I have a QListView displaying a list of items but I don't want the items to be edited (Currently a double click on the item allows you to edit them).
This is my Code:
self.listView = QListView()
self.model = QStringListModel([ "item1" , "item2" , "item3" ])
self.listView.setModel( self.model )
self.layout = QGridLayout()
self.layout.addWidget(self.listView, 0 , 0 )
Adding the line:
should fix things for you.
QListView inherits QAbstractItemView which has the method setEditTriggers(). Other possible values for setEditTriggers are available in the docs.
Thanks for the responses. I ended up going with a QListWidget instead as it is not editable by default.
Though I also found if you give the QListView a mouse Double clicked event and set it to do something other than edit the QListView, it overrides the edit function so that works too.
If model will be attached to multiple views and you don't want it to be editable by any of them, you can subclass QStringListModel and override flags():
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
class UneditableStringListModel(QStringListModel):
def flags(self, index):
return Qt.ItemIsSelectable & Qt.ItemIsEnabled
listView = QListView()
model = UneditableStringListModel([ "item1" , "item2" , "item3" ])
Now the user will not be able to edit model from any view.
QStringListModel is by definition editable. You should subclass and provide the appropriate flags
I have got a Vaadin Combobox (Vaadin 8) to which I add two items. I would like that ComboBox to propose all views to which the user is supposed to navigate by a Vaadin NativeButton as described in the code snippet. In spite of the fact that "ContactView" is proposed below the ComboBox as soon as I type a "C", I cannot select "ResourceView" - and yet I have added it to theComboBox. What did I get wrong so that there is no correct dropdown?
navigatorCombobox = new ComboBox<String>("Navigate to...");
navigatorCombobox.setItems(Arrays.asList("ContactView", "ResourceView"));
navigatorButton = new NativeButton("go");
event -> {
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(navigatorCombobox.getValue()) && navigatorCombobox.getValue().equals("ContactView")) {
} else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(navigatorCombobox.getValue()) && navigatorCombobox.getValue().equals("ResourceView")) {
This is intended behavior. Once you type "C" in the field, ComboBox will limit selectable options to those starting with "C".
Hello I use this code to add label items to panel dynamically, but when clearing the items and trying to add new items again nothing happen:
var mText = new Ext.form.Label({});
mText.draggable="constrain: true; constrainTo: mSurface";
mText.getEl().on('render', function(t,eOpts) {cur_obj=mText;});
mText.getEl().on('click', function(e,t,eOpts) {cur_obj=mText;Tree_Select(mText.id);});
mText.getEl().on('contextmenu', function(e,t,eOpts) {e.stopEvent();cur_obj=mText;mnutxtContext.showAt(e.getXY());});
The mSurface.removeAll() do nothing !! so I use this to clear the panel:
Ext.each(mSurface.items.items, function(cmp)
//mSurface.remove(cmp); //doesn't work also
I have read almost every thing in extjs 4.2 api and tried to google it but nothing, I think that removeAll should work, maybe the way I add the labels to the panel is wrong or there is something that I am missing...
Thank you for advice..:-)
I found the solution after struggling..:-(((((
I just change the config to:
var mText = new Ext.form.Label({id:obj.get('o_id')});
When I pass the 'id' in the config the 'removeAll' works fine!!! but when I set the 'id' after creating and adding the component to the panel the 'removeAll' doesn't work...
I really don't know why but I'll be happy to have an explanation for this behavior !
I am using Telerik's dropdownlist in my MVC application View. I am facing two problems:
1) When I run my application, I find every value of kendo dropdownlist is "Undefined".
This is the code for my View:
#model IEnumerable<EulenMgrKendoUIMvcApplication.Dominio.Tablas.DelegacionProductoUsuario>
.Name("IdDelegacionProductoDrpDwn").HtmlAttributes(new { #style = "font-size:12px" })
This is my controller, where I populate the dropdownlist:
public class DelegacionProductoUsuarioController : Controller
public ViewResult List()
IEnumerable<DelegacionProductoUsuario> delegaciones = DelegacionProductoUsuario.GetAll();
return View(delegaciones);
private void PopulateDelegacionProducto()
List<Int64> IdDelegacionProductoList = new List<Int64>();
foreach( DelegacionProductoUsuario d in DelegacionProductoUsuario.GetAll()){
ViewData["IdDelegacionProducto"] =IdDelegacionProductoList ;
>I am debugging the application and the controller is passing to the view the proper values,so I don't understand why it doesn't show them.
2) Second problem: I insert this Dropdownlist in one of the columns of a kendo grid with no success.
In it's place it appears a common label. Here is the code for my Grid, I mark in Bold the column where I try to show my dropdownList:
columns.Bound(d => d.BorradoLogico).Title("Borrado logico");
columns.Bound(d => d.FTick).Title("Ftick");
**columns.Bound(d => d.IdDelegacionProducto).Title("IdDelegacionProducto").EditorTemplateName("IdDelegacionProductoDrpDwn");**
columns.Bound(d => d.IdUsuario).Title("IdUsuario");
How does that 'DelegacionProductoUsuario' class look like? Does it have property named 'IdDelegacionProducto' ? It looks like you have not set the dataValueField correctly.
As for the second question, where did you put that EditorTemplate (is it in the Shared/EditorTemplate or in a EditorTemplates folder? More info about editor template can be found here.
Dear Petur: thanks a lot for answering. On regard to your answer:
My class DelegacionProductoUsuario does have a property called IdDelegacionProducto. On regard to your question "where I place the EditorTemplate" , I don't understand what you mean, I place it in the view that Lists all of my DelegacionProductoUsuario . Please keep on helping me. Thanks a lot Petur.
I have set up a ComboBox in grid. It shows everything fine but when I select anything in the ComboBox it is not posting the right value to the server, I debugged it and found out that it always posts value 0.
Any idea why is that and how to fix it?
Here's the important code:
//lista za stvaratelje (ComboBox)
var stvaratelji = newStvarateljiService.GetAllStvaratelje();
//za combobox
ViewBag.stvaratelji = stvaratelji;
//za selectlist
var listaStvaratelja = new SelectList(stvaratelji, "IdStvaratelj", "Naziv");
ViewData["stvaratelji"] = listaStvaratelja;
columns.ForeignKey(b => b.StvarateljId, (SelectList)ViewData["stvaratelji"]).Title("Stvaratelji").EditorTemplateName("Stvaratelji").Width("30%");
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<%= Html.Telerik().ComboBoxFor(m => m)
.Filterable(filtering =>
I am using selectList with foreignKey because when the grid is not in edit mode it shows value (ID) instead of the name, but that's a completely different issue and one not so important. Nevertheless if someone knows how to set ComboBox to show the name when the grid is not in edit mode it would be also appreciated.
I figured out what is the problem.
I changed the name of EditorTemplate's ComboBoxFor in "StvarateljId" because ComboBoxFor is not bound to the Title in the Grid but the name of the property in "ForeignKey" part.
To address the question in the comment of your answer ("not to use SelectList"):
Have you tried changing from a ForeignKey to a simple Bound column with a DisplayTemplates/StvarateljId similar to the EditorTemplates? I have had some success with this setup instead of using the ForeignKey.
Here is a link to the demos at Telerik showing this exact setup.
Got an issue, and need your advices
I just started writing an editor grid. (I will actually use this grid as a search filter editor, i.e. columns with criteria name, operators and values).
Now, for the value field, I want to have different edit controls for different rows. For instance, when a criteria type is string I want to display a text box, when it's date time, I want a datetime editor.
So the fact is, I need to control the "edit control creation/display" just before editing starts. and it should be different among rows. Unlike the examples I found which are fixed for the columns.
In order to implement this, can you guys please suggest the steps I need to do? I can probably figure out it if one of you can direct me a way.
Thanks and best regards
Actually you can easily accomplish this by dynamically returning different editors and renders depending on the column you're in. In your ColumnModel object you can define something like this below. Note that i'm getting a type property of each record to determine its type. I have an object containing all my different types of editors, and the same for renderers, and then based on the the type i dish out a different editor or renderer for that cell.
editors: { 'default': {xtype:'textfield'},
texttype: {xtype:'textfield'},
numbertype: {xtype:'numberfield'},
combotype: {xtype:'combo'}....... etc. }
getCellEditor: function(colIndex, rowIndex) {
var store = Ext.getCmp('mygrid').getStore();
var field = this.getDataIndex(colIndex);
var rec = store.getAt(rowIndex);
var type = rec.get('type');
if (type in this.editors) {
return this.editors[type];
} else {
return this.editors['default'];
In the configuration section of your editorgrid, you will need to define your custom editors:
xtype: 'editorgrid',
id : 'mygridID',
stripeRows: true,
,customEditors : {
//configs go here or pre-define the configs prior to this
'columnName1' : new Ext.grid.GridEditor(new Ext.form.Combobox(configObject)),
//configs go here or pre-define the configs prior to this
'columnName7' : new Ext.grid.GridEditor(new Ext.form.CheckBox(configObject))
use this grid config - in order to select whole rows:
selType: 'rowmodel'