How to create views in Access 2007? - database

Now in SQL views are tables which can be used for data abstraction (showing specific data to required users).
Also you can edit data and insert data into the original table through views. What I want is an equivalent of this in access.
I have been able to create a view table in access but the problem is that it cannot be used to update the record set.

In Jet databases, the equivalent of a view is a saved query. You should be able to update the base tables through the query, provided that the query obeys certain rules. These rules are documented in the Access 2007 help. If you provide your view definition and some details about the base table(s), we can give some specific advice about why the query isn't updatable.


Why do I have to query the full path in ssms?

I want to query in ssms but I always have to add the specific schema as a prefix, although I have ran the query:
USE (the specific db I wanna use);
What should I do for ssms to bring back only tables from the specific db and schemas while querying?
Within SQL Server, you use the Fully Qualified Name. That consists of three parts (though technically, when using a linked server, you could add a servername part as well):
And can be used in the following manner:
SELECT * FROM <database>.<schema>.<table>
The USE keyword simply changes the context in which you are executing a SQL command. It's identical to using the drop-down box in SSMS to change to a different database.
By switching the database context, you can typically skip the part of the query above. By switching context, it is assumed all commands will be executed within the database you changed to.
The reason it's still there is if you want to access objects that physically reside within a different database on the same SQL Server instance.
The schema is just a way to group your tables. The default schema is database owner (dbo). If you omit the schema name, it's assumed the object is in the dbo schema. So the following 2 commands are assumed to be identical:
SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable
However, using schemas is a great way to structure your database, as you can logically group related objects within the same schema, and assign permissions accordingly.
From an OLTP perspective, you could have a schema dealing with orders, and one with sales. That way it is easier for people to filter only the objects they are interested in, and for the dba to limit access to schemas to specific departments.
If you work with data warehousing, it's not unusual to see an Extract schema, a Stage schema, and a Fact and Dimension schema.

How can I achieve row level security in SQL Server 2014

Is there any way to get row-level security in SQL Server 2014?
My problem is:
I have a table with data for multiple regions
I created a view for each region
Specific user will have access to specific region views
But without giving access to the underlying table, those users are unable to access the views
I need to restrict users to view only certain rows. Are there any possibilities to do so?
I have achieved it by creating views for the specified rows and giving permission to only views not underlying table
so user has visible to only rows which are returned by views. We can control rows to be returned by where clause in view.
but table may contain other rows as well
key terms : Ownership chaining
The same SQL query returns results based on identity. No special database code required. You can control how the rows and columns return, and even aggregation. For example, the SQL below will return different results for managers, analysts, and developers.
select * from employee_salaries;

How to create schema bound, cross-database view in SQL Server

I am attempting to create an indexed view on SQL Server 2008. I have a master database in which I cannot make any changes to (in terms of adding tables, views, etc.). However, I need to create some different views for various reasons that need to work with live data.
I have created a new database along side my master database so I can create views there. I am able to create views just fine, but I want to index some of the larger views. However, when I try to create a schema bound view cross-database, I receive the following error:
Cannot schema bind view 'dbo.Divisions' because name
'master.dbo.hbs_fsdv' is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in
two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.
Since I am going cross-database with the views, I have to reference the name in three-part format.
My creation statement for the view:
SELECT master.dbo.hbs_fsdv.seq_ AS DivisionID,
master.dbo.hbs_fsdv.fs_division_desc_ AS Description
FROM master.dbo.hbs_fsdv
How can I create an indexed cross-database view in SQL Server?
Plain and simple. You can't. From the MSDN page:
The view must reference only base tables that are in the same database as the view.
Although (per the docs) it cannot be done directly with a simple SQL statement, this use case is very common and has a solution.
The architecture would have to involve caching the remote tables into your centralized database, and building the indexed view on top of them.
Some good notes on this can be found here:
What is the best way to cache a table from a (SQL) linked server view?

Database views and different types of users

If you had different roles on a website perhaps, user, developer, admin, maybe moderators user levels.
How would a database view help? Whats the difference between querying the base table and the view table?
View is just a stored select query for popular scenario allowing execution time optimization. View is just faster than query.
Of course you can prepare special views for your website roles, and query views instead of tables to show filtered or aggregated data.
View can refer to many tables. Thus, instead of granting permissions for each table individually you can give permissions for the view. Also, underlying data in views is readonly (by default; some servers let you create editable views), as name VIEW implies. Usually(not always!) querying views is faster than querying tables.

Performing Calculations in a table's field with Transactions Table

One thing I want to do is build a personal database for myself at home to use a financial database (transaction log, checking/savings account tables, etc), and I want to do this mainly to learn more about developing databases. I am pretty familiar with MS Access, though not put to use in this context, but what I am really trying to learn is SQL Server.
SO, that being said, the first question that popped into my mind is that if I have a transactions table that I would want to use as a ledger, then is there some method to have the table automatically perform a calculation for one field (balance) based on another field(s) (expense, revenue fields)? Similar to what someone may do with Excel......
Or is this something I would have to do with an unbound form, and an UPDATE statement kinda of approach? If a table constraint exists for this type of idea, I would like to learn it....
I mentioned MS Access in the title, but a SQL Server is also most appreciated. Thanks for the help!
Derived data should not be stored except if it needs to be indexed -- you calculate the values in your SQL statements, or in the presentation layer.
In addition to computed columns in SQL Server tables, you can have them in VIEWS and you can index them. The term is "indexed view" and when you do that, the data is persisted in a hidden temp table and updated on the fly when the data the VIEW is derived from is changed. You can read about it under the TYPES OF VIEWS topic in the same link cited in #Roland Bouman's answer.
Last of all, it's not clear to me why you mention Access at all if you're using SQL Server as your back end. Are you developing your front end in Access?
In MS SQL server, you can use computed columns for this:
