Accessing components from a different thread C# - winforms

I have a windows form with a button in it. I have 2 threads and i want to change the button name from the other thread. I get an error when i do that.
how can i change the button name?
P.S. I know that a same question alredy posted, but the solution there can't help me. I can't use the Dispatcher, maybe it's because i use .NET 2.0 (I have to...).

delegate void MyDelegate(string x);
void ChangeName(string name)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new MyDelegate(this.ChangeName), new object[]{name});
this.button.Text = name;
more info here
How to update the GUI from another thread in C#?

you need to look at the:
InvokeRequired and
methods on the actual control. InvokeRequired will tell you if you need to do this stuff via invoke (i.e. it's being called from a thread that is not the UIThread) and invoke will perform the action.
it's not that different from Dispatcher except the responsibility falls to the control itself and not some other class.


How to tell Dispatcher is initialized and running?

In my console app I've been trying to start an STA thread and show a WPF window. I've succeeded showing the window, but I had issues with a library using Dispatcher (System.Reactive.Windows.Threading to be precised). I've fixed my problems using code from this doc - what I was missing was calling System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run() in the right moment.
But after reading this article carefully (and others) and examining Dispatcher's API I still don't know: how to tell WPF Dispatcher is correctly initialized and running? It'd be very useful for libraries requiring Dispatcher, if they could check it.
-- EDIT --
// Extending my question after #Peter Duniho remarks
Having C# console application I wanted to create a WPF window, where I'll observe, on Dispatcher, some data. The full code is here
So I have my program, where Main class looks like that:
static void Main(string[] args)
var observable = Observable
.TakeWhile(counter => counter < 10);
var thread = new Thread(() =>
new TestWindow(observable);
thread.IsBackground = true;
I create here an observable with Interval operator, which ticks every 500 milliseconds, and I pass it to a TestWindow (code below) which I run on a separate thread. After 10 ticks I end the observable sequence.
TestWindow class:
public class TestWindow : Window
public TestWindow(IObservable<long> observable)
var isDispatcherInitialized = false;
Dispatcher.Invoke(() => isDispatcherInitialized = true, DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);
if (!isDispatcherInitialized)
throw new ApplicationException("Dispatcher not initialized");
.Subscribe(_ => Console.WriteLine($"OnNext, observed on dispatcher with Window operator"));
In TestWindow I observe my observable on Dispatcher (ObserveOnDispatcher()), and I use Window operator.
PROBLEM with that code (tested on .NET Framework and on .NET Core 3.0 preview):
if I don't call Dispatcher.Run(); when starting STA thread, the validation where I call Dispatcher.Invoke() will be passed, but ObserveOnDispatcher() won't work correctly - subscription never stops, and the message: "OnNext, observed on dispatcher with Window operator" goes forever.
That's why I was wondering if I could detect Dispatcher's state.
It would be helpful if you would elaborate on this statement:
It'd be very useful for libraries requiring Dispatcher, if they could check it.
That is, why would it be useful?
For one, if you are using a third-party library (such as the Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET you mentioned, how would you knowing how to check for the dispatcher state help that library?
For another, what scenario doesn't work for you? Lacking a specific problem to solve, your question is fairly open-ended. It's not clear what type of answer would actually address your question.
That said, two things come to mind:
If you want to know if a dispatcher has been created for a given thread, you should call System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.FromThread(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread); This will return null if not dispatcher has been created yet for that thread, or a reference to the dispatcher if it has been.
If you want to know that the dispatcher has completed initialization and is ready to dispatch things, it seems to me that the easiest thing to do is ask it to dispatch something, and when it does, it's ready. Using an overload of one of the invoking methods (BeginInvoke(), Invoke(), or InvokeAsync()) that takes a DispatcherPriority value, you can get fine-grained information regarding just what level of initialization has happened. For example, if you pass DispatcherPriority.Normal or DispatcherPriority.Send, when your delegate is invoked you'll know that the dispatcher is running. But if you pass DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle or DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle, you'll know that not only is the dispatcher running, but it's cleared its backlog of initial events to dispatch and the application is sitting waiting for user input.

How to understand "UI Thread" coverage from source code in WP

I wonder whether it is possible to understand which code pieces are executed on UI from source code just depending on static analysis in Windows Phone development.
I try to implement a static analysis finding places in which Dispatcher.(Begin)Invoke is used unnecessarily.
These are the places that UI thread definitely executes:
event handlers which gets "RoutedEventArgs" as a parameter
Constructors of UI elements
the definitions of method calls in above methods (means that transitively looking at call graphs of these event handler methods and UI constructors)
Is there any other place or is there something wrong about above list?
Every method called by using the Dispatcher or the right SynchronizationContext will execute on the UI thread. That makes exhaustive static analysis impossible. For instance, the callback of the WebClient class executes on the UI thread. How are you supposed to predict those corner cases?
A quick tip though, quite useful is you have a method that can be called both from a UI or a non-UI thread. By calling the method Dispatcher.CheckAccess() (this method isn't shown by the intellisense in Visual Studio, so it's hard to discover), you can know if you need to call the Dispatcher or not:
if (Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
// In the UI thread
// Not in the UI thread
From there, you can write a wrapper:
public void CallDispatcherIfNeeded(Action method) // You might want a shorter name
if (Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
// In the UI thread
// Not in the UI thread
And then you just have to call it, without worrying whether you're on the UI thread or not:
That said, if your code is correctly written, it's quite rare to need this kind of trick.
I would look at when Dispatcher.BeginInvoke is actually needed, not the other way around.
It is almost never needed, excepted when handing an async completed event which may start out on a background thread, and thus if you want to do something with the UI, you need to marshal it over to the UI thread.
In other words, unless you need to do something with the UI from a background thread, you don't need it.

Silverlight hangs on Prism's EventAggregator Subscribe method

I am using Prism's event aggregator in Silverlight and am having a hard time with Subscribe. When the code hits the Subscribe method it just hangs and never makes it to the next line of code. If I break up the code, _eventAggregator.GetEvent() seems to return a valid instance of the event. The code definitely hangs on "Subscribe". What could I be doing wrong here? The JobCompletedEvent is declared in another library (which is a dependency for this library).
public void CallMeWhenTheJobIsDone(Action callback)
if (_jobIsRunning)
_eventAggregator.GetEvent<JobCompletedEvent>().Subscribe((e) => callback(), ThreadOption.UIThread);
public class JobCompletedEvent: Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Events.CompositePresentationEvent<JobCompleted>
{ }
public class JobCompleted
1) Why you using if (_jobIsRunning) ?? You calling callback in any case.
2) Prism will only bring you the event - and according to your question - Prism IS rising and passing the event to you - so it's not a Prism question - it seems that whatever called by callback is not working.
So we need to see more on what is called by callback and another thing: in Prism case you calling the callback on ThreadOption.UIThread ThreadPool so - double check if any other thread already lock the UI thread when you calling callback
My problem is that I should not have used an anonymous method in my subscribe. Prism does not seem to support it. Some are calling this a bug in Prism, I agree :) Not only can you not use an anonymous method but the method must be public.
Some references I found googling
Execute same Prism Command from different ViewModels
I suspect this is in the Prism docs somewhere, I guess I just blew by it. If I set keepSubscriberReferenceAlice it works with the private method or anonymous method (which does make some sense now that I think about it). The funny thing is that in my sandbox project I cannot even compile with an anonymous method which uses privately scoped code. My live project allows it to compile but fails at runtime.
Yup, it is in the docs
Big yellow box 2/3 of the way down the page.

Prevent UI from freezing without additional threads

What solutions do I have if I want to prevent the UI from freezing while I deserialize a large number of UI elements in WPF? I'm getting errors complainig that the objects belong on the UI Thread when I'm trying to load them in another thread. So, what options do I have to prevent the Vista "Program not responding" error while I'm loading my UI data? Can I rely on a single-threaded solution, or am I missing something regarding perhaps multiple UI Threads?
If you only use a single thread then the UI will freeze while you do any amount of processing.
If you use a BackgroundWorker thread you'll have more control over what happens & when.
To update the UI you need to use Dispatcher.Invoke from your background thread to marshal the call across the thread boundary.
new Action(() => this.TextBlock.Text = "Processing");
You can turn the flow of control on its head using DispatcherFrames, allowing a deserialization to proceed on the UI thread in the background.
First you need a way to get control periodically during deserialization. No matter what deserializer you are using, it will have to call property sets on your objects, so you can usually add code to the property setters. Alternatively you could modify the deserializer. In any case, make sure your code is called frequently enough
Each time you receive control, all you need to do is:
Create a DispatcherFrame
Queue an event to the dispatcher using BeginInvoke that sets Continue=false on the frame
Use PushFrame to start the frame running on the Dispatcher
In addition, when calling the deserializer itself make sure you do it from Dispatcher.BeginInvoke, or that your calling code doesn't hold any locks etc.
Here's how it would look:
public partial class MyWindow
SomeDeserializer _deserializer = new SomeDeserializer();
byte[] _sourceData;
object _deserializedObject;
void LoadButton_Click(...)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
_deserializedObject = _deserializer.DeserializeObject(_sourceData);
public class OneOfTheObjectsBeingDeserializedFrequently
public string SomePropertyThatIsFrequentlySet
get { ... }
set { ...; BackgroundThreadingSolution.DoEvents(); }
public class BackgroundThreadingSolution
static DateTime _nextDispatchTime;
public static void DoEvents()
// Limit dispatcher queue running to once every 200ms
var now = DateTime.Now;
if(now < _nextDispatchTime) return;
_nextDispatchTime = now.AddMilliseconds(200);
// Run the dispatcher for everything over background priority
var frame = new DispatcherFrame();
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
frame.Continue = false;
Checking DateTime.Now in DoEvents() isn't actually required for this technique to work, but will improve performance if SomeProperty is set very frequently during deserialization.
Edit: Right after I wrote this I realized there is an easier way to implement the DoEvents method. Instead of using DispatcherFrame, simply use Dispatcher.Invoke with an empty action:
public static void DoEvents()
// Limit dispatcher queue running to once every 200ms
var now = DateTime.Now;
if(now < _nextDispatchTime) return;
_nextDispatchTime = now.AddMilliseconds(200);
// Run the dispatcher for everything over background priority
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => {}));
Here is a wonderful blog posting from Dwane Need that discusses all the available options for working with UI elements amongst multiple threads.
You really haven't given enough detail to give a good prescription. For example, why are you creating UI elements yourself at all instead of using databinding? You might have a good reason, but without more details it's hard to give good advice. As another example of detail that would be useful, are you looking to build complex deeply nested control hierarchies for each piece of data or do you just need to draw a simple shape?
I had a similar problem with my panel which was moving its items. The UI was freezing because I was using a DispatcherTimer at priority Loaded. The problem is gone as soon as I changed it to DispatcherPriority.Input.
You can still make your long processing in a separate thread, but when finished you have to synchronize with the UI thread by calling Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(your_UI_action_here)
Recommendations from the OldNewThing blog.
It is best if you do go the threaded route, to have one GUI thread and spawn your work load off to another thread that when finishes reports back to the main GUI thread that its done. The reason for this is because you will not get into thread issues with your GUI interface.
So One GUI Thread
Many worker threads that do the work.
If any of your threads do hang the user is in direct control over your application can can close down the thread without effecting his experience with the application interface. This will make him happy because your user will feel in control other than him constantly click THAT STOP BUTTON AND IT WONT STOP SEARCHING.
Try freezing your UIElements. Frozen objects can be passed between threads without encountering an InvalidOperationException, so you deserialize them & freeze them on a background thread before using them on your UI thread.
Alternatively, consider dispatching the individual deserializations back to the UI thread at background priority. This isn't optimal, since the UI thread still has to do all of the work to deserialize these objects and there's some overhead added by dispatching them as individual tasks, but at least you won't block the UI - higher priority events like input will be able to be interspersed with your lower priority deserialization work.

Updating UI from a different thread

I know this question has been asked before, but I feel it wasn't asked correctly.
I have an intensive operation and I'd like the UI to remain responsive. I've read a few posts that say Background worker is the best way to go, however, I think this assumes you have the source code to the intensive task.
I have a library that I have no source code for, the only way I can check on the progress is to attach to events that get fired and get information that way.
The example I saw on the MSDN site assumed one would have the source.
I know how to get progress (which is a percentage value) by attaching to events, but how do I get that value back to the UI?
The following answer is based on my gut feeling and have not actually done it a test with third party libs.
Call your third party lib code as usual you call in a simple background (not BackGroundWorker) thread.
Attach the library components' events to normal event handlers in your code (meant to update UI).
In the event handler code should look like this:
private void EventHandler(object sender, DirtyEventArgs e)
if (myControl.InvokeRequired)
myControl.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(MethodToUpdateUI), e);
private void MethodToUpdateUI(object obj)
// Update UI
Attach to the progress events in the third party component and call ReportProgress on the BackgroundWorker. Have your UI attach to the BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged event to update the UI.
You can have the desired effect by using a second thread and a thread safe queue.
You can create a second thread that will listen for the events.
When a new event happens it pushes the event information to a queue (thread safe- synchronized).
Using a Timer (Windows.Forms.Timer) that will check that queue every x time and in case new events exist can update the UI.
Because the timer runs in the main thread it can safely update the UI and if you make it light weight it will not block it long enough to be noticed.
A similar discussion is on this Q. If you can't or don't want to use the BackgroundWorker for whatever reason you can use your own thread and marshal events from it back onto your UI thread.
private void Initialise() {
MyLibClass myLibClass = new MyLibClass();
myLibClass.SomeEvent += SomeEventHandler;
private void SomeEventHandler(EventArgs e) {
if (this.Dispatcher.Thread != Thread.CurrentThread) {
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { DoStuffOnUIThread(e); });
else {
