Obtaining Raw Data from NagiosXI and/or OPSview - nagios

I am currently working on completing my Masters Thesis project. In order to do so I need to be able to obtain the raw data accumulated in NagiosXI and/or OPSview. Because both of these are based off of the Nagios core, I assume the method to obtaining the raw data may be similar. This raw data is needed so that I can at a later time perform specific statical calculations which relate to my Masters Thesis. I have looked online and so far found some Nagios plugins which obtain raw data and then manipulate it for graphs and visuals, but I need the raw numbers in order to complete my calculations.
I am also researching to see if I can create maybe a PHP script, or some other language, that will extract the data from Nagios and save it in a word or excel document. However, this would be a bit of extra work as I am unfamiliar with either PHP or MySQL queries. Because of this I hope to be able to find a plugin, or something similar, that can get the data for me.

I can't speak for NagiosXI, but I can for Opsview :)
You could access the data that is stored in the RRD files. You can use rrdtool dump to pull the values out or use a URL like: /rrdfetch?start=1307608993&end=1307695393&hsm=opsview%3A%3ACheck%20Loadavg%3A%3Aload1&hsm=opsview%3A%3ACheck%20Loadavg%3A%3Aload5
And this returns back the JSON data points. This is undocumented, but is used to power the interactive javascript graphing.
Alternatively, if you have ODW enabled with full statistics, then the raw data is stored in the ODW database and you can then extract the raw data with SQL commands. See http://docs.opsview.com/doku.php?id=opsview-community:odw for more information.

You can try use mk livestatus http://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html
or http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Addons/APIs/JSON/Nagios2JSON/details
All this tools get you status data without need to go to DB or status file. While XI is based on Nagios it can still work with him.

Please take a look at http://dmytro.github.com/nagira
It's a web services API to access Nagios data. You can get all hosts, service status data, objects configuration in multiple formats JSON, XML or YAML.


Is there a way to export a Informatica maplet 'graphical' data to a simple csv/Excel file?

The firm I work in has a lot of data sources entering the firm database using the Informatica ETL tool, stored in maplets and other data models (sorry If I'm not using the exact terminology).
The problem is that all the business logic is stored in the 'graphical interface' and nowhere else - Every time I want to see what field goes into the target field I have to trace the inputs through the maplet and that takes a very long time.
The Question is: Is there a tool that can takes all the relationships in the Informatica maplet and somehow export them to a excel table (so I can see it all without tracing)? that way I could try to make proper documentation....
Thanks in Advance.
It's possible to export mappings or whole workflows to XML. Next, you can use this tool - it will create tables with source to target dependency for every mapping.
Keep in mind it will only map input to output, it won't extract the full logic and transformations done along the way - that would've been to complex for simple visualization.
Informatica supports exporting mapping information to Excel - just search the documentation which tells you how to do it.
However, for anything other than the simplest of mappings, what ends up in Excel is not that easy to understand. If your Informatica installation supports it, then using the lineage capabilities is a much better bet.

How to save streaming data to InfluxDB?

I am trying to save data as it arrives in a streaming fashion (with the least amount of delay) to my database which is InfluxDB. Currently I save it in batches.
Current setup - interval based
Currently I have an Airflow instance where I read the data from a REST API every 5min and then save it to the InfluxDB.
Desired setup - continuous
Instead of saving data every 5 min, I would like to establish a connection via a Web-socket (I guess) and save the data as it arrives. I have never done this before and I am confusing how actually it is done? Some question I have are:
One I write the code for it, do I keep it up like a daemon?
Do I need to use something like Telegraf for this or that's not really the case (example article)
Instead of Airflow (since it is for batch processing) do I need to use something like Apache Beam or Spark?
As you can see, I am quite lost on where to start, what to read and how to make sense from all this. Any advise on direction and/or guidance for a set-up would be very appreciated.
If I understand correctly, you are keen to code a java service which would process the incoming data, so one of the solution is to implement a websocket with for example jetty.
From there you receive the data in json format for example and you process the data using the influxdb-java framework with which you fill the database. Influxdb-java will allow you to create and manage the data.
I don't know airflow, and how you produce the data, so maybe there is built-in tools (influxdb sinks) that can save you some work in your context.
I hope that this can give you some guide lines to start digging more.

Consume data from local JSON file into website?

I work for a small publishing company with an internal website that displays a static HTML table of our published products.
We have a need to be able to list and sort published products (about 1-2 items are published per day) dynamically that is being fed from an Excel spreadsheet. The Excel spreadsheet is what we are currently using to maintain the data. The Excel spreadsheet is on a shared network drive available to the company.
I am familiar with AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS2 for front-end development and was wondering if I would be able to use one of those tools to consume a Excel file, parse it to JSON, and then display it dynamically on the client side.
Is something like this is possible?
When a user finishes editing the Excel sheet and saves it to the shared network drive, is there a script that would automatically save the data as JSON? I assume we would then simply have our Javascript framework reference and consume the saved JSON to populate its published products list.
Note: We are unable to use a relational database at this time (ie MySQL).
Part 1 - generating json from excel...
front-end technologies are not the way to go. You need to run a service that watches folder for change (like nodejs or python). Saving as csv instead of xls might make things easier as you may not need extra libraries to make sense of your xls file
Part 2, displaying json data...
Your browser, by default, cannot load a local json file. So you may need to run a server (again nodejs and python make this relatively easy) to host your json file.
there are many ways of presenting data these days, but without knowing some of your particular and based on the information you did share, looks like you've got a steep learning curve to get something like this going.

Display data from excel in a web page

I am a complete newbie when it comes to web page design, and what I am trying to achieve is a web page that I can display on a wall mounted screen as an office dashboard. I have data in excel that is constantly being updated (on the server) and I want to be able summarise this and display it (e.g. total orders etc.) for staff to see. Therefore the web page needs to be able to connect to the data source, and update itself every few minutes. I am hoping to then use Ubuntu or even Raspberry Pi to drive the dashboards.
Can anybody point me towards either some clear instruction on how to achieve this, or better still some sample files that will help me see how its done?
Really appreciate any help!!
If you want to use PHP, you can use PHPExcel, to read your Excel files, and if you want to only display the information as is, you may output it to HTML directly, there is an API to manipulate the Excel file, so you may use that to summarize your data, however, if you need something cleaner, you may want to use Windows instead of Linux, given that in Windows, you can use an Excel file as a data source, and there are third party products that can use them as if it were a database (using SQL queries to retrieve data).

Receive XML post to Salesforce Sites page

I'm currently looking at building a lightweight integration between PivotalTracker and Salesforce.com. Reviewing this bit of PT documentation, it looks like I can do an update of Salesforce data based on PT activity. Awesome! I can't figure out how to access the XML data that is being posted however.
I can't see anything in ApexPages.CurrentPage() that looks like it will let me get to the XML. Has anyone done anything like this, without the use of an intermediate server?
I think we chatted about this over Twitter last week.
AFAIK there is (somewhat annoyingly) no way to access raw (i.e. not form posted key/values) POST data via SFDC. The Apex REST service support would be the closest thing, but requires authentication and still may not do exactly what you want.
Fairly certain you'll need some sort of middle-man proxy that simply takes the XML data and posts it to VF as a form-encoded key/value pair. That is a fairly trivial thing to do, but it's an unnecessary additional moving part and will require some sort of server resource.
I would probably first investigate if PT supports any other ping mechanism, or a way to write a custom extension to convert the raw POST into a form POST.
