How do algorithms differ from design patterns? - c

I am new to C programming; coming from an OOP PHP background.
I find C to be (no wonder) a much more difficult language. I had particularly lots of problems figuring out a couple of things on arrays at first: like there is no native associative array.
Now, this part I guess I'm figuring out little by little, but now I have a question regarding a conversation I had just yesterday with a C developer. She was explaining the binary search algorithm to me because I asked her whether there were libraries to do array related stuff in C or not because it seemed like a smarter solution than always re-inventing the wheel.
I would really love to learn more about algorithms in C, in particular what differences are there between algorithms and the design patterns I'm used to using in PHP?

Taking things in order: the extent of C's support for anything like an associative array would be qsort to sort an array of structures based on a key, and bsearch to find one based on a key. There are, of course, quite a few alternatives -- various other libraries have hash tables, balanced trees, etc. Exactly which will suit your purposes is hard to guess though.
Offhand, I don't know of many good books covering algorithms that use C as their primary vehicle for demonstration. A few obvious recommendations for books on algorithms in general (mostly language independent) would be:
The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth. This is pretty much the class algorithms book. It's now (finally) up to four volumes. Knuth originally started on it in 1967, planning to write 7 volumes. Only three volumes were available for a long time. A fourth was added quite recently. At the rate he's going, it's only going to make it to 7 if Knuth lives to be well past 100 years old. Nonetheless, the parts that are there are extremely good -- but (warning!) he analyzes the algorithms in considerable detail; if you don't know at least a little calculus, a fair amount will probably be hard to follow.
Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein. IIRC, there's now a newer edition than I have, which adds yet another author. This is a large book (dropping it on your toes would be quite painful). It uses a fair amount of mathematical notation and such throughout, but if you're willing to work a little at looking up the notation, it's really pretty understandable. It covers quite a bit of important ground (e.g., graph algorithms) that are scheduled for later volumes of Knuth, but not (at least yet) available there.
Algorithms and Data Structures by Aho, Hopcraft and Ullman. This is (by a pretty fair margin) the smallest, lightest, and at least for most people probably the easiest of these to follow.
Though it's only available used anymore, if you can find a copy of Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs by Niklaus Wirth, that's what I'd really suggest. It uses Pascal (no surprise -- Niklaus Wirth invented Pascal), but that's enough like C that it doesn't cause a real problem. It doesn't go into as much depth as Knuth about each algorithm, but still enough to give a good feel for when one is likely to be a good choice versus another. For somebody in your position (some background in programming, but little in this area) it's my top recommendation.
Though I've said it before, I think it bears repeating: IMO, all of Robert Sedgewick's books on algorithms should be avoided. Algorithms in C++ is probably the worst of them, but the others are only marginally better. The code they include (again, especially the C++ version) is truly execrable, and the descriptions of algorithms are often incomplete and/or misleading. The most recent editions have fixed some of the problems, but (IMO) not nearly enough to qualify as something that should ever be recommended. If there was no alternative, you could probably get by with these, but given the number of alternatives that are dramatically superior, the only reason to read these at all is if somebody gives them to you, and you absolutely can't afford anything else.
As far as algorithms versus design patterns goes, the line can get blurry in places, but generally an algorithm is much more tightly defined. An algorithm will normally have a specific, tightly defined input which it processes in a specific way to produce an equally specific result/output. A design pattern tends to be more loosely defined, more generic. An algorithm can be generic as well (e.g., a sorting algorithms might require a type that defines a strict, weak ordering) but still has specific requirements on the type.
A design pattern tends to be somewhat more loosely defined. For example, the visitor pattern involves processing groups of objects -- but we don't want to modify the types of those objects when we decide we need to process them in a new and different way. We do that by defining the processes separately from the objects to be processed, along with how we'll traverse the groups of objects, and allow a process to work with each.
To look at it from a rather different direction, you can usually implement an algorithm with a function or a small group of functions. A design pattern tends to be oriented more toward the style in which you write your code, rather than just "here's a function, use it."

"Algorithms in C, Parts 1-5 (Bundle): Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, and Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition)"
Cannot stress how good that series is.


Is my Sudoku algorithm considered an "expert system"?

I wrote a code which has all the rules of Sudoku written into it (one occurence of a digit per column, line, and square). The code takes an input (unfilled sudoku grid), and returns a solution by translating logical clauses into DIMACS format and using a SAT solver.
Given that the algorithm respects rules, takes in data, and uses that data to form conclusion based on implications (eg if there is a 1 in the first cell, there cannot be a 1 in the second cell), is this code considered an "expert system"? Thank you.
Whether a program is an expert system is subjective, but I'd say unless your program is encoding non-trivial knowledge acquired from a domain expert, it's not an expert system. If you can't teach another person to practically do what your program is doing, it's not an expert system.
By that definition, what you've done is probably not an expert system since it would be too time consuming for a person to use the same technique. I've written a sudoku solver using a production system ( that I would consider to be an expert system. The encoded knowledge was acquired from websites with advanced techniques for humans to use for solving sudoku puzzles. All of the encoded techniques can be practically used by humans for solving puzzles (although some of the more complex techniques push that boundary).
Although my sudoku solver can solve much more complicated puzzles than I could, calling it an expert system is not an indication of its sophistication. There are better approaches for solving extremely complex sudoku puzzles than emulating approaches humans might take.
In the 80's, I had written a clone of the Emycin expert system engine. One important characteristic was the ability for the user to ask WHY the expert system got some conclusion. The system could reply (in an almost natural language) that it applied such and such rules to get to the conclusion.
With this kind of system, the knowledge is modeled and implemented (by a cognitician engineer) as an explicit set of rules. These rules are objects known by the engine. The engine can trigger the rules (forward or backward or maybe using metarules...) and can log the triggered rules and thus explain its conclusions.
(this is my sense for expert systems).

What specific examples are there of knowing C making you a better high level programmer?

I know about the existance of question such as this one and this one. Let me explain.
Afet reading Joel's article Back to Basics and seeing many similar questions on SO, I've begun to wonder what are specific examples of situations where knowing stuff like C can make you a better high level programmer.
What I want to know is if there are many examples of this. Many times, the answer to this question is something like "Knowing C gives you a better feel of what's happening under the covers" or "You need a solid foundation for your program", and these answers don't have much meaning. I want to understand the different specific ways in which you will benefit from knowing low level concepts,
Joel gave a couple of examples: Binary databases vs XML, and strings. But two examples don't really justify learning C and/or Assembly. So my question is this: What specific examples are there of knowing C making you a better high level programmer?
My experience with teaching students and working with people who only studied high-level languages is that they tend to think at a certain high level of abstraction, and they assume that "everything comes for free". They can become very competent programmers, but eventually they have to deal with some code that has performance issues and then it comes to bite them.
When you work a lot with C, you do think about memory allocation. You often think about memory layout (and cache locality if that's an issue). You understand how and why certain graphics operations just cost a lot. How efficient or inefficient certain socket behaviors are. How buffers work, etc. I feel that using the abstractions in a higher level language when you do know how it is implemented below the covers sometimes gives you "that extra secret sauce" when thinking about performance.
For example, Java has a garbage collector and you can't directly assign things to memory directly. And yet, you can make certain design choices (e.g., with custom data structures) that affect performance because of the same reasons this would be an issue in C.
Also, and more generally, I feel that it is important for a power programmer to not only know big-O notation (which most schools teach), but that in real-life applications the constant is also important (which schools try to ignore). My anecdotal experience is that people with skills in both language levels tend to have a better understanding of the constant, perhaps because of what I described above.
In addition, many higher level systems that I have seen interface with lower level libraries and infrastructures. For instance, some communications, databases or graphics libraries. Some drivers for certain devices, etc. If you are a power programmer, you may eventially have to venture out there and it helps to at least have an idea of what is going on.
Knowing low level stuff can help a lot.
To become a racing driver, you have to learn and understand the basic physics of how tyres grip the road. Anyone can learn to drive pretty fast, but you need a good understanding of the "low level" stuff (forces and friction, racing lines, fine throttle and brake control, etc) to get those last few percent of performance that will allow you to win the race.
For example, if you understand how the CPU architecture works in your computer, you can write code that works better with it (e.g. if you know you have a certain CPU cache size or a certain number of bytes in each CPU cache line, you can arrange your data structures and the way that you access them to make the best use of the cache - for example, processing many elements of an array in order is often faster than processing random elements, due to the CPU cache). If you have a multi-core computer, then understanding how low level techniques like threading work can gave huge benefits (just as not understanding the low level can lead to disaster in threading).
If you understand how Disk I/O and caching works, you can modify file operations to work well with it (e.g. if you read from one file and write to another, working on large batches of data in RAM can help reduce I/O contention between the reading and writing phases of your code, and vastly improve throughput)
If you understand how virtual functions work, you can design high-level code that uses virtual functions well. If used incorrectly they can severely hamper performance.
If you understand how drawing is handled, you can use clever tricks to improve drawing speed. e.g. You can draw a chessboard by alternately drawing 64 white and black squares. But it is often faster to draw 32 white sqares and then 32 black ones (because you only have to change the drawing colour twice instead of 64 times). But you can actually draw the whole board black, then XOR 4 stripes across the board and 4 stripes down the board in white, and this can be much faster still (2 colour changes, and only 9 rectangles to draw instead of 64). This chessboard trick teaches you a very important programming skill: Lateral thinking. By designing your algorithm well, you can often make a big difference to how well your program operates.
Understanding C, or for that matter, any low level programming language, gives you an opportunity to understand things like memory usage (i.e. why is it a bad thing to create several million heavy objects), how pointers/object references work, etc.
The problem is that as we've created ever increasing levels of abstraction, we find ourselves doing a lot of 'lego block' programming, without understanding how the legos actually function. And by having almost infinite resources, we start treating memory and resources like water, and tend to solve problems by throwing more iron at the situation.
While not limited to C, there's a tremendous benefit to working at a low level with much smaller, memory constrained systems like the Arduino or old-school 8-bit processors. It lets you experience close to the metal coding in a much more approachable package, and after spending time squeezing apps into 512K, you will find yourself applying these skills at a larger level within your day to day programming.
So the language itself is not important, but having a deeper appreciation for how all of the bits come together, and how to work effectively at a level closer to the hardware is a set of skills beneficial to any software developer.
For one, knowing C helps you understand how memory works in the OS and in other high level languages. When your C# or Java program balloons on memory usage, understanding that references (which are basically just pointers) take memory too, and understand how many of the data structures are implemented (which you get from making your own in C) helps you understand that your dictionary is reserving huge amounts of memory that aren't actually used.
For another, knowing C can help you understand how to make use of lower level operating system features. You don't need this often, but sometimes you may need memory mapped files, or to use marshalling in C#, and C will greatly help understand what you're doing when that happens.
I think C has also helped my understanding of network protocols, but I can't put my finger on specific examples. I was reading another SO question the other day where someone was complaining about how C's bit-fields are 'basically useless' and I was thinking how elegantly C bit fields represent low-level network protocols. High level languages dealing with structures of bits always end up a mess!
In general, the more you know, the better programmer you will be.
However, sometimes knowing another language, such as C, can make you do the wrong thing, because there might be an assumption that is not true in a higher-level language (such as Python, or PHP). For example, one might assume that finding the length of a list might be O(N) where N is the length of the list. However, this is probably not the case in many high-level language instances. In Python, for most list-like things the cost is O(1).
Knowing more about the specifics of a language will help, but knowing more in general might lead one to make incorrect assumptions.
Just "knowing" C would not make you better.
But, if you understand the whole thing, how native binaries work, how does CPU work with it, what are architecture limitations, you may write a code which is easier for CPU.
For example, how L1/L2 caches affect your work, and how should you write your code to have more hits in L1/L2 caches. When working with C/C++ and doing heavy optimizations, you will have to go down to that kind of things.
It isn't so much knowing C as it is that C is closer to the bare metal than many other languages. You need to be more aware of how to allocate/deallocate memory because you have to do it yourself. Doing it yourself helps you understand the implications of many decisions that you make.
To me any language is acceptable as long as you understand how the compiler/interpreter (basically) maps your code onto the machine. It's a bit easier to do in a language that exposes this directly, but you should be able to, with a bit of reading, figure out how memory is allocated and organized, what sort of indexing patterns are more optimal than others, what constructs are more efficient for particular applications, etc.
More important, I think, is a good understanding of operating systems, memory architectures, and algorithms. If you understand how your algorithm works, why it would be better to choose one algorithm or data structure over another (e.g., HashSet vs. List), and how your code maps onto the machine, it shouldn't matter what language you are using.
This is my experience of how I learnt and taught myself programming, specifically, understanding C, this is going back to early 1990's so may be a bit antique, but the passion and the drive is important:
Learn to understand the low level principles of the computer, such as EGA/VGA programming, here's a link to the Simtel archive on the C programmer's guide to the PC.
Understanding how TSR's work
Download the whole archive of Bob Stout's snippets which is a big collection of C code that does one thing only - study them and understand it, not alone that, the collection of snippets strives to be portable.
Browse at the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC) online, and see how the C code can be abused and understand the intracies of the language. The worst code abuse is the winner! Download the archives and study them.
Like myself, I loved the infamous Ponzo's C Tutorial which helped me immensely, unfortunately, the archive is very hard to find. If anyone knows of where to obtain them, please leave a comment and I will amend this answer to include the link. There is another one that I can remember - Coronado's [Generic?] C Tutorial, again, my memory on this one is hazy...
Look at Dr. Dobb's journal and C User Journal here - I do not know if you can still get them in print but they were a classic, can remember the feeling of holding a printed copy in my hand and tearing off home to type in the code to see what happens!
Grab an ancient copy of Turbo C v2 which I believe you can get from and just play with 16bit C programming to get a feel and mess with the pointers...sure it is ancient and old but playing with pointers on it is fine.
Understand and learn Pointers, link here to the legacy - a crucial link to achieving C Guru'ship for want of a better word, also you will find a host of downloads pertaining to the C programming language - I remember actually ordering the Simtel CD Archive and looking for the C stuff...
A couple of things that you have to deal directly with in C that other languages abstract away from you include explicit memory management (malloc) and dealing directly with pointers.
My girlfriend is one semester from graduating MIT (where they mainly use Java, Scheme, and Python) with a Computer Science degree, and she is currently working at a company whose codebase is in C++. For the first few days she had a difficult time understanding all the pointers/references/etc.
On the other hand, I found moving from C++ to Java very easy, because I was never confused about pass-references-by-value vs pass-by-reference.
Similarly, in C/C++ it is much more apparent that primitives are just the compiler treating the same sets of bits in different ways, as opposed to a language like Python or Ruby where everything is an object with its own distinct properties.
A simple (not entirely realistic) example to illustrate some of the advice above. Consider the seemingly harmless
for(Iterator iter = foo.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
bar.doSomething( )
or the even higher level
for(Baz b: foo)
A possible problem here is that each time round the while loop a new object (the iterator) is created. If all you care about is programmer convenience, then the latter is definitely better. But if the loop has to be efficient or the machine is resource constrained then you are pretty much at the mercy of the designers of your high level language.
For example, a typical complaint for doing high-performance Java is having execution stop while garbage (such as all those allocated Iterator objects) is reclaimed. Not very good if your software is charged with tracking incoming missiles, auto-piloting a passenger jet, or just not leaving the user wondering why the GUI has stopped responding.
One possible solution (still in the higher-level language) would be to weaken the convenience of the iterator to something like
Iterator iter = new Iterator();
for(foo.initAlreadyAllocatedIterator(iter); iter.hasNext();)
But this would only make sense if you had some idea about memory allocation...otherwise it just looks like a nasty API. Convenience always costs somewhere, and knowing lower-level stuff can help you identify and mitigate those costs.

Can a language be Turing-complete without any support for arrays?

If a language has control structures and variables, but no support for arrays, lists, memory access and allocation, etc, can it be Turing-complete?
Maybe if there was no limit to the amount of variables you can create, you can simulate arrays by creating variables like array_1, array_2, ... array_6000 and manually loop through them, and somehow create complex data structures and recursion?
Edit: Even if you cannot access variables by name manipulation (array_10+i is not allowed)?
Certainly. Have a look at Lambda Calculus, which is one of the most minimal Turing Complete languages I've ever seen. Basically, all you have are lambdas (function literals); no assignment, no declaration, no data structures. It's all very very slimmed-down.
You can, however, simulate a linear data structure like a List by chaining functions together. It gets pretty verbose, but it's certainly possible and it's much nicer than having a large series of sequentially named variables.
Generally speaking, whether or not a language is Turing Complete has nothing to do with whether it has Arrays. Functional languages like SML and Haskell lack arrays, just like Lambda Calculus, and these are actually useful languages! Saying a language is "Turing Complete" is merely another way of saying that there is no Turing Computable function which cannot be expressed in said language. This is a surprisingly loose qualification, allowing many languages which would be completely impractical (like Lambda Calculus).
There's plenty of Turing-complete languages that don't even have the notion of a "variable"! Memory access and allocations are implementation details, so they're completely irrelevant. You have to realize that Turing machines and Turing completeness are very theoretical concepts, useful for proving things, but completely divorced from the reality of actual hardware.
Paul Graham has written a long, but very, very interesting essay on the history of computer languages where he describes the two very different main traditions of computer languages:
Lisp, Scheme, etc. - derived from theoretical considerations, very simple, yet conceptually powerful languages, but for the longest time impractical because of their complete disregard for what's easy and efficient to implement
Assembler, FORTRAN, C and pretty much all "mainstream" languages - derived more or less directly from what the hardware could do, easy to implement, efficient, but for the longest time inferior to the (older!) Lisp family in terms of expressiveness.
It sounds like you know only the second tradition, but Turing completeness is a concept that originates from the same principles as the first tradition and makes little sense if you don't know those principles.

Algorithms in C [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the best place or a link to learn algorithms in C? How do you know when and where to use the implementation of algorithms by just looking into the problems?
Algorithms aren't necessarily tied to a specific language, just to clarify, so any algorithms book will work great as long as you can understand the concept being the data structure/algorithm.
That said, this seems like a good choice: Algorithms in C. I have the C++ equivalent on my shelf.
There is also a book that seems language agnostic (correct me if I'm wrong) called Data Structures & Algorithm's, though I hear it's a bit dated, so you'll miss out on more recent structures.
Don't forget the internet has a plethora of information available to you. However, books are usually better for these sorts of things. This is because internet resources tend to focus on one thing at a time. For example, you need to understand what Big-O notation is before you can understand what it means when we say a List has O(1) [constant time] removal.
A book will cover these things in the correct order, but an internet resource will focus on either Big-O notation or data structures, but often won't easily connect the two.
When it comes to using it, you'll mostly make the connection when it comes to what you'll be doing with the data.
For example, you might want a vector (array) if you just need ordered elements, but if you need ordered elements and removal from any place (but can sacrifice random access), then a list would be more appropriate, due to it's constant-time removal.
For a reasonable (though far from perfect) book on implementing commonly used algorithms in C, try Sedgewick's Algorithms in C. Note that as for any technical subject,a paper book is likely to be far superior to any Web resources.
As to how to know when to use a specific algorithm, I'm afraid that is down to experience.
For an algortihms text, Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest's 'Introduction to Algorithms' is a good start. The pseudocode implementations are easy to translate to C. Two web resources with many links to documentation about algorithms and sample implementations are:
Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
NIST Directory of Data Structures and Algorithms
Algorithms in C by Sedgewick is a great place to start the investigation. Once you are familiar with what algorithms are available and what the performance characteristics of each are, you'll be able to see where to use each of them.
This is my collection of mostly math-related algorithms:
List of algorithms
FXT (math related)
Numerical Methods
Numerical Recipes in C
How do u know when and where to use
the implementation of algorithms by
just looking into the problems
It's called "pattern matching", once you've seen and solved lots of problems you start to recognize common things and you can reuse your previous knowledge.
By the way, I would recommend you before a good book just on algorithms before starting with algorithms in C, which are more difficult to implement and more error prone than in higher level language, and once you are very confident with the general procedures you can start to tweak and optimize them in C.
Many good resources have already been named, so I won't repeat them here.
As for how do you know what algorithm to use when?
You need to have a big enough tool box, which you will obtain by sitting down and slogging through a long list of basic (and them more esoteric) data structures and algorithms. You should try to get all the basics, but really only need a sample from the more specialized ones.
You need to understand what trade offs are available to you (time, code complexity, memory, single versus multiple passes, in-place versus copy, stable versus unstable sorts, etc. ad nauseum), and how the algorithms you study do on each of these. Again, this is just a case of much studying. Big-O is a place to start, but is not the end all and be all of this.
You need to get a feel for understanding what are the real limits you face when presented with a problem, and how to express these in terms of the algorithm trade offs mentioned above. This requires a degree of intuition, and is generally learned by practice over time.
It is worth implementing some things more then one way as you go along, to learn in your gut, what works and what doesn't.
It is worth reading code written by folks more experienced than yourself, to see how they think.
Good luck.
The Wikipedia List of Algorithms is also very handy reference.
And, if you want to get deeper -- The Art of Computer Programming (wikipedia ref).
Preferably after the Robert Sedgewick book already referred in multiple answers.
I read Pointers on C by Kenneth Reek recently. I thought I was pretty well versed in C, but this book gave me a few epiphanies, despite being aimed at beginners. The code examples are things of beauty (but not the fastest code on a x86-like CPU). It provide good implementations of many of the most common algorithms and data-structures that are in use, with excellent explanations about why they are implemented as they are (and sometimes code or suggestions for alternative implementations).
On the same page as your question: patterns for creating reusable code in C (that is what we all want, isn't it?), C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software, by David R. Hanson. It has been a few years since I read it, and I don't have a copy to verify what I recall is correct, but if I remember correctly it deals with how to create good C API:s to data structures and algorithms, as well as giving example implementations of some of the most common algorithms.
Of topic: As I have mostly written throw-away programs in C for private use, this one helped me get rid of some bad coding habits as well as being an excellent C reference: C: A reference Manual. Reminds me that I ought to buy that one.
One needs experience to know which set of algorithms to use for a particular problem. Defining a goal will help. Speed, memory, robustness, solution quality ... are all factors in determining which algorithms to use. We could devise different solutions to the same problem given different set of factors and scenarios.
The Algorithm Design Manual is worth a look.
A easy method to learn algorithms is to use Wiki page, who is dedicated to some "classical" algorithms like search algorithms or for sort. The constructions of algorithms is based on ability to use different data structures, like linked lists or C. So, first try to implement different data structures like simple linked list or binary tree, and after try to use in different algorithms who is related to real life problems.

Why do safety requirements like to discourage use of AI?

Seems that requirements on safety do not seem to like systems that use AI for safety-related requirements (particularly where large potential risks of destruction/death are involved). Can anyone suggest why? I always thought that, provided you program your logic properly, the more intelligence you put in an algorithm, the more likely this algorithm is capable of preventing a dangerous situation. Are things different in practice?
Most AI algorithms are fuzzy -- typically learning as they go along. For items that are of critical safety importance what you want is deterministic. These algorithms are easier to prove correct, which is essential for many safety critical applications.
I would think that the reason is twofold.
First it is possible that the AI will make unpredictable decisions. Granted, they can be beneficial, but when talking about safety-concerns, you can't take risks like that, especially if people's lives are on the line.
The second is that the "reasoning" behind the decisions can't always be traced (sometimes there is a random element used for generating results with an AI) and when something goes wrong, not having the ability to determine "why" (in a very precise manner) becomes a liability.
In the end, it comes down to accountability and reliability.
The more complex a system is, the harder it is to test.
And the more crucial a system is, the more important it becomes to have 100% comprehensive tests.
Therefore for crucial systems people prefer to have sub-optimal features, that can be tested, and rely on human interaction for complex decision making.
From a safety standpoint, one often is concerned with guaranteed predictability/determinism of behavior and rapid response time. While it's possible to do either or both with AI-style programming techniques, as a system's control logic becomes more complex it's harder to provide convincing arguments about how the system will behave (convincing enough to satisfy an auditor).
I would guess that AI systems are generally considered more complex. Complexity is usually a bad thing, especially when it relates to "magic" which is how some people perceive AI systems.
That's not to say that the alternative is necessarily simpler (or better).
When we've done control systems coding, we've had to show trace tables for every single code path, and permutation of inputs. This was required to insure that we didn't put equipment into a dangerous state (for employees or infrastructure), and to "prove" that the programs did what they were supposed to do.
That'd be awfully tricky to do if the program were fuzzy and non-deterministic, as #tvanfosson indicated. I think you should accept that answer.
The key statement is "provided you program your logic properly". Well, how do you "provide" that? Experience shows that most programs are chock full of bugs.
The only way to guarantee that there are no bugs would be formal verification, but that is practically infeasible for all but the most primitively simple systems, and (worse) is usually done on specifications rather than code, so you still don't know of the code correctly implements your spec after you've proven the spec to be flawless.
I think that is because AI is very hard to understand and that becomes impossible to maintain.
Even if a AI program is considered fuzzy, or that it "learns" by the moment it is released, it is very well tested to all know cases(and it already learned from it) before its even finished. Most of the cases this "learning" will change some "thresholds" or weights in the program and after that, it is very hard to really understand and maintain that code, even for the creators.
This have been changing in the last 30 years by creating languages easier to understand for mathematicians, making it easier for them to test, and deliver new pseudo-code around the problem(like mat lab AI toolbox)
As there is no accepted definition of AI, the question shall be more specific.
My answer is on adaptive algorithms merely employing parameter estimation - a kind of learning - to improve the safety of the output information. Even this is not welcome in functional safety although it may seem that the behaviour of a proposed algorithm is not only deterministic (all computer programs are) but also easy to determine.
Be prepared for the assessor asking you to demonstrate test reports covering all combinations of input data and failure modes. Your algorithm being adaptive means it depends not only on current input values but on many or all of the earlier values. You know that a full test coverage is impossible within the age of the universe.
One way to score is showing that previously accepted simpler algorithms (state of the art) are not safe. This shall be easy if you know your problem space (if not, keep away from AI).
Another possibility may exist for your problem: a compelling monitoring function indicating whether the parameter is estimated accurately.
There are enough ways that ordinary algorithms, when shoddily designed and tested, can wind up killing people. If you haven't read about it, you should look up the case of Therac 25. This was a system where the behaviour was supposed to be completely deterministic, and things still went horribly, horribly wrong. Imagine if it were trying to reason "intelligently", too.
"Ordinary algorithms" for a complex problem space tend to be arkward. On the other hand, some "intelligent" algorithms have a simple structure. This is especially true for applications of Bayesian inference. You just have to know the likelihood function(s) for your data (plural applies if the data separates into statistically independent subsets).
Likelihood functions can be tested. If the test cannot cover the tails far enough to reach the required confidence level, just add more data, for example from another sensor. The structure of your algorithm will not change.
A drawback is/was the CPU performance required for Bayesian inference.
Besides, mentioning Therac 25 is not helpful, since no algorithm at all was involved, just multitasking spaghetti code. Citing the authors, "[the] accidents were fairly unique in having software coding errors involved -- most computer-related accidents have not involved coding errors but rather errors in the software requirements such as omissions and mishandled environmental conditions and system states."
