Unable to resolve identifier on netbeans - c

I'm keep getting this "Unable to resolve identifier file" message on netbeans.
I'm new in c and netbeans.
It was fine last night but somehow after rebooting my computer this message keep occurs.
Here's a code. What would be the problem?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char filename[] = "text.dat";
char line[5];
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
return 0;

I know this is an old post, but I ran into the same issue today. Don't be too quick to assume a compiler-supplied header file is defective. That is rarely the case, especially for headers such as stdio.h that have been around a long time.
Keep in mind that Netbeans code assistance references the includes used within your source code. Any macros that are used by the compiler must be defined to Netbeans. A file such as stdio.h may have conditional includes based on one or more macros. Unless Netbeans is aware of those macros it cannot apply them when it processes include files to provide code assistance. This would prevent conditional headers containing symbols from being loaded.
For example, today I saw that an include file I use has many conditional includes and the symbols Netbeans reported it could not resolve were defined in those files. Knowing that I was building for a particular processor I determined the macro needed for the proper file to be included within . I then defined that macro in Project Properties/Code Assistance/C Compiler/Preprocessor Definitions. At that point Netbeans was able to resolve the symbols.


C Include custom header file in Geany on Windows 10 compiling with gcc

I'm having an incredibally hard time finding answers to this for Windows. As if the majority of people use Linux...
Anyways, I need a custom CSV parsing library for C. I found one and downloaded the header file. I tried adding #include <csvparser.h> at the top of my c program but of course, it says file not found. I placed the downloaded file in the same directory as the program.
I think i need to be able to specify an absolute path in the include or place the file csvparser.h in the include directory, but I know how to do neither of these things. What is the default include directory in Windows? I use gcc as my compiler. How can i specify an absolute path in the include statement, on windows? i can find no answer to this.
Thank you for the quick reply, I seem to have included the file correctly, but now I'mhaving problems using it.
I found the program at https://sourceforge.net/p/cccsvparser/wiki/Home/
I placed it in the source directory and tried using it, bbut when I try the usage example I'm getting an error. This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "csvparser.h"
#define MAXCHAR 10000
int main() {
// int i = 0;
// file, delimiter, first_line_is_header?
CsvParser *csvparser = CsvParser_new("../MagicProg/Files/MagicProg_csv_ikoria.csv", "|", 1);
return 0;
When I try executing this, geany gives me the error:
C:/TDM-GCC-64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\Geoff\AppData\Local\Temp\ccsiwJPq.o:hello.c:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to `CsvParser_new'
What am I doing wrong? thanks again
If you're including something that's in your source directory you need to use a different style:
#include "csvparser.h"
The angle-brackets form is exclusively for things found in your include path, not in your source directory. That's reserved for things like OS and compiler headers, as well as system-installed libraries.
I made the huge newb error of not including the src files along with the header file. I blame myself. thanks everyone for help

Error[Pe020]: identifier "FILE" is undefined in IAR Workbench

// Preprocessor directive mention in <> formate :
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "stdint.h"
int main()
FILE *fin, *fout; //Error[Pe020]: identifier "FILE" is undefined
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", opus_get_version_string());
//Error[Pe020]: identifier "stderr" is undefined
As per above code I got an two Errors :
1) "Error[Pe020]: identifier "FILE" is undefined"
when I found stdlib.h then there are no any kind of "FILE" directive define or typedef.
So,please tell me which changes needed in stdlib.h or stdio.h
2) Error[Pe020]: identifier "stderr" is undefined
So,In which header file stderr define ?
Please tell me How to solve above errors ?
Thanks in advance.
First, FILE is in stdio.h not in stdlib.h. Second, the default library does not include FILE support since this feature uses a lot of space and is seldom needed in embedded systems. To use FILE you must switch to full libraries in the configuration dialog (if you use the IDE) or by using the command line switch --dlib full (if you use the compiler from the command line).
Note that the full library is much larger than the normal library so if the only use of FILE is to print diagnostic messages to stderr I suggest that you use some other way of presenting the messages.
FILE is defined in stdio.h standard header file. As Johan mentioned the default library configuration in IAR IDE does not include full Dlib support.
We can change to Full Dlib support under project options.
Project options shall be opened with ALT + F7 Hotkey or project tab and then options. Check this Image.
Project Options

Why is Visual Studio 2010 including a header file twice?

I have been having these really odd problems with Visual Studio 2010. At this point, the behavior is so erratic that I really wish I did not have to use it for CUDA (I know I don't have to, but it is hard not to use it).
One of the many problems I have been having with really basic stuff is header files being included more than once. For example:
#if !defined(VARS_cuh)
#define VARS_cuh
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
int* kern_xstart, *kern_xend, *kern_ystart, *kern_yend, *kern_zstart, *kern_zend;
/* more variable definitions */
I then include this file in most of my source files:
extern "C"{
#include "vars.cuh"
/* more includes of my own headers */
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
/* source file body */
The VS 2010 compiler puts out errors like this: "error LNK2005: foo already defined in other_source_file_I_wrote.cu.obj"
Why is it doing this? Also, to kill two birds with one stone, with this setup, I also have problems with writing a function in source_file.cu, and then prototyping it in vars.cuh. The problem arrises that vars.cuh can't see the definition, even though I am clearly including vars.cuh in source_file.cu!
Thank you!
The header file is being compiled multiple times because, as you say, you include this header file in most of your source files. Those global variables are included in multiple source files and thus are defined in every source file that includes the header. When the linker links all of the object files together, it finds multiple definitions of those variables, hence the error.
If you want to share global variables across multiple source files, declare them as extern in the header, then define each of them once in one source file.
This isn't a problem with Visual Studio or the Visual C++ compiler, it's how C works.

Include c file in another

I want to include a .c file in another. Is it possible right? It works well if I include a header file in a .c file, but doesn't work as well if I include a .c file in another .c file.
I am using Visual Studio and I get the following error:
main.obj : error LNK2005: _sayHello already defined in sayHello.obj
/* main.c */
#include "sayHello.c"
int main()
return 0;
/* sayHello.c */
#include <stdio.h>
void sayHello()
printf("Hello World");
I don't know what this error could mean. Time to ask more advanced C coders. :)
I want to include a .c file in another.
No you don't. You really, really don't. Don't take any steps down this path; it only ends in pain and misery. This is bad practice even for trivial programs such as your example, much less for programs of any real complexity. A trivial, one-line change in one file will require you to rebuild both that file and anything that includes it, which is a waste of time. You lose the ability to control access to data and functions; everything in the included .c file is visible to the including file, even functions and file scope variables declared static. If you wind up including a .c file that includes another .c file that includes another .c file und so weiter, you could possibly wind up with a translation unit too large for the compiler to handle.
Separate compilation and linking is an unequivocal Good Thing. The only files you should include in your .c files are header files that describe an interface (type definitions, function prototype declarations, macro defintions, external declarations), not an implementation.
It works, but you need to be careful with how you build the program. Also, as folks have pointed out in comments, it's generally considered a bad idea. It's unexpected, and it creates problems like these. There are few benetfits, especially for what seems like a trivial program. You should probably re-think this approach, altogether.
After doing something like this, you should only compile main.c, and not attempt to link it with the result of compiling sayHello.c, which you seem to be doing.
You might need to tell Visual Studio to exclude the latter file from the build.
Yes, any '.c' file can be included into another program.
As one include '.h' file like 'stdio.h' in the program.
After that we can call those function written into this external file.
void xprint()
printf("Hello World!");
#include "test.c"
void main()
Output:: Hello World!
This is a linker error. After compiling all your .c files to .obj files (done by the compiler) the linker "merges" them together to make your dll/exe. The linker has found that two objects declare the same function (which is obviously not allowed). In this case you would want the linker to only process main.obj and not sayhello.obj as well (as its code is already included in main.obj).
This is because in main.obj you will ALSO have the sayHello() function due to the include!
#include <stdio.h>
void sayHello(void);
#include "sayHello.h"
int main()
return 0;
You probably defined two times this function
void sayHello()
printf("Hello World");
one in your current file and one in sayhello.c
You must remove one definition.
The problem seems to be that sayHello.c got compiled into an object file called sayHello.obj, and main.c (also including all the source text from sayHello.c), got compiled into main.obj, and so both .obj files got a copy of all the external symbols (like non-static function definitions) from sayHello.c.
Then all the object files were supposed to get "linked" together to produce the final executable program file, but the linking breaks when any external symbols appear more than once.
If you find yourself in this situation, you need to stop linking sayHello.obj to main.obj (and then you might not want to compile sayHello.c by itself into its own object file at all).
If you manually control every step of the build (like you might when using the CLI of your compiler), this is often just a matter of excluding that object file from the invocation of the linker or compiler.
Since you are using Visual Studio, it's probably making a bunch of assumptions for you, like "every .c file should be compiled into its own object file, and all those object files should be linked together", and you have to find a way to circumvent or disable this assumption for sayHello.c.
One easy and somewhat idiomatic solution might be to rename sayHello.c into sayHello.c.inc.
#include "test.c"
int main()
void multi(int a)
Here you need to run the program which contains "main()" function.
You can avoid the "stdio.h" header file in main function. Because, you are including the file which already contains the "stdio.h" header file.
You have to call the function from the "main" file.
The including file should be "file_name.c" not "file_name.h". Because usually we use .h extension for the header file. Since we are including another program file and not the header file, we have to use .c. Otherwise it will give you Fatal Error and the Compilation gets terminated.

Minix 3 stdio.h doesn't recognize FILE *f

I'm developing something on Minix 3 and, when it comes to deal with io files, I got a problem.
In the code:
#include <stdio.h> /* If I don't call any stdio funcs compiler doesnt's complain*/
int main() {
FILE * fp; /* I get the following: " * not expected " */
return 0;
Already tried everything that comes to my mind, can't figure it out..
From what I can tell, when I include something, if I call functions not related to structs, it's OK. Is it the structs ?
I will assume you have checked whether the Minix file is present, that it really defines the type FILE and that your include path provides the correct -Ioption to the compiler to find that file.
Depending on your environment it could happen that an environment variable INCLUDE exists and is recognized by your compiler to provide additional include paths, recognized even before the include options from the command line. In such a case it might happen to include a stdio.hfrom a different compiler. Visual Studio is known to provide such an environment variable by default, and that has bitten me once before.
EDIT: Running the preprocessor in isolation may help to find out what is really happening in any case. Verify that FILEis defined in the preprocessed version of your file.
