Query takes for ever on SQL server to execute - sql-server

Following is the error message I get when I tried to execute Select * for the table in SQl Server, Any suggestions would be appreciated.
"lock request time out period exceeded
sql server"

Look at SQL hints, in particular WITH (NOLOCK)

When you do you SELECT you're locking the table. But your SELECT takes so much time, that SQL ends it, in order not to keep the table locked, mainly because SQL server thinks it's a bug.


Simple query generates Error 3078 "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query"

Any suggestions how to restructure this simple query?
Hitting a SQL Server Database using DAO via VB6 (updated old code to work with new database) and somehow this query in one of the apps is giving fits.
Select I.sType, Count(I.BarcodeID) AS CountOfID
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]) as I
I've pasted the query into SQL Enterprise Manager and it runs just fine as expected. It worked fine hitting the original Access DB. But somehow the DAO via ODBC hitting the SQL Server is generating:
"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query"
Things I've tried:
Removing the ()
Removing "as I" and "I." notation.
Brackets around [Ready] and without (thinking it might be reserved
Confirmed that the connection is to the ODBC for Sql Server (this connection is used for other queries too.
Checked SQL profiling tool and the query is making it to the server (edited, I was checking the wrong tool on SQL Express)
EDIT: just to sate everyone's concern that I'm not really hitting SQL Server, I edited the SQL command to an even simpler
SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]
and it works correctly ON the same connection, so the connection is 100% confirmed to be SQL Server, the error message is in error (reported "Access").
So the problem is with no doubt the query FROM a query.
Definitely confirmed my suspicions that the query, albeit a normal one, is not working with ADO-> ODBC-> Sql Server.
The first step SQL is doing is trying to validate the columns, etc.. of the "from" table (which in this case is not a table, but a query itself).
When I run a basic SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready] SQL checks the columns, keys, indexes, etc of the table called "Ready" (exec sp_special_columns N'Ready',NULL,NULL,N'V',N'T',N'U'), then proceeds to return the results.
When I use a subquery, SQL is firing the same check on the table def, but for a table called SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready] which of course does not exist and it returns an error (exec sp_special_columns N'SELECT DISTINCT sType, BarcodeID From [Ready]',NULL,NULL,N'V',N'T',N'U'). VB6/ADO is reporting correctly that SQL says the table is not found. So apparently this query from a query stumps the capabilities of ADO->ODBC...
since the issue is clearly the Select FROM (Select From) structure of querying a query being incompatible with ADO->ODBC->SQL Server, my solution was simply to make the subquery a view in SQL and alter the query to select from that.

Retrieving single row within transaction hangs

I run several SQLs ( select, update and insert ) within single database connection and transaction, one of the SQLs is to retrieve the balance of an account
select top 1 balance from sample_table where account_id={accountId} order by id desc
This SQL hangs only and only if there are no records actually in the table "sample_table" for the account {accountId} , otherwise it works normally.
Hangs means it waits until a timeout exception error occurs, and during this 'wait' , executing the SQL from Sql Server management studio also hangs.
I'm using Sql Server 2008
After multiple attempts to perform same action, it does work and all the records are inserted properly and then the app works like the charm after that.
Restore the database, then the issue is back again.
The issue is fixed after rebuilding the table, basically executing this SQL:
alter table sample_table rebuild

SQL Agent job - no results, yet stored proc works

I have a SQL Agent Job which claims to succeed, however doesn't ACTUALLY do what it is supposed to do. If I run the script inside on its own it does generate results.
I am using SQL 2014. The scrip used/inside the agent job is:
SELECT top 10 R.RC_C__ID as ConsentId
,dbo.clr_RC_CON(R.RC_CON__ID,'','') AS RC_CON
The script works independently, but as a JOB yields no results.
Any suggestions please? Cheers
The ##RCCON evaporates when the SQL Agent Job is done. They only exist for the duration of the session.
Perhaps use [dbo].[RCCON] instead

Data visibility between linked server

Please consider the following situation
I have Prod instance of SQL server 2012
Also Archive instance of SQL server express 2012
Prod sees Archive as linked server and is able to write data with similar query from some .net code that creates a transaction and the transaction is committed at the end.
insert into <ArchiveServer>.<database>.<schema>.<table>
Select * from <ProductionServer>.<database>.<schema>.<table> Where <some conditions>
Now after the transaction finishes I am able to execute the following query
select count(1) from <ArchiveServer>.<database>.<schema>.<table>
and it returns correct number of records in the context of production server.
Same query
select count(1) from <database>.<schema>.<table>
in the context of Archive server returned 0 records.
What might be the problem? I am out of clues.

Timeout for long-running queries with RODBC & MS SQL Server

I have to run an SQL query that iterates cursor over a larger table (MS SQL Server 2014). It would be rather difficult not to use a cursor for this particular purpose.
The cursor-related code is kept in a stored procedure. R only evaluated EXEC dbo.do_something. EXEC dbo.do_something works as expected when running the code from MS SQL Management Studio. When I run it via RODBC, the query aborts without error message after 30 secs. I guess this is the value of "Connection Timeout".
What options do I have to make the query work with R?
It seems the answer to my particular problem is rather simple: Add SET NOCOUNT ON to the proc definition.
