C - How to use both aio_read() and aio_write() - c

I implement game server where I need to both read and write. So I accept incoming connection and start reading from it using aio_read() but when I need to send something, I stop reading using aio_cancel() and then use aio_write(). Within write's callback I resume reading. So, I do read all the time but when I need to send something - I pause reading.
It works for ~20% of time - in other case call to aio_cancel() fails with "Operation now in progress" - and I cannot cancel it (even within permanent while cycle). So, my added write operation never happens.
How to use these functions well? What did I missed?
Used under Linux 2.6.35. Ubuntu 10 - 32 bit.
Example code:
void handle_read(union sigval sigev_value) { /* handle data or disconnection */ }
void handle_write(union sigval sigev_value) { /* free writing buffer memory */ }
void start()
const int acceptorSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
bind(acceptorSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
listen(acceptorSocket, SOMAXCONN);
struct sockaddr_in address;
socklen_t addressLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
const int incomingSocket = accept(acceptorSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&address, &addressLen);
if(incomingSocket == -1)
{ /* handle error ... */}
//say socket to append outcoming messages at writing:
const int currentFlags = fcntl(incomingSocket, F_GETFL, 0);
if(currentFlags < 0) { /* handle error ... */ }
if(fcntl(incomingSocket, F_SETFL, currentFlags | O_APPEND) == -1) { /* handle another error ... */ }
//start reading:
struct aiocb* readingAiocb = new struct aiocb;
memset(readingAiocb, 0, sizeof(struct aiocb));
readingAiocb->aio_nbytes = MY_SOME_BUFFER_SIZE;
readingAiocb->aio_fildes = socketDesc;
readingAiocb->aio_buf = mySomeReadBuffer;
readingAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
readingAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void*)mySomeData;
readingAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function = handle_read;
if(aio_read(readingAiocb) != 0) { /* handle error ... */ }
//called at any time from server side:
send(void* data, const size_t dataLength)
//... some thread-safety precautions not needed here ...
const int cancellingResult = aio_cancel(socketDesc, readingAiocb);
if(cancellingResult != AIO_CANCELED)
//this one happens ~80% of the time - embracing previous call to permanent while cycle does not help:
if(cancellingResult == AIO_NOTCANCELED)
puts(strerror(aio_return(readingAiocb))); // "Operation now in progress"
/* don't know what to do... */
//otherwise it's okay to send:

If you wish to have separate AIO queues for reads and writes, so that a write issued later can execute before a read issued earlier, then you can use dup() to create a duplicate of the socket, and use one to issue reads and the other to issue writes.
However, I second the recommendations to avoid AIO entirely and simply use an epoll()-driven event loop with non-blocking sockets. This technique has been shown to scale to high numbers of clients - if you are getting high CPU usage, profile it and find out where that's happening, because the chances are that it's not your event loop that's the culprit.

First of all, consider dumping aio. There are lots of other ways to do asynchronous I/O that are not as braindead (yes, aio is breaindead). Lots of alternatives; if you're on linux you can use libaio (io_submit and friends). aio(7) mentions this.
Back to your question.
I haven't used aio in a long time but here's what I remember. aio_read and aio_write both put requests (aiocb) on some queue. They return immediately even if the requests will complete some time later. It's entirely possible to queue multiple requests without caring what happened to the earlier ones. So, in a nutshell: stop cancelling read requests and keep adding them.
/* populate read_aiocb */
rc = aio_read(&read_aiocb);
/* time passes ... */
/* populate write_aiocb */
rc = aio_write(&write_aiocb)
Later you're free to wait using aio_suspend, poll using aio_error, wait for signals etc.
I see you mention epoll in your comment. You should definitely go for libaio.

Unless I'm not mistaken, POSIX AIO (that is, aio_read(), aio_write() and so on) is guaranteed to work only on seekable file descriptors. From the aio_read() manpage:
The data is read starting at the absolute file offset aiocbp->aio_offset, regardless of the
current file position. After this request, the value of the current file position is unspeciā€
For devices which do not have an associated file position such as network sockets, AFAICS, POSIX AIO is undefined. Perhaps it happens to work on your current setup, but that seems more by accident than by design.
Also, on Linux, POSIX AIO is implemented in glibc with the help of userspace threads.
That is, where possible use non-blocking IO and epoll(). However, epoll() does not work for seekable file descriptors such as regular files (same goes for the classical select()/poll() as well); in that case POSIX AIO is an alternative to rolling your own thread pool.

There should be no reason to stop or cancel an aio read or write request just because you need to make another read or write. If that were the case, that would defeat the whole point of asynchronous reading and writing since it's main purpose is to allow you to setup a reading or writing operation, and then move on. Since multiple requests can be queued, it would be much better to setup a couple of asynchronous reader/writer pools where you can grab a set of pre-initialized aiocb structures from an "available" pool that have been setup for asynchronous operations whenever you need them, and then return them to another "finished" pool when they're done and you can access the buffers they point to. While they're in the middle of an asynchronous read or write, they would be in a "busy" pool and wouldn't be touched. That way you won't have to keep creating aiocb structures on the heap dynamically every time you need to make a read or write operation, although that's okay to-do ... it's just not very efficient if you never plan on going over a certain limit, or plan to have only a certain number of "in-flight" requests.
BTW, keep in mind with a couple different in-flight asynchronous requests that your asychronous read/write handler can actually be interrupted by another read/write event. So you really don't want to be doing a whole-lot with your handler. In the above scenario I described, your handler would basically move the aiocb struct that triggered the signal handler from one of the pools to the next in the listed "available"->"busy"->"finished" stages. Your main code, after reading from the buffer pointed to by the aiocb structures in the "finished" pool would then move the structure back to the "available" pool.


How to handle Multiple Clients on Single Thread Server (with Sockets)

Before I Start
Please don't mark this question as a duplicate. I have already seen the numerous posts on SO about handling multiple clients with socket programming. Most people recommend just multi-threading, but I am trying to avoid that path because I have read it has a few problems:
Bad Scalability
Large Overhead/Inefficient/Memory Hungry
Difficult to Debug
Any posts that I have read that specifically talk about using a single thread either have bad/no answers or have unclear explanations, like people saying "Just use select()!"
The Problem
I am writing code for a server to handle multiple (~1000) clients, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to create an efficient solution. Right now I already have the code for my server that is able to handle 1 client at a time. Both are written in C; the server is on Windows using WinSock and the client is on Linux.
The server and client send several communications back and forth, using send() and blocking recv() calls. Writing this code was pretty simple, and I won't post it here because it is pretty long and I doubt anyone will actually read through all of it. Also the exact implementation is not important, I just want to talk about high level pseudocode. The real difficulty is changing the server to handle multiple clients.
What's Already Out There
I have found a nice PDF tutorial about how to create a WinSock server that handles multiple clients and it can be found here: WinSock Multiple Client Support. It's in C++ but it's easily transferable to C.
From what I understand the server operates something like this:
while (running) {
/* Accept all incoming clients and add to clientArray. */
for (client in clientArray) {
/* Interact with client */
if (recv(...) == "disconnect") {
/* Disconnect from client */
/* Close all connections. */
The problem that I see with using this approach is that you essentially only handle one client at a time (which is obvious because you aren't multithreading), but what if the interaction with each client only needs to happen once? Meaning, what if I just want to send some data back and forth and close the connection? This operation could take anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the speed of the clients connection, so other clients would be blocking on a connect() call to the server while the server handles a client for 5 minutes. It doesn't seem very efficient, but maybe the best way would be to implement a waiting queue, where clients are connected and told to wait for a while? I'm not sure, but it makes me curious about how large servers send out update downloads concurrently to thousands of clients, and if I should operate the same way.
Also, is there a reason for adding a Sleep(1000) call in the main server loop, if the send() and recv() between the server and client take a while (~1 minute)?
What I'm Asking For
What I want is a solution to handling multiple clients on a single threaded server that is efficient enough for ~1000 clients. If you tell me that the solution in the PDF is fine, that's good enough for me (maybe I'm just too preoccupied with efficiency.)
Please give answers that include a verbal explanation of the implementation, server/client pseudocode, or even a small sample code for the server, if you're feeling sadistic.)
Thanks in advance.
I have written single thread socket pool handling. Im using non-blocking sockets and select call to handle all send, receive and errors.
My class keep all sockets in array, and build 3 fd set's for select call. When something happens it check read or write or error list and handle those events.
For example, non-blocking client socket during connection can trigger write or error event. If error event happens then connection failed. If write happens, connection is established.
All sockets is in read fd set. If you create server socket (with bind and listen) new connection will trigger read event. Then check if socket is server socket then call accept for new connection. If read operation is triggered by regular socket then there is some bytes to read.. just call recv with buffer arge enough to suck all data from that socket.
SOCKET maxset=0;
fd_set rset, wset, eset;
for (size_t i=0; i<readsockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = readsockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &rset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<writesockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = writesockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &wset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<errorsockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = errorsockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &eset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
int ret = 0;
if (bBlocking)
ret = select(maxset + 1, &rset, &wset, &eset, NULL/*&tv*/);
timeval tv= {0, timeout*1000};
ret = select(maxset + 1, &rset, &wset, &eset, &tv);
if (ret < 0)
//int err = errno;
return false;
if (ret > 0)
// loop through eset and check each with FD_ISSET. if you find some socket it means connect failed
// loop through wset and check each with FD_ISSET. If you find some socket check is there any pending connectin on that socket. If there is pending connection then that socket just got connected. Otherwise select just reported that some data has been sent and you can send more.
// finally, loop through rset and check each with FD_ISSET. If you find some socket then check is this socket your server socket (bind and listen). If its server socket then this is signal new client want to connect.. just call accept and new connection is established. If this is not server socket, then just do recv on that socket to collect new data.
There is few more things to handle... All sockets must be in non-blocking mode. Each send or recv calls will return -1 (error) but error code is EWOULDBLOCK. Thats normal and ignore error. If recv returns 0 then this connection is dropped. If send return 0 bytes sent then internal buffer is full.
You need to write additional code to serialize and parse data. For example, after recv, message may not be complete (depending on message size) so it may take more than one recv calls to receive complete message. Sometimes if messages is short recv call can deliver several messages in buffer. So, you need to write good parser or design good protocol, easy to parse.
First, regarding single-thread approach: I'd say it's bad idea because your server processing power is limited by performance of single processor core. But other than that it'll work to some extent.
Now about multiclient problem. I'd suggest using WSASend and WSARecv with their compilation routines. It also can be scaled to multiple threads if necessary.
Server core will look something like this:
struct SocketData {
::SOCKET socket;
::WSAOVERLAPPED overlapped;
::WSABUF bufferRef;
char buf [1024];
// other client-related data
SocketData (void) {
overlapped->hEvent = (HANDLE) this;
bufferRef->buf = buf;
bufferRef->len = sizeof (buf);
// ...
void OnRecv (
DWORD dwError,
DWORD cbTransferred,
DWORD dwFlags) {
auto data = (SocketData*) lpOverlapped->hEvent;
if (dwError || !cbTransferred) {
::closesocket (data->socket);
delete data;
// process received data
// ...
// same for OnSend
void main (void) {
// init and start async listener
::SOCKET serverSocket = ::socket (...);
HANDLE hAccept = ::CreateEvent (nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr);
::WSAEventSelect (serverSocket, FD_ACCEPT, hAccept);
::bind (serverSocket, ...);
::listen (serverSocket, ...);
// main loop
for (;;) {
int r = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx (hAccept, INFINITE, 1);
// accept processing
auto data = new SocketData ();
data->socket = ::accept (serverSocket, ...);
// detach new socket from hAccept event
::WSAEventSelect (data->socket, 0, nullptr);
// recv first data from client
::WSARecv (
Key points:
wait in main loop (WaitForSingleObjectEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx etc.) must be alertable;
most data processing done in OnSend/OnRecv;
all processing must be done without blocking APIs in OnSend/OnRecv;
for event-based processing events must be waited in main loop.
OnRecv will be called for each processed incoming packet. OnSend will be called for each processed outgoing packet. Keep in mind: how many data you asked to send/recv is not the same as what actually processed in packet.

How do i convert this blocking i/o mode into an overlapped i/o mode in c language on windows?

I am learning to do socket programmming and multithreaded programming in c on windows.
I have designed a project where there will be three types of nodes for backup(server, client and storage node).
I have created the following to have one server and multiple clients and storage nodes.
The server needs to create two kinds of threads based on the type of client requesting the service(to be explicit normal client or storage node).
I am using a blocking i/o mode.
The structure of the code is like this:
int main()
//initialization and other things
while ((new_socket = accept(srv_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &c)) != INVALID_SOCKET)
_beginthreadex(0, 0, handle_client, &new_socket, 0, 0);
uint32_t __stdcall handle_client(void *data)
SOCKET* sock = (SOCKET*)data;
SOCKET client_sock = *sock;
recv_size = recv(client_sock, header_buf, HDR_LEN, 0);
//fixed length header
if (!strncmp(connect_with, "storageNode", strlen(connect_with)))
//check if client is a normal client or a storage node
_beginthreadex(0, 0, handle_storage_node, sock, 0, 0);
return 0;
//continue with request from normal client
uint32_t __stdcall handle_storage_node(void *data)
SOCKET* sock_SN = (SOCKET*)data;
SOCKET str_node_sock = *sock_SN;
//continue with request from storage node
The main reason among other things for me to want to change it into an overlapped i/o is because some times(probably once in a thousand times) a message from a normal client ends up as a message from storage node and vice versa.
I think the reason for that is winsock is not strictly thread safe. Plus as a beginner I want to learn to do it in another way.
So, what should be the equivalent structure for the overlapped i/o implementation? And how do I stop the messages from being delivered to the wrong thread?
PS:- I am a beginner take it easy on me!
Your problem is not Overlapped mode or not. It's that your program acts on invalidated data.
In lines like this
_beginthreadex(0, 0, handle_client, &new_socket, 0, 0);
you are passing the address of a variable on the stack to the new thread. This address will be outside of the while loop iteration. And most likely will be used to store the next socket handle when accept succeeds the next time.
To fix this you could heap allocate each socket instance and pass that function to your worker thread.
Overlapped most will just complicate everything. If you don't know why exactly you need it you there is no reason to use it.

SSL_read blocks indefinitely

I am trying to read data off an Openssl linked socket using SSL_read. I perform Openssl operations in client mode that sends command and receives data from a real-world server. I used two threads where one thread handles all Openssl operations like connect, write and close. I perform the SSL_read in a separate thread. I am able to read data properly when I issue SSL_read once.
But I ran into problems when I tried to perform multiple connect, write, close sequences. Ideally I should terminate the thread performing the SSL_read in response to close. This is because for the next connect we would get a new ssl pointer and so we do not want to perform read on old ssl pointer. But problem is when I do SSL_read, I am stuck until there is data available in SSL buffer. It gets blocked on the SSL pointer, even when I have closed the SSL connection in the other thread.
while(1) {
memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * TLS_READ_RCVBUF_MAX_LEN);
read_data_len = SSL_read(con, sbuf, TLS_READ_RCVBUF_MAX_LEN);
switch (SSL_get_error(con, read)) {
I tried all possible solutions to the problem but non works. Mostly I tried indication for letting me know there might be data in SSL buffer, but none of it returns proper indication.
I tried:
- Doing SSL_pending first to know if there is data in SSL buffer. But this always returns zero
- Doing select on the Openssl socket to see if it returns value bigger than zero. But it always returns zero.
- Making the socket as non-blocking and trying the select, but it doesnt seem to work. I am not sure if I got the code properly.
An example of where I used select for blocking socket is as follows. But select always returns zero.
while(1) {
// The use of Select here is to timeout
// while waiting for data to read on SSL.
// The timeout is set to 1 second
i = select(width, &readfds, NULL,
NULL, &tv);
if (i < 0) {
// Select Error. Take appropriate action for this error
// Check if there is data to be read
if (i > 0) {
if (FD_ISSET(SSL_get_fd(con), &readfds)) {
// TODO: We have data in the SSL buffer. But are we
// sure that the data is from read buffer? If not,
// SSL_read can be stuck indefinitely.
// Maybe we can do SSL_read(con, sbuf, 0) followed
// by SSL_pending to find out?
memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * TLS_READ_RCVBUF_MAX_LEN);
read_data_len = SSL_read(con, sbuf, TLS_READ_RCVBUF_MAX_LEN);
error = SSL_get_error(con, read_data_len);
switch (error) {
So as you can see I have tried number of ways to get the thread performing SSL_read to terminate in response to close, but I didnt get it to work as I expected. Did anybody get to make SSL_read work properly? Is non-blocking socket only solution to my problem? For blocking socket how do you solve the problem of quitting from SSL_read if you never get a response for command? Can you give an example of working solution for non blocking socket with read?
I can point you to a working example of non-blocking client socket with SSL ... https://github.com/darrenjs/openssl_examples
It uses non-blocking sockets with standard linux IO (based on poll event loop). Raw data is read from the socket and then fed into SSL memory BIO's, which then perform the decryption.
The approach I used was single threaded. A single thread performs the connect, write, and read. This means there cannot be any problems associated with one thread closing a socket, while another thread is trying to use that socket. Also, as noted by the SSL FAQ, "an SSL connection cannot be used concurrently by multiple threads" (https://www.openssl.org/docs/faq.html#PROG1), so single threaded approach avoids problems with concurrent SSL write & read.
The challenge with single threaded approach is that you then need to create some kind of synchronized queue & signalling mechanism for submitting and holding data pending for outbound (eg, the commands that you want to send from client to server), and get the socket event loop to detect when there is data pending for write and pull it from the queue etc. For that I would would look at standard std::list, std::mutex etc, and either pipe2 or eventfd for signalling the event loop.
OpenSSL calls recv() which in turn obeys the SOCKET's timeout, which by default is infinite. You can change the timeout thusly:
void socket_timeout_receive_set(SOCKET handle, dword milliseconds)
struct timeval tv = { long(milliseconds / 1000), (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000 };
setsockopt(handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(tv));
Unfortunately, ssl_error_get() returns SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL which it returns in other situations too, so it's not easy to determine that it timed out. But this function will help you determine if the connection is lost:
bool socket_dropped(SOCKET handle)
// Special thanks: "Detecting and terminating aborted TCP/IP connections" by Vinayak Gadkari
return true;
// create a socket set containing just this socket
fd_set socket_set;
FD_SET(handle, &socket_set);
// if the connection is unreadable, it is not dropped (strange but true)
static struct timeval timeout = { 0, 0 };
int count = select(0, &socket_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if(count <= 0) {
// problem: count==0 on a connection that was cut off ungracefully, presumably by a busy router
// for connections that are open for a long time but may not talk much, call keepalive_set()
return false;
if(!FD_ISSET(handle, &socket_set)) // creates a dependency on __WSAFDIsSet()
return false;
// peek at the next character
// recv() returns 0 if the connection was dropped
char dummy;
count = recv(handle, &dummy, 1, MSG_PEEK);
if(count > 0)
return false;
return true;

Socket programming for multi-clients with 'select()' in C

This is a question about socket programming for multi-client.
While I was thinking how to make my single client and server program
to multi clients,I encountered how to implement this.
But even if I was searching for everything, kind of confusion exists.
I was thinking to implement with select(), because it is less heavy than fork.
but I have much global variables not to be shared, so I hadn`t considered thread to use.
and so to use select(), I could have the general knowledge about FD_functions to utilize, but here I have my question, because generally in the examples on websites, it only shows multi-client server program...
Since I use sequential recv() and send() in client and also in server program
that work really well when it`s single client and server, but
I have no idea about how it must be changed for multi cilent.
Does the client also must be unblocking?
What are all requirements for select()?
The things I did on my server program to be multi-client
1) I set my socket option for reuse address, with SO_REUSEADDR
2) and set my server as non-blocking mode with O_NONBLOCK using fctl().
3) and put the timeout argument as zero.
and proper use of FD_functions after above.
But when I run my client program one and many more, from the second client,
client program blocks, not getting accepted by server.
I guess the reason is because I put my server program`s main function part
into the 'recv was >0 ' case.
for example with my server code,
(I`m using temp and read as fd_set, and read as master in this case)
int main(void)
int conn_sock, listen_sock;
struct sockaddr_in s_addr, c_addr;
int rq, ack;
char path[100];
int pre, change, c;
int conn, page_num, x;
int c_len = sizeof(c_addr);
int fd;
int flags;
int opt = 1;
int nbytes;
fd_set read, temp;
if ((listen_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
perror("socket error!");
return 1;
memset(&s_addr, 0, sizeof(s_addr));
s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
s_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
s_addr.sin_port = htons(3500);
if (setsockopt(listen_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(int)) == -1)
perror("Server-setsockopt() error ");
flags = fcntl(listen_sock, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(listen_sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
//fcntl(listen_sock, F_SETOWN, getpid());
bind(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*) &s_addr, sizeof(s_addr));
listen(listen_sock, 8);
FD_SET(listen_sock, &read);
while (1)
temp = read;
if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &temp, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0,
(struct timeval *) 0) < 1)
perror("select error:");
for (fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; fd++)
//CHECK all file descriptors
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &temp))
if (fd == listen_sock)
conn_sock = accept(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &c_addr, &c_len);
FD_SET(conn_sock, &read);
printf("new client got session: %d\n", conn_sock);
nbytes = recv(fd, &conn, 4, 0);
if (nbytes <= 0)
FD_CLR(fd, &read);
if (conn == Session_Rq)
ack = Session_Ack;
send(fd, &ack, sizeof(ack), 0);
c = 0;
while (1)
printf("in while loop\n");
recv(fd, &page_num, 4, 0);
if (c > 1)
change = compare_with_pre_page(pre, page_num);
if (change == 1)
page_stack[stack_count] = page_num;
printf("same as before page\n");
} //end of if
else if (c == 1)
page_stack[stack_count] = page_num;
printf("stack count:%d\n", stack_count);
printf("in page stack: <");
for (x = 0; x < stack_count; x++)
printf(" %d ", page_stack[x]);
if (logged_in == 1)
printf("You are logged in state now, user: %s\n",
printf("not logged in.\n");
c = 0;
pre = page_num;
} //end of while
} //end of if
} //end of else
} //end of fd_isset
} //end of for loop
} //end of outermost while
if needed for code explanation : What I was about to work of this code was,
to make kind of web pages to implement 'browser' for server.
I wanted to make every client get session for server to get login-page or so.
But the execution result is, as I told above.
Why is that?
the socket in the client program must be non-blocking mode too
to be used with non-blocking Server program to use select()?
Or should I use fork or thread to make multi client and manage with select?
The reason I say this is, after I considered a lot about this problem,
'select()' seems only proper for multi client chatting program... that many
'forked' or 'threaded' clients can pend to, in such as chat room.
how do you think?...
Is select also possible or proper thing to use for normal multi-client program?
If there something I missed to let my multi client program work fine,
please give me some knowledge of yours or some requirements for the proper use of select.
I didn`t know multi-client communication was not this much easy before :)
I also considered to use epoll but I think I need to understand first about select well.
Thanks for reading.
Besides the fact you want to go from single-client to multi-client, it's not very clear what's blocking you here.
Are you sure you fully understood how does select is supposed to work ? The manual (man 2 select on Linux) may be helpful, as it provides a simple example. You can also check Wikipedia.
To answer your questions :
First of all, are you sure you need non-blocking mode for your sockets ? Unless you have a good reason to do so, blocking sockets are also fine for multi-client networking.
Usually, there are basically two ways to deal with multi-clients in C: fork, or select. The two aren't really used altogether (or I don't know how :-) ). Models using lightweight threads are essentially asynchronous programming (did I mention it also depends on what you mean by 'asynchronous' ?) and may be a bit overkill for what you seem to do (a good example in C++ is Boost.Asio).
As you probably already know, the main problem when dealing with more than one client is that I/O operations, like a read, are blocking, not letting us know when there's a new client, or when a client has said something.
The fork way is pretty straighforward : the server socket (the one which accepts the connections) is in the main process, and each time it accepts a new client, it forks a whole new process just to monitor this new client : this new process will be dedicated to it. Since there's one process per client, we don't care if i/o operations are blocking or not.
The select way allows us to monitor multiple clients in one same process : it is a multiplexer telling us when something happens on the sockets we give it. The base idea, on the server side, is first to put the server socket on the read_fds FD_SET of the select. Each time select returns, you need to do a special check for it : if the server socket is set in the read_fds set (using FD_ISSET(...)), it means you have a new client connecting : you can then call accept on your server socket to create the connection.
Then you have to put all your clients sockets in the fd_sets you give to select in order to monitor any change on it (e.g., incoming messages).
I'm not really sure of what you don't understand about select, so that's for the big explaination. But long story short, select is a clean and neat way to do single-threaded, synchronous networking, and it can absolutely manage multiple clients at the same time without using any fork or threads. Be aware though that if you absolutely want to deal with non-blocking sockets with select, you have to deal extra error conditions that wouldn't be in a blocking way (the Wikipedia example shows it well as they have to check if errno isn't EWOULDBLOCK). But that's another story.
EDIT : Okay, with a little more code it's easier to know what's wrong.
select's first parameter should be nfds+1, i.e. "the highest-numbered file descriptor in any of the three sets, plus 1" (cf. manual), not FD_SETSIZE, which is the maximum size of an FD_SET. Usually it is the last accept-ed client socket (or the server socket at beginning) who has it.
You shouldn't do the "CHECK all file descriptors" for loop like that. FD_SETSIZE, e.g. on my machine, equal to 1024. That means once select returns, even if you have just one client you would be passing in the loop 1024 times ! You can set fd to 0 (like in the Wikipedia example), but since 0 is stdin, 1 stdout and 2 stderr, unless you're monitoring one of those, you can directly set it to your server socket's fd (since it is probably the first of the monitored sockets, given socket numbers always increase), and iterate until it is equal to "nfds" (the currently highest fd).
Not sure that it is mandatory, but before each call to select, you should clear (with FD_ZERO for example) and re-populate your read fd_set with all the sockets you want to monitor (i.e. your server socket and all your clients sockets). Once again, inspire yourself of the Wikipedia example.

how is select() alerted to an fd becoming "ready"?

I don't know why I'm having a hard time finding this, but I'm looking at some linux code where we're using select() waiting on a file descriptor to report it's ready. From the man page of select:
select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors,
waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become "ready" for some
class of I/O operation
So, that's great... I call select on some descriptor, give it some time out value and start to wait for the indication to go. How does the file descriptor (or owner of the descriptor) report that it's "ready" such that the select() statement returns?
It reports that it's ready by returning.
select waits for events that are typically outside your program's control. In essence, by calling select, your program says "I have nothing to do until ..., please suspend my process".
The condition you specify is a set of events, any of which will wake you up.
For example, if you are downloading something, your loop would have to wait on new data to arrive, a timeout to occur if the transfer is stuck, or the user to interrupt, which is precisely what select does.
When you have multiple downloads, data arriving on any of the connections triggers activity in your program (you need to write the data to disk), so you'd give a list of all download connections to select in the list of file descriptors to watch for "read".
When you upload data to somewhere at the same time, you again use select to see whether the connection currently accepts data. If the other side is on dialup, it will acknowledge data only slowly, so your local send buffer is always full, and any attempt to write more data would block until buffer space is available, or fail. By passing the file descriptor we are sending to to select as a "write" descriptor, we get notified as soon as buffer space is available for sending.
The general idea is that your program becomes event-driven, i.e. it reacts to external events from a common message loop rather than performing sequential operations. You tell the kernel "this is the set of events for which I want to do something", and the kernel gives you a set of events that have occured. It is fairly common for two events occuring simultaneously; for example, a TCP acknowledge was included in a data packet, this can make the same fd both readable (data is available) and writeable (acknowledged data has been removed from send buffer), so you should be prepared to handle all of the events before calling select again.
One of the finer points is that select basically gives you a promise that one invocation of read or write will not block, without making any guarantee about the call itself. For example, if one byte of buffer space is available, you can attempt to write 10 bytes, and the kernel will come back and say "I have written 1 byte", so you should be prepared to handle this case as well. A typical approach is to have a buffer "data to be written to this fd", and as long as it is non-empty, the fd is added to the write set, and the "writeable" event is handled by attempting to write all the data currently in the buffer. If the buffer is empty afterwards, fine, if not, just wait on "writeable" again.
The "exceptional" set is seldom used -- it is used for protocols that have out-of-band data where it is possible for the data transfer to block, while other data needs to go through. If your program cannot currently accept data from a "readable" file descriptor (for example, you are downloading, and the disk is full), you do not want to include the descriptor in the "readable" set, because you cannot handle the event and select would immediately return if invoked again. If the receiver includes the fd in the "exceptional" set, and the sender asks its IP stack to send a packet with "urgent" data, the receiver is then woken up, and can decide to discard the unhandled data and resynchronize with the sender. The telnet protocol uses this, for example, for Ctrl-C handling. Unless you are designing a protocol that requires such a feature, you can easily leave this out with no harm.
Obligatory code example:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
static inline int max(int lhs, int rhs) {
if(lhs > rhs)
return lhs;
return rhs;
void copy(int from, int to) {
char buffer[10];
int readp = 0;
int writep = 0;
bool eof = false;
for(;;) {
fd_set readfds, writefds;
int ravail, wavail;
if(readp < writep) {
ravail = writep - readp - 1;
wavail = sizeof buffer - writep;
else {
ravail = sizeof buffer - readp;
wavail = readp - writep;
if(!eof && ravail)
FD_SET(from, &readfds);
FD_SET(to, &writefds);
else if(eof)
int rc = select(max(from,to)+1, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, NULL);
if(rc == -1)
if(FD_ISSET(from, &readfds))
ssize_t nread = read(from, &buffer[readp], ravail);
if(nread < 1)
eof = true;
readp = readp + nread;
if(FD_ISSET(to, &writefds))
ssize_t nwritten = write(to, &buffer[writep], wavail);
if(nwritten < 1)
writep = writep + nwritten;
if(readp == sizeof buffer && writep != 0)
readp = 0;
if(writep == sizeof buffer)
writep = 0;
We attempt to read if we have buffer space available and there was no end-of-file or error on the read side, and we attempt to write if we have data in the buffer; if end-of-file is reached and the buffer is empty, then we are done.
This code will behave clearly suboptimal (it's example code), but you should be able to see that it is acceptable for the kernel to do less than we asked for both on reads and writes, in which case we just go back and say "whenever you're ready", and that we never read or write without asking whether it will block.
From the same man page:
On exit, the sets are modified in place to indicate which file descriptors actually changed status.
So use FD_ISSET() on the sets passed to select to determine which FDs have become ready.

