SQL Server 2008 R2 - optimization issue - sql-server

I'm running into a performance issue with the current schema. So I built an equivalent schema to solve the issue.
I ran some tests on both schemas and the results are hard to understand. For the record, the data is the same.
I get the following from the Profiler when executing equivalent requests on the two schemas.
Old schema:
1,300,000 reads
5,000 CPU
4 seconds execution time
New schema:
30,000 reads
3,000 CPU
6 seconds execution time
The difference seems to be in the query plan used. The old schema has parallelism in the query plan. The new schema isn't using parallelism.
Has anyone faced similar situations (less IO/CPU but more execution time). How did you solve it?
Is there a way to force parallelism? I've played with query hints(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms18171). I'm able to stop parallelism on the old schema but can't seem the query on the new schema to use parallelism.
Thanks in advance.

Currently there is no way to force parallelism in SQL Server straight out of the box but Adam Machanic did some work to do that though.
Coming to your first question, yes we have seen cases like that too. Note that Parallelism is cpu bound and that's why you are seeing more cpu time but overall less execution time as you have multiple threads doing the work for you.
Make sure you have proper indexes in place and also stats are updated with full scan. In the long run it is best if Query Optimizer makes the decisions by itself but if you want to overwrite the QO plans then you may have to add lot more details. Schema, data and repro.


SQL Server CXPACKET timeout

We've got SQL Server 2016 (v13.0.4206.0), by default there is no restrictions for parallelism - any count SQL wants. And it didn't lead any problems... Till now.
For another feature there were written query that unexpectedly raised timeout exception in our application. I was deeply surprised when it was successfully executed with setting up maximum threads per query to 1. Yes, 6 seconds for query is not so good, even accounting to most of time was spent for fetching, but it's far away from 3 minutes timeout!
By the way, executing this query with SQL Server Management Studio works all the time despite of parallelism settings. It seems that something wrong with connection to database, but all other queries works fine, even which much harder then that one.
Our application is built on ASP.NET Core 3.0 (don't know if it matters), database connection is made using System.Data.SqlClient v4.8.0. All I could determine is that there are so much tasks created for this query:
I've tried to watch for execution in sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks (thanks google). I'm not sure I got it right, but it seems that tasks with context_id 0-8 is blocked with those who have context_id 9-16 and vise versa. Obvious example of deadlock, isn't it? But how can SQL Server manage threads to make it without my "help"? Or what am I doing wrong?
Just in case some inappropriate answers:
I won't turn parallelism off (set maximum threads per query to 1) as solution because of some heavy queries in our application;
I don't want to raise Cost Threshold for Parallelism setting because I'm afraid of same problem with another query (guess, a heavier one). So I just want to determine real cause;
Optimizing the query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan I can't make it faster - there are enough indexes for it. But I'm ready to rethink after some really weighty arguments.
So, my question is: why does parallelism that I didn't ask for spoil the query execution? And how can I avoid that?
It's true sometimes the engine chooses to use parallel execution (or not to use) which leads to worse performance.
You do not want to control the server option and the cost as you are not sure how this will reflect to other queries, which is understandable.
If you are sure, your query will be execute better without being handle in parallel, you can specify the option just for it using query hints - MAXDOP like this:
FROM ...
It's easy and you can rollback if needed. Also, you are not affecting other queries.
You are saying that:
Optimizing query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan...
The execution plan is sometimes misleading. As a start - you can save your execution plan and open it with SentryOne Plan Explorer - it's free and can give you a better look of what's going on.
Also, if a query is execute for either 3 seconds or 6 minutes, there must be something wrong with it or may be the activity of your database. If it is executed fast in the SSMS always, maybe the engine is using the correct cache plan. I thing it's better to share the query itself and to attach the two plans (serial and parallel) and spend more time tuning it.

Clear SQL Azure execution plan / query cache

I have a few "inefficient" queries that I am trying to debug on Azure SQL (v12). The problem I have is that after the query executes for the first time (albeit, many seconds) Azure appears to cache the query / execution plan. I have done some research and several people have suggested adding and removing a column will clear the cache but this doesn't seem to work. If I leave the server alone for a few hours / overnight and re-run the query it takes its usual time to execute but once again the cache is in place - this makes it very hard to optimise my query. Does anyone know how to force Azure SQL to not cache my queries / execution plans?
This is closest to the DBCC FREEPROCCACHE you have in SQL Server but is scoped to a database instead of the server instance. This does not prevent caching of query plans - it just invalidates the current cache entries.
Please note that the query store is there to help you in SQL Azure (on-by-default). It stores a history of plan choices and plan performance (per-plan). So, if you have a prior plan that performs better available in the history of your application, you can force it using SSMS if you'd prefer to have the query optimizer pick this plan each time your query compiles. One common reason for what you are seeing is parameter-sensitivity in the plan choice where the optimizer will use the passed parameter value to try to generate the query plan, assuming it is representing a common pattern when you run that query. If that value is actually not close to a common value (in terms of how frequent it is in the table), then you can sometimes compile and cache a plan that is not better on average for your application.
Query store has an overview here:
Note that SQL Azure also has an automated mechanism to try forcing prior plans if it notices a performance regression. It is somewhat conservative, however, so it may not kick in for every single regression until it sees an obvious pattern over time. So, while you can force things in SSMS, you can also potentially just wait (assuming this is the issue you were seeing)

Same query, different execution plans

I am trying to find a solution for a problem that is driving me mad...
I have a query which runs very fast in a QA Server but it is very slow in production. I realized that they have different execution plans... so I have try recompiling, cleanning the cache for the execution plans, update statistics, check the type of collation... but I still can't find what's going on...
The databases where the query is running are exactly the same and the SQL Servers have also the same configuration.
Any new ideas would be much appreciated.
I just realised the the QA server is running SP3 and in production is SP2. Could this have any impact on this issue?
Is it possible the production server has a larger database size? The plan can be different because it is based on statistics on the data it contains.
I think it could be due to the volume of data present. It happened to us one time where the query literally flew in QA server but was incredibly slow in the production. After breaking our heads for a while we found out that QA server had 15K rows where as production had 1.5 million.
If the execution plan was the same and one was slow, it would be database load, hardware, locking/blocking, etc.
However, if the execution plans are different something is different between the two databases. Are statistics up to date in both, have the exact same schemas, same indexes, similar number of rows, same distribution of PK and index values, etc. Where did the QA data come from, random data or is it a restore from production?
Disable parallel query execution on production :)
I ran into this recently and here's what I found.
I had two databases that were essentially copies of each other. On one version a TVF was taking 1 second to run, while on the other version took 15 minutes to run.
The execution plans of the underlying SQL code were very different. I was able to fix it by rebuilding some indexes that the TVF relied on. The execution plans aren't the same, but it did change a lot. And the execution time is back down to around a second.
Now, both versions had indexes that were highly fragmented. My assumption is that historical statistic or execution plan information allowed the fast version to continue to find an optimal execution plan.
So to sum up: make sure you look at the fragmentation of your indexes even if they have the same structure or similar rates of fragmentation.

Sql Server 2000 Stored Procedure Prevent Parallelism or something?

I have a huge disgusting stored procedure that wasn't slow a couple months ago, but now is. I barely know what this thing does and I am in no way interested in rewriting it.
I do know that if I take the body of the stored procedure and then declare/set the values of the parameters and run it in query analyzer that it runs more than 20x faster.
From the internet, I've read that this is probably due to a bad cached query plan. So, I've tried running the sp with "WITH RECOMPILE" after the EXEC and I've also tried putting the "WITH RECOMPLE" inside the sp, but neither of those helped even a little bit.
When I look at the execution plan of the sp vs the query, the biggest difference is that the sp has "Parallelism" operations all over the place and the query doesn't have any. Can this be the cause of the difference in speeds?
Thank you, any ideas would be great... I'm stuck.
If the only difference between the two query plans is parallelism, try putting OPTION (MAXDOP 1) at the end of the query to limit it to a serial plan.
As to why they are different, I'm not sure, but I remember the SQL Server 2000 optimizer as being, um, finicky. Similar to your case, what we usually saw was that ad-hoc query batches would be fast and the same query via sp_executesql would be slow. Never did fully figure out what was going on.
Serial v parallel can definitely explain the difference in speeds, though. On SQL Server 2000, parallel plans use all the processors on the machine, not just the ones it needs:
If SQL Server chooses to use parallelism, it must use all the configured processors (as determined by the MAXDOP query hint configuration) for the execution of a parallel plan. For example, if you use MAXDOP=0 on a 32-way server, SQL Server tries to use all 32 processors even if seven processors might perform the job more efficiently as compared to a serial plan that only uses one processor. Because of this all-or-nothing behavior, if SQL Server chooses the parallel plan and you do not restrict the MAXDOP query hint[...], the time that it takes SQL Server to coordinate all the processors on a high-end server outweighs the advantages of using a parallel plan.
By default, I believe the server-wide setting of MAXDOP is 0, meaning use as many as possible. If you recently upgraded your database server with more processors to help performance, that could ironically explain why your performance is suffering. If that's the case, you might try setting the MAXDOP hint to the number of processors you had before and see if that helps.
try adding SET ARITHABORT ON at the top of the procedure.
as seen here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2465887/why-would-set-arithabort-on-dramatically-speed-up-a-query
If you have made many changes to the table and not run a re-index or defragment on the tables in question you probably should. Check out this article. The reason i suggest this is because the procedure at one time was fast and now over time it has degraded performance. I don't think making changes to an already existing procedure that was tested and worked well at one time should change on account of degraded performance over time. This usually only treats the symptoms not the actual problem.
I do know that if I take the body of
the stored procedure and then
declare/set the values of the
parameters and run it in query
analyzer that it runs more than 20x
Are you sure that it is not the fetching of these params ahead of the SP's execution that's not causing your slowness? With bypassing the population of the params you could be oversimplifying your issue.
Where do these params come from? How are they populated? It seems from your question that you've isolated the stored proc and found out that it might not be the issue.
Could it be a problem with contention? Does this store procedure run at a particular time when other heavy lifting is also happening?

What is the usage of Execution Plan in SQL Server?

What is the usage of Execution Plan in SQL Server? When can these plans help me?
When your queries all run fast, all is good in the world and execution plans don't really matter that much. However, when something is running slow, they are very important. They are primarily used to help tune (speed up) slow SQL. Without execution plans, you'd just be guessing at what to change to make your SQL go faster.
Here is the simplest way they can help you. Take a slow query and do the following in a SQL Server Management Studio query window:
1) run the command:
2) run your slow query
3) your query will not run, but the execution plan will be returned.
4) look through the PhysicalOp column output for the word SCAN within any text in this column, this is usually the part of the query that is causing the slowdown. Analyze your joins and index usage in regards to this row of the output and if you can eliminate the scan, you will usually improve the query speed.
There are may useful columns (TotalSubTreeCost, etc) in the output, you will become familiar with them as you learn how to read execution plans and tune your slow queries.
When you need to perform performance profiling on a specific query.
Have a look at SQL Server Query Execution Plan Analysis
When it comes time to analyze the
performance of a specific query, one
of the best methods is to view the
query execution plan. A query
execution plan outlines how the SQL
Server query optimizer actually ran
(or will run) a specific query. This
information if very valuable when it
comes time to find out why a specific
query is running slow.
It's helpful in identifying where bottlenecks are occurring in long running queries. You can make some quite impressive performance improvements simply by knowing how the server executes your complex query.
If I remember correctly it also identifies good candidates for indexing which is another way to increase performance.
These plans describe how SQL Server goes about executing your query. It's the result of a cost-based algorithm by the SQL Server query optimiser, which comes up with a plan for how to get to the end result in the expected best possible way.
It's useful because it will show you where time is being spent in the query, whether indexes are being used or not, what type of process is being done on those indexes (scan, seek) etc.
So if you have a poorly performing query, the execution plan will highlight what the costliest parts are and allow you to see what needs optimising (e.g. may be a missing index, may be an inefficiently written query resulting in an index scan instead of a seek).
