Adding a new primary key column - sql-server

SQL SERVER, I'm working with a table that uses a guid for the key instead of an int but for the integration I'm working on, I need it to be an int. So, I want to write something that will create an ID column if it doesn't exist and populate it with the next highest ID. I'm not really sure how to do this though. Does anyone have code that does this?
i've tried this but the update doesn't work because they're null
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'c_Product'AND COLUMN_NAME = 'ProductId')
ALTER TABLE c_Product ADD ProductId INT
UPDATE c_Product SET ProductId = (SELECT Max(ProductId) + 1 END FROM c_Product)

Am I being dense here. Are you not just wanting to do:
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'c_Product'AND COLUMN_NAME = 'ProductId')
ALTER TABLE c_Product ADD ProductId INT IDENTITY(1,1) not null
Which will assign identity values for all existing rows, and then provide new numbers as new rows are inserted.

Ok, so you add a column called ProductId of type INT, which by the way is NULL. SQL Server stores values in one of three states. TRUE, FALSE, NULL. Now remember Null is not empty, it is not zero, it is not true and it is not false. It is pretty much that thing that never happens and doesnt exist. Get the point? Ok, so your row with this highest value in the 'newly' created column is ---- NULL. So what is the MAX(PorductId)? NULL. What is Null + 1? NULL. So, unless you set one value to 1 anywhere, you will be stuck in this never ending loop forever.
Back to table design. Using a GUID for a primary key, is a very bad no no! This will severely negatively impact the performance of your table. Unless you write an app that has to join over multiple servers, and platforms, STAY AWAY FROM USING GUIDS as the primary key. Long explanation, but basically all inserts are random, and then index page splits occur just about with every insert, and searches are slower too, and to use 16 bytes per row just for the PK column, not good. And then that is added to every other NC index, bad bad bad. If you can, change your table structure for good. Use and int.


SQL Server Auto Incrementing Identity Per Customer(Tenant) With No Gaps

We have a multi-tenant database which holds multiple customers with each customer having a collection of users like so (Simplified example omitting foreign key specification from users to customers):
CREATE TABLE dbo.Customers
CustomerId INT NOT NULL,
As part of this design the users are required to have a membership number, when we designed this we decided to use the UserId as the membership number however as with all things this requirement has grown and this is no longer an option for two reasons:
After we upgraded to 2012 on each server restart the column is jumping by 1000 values, we have used the workaround shown here: (-t272) to stop that happening but has made us realise that IDENTITY(1, 1) isn't good enough.
What we really want now is to ensure that the number is incremented per customer but it has to be permanent and cannot change once assigned.
Obviously a sequence will not work as again it needs to be per customer we also need to enforce a unique constraint on this per customer/user and ensure that the value is never changed once assigned and does not change if a user is deleted (although this shouldn't happen as we don't delete users but mark them as archived, however I want to guarantee this won't affect it).
Below is a sample of what I wrote which can generate the number, but what is the best way to use this or something similar which ensures a unique, sequential value per customer/user without a chance of any issues as users could be created at the same time from different sessions.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY i.UserId) + ISNULL((SELECT MAX(users.MembershipNumber)
FROM [User].Users users
WHERE users.Customers_CustomerId = i.Customers_CustomerId), 0)
EDIT: Clarification
I apologise I just re-read my question and I did not make this clear enough, we are not looking to replace UserId, we are happy with the gaps and unique per database identifier that is used on all foreign keys, what we are looking to add is a MembershipNumber that will be displayed to the User which is why it needs to be sequential per customer with no gaps as this membership number will be used on cards that are given to the user so needs to be unique.
Since you already found the problem with Identity columns and how to fix it, I wouldn't say it's not good enough.
However, it doesn't seem to suit your needs since you want the user number to increment per customer.
I would suggest keeping the User column as an Identity column and the primary key of the table, and add another column to specify the User number by customer. this column will also be an integer number with a default value of the result of a UDF that will calculate the next number per customer (see example in this post).
You can protect that value from ever changing by using an instead of update trigger on the users table.
This way to keep a single column primary key, any you have a unique, sequential user number per customer.
Apparently, it is impossible to send column values to a default constraint.
But you can still use an instead of insert trigger to accomplish your goal.
It's because of the default caching sqlserver implements for the sequence objects. See this former thread
Identity increment is jumping in SQL Server database
If the gaps are an issue, sql-server2012 has introduced the Sequence object. These you can declare with NOCACHE, so restarting the Server doesn't create gaps.
I want to share my thoughts on it. Please see below.
Create seperate table which will holds CustomerID and Count columns like below.
CREATE TABLE dbo.CustomerSequence
#CustomerID int,
#Count int
Write some kind of stored proc like below.
CREATE PROC dbo.usp_GetNextValueByCustomerID
#CustomerID int,
#Count int OUTPUT
UPDATE dbo.CustomerSequence
SET #Count = Count += Count
WHERE CustomerID = #CustomerID;
Just call the above stored proc by passing CustomerID and get the next Sequence value from it.
If you have several users adding new registers simultaneously, I think the best idea is to create a compound Primary key, where the user is a tiny byte (if you have less than 255 users) and the incremental number is an integer. Then, when adding a new register you create a string Primary Key, like 'NN.xxxxxx' . Assuming [Number] is your incremental number and [Code] is the user's code (or local machine assigned number), you assign the new UserId using the DMax function , as follows:
NextNumber = Nz(DMax("Number", "clients", "Code=" & Me!code, 0) + 1
UserId= code & "." & NextNumber
NN is the user's code
"." is used to separate both fields, and
XXXX is the new Number

How to emulate a BEFORE INSERT trigger in T-SQL / SQL Server for super/subtype (Inheritance) entities? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I do a BEFORE UPDATED trigger with sql server?
(9 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
This is on Azure.
I have a supertype entity and several subtype entities, the latter of which needs to obtain their foreign keys from the primary key of the super type entity on each insert. In Oracle, I use a BEFORE INSERT trigger to accomplish this. How would one accomplish this in SQL Server / T-SQL?
super_id int IDENTITY(1,1)
,subtype_discriminator char(4) CHECK (subtype_discriminator IN ('SUB1', 'SUB2')
,CONSTRAINT super_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (super_id)
sub_id int IDENTITY(1,1)
,super_id int NOT NULL
,CONSTRAINT sub_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (sub_id)
,CONSTRAINT sub_super_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (super_id) REFERENCES super (super_id)
I wish for an insert into sub1 to fire a trigger that actually inserts a value into super and uses the super_id generated to put into sub1.
In Oracle, this would be accomplished by the following:
v_super_id int; //Ignore the fact that I could have used super_id_seq.CURRVAL
INSERT INTO super (super_id, subtype_discriminator)
VALUES (super_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'SUB1')
RETURNING super_id INTO v_super_id;
:NEW.super_id := v_super_id;
Please advise on how I would simulate this in T-SQL, given that T-SQL lacks the BEFORE INSERT capability?
Sometimes a BEFORE trigger can be replaced with an AFTER one, but this doesn't appear to be the case in your situation, for you clearly need to provide a value before the insert takes place. So, for that purpose, the closest functionality would seem to be the INSTEAD OF trigger one, as #marc_s has suggested in his comment.
Note, however, that, as the names of these two trigger types suggest, there's a fundamental difference between a BEFORE trigger and an INSTEAD OF one. While in both cases the trigger is executed at the time when the action determined by the statement that's invoked the trigger hasn't taken place, in case of the INSTEAD OF trigger the action is never supposed to take place at all. The real action that you need to be done must be done by the trigger itself. This is very unlike the BEFORE trigger functionality, where the statement is always due to execute, unless, of course, you explicitly roll it back.
But there's one other issue to address actually. As your Oracle script reveals, the trigger you need to convert uses another feature unsupported by SQL Server, which is that of FOR EACH ROW. There are no per-row triggers in SQL Server either, only per-statement ones. That means that you need to always keep in mind that the inserted data are a row set, not just a single row. That adds more complexity, although that'll probably conclude the list of things you need to account for.
So, it's really two things to solve then:
replace the BEFORE functionality;
replace the FOR EACH ROW functionality.
My attempt at solving these is below:
ON sub1
DECLARE #new_super TABLE (
super_id int
INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO #new_super (super_id)
INSERT INTO sub (super_id)
SELECT super_id FROM #new_super;
This is how the above works:
The same number of rows as being inserted into sub1 is first added to super. The generated super_id values are stored in a temporary storage (a table variable called #new_super).
The newly inserted super_ids are now inserted into sub1.
Nothing too difficult really, but the above will only work if you have no other columns in sub1 than those you've specified in your question. If there are other columns, the above trigger will need to be a bit more complex.
The problem is to assign the new super_ids to every inserted row individually. One way to implement the mapping could be like below:
ON sub1
DECLARE #new_super TABLE (
rownum int IDENTITY (1, 1),
super_id int
INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO #new_super (super_id)
WITH enumerated AS (
FROM inserted
INSERT INTO sub1 (super_id, other columns)
SELECT n.super_id, i.other columns
FROM enumerated AS i
INNER JOIN #new_super AS n
ON i.rownum = n.rownum;
As you can see, an IDENTIY(1,1) column is added to #new_user, so the temporarily inserted super_id values will additionally be enumerated starting from 1. To provide the mapping between the new super_ids and the new data rows, the ROW_NUMBER function is used to enumerate the INSERTED rows as well. As a result, every row in the INSERTED set can now be linked to a single super_id and thus complemented to a full data row to be inserted into sub1.
Note that the order in which the new super_ids are inserted may not match the order in which they are assigned. I considered that a no-issue. All the new super rows generated are identical save for the IDs. So, all you need here is just to take one new super_id per new sub1 row.
If, however, the logic of inserting into super is more complex and for some reason you need to remember precisely which new super_id has been generated for which new sub row, you'll probably want to consider the mapping method discussed in this Stack Overflow question:
Using merge..output to get mapping between and
While Andriy's proposal will work well for INSERTs of a small number of records, full table scans will be done on the final join as both 'enumerated' and '#new_super' are not indexed, resulting in poor performance for large inserts.
This can be resolved by specifying a primary key on the #new_super table, as follows:
DECLARE #new_super TABLE (
super_id int
This will result in the SQL optimizer scanning through the 'enumerated' table but doing an indexed join on #new_super to get the new key.

Stuck at creating a trigger

performing some MSSQL exercises, and I am trying to create a trigger. However, the solution I have, comes across as theoretically correct to me but it is not working.
The aim is to create a trigger for a table that has only two columns. One column is the primary key and is Identity and does not allow null values. The other column is one that ALLOWS NULL values. However, it permits NULL values ONLY FOR A SINGLE ROW in the entire table. Basically a trigger should fire for an insert/update operation on this table which attempts to insert/update the column to a NULL value when there is already an existing NULL value for the column in the table.
This condition I capture in my trigger code as follows:
After Insert, Update
If ( (select count(NoDupName) from TestUniqueNulls where NoDupName is null) > 1 )
Print 'There already is a row that contains a NULL value, transaction aborted';
However, the transaction executes itself nonetheless. I am not sure why this is happening and the trigger is not firing itself.
So anybody to enlighten my misgivings here?
I also have used set ANSI_WARNINGS OFF at the start of the trigger.
count(col) only counts non null values so count(NoDupName) ... where NoDupName is null will always be zero. You would need to check count(*) instead.
I realise this is just a practice exercise but an indexed view might be a better mechanism for this.
CREATE VIEW dbo.NoMoreThanOneNull
FROM dbo.TestUniqueNulls
Yeah that's a gotcha. The expression inside parens of the COUNT has to evaluate to not null, otherwise it will not be counted. So it is safer to use *, or 1 or any not nullable column in the expression. The most commonly encountered expression is '*', although you can come across '1' as well. There is no difference between these expressions in terms of performance. However if you use expression that can evaluate to null (like nullable column), your counts and other aggregations can be completely off.
create table nulltest(a int null)
insert nulltest(a) values (1), (null), (2)
select * from nulltest
select COUNT(*) from nulltest
select COUNT(1) from nulltest
select COUNT(a) from nulltest
drop table nulltest

Creating a SQL Server trigger to transition from a natural key to a surrogate key

At work where we're planning on deprecating a Natural Key column in one of our primary tables. The project consists of 100+ applications that link to this table/column; 400+ stored procedures that reference this column directly; and a vast array of common tables between these applications that also reference this column.
The Big Bang and Start from Scratch methods are out of the picture. We're going to deprecate this column one application at a time, certify the changes, and move on to the next... and we've got a lengthy target goal to make this effort practical.
The problem I have is that a lot of these applications have shared stored procedures and tables. If I completely convert all of Application A's tables/stored procedures Application B and C will be broken until converted. These in turn may break applications D, E, F...Etc. I've already got a strategy implemented for Code classes and Stored Procedures, the part I'm stuck on is the transitioning state of the database.
Here's a basic example of what we have:
Code varchar(32) natural key
UserCode varchar(32) foreign key
AccessLevel int
And we're aiming now just for transitional state like this:
Code varchar(32)
Id int surrogate key
UserCode varchar(32)
UserID int foreign key
AccessLevel int
The idea being during the transitional phase un-migrated applications and stored procedures will still be able to access all the appropriate data and new ones can start pushing to the correct columns -- Once the migration is complete for all stored procedures and applications we can finally drop the extra columns.
I wanted to use SQL Server's triggers to automatically intercept any new Insert/Update's and do something like the following on each of the affected tables:
ON Access
DIM #code as Varchar(32)
DIM #id as int
SET #code = (SELECT inserted.code FROM inserted)
SET #id = (SELECT inserted.code FROM inserted)
-- This is a migrated application; find the appropriate legacy key
SELECT Code FROM Users WHERE = #id
-- This is a legacy application; find the appropriate surrogate key
SELECT Code FROM Users WHERE = #id
-- Impossible code:
UPDATE inserted SET inserted.code=#code,
The 2 huge problems I'm having so far are:
I can't do an "AFTER INSERT" because NULL constraints will make the insert fail.
The "impossible code" I mentioned is how I'd like to cleanly proxy the original query; If the original query has x, y, z columns in it or just x, I ideally would like the same trigger to do these. And if I add/delete another column, I'd like the trigger to remain functional.
Anyone have a code example where this could be possible, or even an alternate solution for keeping these columns properly filled even when only one of values is passed to SQL?
Tricky business...
OK, first of all: this trigger will NOT work in many circumstances:
SET #code = (SELECT inserted.code FROM inserted)
SET #id = (SELECT inserted.code FROM inserted)
The trigger can be called with a set of rows in the Inserted pseudo-table - which one are you going to pick here?? You need to write your trigger in such a fashion that it will work even when you get 10 rows in the Inserted table. If a SQL statement inserts 10 rows, your trigger will not be fired ten times - one for each row - but only once for the whole batch - you need to take that into account!
Second point: I would try to make the ID's IDENTITY fields - then they'll always get a value - even for "legacy" apps. Those "old" apps should provide a legacy key instead - so you should be fine there. The only issue I see and don't know how you handle those are inserts from an already converted app - do they provide an "old-style" legacy key as well? If not - how quickly do you need to have such a key?
What I'm thinking about would be a "cleanup job" that would run over the table and get all the rows with a NULL legacy key and then provide some meaningful value for it. Make this a regular stored procedure and execute it every e.g. day, four hours, 30 minutes - whatever suits your needs. Then you don't have to deal with triggers and all the limitations they have.
Wouldn't it be possible to make the schema changes 'bigbang' but create views over the top of those tables that 'hide' the change?
I think you might find you are simply putting off the breakages to a later point in time: "We're going to deprecate this column one application at a time" - it might be my naivety but I can't see how that's ever going to work.
Surely, a worse mess can occur when different applications are doing things differently?
After sleeping on the problem, this seems to be the most generic/re-usable solution I could come up with within the SQL Syntax. It works fine even if both columns have a NOT NULL restraint, even if you don't reference the "other" column at all in your insert.
ON Access
/*-- Create a temporary table to modify because "inserted" is read-only */
/*-- "temp" is actually "#temp" but it throws off stackoverflow's syntax highlighting */
SELECT * INTO temp FROM inserted
/*-- If for whatever reason the secondary table has it's own identity column */
/*-- we need to get rid of it from our #temp table to do an Insert later with identities on */
ALTER TABLE temp DROP COLUMN oneToManyIdentity
UserCode = ISNULL(UserCode, (SELECT UserCode FROM Users U WHERE U.UserID = temp.UserID)),
UserID = ISNULL(UserID, (SELECT UserID FROM Users U WHERE U.UserCode = temp.UserCode))

Using a trigger to simulate a second identity column in SQL Server 2005

I have various reasons for needing to implement, in addition to the identity column PK, a second, concurrency safe, auto-incrementing column in a SQL Server 2005 database. Being able to have more than one identity column would be ideal, but I'm looking at using a trigger to simulate this as close as possible to the metal.
I believe I have to use a serializable isolation level transaction in the trigger. Do I go about this like Ii would use such a transaction in a normal SQL query?
It is a non-negotiable requirement that the business meaning of the second incrementing column remain separated from the behind the scenes meaning of the first, PK, incrementing column.
To put things as simply as I can, if I create JobCards '0001', '0002', and '0003', then delete JobCards '0002' and '0003', the next Jobcard I create must have ID '0002', not '0004'.
Just an idea, if you have 2 "identity" columns, then surely they would be 'in sync' - if not exactly the same value, then would differ by a constant value. If so, then why not add the "second identity" column as a COMPUTED column, which offsets the primary identity? Or is my logic flawed here?
Edit : As per Martin's comment, note that your calc might need to be N * id + C, where N is the Increment and C the offset / delta - excuse my rusty maths.
For example:
ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD OtherIdentity AS Id * 2 + 1;
Note that for Sql 2012 and later, that you can now use an independent sequence to create two or more independently incrementing columns in the same table.
Note: OP has edited the original requirement to include reclaiming sequences (noting that identity columns in SQL do not reclaim used ID's once deleted).
I would disallow all the deletes from this table altogether. Instead of deleting, I would mark rows as available or inactive. Instead of inserting, I would first search if there are inactive rows, and reuse the one with the smallest ID if they exist. I would insert only if there are no available rows already in the table.
Of course, I would serialize all inserts and deletes with sp_getapplock.
You can use a trigger to disallow all deletes, it is simpler than filling gaps.
A solution to this issue from "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying" is to create another table with a single row that holds the current max value.
CREATE TABLE dbo.Sequence(
val int
Then to allocate a range of sufficient size for your insert
CREATE PROC dbo.GetSequence
#val AS int OUTPUT,
#n as int =1
UPDATE dbo.Sequence
SET #val = val = val + #n;
SET #val = #val - #n + 1;
This will block other concurrent attempts to increment the sequence until the first transaction commits.
For a non blocking solution that doesn't handle multi row inserts see my answer here.
This is probably a terrible idea, but it works in at least a limited use scenario
Just use a regular identity and reseed on deletes.
create table reseedtest (
a int identity(1,1) not null,
name varchar(100)
insert reseedtest values('erik'),('john'),('selina')
select * from reseedtest
CREATE TRIGGER TR_reseedtest_D ON reseedtest FOR DELETE
DECLARE #a int
--anyone know another way to lock a table besides doing something to it?
DBCC CHECKIDENT(reseedtest, reseed, 0)
DBCC CHECKIDENT(reseedtest, reseed)
delete reseedtest where a >= 2
insert reseedtest values('katarina'),('david')
select * from reseedtest
drop table reseedtest
This won't work if you are deleting from the "middle of the stack" as it were, but it works fine for deletes from the incrementing end.
Reseeding once to 0 then again is just a trick to avoid having to calculate the correct reseed value.
if you never delete from the table, you could create a view with a materialized column that uses ROW_NUMBER().
ALSO, a SQL Server identity can get out of sync with a user generated one, depending on the use of rollback.
