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Closed 11 years ago.
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very new to drupal. I need to create section of my website that contains a directory of 300 companies. I think it be best to create separate databasetables and not included this data in drupal's nodal architecture. Is there a typical/best practise way to manage custom data in drupal
You might want to take a look at the Drupal 7 Entity API. If you want to use your own database scheme within Drupal that would be the way to do it. I have been using it for a while and it sounds exactly like what you are looking for.
The way I did it was to get the module that allows you to use php in pages (PHP filter) and then write a simple database wrapper. Drupal provides a good theme framework that makes it pretty easy to make themed tables with support for sorting etc.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am in the process of setting up a new web app and will be using Angular and .NET WebAPI. I am looking for a robust framework that I can use for the Data Access Layer. Something that I can quickly get up and running but also helps me easily update table objects, setup lookup data and perform post upgrade operations.
In my previous project, I used EF Code first and although it 'works', I found that Migrations are messy and having a clean ability to maintain scripts for upgrade/setup doesn't exist (or I am not aware of).
Which DAL technology can I use?
If you are happy with Entity Framework (migrations aside) and you need to get something up quickly and easily I would recommend to stick with it. You can use the EF "Code First" approach where you create your models and mappings in code without using migrations. You could manage your scripts in a different way such as using a Visual Studio database project or DBUp.
That said the real answer is "It Depends" based on the specific needs of your new project and what you need from your data access layer. There are other SQL-based alternatives such Dapper and even ADO.NET but also other solutions such as RavenDB.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to both responsive web design and angular and I am working on building a web page that will access database and display things based on data in one of the SQL Server tables. Could someone please point me in the right direction of what can i use to grab data from the database? Do I need a web service? data component? what technology would be best to use?
For the responsive aspect, you can use simple CSS, media queries or any library designed for this purpose (like Twitter-bootstrap for example).
AngularJS won't access database directly since it's a client-side language. You will need to build a server-side application to access the database. Then, your Angular components can call your server-side application to retrieve data.
AngularJS modules + any-technology web-service can be a suitable solution.
The choice of a technology over another highly depends on your needs and constraints. Unless you can ask more precise questions, we cannnot help so much.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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After reading the tutorials for both technologies AngularJS makes the HTML code much more easy to read.
My only concern is that AngularJS does not provide a Desktop Environment in terms of controls like ExtJS isn't that right?
Or is it these days ExtJS a technology becoming deprecated?
What exactly do you want to ask with the question?
The main difference between AngularJS and ExtJS in my opinion is, that AngularJS focuses mainly on being a MVC Framework, which doesn't offer any extended library-style functionality to design fancy user interfaces. ExtJS goes a step further, it also is a MVC framework at the core, but offers more than that lots of functionality, for example designing of a user interface (probably what you mean by "Desktop Environment" lookalike). Visit the sencha homepage to get a full overview of the built in functionality. Using ExtJS to build webapp, there shouldn't be much of a need to add any other libraries.
To answer your second question: I don't think that ExtJS becomes deprecated, it has an active development and this year version 5 of the framework was launched.
The question "Should I use AngularJS or ExtJS" depends on the style of the frameworks, whatever you prefer and on your requirements. There are lots of articles which you may view, they compare the two frameworks in a detailed way:
If you want to create an application with an user interface that looks like a Desktop Environment, you could either user ExtJS or AngularJS + a library, which provides functionality to create such an user interface.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to add some JS functionality to our site. (wishlist, inquiry, ect) I think it would be nice for the UX that it is going to be build with some JS code
Do i need a JSframework like Angular, ember ect ? Or are JSframeworks only make sense for SPA like editing/backend tools?
That decision is up to you. AngularJS is awesome, but it's not really meant to be used for little pieces of a project. For my taste, I'd write everything with AngularJS. You probably want to check out Backbone if you want to only use it here and there.
Philosophically, Backbone is an attempt to discover the minimal set of
data-structuring (models and collections) and user interface (views
and URLs) primitives that are generally useful when building web
applications with JavaScript. In an ecosystem where overarching,
decides-everything-for-you frameworks are commonplace, and many
libraries require your site to be reorganized to suit their look,
feel, and default behavior — Backbone should continue to be a tool
that gives you the freedom to design the full experience of your web
Angular is more like the "overarching, decides-everything-for-you frameworks" it mentions.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a large library of PDF ebooks, and I'm looking for a web app to host on my site to organize and sort a database of the files, as well as have the ability to annotate them by adding data like publisher, year published, keywords, authors, etc. I have a great hosting provider (WebFaction) with access to all sorts of frameworks, like Drupal, Django, Rails, Node, etc., as well as MySQL and Postgres servers, so the language and back-end aren't that important, although .NET is out.
I've searched all over and just can't seem to find anything that fits the bill, although it seems like someone ought to have open-sourced this before. I'm not interested in services like Mendeley ( or Scribd, but rather something I can host myself, both to overcome file size limits and privacy issues, but also so I can check out the source and modify it if needed.
You seem to need a document management system.
Check out OpenKM or Nuxeo