How to Implement Entity Framework on this example? - wpf

I have been working thru this WPF example and am trying to hook it up to my database using Entity Framework but am confused on how to do this. Can someone please offer some guidance on how this would be done?
The code has the following in CustomerRepository.cs
static List<Customer> LoadCustomers(string customerDataFile)
// In a real application, the data would come from an external source,
// but for this demo let's keep things simple and use a resource file.
using (Stream stream = GetResourceStream(customerDataFile))
using (XmlReader xmlRdr = new XmlTextReader(stream))
(from customerElem in XDocument.Load(xmlRdr).Element("customers").Elements("customer")
select Customer.CreateCustomer(
which is where I assume the hook to the database would happen but not sure how. I can create the Model.edmx file to connect to the database but not sure how to physically get the list of customers from the database.
Also, this example uses a List of Customers but most examples I have gone through use ObservableCollection for this type of data. Is one preferable over the other and why?
Brian Enderle

My MVVM/EF projects typically load entities directly into the ViewModels or Into light collections in the view models. I don't create any kind of custom repository to sit between them.
Generally my ViewModels do one of two things,
Retrieves data on instancing
Takes an entity as a constructor argument.
When I retrieve data on instance, I generally use a background worker class, which queries the context, puts the results in a list, and passes the list out. The Work Completed method then puts the entities into viewmodels and puts the ViewModels in a ObservableCollection.
Similar to this:
Private WithEvents GetProjectsBackgroundWorker As BackgroundWorker
Private _Projects As New ObservableCollection(Of ProjectViewModel)
Public Sub New()
GetProjectsBackgroundWorker = New BackgroundWorker
End Sub
Public Property Projects() As ObservableCollection(Of ProjectViewModel)
Return _Projects
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ObservableCollection(Of ProjectViewModel))
_Projects = value
End Set
End Property
#Region " GetProjects"
Private Sub GetProjectsBackgroundWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles GetProjectsBackgroundWorker.DoWork
Dim results = From proj As Project In Context.Projects Where proj.flgActive = True And proj.flgReview = True Select proj
Dim ProjList As New List(Of Project)(results)
e.Result = ProjList
End Sub
Private Sub GetProjectsBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles GetProjectsBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted
If e.Error Is Nothing Then
For Each p As Project In e.Result
Projects.Add(New ProjectViewModel(p, Context))
End If
End Sub
#End Region
In ViewModels that take an entity as an argument, they often take a context as argument, especially if something is a short time-span operation. Otherwise I detach entities from the context in the even something goes hay-wire with the database or the connection is lost or something.
To answer your second question, ObservableCollections are Enumerable collections that have collection change notification implemented. The collection will notify the UI when a new item is added/removed/moved. Typically any time I have entities that are going to be viewed or displayed in the UI, I host them in an Observable Collection. Otherwise I use something simpler, a List normally.


Property Injection for User Controls in WinForms

I have inherited an a VB.NET WinForms application. It is very poorly written with a lot of bad practices. The first order of business is to get some DI into the app with a container to resolve the dependencies so I can start breaking this thing up and getting it under test.
This is my first WinForms app and I am learning the nuances of a non-request based application on a single thread.
I am using Simple Injector as the IoC container.
One of my use cases that I need to refactor is a UserControl that is extending a DevExpress XtraUserControl.
From the Simple Injector docs:
Note: It is not possible to use Constructor Injection in User Controls. User Controls are required to have a default constructor. Instead, pass on dependencies to your User Controls using Method Injection.
I am following the docs verbatim on how to set up property injection:
Here is my configuration:
Private Shared Sub Bootstrap()
Container = New Container()
Container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = New ThreadScopedLifestyle()
Container.Options.PropertySelectionBehavior = New ImportPropertySelectionBehavior()
Container.Register(Of ICommissionManager, CommissionManager)(Lifestyle.Singleton)
Container.Register(Of frmMain, frmMain)(Lifestyle.Singleton)
Container.Register(Of viewSalesCustomers, viewSalesCustomers)(Lifestyle.Transient)
Dim registration As Registration = Container.GetRegistration(GetType(viewSalesCustomers)).Registration
registration.SuppressDiagnosticWarning(DiagnosticType.DisposableTransientComponent, "a reason")
End Sub
The user control:
Public Class viewSalesCustomers
Inherits DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraUserControl
Public Property CommissionManager As ICommissionManager
Private Sub viewSalesCustomers_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim commissions As ICollection(Of Commission)
commissions = CommissionManager.Get(Function(commission) commission.CommissionId = 1) <-- Always nothing (null)
End Sub
I know the container is resolving for anything deriving from Form (I tested it through constructor injection).
Not sure what I missing here on the property injection for this control.
#Steven was spot on. I found where they are instantiating the control.
Private Sub BarSubItem2_ItemClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs) Handles BarSubItem2.ItemClick
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
'Dim mView as New viewSalesCustomers()
Dim mView As viewSalesCustomers
mView = Program.Container.GetInstance(Of viewSalesCustomers)
showViewer(mView, "viewSalesCustomers")
Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub

Winforms Data from database across multiple forms

I have a winforms applications that has an ms sql server backend. In my database i have lookup tables for like status, and other tables where the data rarely changes. In my application, several forms might use the same lookup tables (Some have a lot of data in them). Instead of loading/filling the data each time the form is open, is there a way to cache the data from the database that can be accessed from multiple forms. I did some searching, but couldnt find the best solution. There is caching, dictionaries, etc. What is the best solution and can you point me to the documentation that discusses it and may even have an example.
In my original post I failed to mention that I have a strongly typed dataset and use tableadapters. I want to preload my lookup tables when my application starts, and then have these dataset tables be used throughout the application, on multiple forms without having to fill them on every form.
I have tried creating a class:
Public Class dsglobal
Public Shared EML_StaffingDataSet As EML_StaffingDataSet
Public Shared Sub populateDS()
EML_StaffingDataSet = New EML_StaffingDataSet
End Sub
Public Shared Sub loadskills()
Dim ta As New EML_StaffingDataSetTableAdapters.TSTAFFSKILLTableAdapter
End Sub
End Class
I run this on a background worker when my application is starting up. So it loads the dataset table. On fill, I can see the datatable has data in it. When I open a form, i want to use the dataset table, but it seems to clear the data out. Not sure if my approach is correct or where my error is.
I have also tried this per comments, but not sure I am doing it correctly. If I am doing it correctly, then how do I use that as a datasource at design time, can i only do that programmatically?
Public Module lookupdata
Private EML_StaffingDataSet As EML_StaffingDataSet
Private skillvalues As List(Of skill)
Public ReadOnly Property skill As List(Of skill)
If skillvalues Is Nothing Then
End If
Return skillvalues
End Get
End Property
Private Sub getskillvalues()
skillvalues = New List(Of skill)
EML_StaffingDataSet = New EML_StaffingDataSet
Dim ta As New EML_StaffingDataSetTableAdapters.TSTAFFSKILLTableAdapter
For Each row As DataRow In EML_StaffingDataSet.TSTAFFSKILL
Dim skill As New skill
skill.skill_id = row("skill_id")
skill.skill_desc = row("skill_desc")
skill.skill_open_ind = row("skill_open_ind")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class skill
Public Property skill_id As Integer
Public Property skill_desc As String
Public Property skill_open_ind As Boolean
End Class
You might want to consider a lazy loading pattern, like this:
Public Module LookupData
Private statusValues As List(Of LookupValue)
Public Readonly Property Statuses As List(Of LookupValue)
If statusValues Is Nothing Then
End If
Return statusValues
End Get
End Property
Private Sub GetStatusValues()
statusValues = New List(Of LookupValue)
Dim sql = "select key, value from StatusTable"
'TODO: Read the items from the database here, adding them to the list.
End Sub
End Module
Public Class LookupValue
Public Property Key As String
Public Property Value As String
End Class
The idea is that you've got a single instance of LookupData (a Module in VB, there can be only one). Lookup data has a series of Properties, each of which returns a list of values from the database. If the data has already been loaded, it just returns what it has cached. If the data has not been loaded, then the first time it is referenced it retrieves it from the database.
You can consume it elsewhere in your code as follows:
Dim myStatuses = LookupData.Statuses

DispatcherObject cast woes and Async / ObservableCollection issues in WPF

The code below pulls out a bunch of records from an Access 2010 database; hence rolling my own connector bits. I've succeeded in doing the observablecollection and made it all bind up with nice drag and drop data sources, from my own objects. However, like a daft person, I want to do this Asynchronously. Yet, I've got a small cast monster problem, and I don't know what to feed it! Can anyone advise me - I've tried a lot of reading around, but the concepts are just a little too many at once on a Friday afternoon and I'm struggling to make any real headway.
The line I'm having trouble with is:
Dim dispatcherObject As DispatcherObject = CType (handler.Target, DispatcherObject )
The exception is:
Unable to cast object of type '_Closure$__2[SomeRecord_Viewer.SomeRecord]' to type 'System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject'.
I've managed to make a WPF listbox populate via the code below, however only by commenting out a part of the ObservableCollectionEx class. This causes synchronisation problems and a crash after a few hundred records are entered.
Class that builds the threaded list of entities - in this case, an ObservableCollectionEx(Of SomeRecord):
Class SomeRecordSet
Inherits ObservableCollectionEx( Of SomeRecord)
Private Shared Property _SomeRecordList As New ObservableCollectionEx(Of SomeRecord )
Public Shared ReadOnly Property SomeRecordList As ObservableCollectionEx(Of SomeRecord )
If _SomeRecordList.Count = 0 Then BuildSomeRecordListAsync()
Return _SomeRecordList
End Get
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly Property ReturnSingleSomeRecord(id As Integer) As SomeRecord
Return ( From SomeRecord In _SomeRecordList Where = id Select SomeRecord).First()
End Get
End Property
Private Shared Async Sub BuildSomeRecordListAsync()
Await Task.Run( Sub() BuildSomeRecordList())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub BuildSomeRecordList()
Db.newcmd( "Select * from RecordList ")
Dim SomeRecord As New SomeRecord
With SomeRecord
.id = Db.dbint( "ID")
.type = Db.dbin( "type")
End With
End While
End Sub`
Partial code for the SomeRecord class:
Class SomeRecord
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Private Sub NotifyPropertyChanged( ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me , New PropertyChangedEventArgs (info))
End Sub
...'lots of simple properties.
End Class
The threaded collection class code - translated from another online source.
'I use PostSharp for try catch stuff.
Public Class ObservableCollectionEx (Of T )
Inherits ObservableCollection( Of T)
' Override the event so this class can access it
Public Shadows Event CollectionChanged As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub OnCollectionChanged( ByVal e As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs )
Using BlockReentrancy()
Dim eventHandler As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler = Sub () RaiseEvent CollectionChanged(Me , e)
If (eventHandler Is Nothing) Then Return
Dim delegates() As [Delegate] = eventHandler.GetInvocationList
*******If I comment this out I can populate the Listbox via a CollectionView, however it dies with issues to do with the list not staying synchronised :).
'Walk thru invocation list
For Each handler As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler In delegates
Dim dispatcherObject As DispatcherObject = CType (handler.Target, DispatcherObject)
' If the subscriber is a DispatcherObject and different thread
If (( Not (dispatcherObject) Is Nothing) AndAlso (dispatcherObject.CheckAccess = False )) Then
' Invoke handler in the target dispatcher's thread
dispatcherObject.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority .DataBind, handler, Me, e)
handler( Me, e)
End If
*******End of stuff I comment out to get working partially***
End Using
End Sub
End Class
From what I can see, you have two problems.
You're assigning the local variable eventHandler to an anonymous method, rather than the actual event handler. It should be:
Dim eventHandler As NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler = CollectionChangedEvent
NB: You need to use CollectionChangedEvent in VB, not CollectionChanged.
You're using CType to cast the target to a DispatcherObject, which won't work if the target isn't a DispatcherObject. Use TryCast instead:
Dim dispatcherObject As DispatcherObject = TryCast(handler.Target, DispatcherObject)
You can also tidy up the test on the next line by using IsNot:
If dispatcherObject IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not dispatcherObject.CheckAccess Then
WARNING - The code below acts differently to the C# version. The key difference seems to be that in VB you can't Override an Event (Why on earth not?) yet in C# you can.
The result is the Handler is Nothing in VB but not in C# :(.
So the syntax builds without error but the VB version doesn't ever do anything.
Redone with the updated answer in VB. Thank you!
Note I cannot make this work with Entity Framework, yet. But I think that a me and EF issue, not the collection.
The code itself is here for anyone interested. My list DOES populate perfectly fine now. However, I would take this answer of mine with a small pinch of salt until I update saying how I've extensively tested perhaps :)
However the omens are good - here is the original C# author's site: Original Site
Public Class ObservableCollectionEx(Of T)
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of T)
'Override the event so this class can access it
Public Shadows Event CollectionChanged As NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub OnCollectionChanged(ByVal e As NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
Using BlockReentrancy()
Dim eventHandler As System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler = CollectionChangedEvent
If eventHandler Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim delegates() As [Delegate] = CollectionChangedEvent.GetInvocationList
'Walk thru invocation list
For Each handler As NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler In delegates
Dim dispatcherObject As DispatcherObject = TryCast(handler.Target, DispatcherObject)
' If the subscriber is a DispatcherObject and different thread
If dispatcherObject IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not dispatcherObject.CheckAccess Then
' Invoke handler in the target dispatcher's thread
dispatcherObject.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.DataBind, handler, Me, e)
handler(Me, e)
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Class

Data Validation with MVVM-Light WPF and Linq to Entity Framework

I think I have read every article google returns when I search wpf mvvm-light data validation and I dont know which way to go. I am aware of josh smith, Karl Shifflett's, and MVVM LIGHT's own demo techniques for data validation. What I see is that most validation requires me to fully "re-abstract" my model in my view model. Meaning that I have to create a property in my viewmodel for each property of my model that I want to validate (and in some cases convert all these into string values for binding/validation). This seems like a lot or redundancy when all I want to do is mark most fields as required.
I am using LINQ to entity framework(with self tracking) for my model classes which come from a SQL server DB. As a result I would prefer to keep my business data validation/rules within my viewmodels. I write a simple service interface to get the data from the model and pass it to my viewmodel.
Most of the examples I can find are from as far back as 2008 (ie josh smith). Are these techniques still valid or are there more up to date best practices for mvvm data validation with .NET 4.5 etc.
So I am asking:
1) What methods do you suggest I use
2) What methods work best in a LINQ to EF with MVVM-Light Environment.
3) EDIT: I want to provide feedback to user as they enter data, not just when they submit form
The way I do this (not necessarily correct) is to do my validation in the ViewModel (where the CRUD operations typically take place), then if there are validation errors, abort saving/adding any data and use Messenger.Default.Send to send a custom message type to my view. Then I alert the user via a DialogBox or otherwise.
I've experimented with Binding ValidationRules in the past but found by far the most reliable and consistent method to be simple if statements.
I eventually ended up using the following. I changed my model to use LINQ to self tracking entities (see this article for info about STE
LINQ to STE creates an OnPropertyChanged event that implements the iNotifyPropertyChanged interface.
I just created a public partial class for the matching model object (linq entity generated code) I wanted and added an event handler for the OnPropertyChanged event. I then used the IDataErrorInfo interface to validate and throw errors as I needed. This allows me to validate the fields as they change which gets reflected to the user. This also allows you to perform more advanced validation logic that may need to requery the database (i.e. to look for if a username is already used etc.) or throw a dialog box
Also, having the data validation in the model allows me to still have validation if i perform direct "batch" operations that bypass the UI.
I then used an HasErrors and HasChanges property and used them to create a Boolean value that gets attached to the relay commands, disabling the crud command buttons if errors are present.
I will post some simple code to outline what I just described, comment if you want more detail.
Here is the Entity Framework extension of the model class:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Partial Public Class client
Implements IDataErrorInfo
#Region "Properties / Declarations"
'Collection / error description
Private m_validationErrors As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Private _HasChanges As Boolean = False
''Marks object as dirty, requires saving
Public Property HasChanges() As Boolean
Return _HasChanges
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
If Not Equals(_HasChanges, value) Then
_HasChanges = value
End If
End Set
End Property
'Extends the class with a property that determines
'if the instance has validation errors
Public ReadOnly Property HasErrors() As Boolean
Return m_validationErrors.Count > 0
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "Base Error Objects"
'Returns an error message
'In this case it is a general message, which is
'returned if the list contains elements of errors
Public ReadOnly Property [Error] As String Implements System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo.Error
If m_validationErrors.Count > 0 Then
Return "Client data is invalid"
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
End Property
Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal columnName As String) As String Implements System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo.Item
If m_validationErrors.ContainsKey(columnName) Then
Return m_validationErrors(columnName).ToString
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "Base Error Methods"
'Adds an error to the collection, if not already present
'with the same key
Private Sub AddError(ByVal columnName As String, ByVal msg As String)
If Not m_validationErrors.ContainsKey(columnName) Then
m_validationErrors.Add(columnName, msg)
End If
End Sub
'Removes an error from the collection, if present
Private Sub RemoveError(ByVal columnName As String)
If m_validationErrors.ContainsKey(columnName) Then
End If
End Sub
#End Region
Public Sub New()
Me.HasChanges = False
End Sub
#Region "Data Validation Methods"
''handles event and calls function that does the actual validation so that it can be called explicitly for batch processes
Private Sub ValidateProperty(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Handles Me.PropertyChanged
If e.PropertyName = "HasChanges" Then
Exit Sub
End If
HasChanges = True
End Sub
Public Function IsPropertyValid(sProperty As String) As Boolean
Select Case sProperty
''add validation by column name here
Case "chrLast"
If Me.chrLast.Length < 4 Then
Me.AddError("chrLast", "The last name is too short")
Return True
Return False
End If
Case Else
Return False
End Select
End Function
#End Region
End Class
then in the view model I included the following code to bind thecommand and evaluate whether or not it can be executed.
Public ReadOnly Property SaveCommand() As RelayCommand
If _SaveCommand Is Nothing Then
_SaveCommand = New RelayCommand(AddressOf SaveExecute, AddressOf CanSaveExecute)
End If
Return _SaveCommand
End Get
End Property
Private Function CanSaveExecute() As Boolean
If Selection.HasErrors = False And Selection.HasChanges = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
Private Sub SaveExecute()
''this is my LINQ to Self Tracking Entities DataContext
End Sub
the following is how I bound my button (has custom styling in WPF)
<Button Content="" Height="40" Style="{DynamicResource ButtonAdd}" Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" Width="40" Cursor="Hand" ToolTip="Save Changes" Margin="0,0,10,10"/>
so, when there are no validation errors and the current client record "isDirty" the save button automatically becomes enabled, and disabled if any of those two conditions fail. This way I now have a simple way of validating any type of column/data I want for the entity, and I can provide user feedback as they enter data in the form, and only enable CRUD command buttons once all my "conditions" have been met.
This was quite a battle to figure out.

ADO.NET: Need help to understand the basics of 'Dataset'

As context, I am new to ADO.NET and have been using 'Programming ADO.NET 2.0' by David Sceppa to help build my knowledge.
I have been trying to understand the Dataset object but think I may have completely misunderstood the point and am looking for guidance.
As an example, I have built a really simple Form with a combobox with an aim of filling the combobox with the names of people in a database ("MyDatabase"). The following code works fine for me:
Private Sub frmEmployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim strConn, strSQL As String
strConn = "Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=True;"
strSQL = "SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM EmployeeTable"
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, strConn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "AllEmployeesList")
For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables("AllEmployeesList").Rows.Count - 1
Dim row As DataRow = ds.Tables("AllEmployeesList").Rows(i)
cbAllEmployeesList.Items.Add(row("LastName") & ", " & row("FirstName"))
End Sub
Now suppose I have a button on my Form ('GetAge') which is designed to retrieve the age of the employee selected in the combobox from the dataset "AllEmployeesList" and display in a TextBox on the same Form.
The bit I really don't understand is how I can interact with the original dataset that I have created to get the age? It seems to me that the dataset is only in memory during the Load event? If my dataset persists beyond the Load event then where can I find it?
My understanding is that a dataset object is an offline cache of data and has no links to the underlying database.This is useful as it allows you to manipulate the data without keeping a connection open and later on you can submit any changes in the Dataset back to the original database. So once I have built my dataset in the Load event how can I then further interact with it?
I suspect there is a large error in my understanding of what a Dataset object is. Can anybody set me straight?
Thanks to anybody who can help
A data set can hold multiple data tables, so if you fill that same dataset that already has the "AllEmployeesList" datatable filled, you can fill another datatable with the age under another table name. Picture a dataset as an in-memory database.
You can store the dataset in the datasource of the datagrid view, or make it a form level variable so you can interact with it without casting anytime.
Another part of datasets to be aware of is you can make a design-time dataset so things are more type-safe and explicit.
You seem to have a good grasp on the concept and reason of the DataSet. Your question is really more about managing state than the ins and outs of a DataSet.
You never stated if you are using WebForms, WinForms, or something else. If you're using WinForms, promote the DataSet to be a member variable of the form. It'll stay in memory as long as the form is open.
If you're using WebForms, then this becomes much more complex. This is a good overview to get you started.
Unless your application needs to operate in a disconnected mode, it's not strictly necessary nor always a good idea to cache database data on the client. In this case, you're extracting the age data for all employees without knowing whether you'll ever need it for any of them.
I would just pull the first and last name data (probably using SqlCommand.ExecuteReader) to populate the list box, and then make a separate call to the database to get the age if the user clicks the button. I posted an example of something similar using SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar on your other question.
When a Function or Sub has finished executing, all the variables you declared with the Dim statement will be gone. If you want a variable to exist as long as your form exists then declare a variable outside your Sub/Function:
Public Class frmEmployee
Private dsEmployeeList As DataSet
Private Sub frmEmployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
dsEmployeeList = New DataSet()
da.Fill(dsEmployeeList, "AllEmployeesList")
End Sub
Private Sub GetAge_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GetAge.Click
Dim iRowIndex As Integer
iRowIndex = cbAllEmployeesList.SelectedIndex 'In this case the rownumber is the same as the index of the selected item in the combobox
'Check to see if an item from the combobox has been selected
If iRowIndex >= 0 Then
txtEmployeeAge.Text = dsEmployeeList.Tables("AllEmployeesList").Rows(iRowIndex).Item("Age").ToString()
End If
End Sub
This code might work but it's not a recommended solution. Like the previous poster said: only get the data you want, when you need it.
You should bind the DataGrid to the DataSet. When reqd you can retrieve the DataSet back from the DataGrid.DataSource and cast it to a DataSet.
Edit: Added sample code
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// Code to populate DataSet from your DB
Assign ds to the datasource of data grid
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = ds;
To retrieve the dataset use the code below
DataSet retrievedFromGrid = (DataSet)this.dataGridView1.DataSource;
However, if you need to perform operations on this DataSet a number of times and memory is not an issue, I would suggest you store it in a class variable to avoid the overhead of casting in a DataSet object from the DataGrid again and again.
