Configure IIS to impersonate a user for SQL Integrated Authentication - connection-string

I have a question about how to configure my web site and IIS using Active Directory.
I have a web app which will be running exclusively on our company's internal network. The SQL Database that the app needs to connect to (via active directory) can only be accessed by one specific AD user DBAccess but I am using Windows Authentication mode to validate my users. I would put the identity impersonate right into my Web.Config but the DB user does not have rights on the web server computer.
How would I configure IIS to use the DB Access user for connecting to the SQL Server and not for running locally on the web server?
Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a bit basic.

Set the application pool your application is using to run as the user you wish to connect to the DB as.
Add Integrated Security=true; to your connection string.


Pass credentials from ASP.NET to IIS and SQL Server

I have one machine running IIS10, another machine running SQL Server Express. I have create an ASP.NET Razor pages web application. All machines are Windows 10 pro.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to take the credentials from the web app, pass to IIS, and pass to SQL Server. I want to manager access to SQL Server at the user level, not the IIS DefaultAppPool identity.
Has anyone done this before?
Are you trying to pass the user's network login to the database instead of using a dedicated DB account? I think you need a trusted connection.
Grant your users access to your DB
Disable anonymous access in IIS and set the site up SSL
In your connection string set the Trusted_Connection property to true
Connection Strings
If the user is on any browser except IE, they'll probably be prompted for their credentials.

I need to connect my web application to sql server using windows authentication with a different user

I have a web application (on IIS 7.0) developed with ASP.NET MVC 4. The application manages a database on a SQL Server 2008 R2. Only Windows Authentication is enabled on the site. In my intranet, the domain users access the program without authentication requests. web.config sets a connection string on the site that uses a sql user. All operations on the database are done by this last user. The application should access the database with a windows user instead of a sql user. For this, I created a windows user “MyUser” on Sql Server. I thought I could set a new “connection string” with windows authentication but I wasn't able to pass the credential of “MyUser”. When I set windows authentication on the connection string it uses the client user, and I don't want this.
How I can operate on the database with a different user? I would like all operations on database to be performed by a single windows user (MyUser).
You can give "MyUser" privileges over the folder where your app is. Then you can create an application pool and set the identity to "MyUser" (read this) and assign your app to this application pool.
Your application will be executing with "MyUser" account thus login into SQL with its credentials.
Hope it helps.

Login failed for user '{domain}\{user}' SqlClient.SqlException in MVC

When I deploy my app to a server, I'm getting the Login failed message. My DB and app are located on two separate physical machines. However this has not posed a problem when developing and testing locally and connecting out to the DB server; only after publishing.
Steps I've taken To attempt to resolve
In my Web.Config I've set Integrated security to false. When integrated security was true, it was giving the same error but with the machine name in place of the user name.
I placed valid credentials in the User ID: and Password: fields of the Web.Config. The credentials placed in Web.Config are also used to log into Sql Server Management Studio directly.
Within SSMS I've also verified those credentials will work under Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication.
Those credentials I've set in the app work when I log into the SSMS using Windows Authentication. Advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
By default, IIS runs your application under a local machine account. This account does not have any permissions to access your SQL Server. In order to achieve integrated security, you need grant it access. There are a few ways to do it, the thread Add IIS 7 AppPool Identities as SQL Server Logons will get you started.
Another way, which is preferred over adding the IIS account, is to create a service account in Active Directory and setting the App Pool Identity in IIS to the service account. Depending on your environment, you should work with your network admin and or DBA to set this up.
Your last option would be to simply use SQL Authentication.

Classic ASP problem connecting to remote SQL Server database

I have a classic ASP app that I am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2008 database on a different server. The ASP app is being served from IIS7 on Windows Server 2008.
I have changed the web site's application pool to run under a specific windows account, that I have verified has access to the database on the remote server.
However, when I run the app in the browser, I get this error:
Application Error
Number: -2147217843 (0x80040E4D)
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
Why is it trying to connect using NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON?
Does the App pool identity not apply to classic ASP code?
How can I make this connect as a specific user?
Here is the connection string I am using:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=myDbServer;Initial Catalog=myDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI
For a site to use the application pool identity for classic ASP, you need to change the credentials used for Anonymous Authentication. By default, the site will be set to use a specific user, namely IUSR.
Select Authentication from the IIS area of your site, then select Anonymous Authentication followed by Edit. Change from Specific user to Application pool identity.
It's advisable to use Windows authentication (integrated security) over SQL authentication so that you don't have credentials in your config files so that if those files are compromised, you don't lose control of the credentials.
Does your app impersonate the caller? You need to enable constrained delegation: Configuring Servers for Delegation.
you should specify a username and password for the connection string or set the IIS application to run as a specific user however that would then render a lot of the security settings in IIS obsolete.
Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword;
And have a look here: aspfaq
Lastly, make sure anonymous access is disabled on the IIS site so that it actually impersonates the user you selected instead of passing the anonymous tokens through.

How do I configure SQL Server to allow access via IIS

I have a web service that stores data in a local SQL Server 2008 database. If I run the web service under my account the web service can successfully access the database. However, if I use the DefaultAppPool (IUSR) account then accessing the database from the web service fails.
How do I set security on SQL Server to allow access to a specific database via IIS?
The specific error message I am getting is:
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'
You have two options (obvious maybe!):
Instead of using Windows Integrated
Security use SQL Authentication
If you can't or don't want to, then you have
to create a new user in SQL Server
that relates to that Windows account.
Or (third option) you can change the web service to run under an account that you know works.
I generally run the app pool under a domain user account, that way you control the specific user for each site on your server.
If I can't use a domain account, I'll run the site as "Network Service" - and the user that would correspond to that in SQL would be the machine account (MACHINENAME$ - replace "machinename" with your IIS server name").
If you plan to use the new IIS7 IIS users - which are not windows users - you'll have to use SQL Authentication instead of Windows authentication for your SQL database access.
