WRITEs that it becomes a very daunting task to estimate operation cost per user.
I have an agile dev. process which leaves me even more clueless in determining my cost. I've been exploiting my users stories to create a cost baseline per user story. Then I roughly estimate how will the user execute each story workflow to finally compute a simplistic estimation.
As I see it, computing estimates for Datastore API is overly complex for a startup project. The other costs are a bit easier to grasp. Unfortunately, I need to give an approximate cost to my manager!
Has anyone undergone such a task? Any pointers would be great, regarding tools, examples, or any other related information.
Thank you.
Yes, it is possible to do cost estimate analysis for app engine applications. Based on my experience, the three major areas of cost that I encountered while doing my analysis are the instance hour cost, the datastore read/write cost, and the datastore stored data cost.
YMMV based on the type of app that you are developing, of course. If it is an intense OLTP application that handle simple-but-frequent CRUD to your data records, most of the cost would be on the datastore read/write operations, so I would suggest to start your estimate on this resource.
For datastore read/write, the cost for writing is generally much more expensive than the cost for reading the data. This is because write cost take into account not only the cost to write the entity, but also to write all the indexes associated with the entity. I would suggest you to read an article by Google about the life of a datastore write, especially the part about Apply Phase, to understand how to calculate the number of write per entity based on your data model.
To do an estimate of instance hours that you would need, the simplest approach (but not always feasible) would be to deploy a simple app to test how long would a particular request took. If this approach is undesirable, you might also base your estimate on the Google App Engine System Status page (e.g. what would be the latency for a datastore write for a particularly sized entity) to get a (very) rough picture on how long would it take to process your request.
The third major area of cost, in my opinion, is the datastore stored data cost. This would vary based on your data model, of course, but any estimate you made need to also take into account the storage that would be taken by the entity indexes. Taking a quick glance on the datastore statistic page, I think the indexes could increase the storage size between 40% to 400%, depending on how many index you have for the particular entity.
Remember that most costs are an estimation of real costs. The definite source of truth is here: https://cloud.google.com/pricing/.
A good tool to estimate your cost for Appengine is this awesome Chrome Extension: "App Engine Offline Statistics Estimator".
You can also check out the AppStats package (to infer costs from within the app via API).
Official Appengine Pricing
AppStats for Python
AppStats for Java
Online Estimator (OSE) Chrome Extension
You can use the pricing calculator

Feasibility/value of caching with AppEngine backends?

I've just finished watching the Google IO 2011 presentation on AppEngine backends (http://www.google.com/events/io/2011/sessions/app-engine-backends.html) which piqued my curiosity about using a backend instance for somewhat more reliable and configurable in-memory caching. It could be an interesting option as a third layer of cache, under in-app caching and memcache, or perhaps as a substitute for some cases where higher reliability is desirable.
Can anyone share any experience with this? Googling around doesn't reveal much experimentation here. Does the latency of a URLfetch to retrieve a value from a backend's in-memory dictionary render it less attractive, or is it not much worse than a memcache RPC?
I am thinking of whipping up some tests to see for myself, but if I can build on the shoulder of giants...thanks for any help :)
Latency between a backend and frontend instance is extremely low.
If you think about it, all App Engine RPC's are fulfilled with "backend instances". The backends for the Datastore and Memcache are just run by Google for your convenience.
Most requests, according to the App Engine team, stay within the same datacenter - meaning latency is inter-rack and much lower than outside URLFetches.
A simple request handler and thin API layer for coordinating the in memory storage is all you need - in projects where I've set up backend caching, it's done a good job of fulfilling the need for more flexible in-memory storage - centralizing things definitely helps. The load balancing doesn't hurt either ;)

How to change datastore options in Google App Engine?

I created my application using "High Replication" option. Now I want to switch to "Master/Slave" option because I'm hitting my daily CPU quota.
It turns out High Replication uses "approximately three times the storage and CPU cost of Master/Slave"
Is there anyway I can do this without recreating my app? It's not in the Application Settings page.
You can't - once you've chosen a particular type of datastore, that application is bound to it. The only way to change it is exactly the way you suggested - you'd have to create a new app with the Master / Slave datastore and port your data to it.
You may want to profile your app and optimize it to use less CPU, although in the general case that may be easier said than done.
Take a look at the first answer to this question: Have you expirienced DataStore downtime in AppEngine? What are the odds?
As #mihai said:I would recommend you to use HRD as Google said they will make M/S more expensive than HRD until the end of the year and even remove the M/S option as they are looking to "force" the businesses & developers to take advantage of all HRD goodies. The real reason is that maintaining a single type of infrastructure is cheaper than to maintain the both HRD and M/S so Google picks HRD. Source : Google I/O 2011

What are the rules of thumb when trying to decide if developing on Google App Engine platform is worthwhile

I have an idea for a web application and I am currently researching different platforms. I am really interested in Google App Engine, but it looks like it works pretty good for certain application types while it is less suitable for others (there are horror as well as success stories e.g. Goodbye Google App Engine vs. Why we are really happy with Google App Engine
There is also a similar negative story in this thread from 1 year ago, concluding GAE was not ready for commercial production platform: GAE as Production Platform. There are also other threads from 2009 talking about data select limits (1000 rows) that has since been lifted.
My app will essentially perform some mathematical analysis based on data pulled from external data feeds (could be some substantial amount of data), it would be real time only the first time data is downloaded for a specific item at hand and then stored and retrieved locally from the database at that point. There will be some additional external data pulls as scheduled intervals.
Based on this brief description, should I even bother starting on GAE? In general, what are the rules of thumb to try and decide if developing on GAE is suitable for a problem at hand? Also, what are the good examples of Apps in Production that use GAE. It looks like GAE App Gallery is not around anymore, but I would definitely appreciate any Web 2.0 App examples running on the app engine.
In your specific case I would double check these factors:
a. Is the mathematical analysis a long running CPU intensive job?
GAE is not designed for long running CPU intensive computational Jobs; this would lead to have an high billing cost and would force you to design your application to avoid some GAE limitations (10 minutes max per job, limited soft memory, CPU quota, etc. etc.).
b. Are you planning to retrieve external data using a mainstream API (twitter, yahoo, facebook)?
Your application shares the same pool of IPs with other applications; if the API you want to adopt does not allow authenticated request, your application will suffer hiccups caused by throttling/quota limits errors. I faced this problem here.
App Engine should work fine for your application. It's generally designed to serve, and to scale, sites that serve mostly user-facing traffic. Applications that it's not suitable for are things such as video transcoding, which rely heavily on backend processing, or things that have to shell out to native code, such as 3D graphics, etcetera.
Depends on what type of mathematical analysis are you doing. If your application is heavy in I/O, I would give it some pause. On GAE, you're kind of limited in your I/O options. You basically have the following:
RAM: I can't recall exactly, but GAE imposes a hard limit of around 200MB of RAM.
Datastore: You get plenty of space here, but it's slow compared to a cached local file system.
Memcache: Faster than datastore, but not nearly as fast as a cached disk. And worse, it's a cache, so there's no guarantee that it won't get wiped out.
External sources: These include calling out to external web-pages. Lots of flexibility, but very slow.
In sum, I would perhaps look at other options if you're doing heavy I/O on a medium-size dataset (>20MB and ~<2GB). These are probably non-issues for 90% of web-apps, although you should be aware of them.
All the negatives aside, working on GAE is a joyous experience. You spend more time programming and less time configuring. And it's really cheap.
