google app engine not found problem - google-app-engine

I am really really new to java and google app engine also. I read google's tutorial and did sample guestbook application of google. It seems to work correctly. And i did deploy it as well. However, I have problem to reach my My application id is example. And i made changes in my xml files. But still it keeps saying '404 Error Not Found' I dont think i did anything wrong though. In logs it says No handlers matched this URL. Could you help me with this?
Thank you.

You have to create a project on first. is not your project and it's just a demo URL provided by google. I doubt you can deploy your guestbook using "example" as the app-id.


google app engine fails using app engine:update and app, different errors

My questions is in two folds: issue with app engine:update and with the app
I looked on the web and could not find any workaround or potential answer that could help me fixing this issue.
My application is working with not much issue locally. Time now to give it a shot on production and upload it to google app engine. At first I tried doing this by using the 'app engine:update' from gradle (I'm using Android Studio). The execution failed with the following error message: "toolkit not found: apple.awt.ctoolkit. Why is this toolkit required and where can we find it?
While searching on the internet there were suggestions to use the script to upload the application. It seemed to work at first until it asked for email and password. I used the exact same email/password I use to connect to goole-appengine and for some reasons it does not work.
After few hours investigating this issue I found out what the issues were. First thing, my account was compromised and received an email from Google. All I had is to confirm that was me trying to upload application to GAE. Secondly, my primary email address linked to my Google account belongs to another ISP. There is a security feature to disable and for security being a bit more loose. Creating a gmail account did the trick.

Google App Engine: This application does not exist/Upload fails

I have been successfully using Netbeans to develop and deploy an app to the Google App Engine for ages through various application versions. That is all working normally and fine.
However (the problem), through the same account I created a new application (at the Google end) and at the application end the correct application id is in appengine-web.xml with a version of 1. All runs locally perfectly. But as soo as I deploy to GAE it fails: Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist
Unable to update app: Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u
I have spent hours looking through the web for a solution. Lots of people have a similar problem but what is the solution? How can one app upload fine and the second fails?
PLEASE can someone give me some suggestions on how to fix the problem and successfully deploy?
I use Netbeans and have tried 6.9, 7.1, and 7.2 (I even tried installing Eclipse to solve the problem but it was horrendous to get going so I'm back to Netbeans). JDK 1.6.
Of course it works this way. After finally seeking help (from you chaps), within minutes I solve the problem (blind luck).
In case it helps anyone else, the basic issue was Google's account authentication model...
I needed to generate an application-specific password in Google Accounts ( - that is, the Authorized Access to your Google Account area) to be used with the new application.
Then I needed to clear the existing email/password in Netbeans. This is a bit messy as I did that by deleting the '' file you eventually find in C:\Users\User.netbeans\7.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\j2ee\appengine.
You'll note I went back to Netbeans 7.1 because Netbeans 7.2 seems to store it in a different place which I couldn't find.
Back to Netbeans and hit the 'Deploy to Google App Engine' menu choice. It starts then asks for authentication. I used my normal (account) emailid and then the NEW application specific password. Miracle of miracles, it worked and the app fired up live.
I went and got a coffee
Perhaps Google could provide a slightly more meaningful error code than 404 Not Found???
Hopefully that helps anyone else with a similar problem.
Today, I had kind of the same problem. After some trial and error I found the solution.
Basically, starting from Netbeans 7.2. up, username and password are stored in something called "keyring".
In Windows 8 I found it under my current users directory: AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\7.3.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\keyring.
I had to delete the GAE password information from the configuration file there. Then I cleared some registry keys (that might not be mandatory) and restarted Netbeans IDE. Then got prompted for new credentials.
See the full HowTo under:

Can't deploy to GAE - the application doesn't exist

Using Eclipse, I am experiencing an error when trying to deploy a rather basic web app with JAX-RS and JAXB. It runs okay locally, but when trying it on the remote servers I get the message shown below...
'Deploying to Google' has encountered a problem / This application does not exist
Below shows my appengine-web.xml
The XML file illustrates that I am using the same name in the xml as what's specified in the project properties...
The output window show...
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: '/var/folders/n8/6by626014jbfc0dwmxnb0ly00000gn/T/appcfg2754901216637807129.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update. Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u'hillingarincident').
Debugging information may be found in /private/var/folders/n8/6by626014jbfc0dwmxnb0ly00000gn/T/appengine-deploy447984481661870877.log
The referenced debug logs show...
Unable to update: Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u'hillingarincident').
Any answers will be appreciated. At one point my browser was not logged in to the target google account, so I swapped to the correct one a little later, Google does render the application name as expected.
Okay, this was simple in the end! Eclipse performs an auto-login to the Google account, unfortunately I created the Eclipse project whilst being logged in to one Google account and then tried to specify the application name afterwards.
You'll see in the bottom-right (or bottom-left in some versions) a Google icon with the name of the user that you are logged in as. If that's not the account where your application is defined, then simply logout of that account, then login as the correct Google account.
Now there's no error :-)
I know this question is super old but I had this issue all day and finally I found a solution. Maybe it will help someone out in the future.
After you create a project in Google Cloud Platform, you must go to google cloud shell in your project and run the command
gcloud beta app create
After you run this command, you will get prompted to choose a region. Then go back to eclipse and try deploying it. It worked for me.
There are not just 1 way can cause this problem. For me, I have this problem when I create the project using Maven. But I don't have the same issue if I directly create the project from the Google plugin.
There might be another issue, when you register with Google App Engine, you receive email indicating your activation. If you have not received the email yet, this problem could occur too.
Another issue could be to use the gmail account for the Google App Engine to avoid any such errors.

Grails App Engine Authentication

How do I setup Account Registration, Login, etc in Grails when developing for the Google App Engine? Normally I would use the Acegi plugin but I've read that it doesn't work with Google App Engine.
For reference, I'm using the Grails app-engine and gorm-jpa plugins.
Google App Engine allows you to manage users through their Google Accounts Java API. The page provides example codes which you can easily implement with Groovy.
Hope it helps.
You should take a look at this patch: I haven't used it yet but might be what you are after.
In my opinion, it is essential to create custom authentication instead of using Google Account API to create any viable application run on GAE.
So, I created my own solution to tackle this problem which you may interested to have a look at URL:
(You will hit http 500 error for first request, please wait for 30 seconds and refresh)
The missing part is the self-registration page and remember me feature. Please contact us (hyperlink located below the page of URL above) if you are still interested.
Wish to heard from you soon!

How to deploy into app engine

I am trying to use openid/hybrid in app engine, but so far, no luck.
No success with openid4java (because it creates socket etc), and no luck with dyuproject either.
How do it deploy dyuproject into my java appengine?
I just could not understand the different structure of the code in
It is just so different than the default new google web application.
Many thanks..
I have been struggling the whole week
Better late than never. I'm working on SixFixMix and implemented a popup OpenID consumer. Check out its Wiki page that gives a quick overview of my usage of OpenId.
