SQL Agent and Running SSIS Across Network Not Working - sql-server

I have a vb script which moves files from one server to another and it works successfully when run manually but when a job is created in SQL Agent to automate the process it doesn't perform the task. SQL Agent doesn't fail it simply does not perform the move.
I granted local admin rights to the account performing the task and still nothing. I copied the files manually to the local SQL Server but I still get the same outcome when attempting to run the job in SQL Agent.
I also tried using FQDN but it still doesn't perform the process. Any suggestions? Please help and thanks in advance.

if you have 32 bit try:
For the package to work. If you do not have Destop folder, create one and it should work.

Try to check: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop folder for the package to work.


SQL Server Deployed SSIS package won't open files despite SA account having access to folder

I posted a similar question before, but I have now came back to the point where I need to deal with this and after some tuning I have managed to get rid of all the errors, except one warning that basically tells me that the path provided to the package not finding any files in the directory (which is false). This almost makes me want to believe this is again a permissions issue. As when I run the package locally it all works fine. Here is the warning:
Same message appears when I right click SSIS package under the catalogue and directly try to execute the job.
I made sure that the caller has full permissions to the folder in question
SQL Server Agent Job calls the job like so
With a single step in it to execute the SSIS package from the catalogue:
The history of the executions is all successful and the history of SQL Agent job is all green
One of the suggestions I got was to open SQL Server Configuration manager but I don't appear to have access to that. I am new to this whole process so I am not sure if authentication has something to do with it or the sa account's permissions.
Note: I am working on this on a remote dev server and not directly on my pc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since you're running the package as the Agent Service Account:
The permissions need to be applied to the SQL Server Agent Service Account or its per-service SID.
You can see the service account with PowerShell like this:
PS C:\Users\david> (Get-WmiObject win32_service | where Name -eq "SQLSERVERAGENT").StartName
Turns out the database instance was on a whole different server that I wasn't even given access to. That server obviously didn't have the path specified in the SSIS package, so what I had to do is create a folder for files in the correct server, reroute my files there, and change the SSIS package path after obtaining the access to the server where DB instance lives. Me being new to all this, it was absolute frustration especially since our team is small and I am new in it I can't just ask someone questions about this all the time. Hopefully this will save someone a lot of time.

SQL Job completes successfully but does not execute packages

I have taken a look at several articles including this unanswered question: SQL Server Job runs successfully but doesn't execute packages
I have the exact same problem in SQL Server 2012 using the integration services MSDB catalog. I can execute the SSIS packages manually from that catalog, but the agent job doesn't do anything except state that it completed successfully. I have also executed my SSIS packages from within Visual Studio and they worked just fine. Here's the situation and am wondering if it may be permissions:
SSIS packages look for Excel files matching criteria in a network location.
Once found, the SSIS packages writing the data into the database and archive the file to another folder on that same network location.
Emails are sent upon any failure of import of data into the database or migration into the archive folders.
I have the SQL Agent job running the SSIS packages from a package store (MSDB) using the SQL Server Agent Service Account to run under. Currently we are not doing any sort of project deployment to these servers so I am sticking with package deployment. Here are some steps I've taken:
Run packages manually from Visual Studio 2010 (fully successful).
Run packages manually from SQL Server MSDB catalog (fully successful).
Run job manually from SQL Server Agent using parent package as a step that will execute child packages as an external reference (success but nothing happens).
Run job manually from SQL Server Agent using each package as its own step excluding the parent package (success but nothing happens).
Any ideas? Permissions to the network location or need a proxy? Again, I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition 64-bit. Many thanks for any help you can provide.
Found the problem. My SSIS package has a foreach loop container and, while the tasks inside the loop container couldn't access the destination, the loop container technically completed successfully. We had to give permissions to the account the steps were running under for the job to correct that. These permissions were put on the network location to allow that account access to read and write to that location. Additionally, my Excel connection was 64-bit so we enabled it to 32-bit runtime and this allowed that portion of the process to complete successfully. I re-enabled any disabled tasks and it looks good to go now. Thanks!
I have also faced this scenario many times but when I checked running the package manually,its completing successfully because I was using for each loop container and sequence container as well.In both cases for each loop and sequence were completing without validating other ones.So I checked precedence constraint and change it,Now it working and all the component ran successfully.
Sometimes we miss to choose appropriate precedence constraint, there are many option like on Success ,failure,completion and then for you can choose values from Constraint ,Expression,Expression AND Constraint and Expression OR Constraint.
Initially i was using Expression OR Constraint for success and now changed it to Expression AND Constraint, its working fine for me.
You also need to do this,it will definitely work please try and let me know.

SSIS File System task didn't copy files from the source server location when scheduled

I'm new to SSIS and stuck with a problem and hope some of them would have already gone through any of this.
Copying files from a remote server to a local machine folder using File System task and For each loop container.
The job executes i.e. files are getting copied successfully when I execute from the SSIS designer but when deployed the project on the SQL server instance it isn't copying any files in fact the target folder is totally empty.
I'm not understanding this strange behavior. Any inputs would be of great help!
Santosh G.
The For each loop will not error out if it doesn't find any files.
The SQL Agent account may not have access to read the directory contents.
Check is your path a variable - is it being set by a config or /SET statement?
Can you log the path before starting the for loop?
Can you copy a dummy file and see can SSIS see this file?
How are you running the job - cmd_exec() can give spurious results with file I/O tasks
The issue was related to the user authorizarions of the SQL Server agent service.
When I execute the job from SQL Server it uses agent service and for that agent service you need to assign a service user who has access rights to the desired file path.

After Deployment SQL Server does not allow folder / file creation within SSIS Script Task

I designed a SSIS package that ensures .CSV file generation into a destination folder using a Script Task component. Everything is ok when I run from the Visual Studio solution but the problems starts to appear right after deployment in SQL Server. The Script Task shows success but no file is generated. If someone please can provide help.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Are you running it through a SQL job? This might be because the SQL Agent account (or whatever account you're running with) might not have Read/Write permissions on that particular directory.

SQL Agent cannot access UNC share

I have a SSIS package which creates a folder in an UNC share and then creates a file there (using script task).
The domain account which is used by SSIS and Agent has all the possible permissions in the DB computer and the share computer.
It always fails there.
I created a test SQL Agent job which creates a backup of the database in the same location and it fails too (Operating system error 5 - access denied).
EDIT: The above test example may be irrelevant since the backup operation is executed by SQL Server Database Engine and not the SQL Agent itself (Agent still schedules the task).
I cannot debug the script task in SSIS and therefore Im not sure what is the problem.
I have managed to fix this problem. The first problem was lack of sufficient task activation/execution permissions in the DCOM config node in Component Services. The permissions had to be set for SQL Server Integration Services.
The second problem was the fact that the UNC path looked like this:
I needed to create another share (visible) like that:
Also don't try to map any drives to the folders. It won't work.
