Create/restore database from backup SQL Server Express - sql-server

I don't have SQL Server Management Studio on my machine.
I have a database backup (SQL Server 2008 R2). There is SQL Server Express that installed with Visual studio 2010 ultimate installed on my machine.
How can I restore this back up on a database and attaching it to SQL Server Express?
Is there any solution wihout using SQL Managment Studio Express ?

Even with SQL Server Management Studio Express, you won't be able to restore this backup. The Express edition being installed with Visual Studio 2010 is version 2008 of SQL Server - your backup is one from a SQL Server 2008 R2 release - those backups cannot be restore onto a 2008 version.
You will need to download the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express version, and while you're at it - get the version with the Management Studio! Install this, and then you'll be able to restore your database backup.
If you really really want to restore your database without using Mgmt Studio - you can of course use a RESTORE statement in T-SQL and run this using the sqlcmd command line tool:
FROM DISK = N'(path to your BAK file)'
MOVE N'(your DB name)' TO N'(your SQL path)database.MDF',
MOVE N'(your DB name)_LOG' TO N'(your SQL path)database_LOG.LDF',
STATS = 10
(and of course, there's also a BACKUP command which you can use in a similar fashion - the MSDN Books Online are your friend for details about the syntax!!).

Late one but hopefully useful to others who are viewing this….
If the problem is restoring without management studio this can be easily solved by using sqlcmd as marc_s already pointed out.
However if the real problem is restoring 2008 R2 backup on SQL 2008 without using SSMS then only solution is using third party tools that can read backup and generate scripts for creating schema and inserting data.
Idea is to create empty database on SQL 2008 and use a third party tool to compare it to backup generated with 2008 R2.
I’ve used ApexSQL Diff and ApexSQL Data Diff with good success in my previous job but there are also good tools from Red Gate (SQL Compare) and Idera (Comparison toolset). If you look up online you’ll probably find a lot more….
Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned above…

Why don't you get SQL Managment Studio Express? It is free, and should allow you to administer local sql express instances.
DISK = N'\\nas\Backup\L40\SQL2005\AdventureWorks_backup_200702120215.bak'
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Full Database Backup',
RESTORE DATABASE [AdventureWorksNew]
FROM DISK = N'\\nas\Backup\L40\SQL2005\AdventureWorks_backup_200702120215.bak'
MOVE N'AdventureWorks_Data' TO N'C:\Data\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorksNew_Data.mdf',
MOVE N'AdventureWorks_Log' TO N'C:\Data\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorksNew_Log.ldf',

Following link provides similar solution as marc_s, and it goes even deeper. I was able to successfully create a new DB from Backup file with the solution provided in the link below.
The solution below is copied from above link:
In SSMS, open a query window in the master database of the database server. That’s where you will run the following queries.
See what the “LogicalName” of the database that has been backed up in the .bak file is
This will give you the logical name of the database and its associated log file. Lets assume that the names are “dbname” and “dbname_log”
Now run the following restore command. Make sure that a database with the name you are trying to create doesn’t already exist (in the code sample below, dbForSocialMigration doesn’t exist).
RESTORE DATABASE dbForSocialMigration
FROM DISK = 'c:\DatabaseBackups\dev20120307.bak'
MOVE 'dbname' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\dbForSocialMigration.mdf',
MOVE 'dbname_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\dbForSocialMigration_log.mdf'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA is the directory where SQL Express usually keeps its data files. You can find the directory your database server is using by selecting a database from it, right clicking and opening the properties dialog and selecting the “Files” option from the left.
That should work, and at that point you should be able to access the database “dbForSocialMigration” populated with all the tables and data from the .bak file.


Restoring a running database in a different name in same server in SQL Server 2012 using Management Studio

I have SQL Server 2012 (64-bit) (MSSQL11)
running on Windows 2012 R2 (64-bit) (NT 6.3)
with .NET framework 4.0.
It has a database called db_X and since this is a live production database it is always running and stopping it is not an option.
This is the only SQL Server database server that I practically have.
I want to take a backup (i.e. a full backup) of db_X (which I know how to do) and restore that backup (that .bak file) under a different name (say db_Y) in the same SQL Server database server.
I created a new database called db_Y, then right clicked db_Y then went to Tasks --> Restore --> Database...
Then I gave the path to that .bak file (as source) and tried to restore it by giving db_Y as destination (with the option - overwrite the existing database i.e. WITH REPLACE)
But this is not working. It is giving an error.
It says restore of database db_Y failed. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The file C:...\db_X1.mdf cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database db_X. Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.
But I still believe that this can be done using the Management Studio. Or at least using a script. (as this is a common requirement.)
Why is it trying to restore on db_X, when I have clearly given db_Y as my destination? Isn't this a bit scary as db_X is my live database (because I might lose some data)?
How is it possible to (have a copy of an existing and running database under a different name in SQL Server or in other words) restore a backup of an existing and running database with a different name in SQL Server 2012?
I am grateful if someone could kindly explain how this can be done using the Management Studio or at least using a script.
When you are restoring the database, you need to rename the database to something other than the name of the original:
And then click the Files section and makes sure the file names are different than the original database:

Backup Remote SQL database by building SQL Generate Scripts

I have a application with an MS SQL Backend. I want to be able to take a "Snapshot" of the remote database so that the database can be cloned to another location. I want to do this by building SQL generate scripts similar to those created by SQL Management Studio. I found this code:
How to generate create script of tables with their constraints using SQL query in SQL Server 2008
which prints the scripts to the Messages window in SQL Studio express but I need it returned as the result so I can call it from my .Net application and get the scripts back so I can save them to a text file, ready to recreate the database elsewhere. Can anyone help?
The next stage of this task is scripting, then inserting all the data from the "Live" database. I know I can do all this using the Script Tools in SQL Studio but I need it built into my application, so my users can clone their Network Database locally to use away from the network.
The Options if you don't want to sync the server editions.
Upgrade the older version of SQL Server to be at the same level as the newer SQL Server.
Script out the objects from the newer database and then usp a bcp process to extract the data from the newer database and import it into the older database.
Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to build an SSIS package to move the data (it will move the data only).
Build a custom SSIS package to do the data move.
Use replication to move the data from the newer database to the older one.
Use some other form of scripting, such as with PowerShell, to keep the databases in sync.
You should still want to use compressed database backups, you can then restore the database to end users with a smaller foot print. There are other options as well, like log shipping, database mirroring, and setting up availability groups. These all require more work than taking a compressed backup.
BACKUP DATABASE [Gigabits] TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Gigabits.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Gigabits-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10
You cannot attach/detach or backup/restore a database from a newer version (SQL Server 2008 R2 - 10.50.1600) of SQL Server down to an older version (2008 - v10.00.1600) - the internal file structures are just too different to support backwards compatibility.
You can either get around this problem by
using the same version of SQL Server on all your machines - then you can easily backup/restore databases between instances
otherwise you can create the database scripts for both structure (tables, view, stored procedures etc.) and for contents (the actual data contained in the tables) either in SQL Server Management Studio (Tasks > Generate Scripts) or using a third-party tool
or you can use a third-party tool like Red-Gate's SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to do "diffing" between your source and target, generate update scripts from those differences, and then execute those scripts on the target platform; this works across different SQL Server versions.

SQL Server database restore error: specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard (version 10.50.1600.1) for my production website and
SQL Server Express edition with Advanced Services (v10.50.1600.1) for my localhost as a database.
Few days back my SQL Server crashed and I had to install a new 2008 R2 Express version on my localhost. It worked fine when I restored some older versions taken from Express edition but when I try to restore database from .bak file which is taken from production server it is causing the following error:
Error: Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)
and when I try to restore the database using command
Use Master
FROM DISK = 'C:\Publications.bak'
WITH MOVE 'Publications' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS2008R2\MSSQL\DATA\Publications.mdf',--adjust path
MOVE 'AlPublications_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS2008R2\MSSQL\DATA\Publications.ldf'
It generates a different error
Msg 3154, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'Publications' database.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
I have cross checked the versions. They all seem matching to me as shown in the image below
Previously I was able to restore a database from standard version to express edition but now it fails. I deleted the database and tried to recreate it. That fails, too.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I would appreciate help in this regarding
Issue was resolved as it seems .bak file was corrupt. When I tried it with a different file it worked.
Could be because of restoring SQL Server 2012 version backup file into SQL Server 2008 R2 or even less.
The GUI can be fickle at times. The error you got when using T-SQL is because you're trying to overwrite an existing database, but did not specify to overwrite/replace the existing database. The following might work:
Use Master
FROM DISK = 'C:\Publications_backup_2012_10_15_010004_5648316.bak'
MOVE 'Publications' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS2008R2\MSSQL\DATA\Publications.mdf',--adjust path
MOVE 'Publications_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS2008R2\MSSQL\DATA\Publications.ldf'
, REPLACE -- Add REPLACE to specify the existing database which should be overwritten.
Finally got this error to go away on a restore. I moved to SQL2012 out of frustration, but I guess this would probably still work on 2008R2. I had to use the logical names:
FROM DISK = ‘location of your.bak file’
And from there I ran a restore statement with MOVE using logical names.
FROM DISK = '\\database path\database.bak'
MOVE 'File_Data' TO 'E:\location\database.mdf',
MOVE 'File_DOCS' TO 'E:\location\database_1.ndf',
MOVE 'file' TO 'E:\location\database_2.ndf',
MOVE 'file' TO 'E:\location\database_3.ndf',
MOVE 'file_Log' TO 'E:\location\database.ldf'
When it was done restoring, I almost wept with joy.
Good luck!
Below can be 2 reasons for this issue:
Backup taken on SQL 2012 and Restore Headeronly was done in SQL 2008 R2
Backup media is corrupted.
If we run below command, we can find actual error always:
restore headeronly
from disk = 'C:\Users\Public\Database.bak'
Give complete location of your database file in the quot
Hope it helps

SQL Server : backup database with T-SQL?

I am looking for a way to backup a SQL Server database with T-SQL. I do no have root access to this server through the console, as my only access comes through SQL Server Management Studio.
Could someone please show me the SQL that I could use to export the raw SQL for my entire database?
BACKUP DATABASE #strDB TO DISK =#BackupFile WITH RETAINDAYS = 10, NAME = N'MyDataBase_DATA-Full Database Backup', STATS = 10
You must define #BackupFile and #strDB as the database name.
All of this is free in Books Online which you can find online.
If you only have access to the server through Management Studio, where do you expect it to stream your backup? Getting the T-SQL to work is one thing - getting SQL Server to be able to write the backup to a place where you can access it is quite another. You may want to look at Red-Gate's SQL Azure Backup:

How to RESTORE a BACKUP from DB with different versions? [duplicate]

How to restore a higher version SQL Server database backup file onto a lower version SQL Server?
Using SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.1600), I made a backup file and now I want to restore it on my live server's SQL Server 2008 (10.00.1600).
When I tried to restore the backup onto SQL Server 2008 it gives an error i.e. Restore Failed because:
The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600.
That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version
How do I restore the backup file on this server?
You can use functionality called Export Data-Tier Application which generates .bacpac file consisting database schema and data.
On destination server, you can use Import Data-Tier Application option which creates and populates new database from pre-created .bacpac file
If you want just to transfer database schema, you can use Extract Data-Tier Application for creating file and Deploy Data-Tier Application for deploying created database schema.
I've tried this process on different versions of SQL Server from SQL 2014 to SQL 2012 and from SQL 2014 to SQL 2008R2 and worked well.
No, is not possible to downgrade a database. 10.50.1600 is the SQL Server 2008 R2 version. There is absolutely no way you can restore or attach this database to the SQL Server 2008 instance you are trying to restore on (10.00.1600 is SQL Server 2008). Your only options are:
upgrade this instance to SQL Server 2008 R2 or
restore the backup you have on a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance, export all the data and import it on a SQL Server 2008 database.
You can not restore database (or attach) created in the upper version into lower version. The only way is to create a script for all objects and use the script to generate database.
select "Schema and Data" - if you want to Take both the
things in to the Backup script file select Schema Only -
if only schema is needed.
Yes, now you have done with the Create Script with Schema and Data of the Database.
Will not necessarily work
Backup / Restore - will not work when the target is an earlier MS SQL version.
Copy Database - will not work when the target is SQL Server Express: "The destination server cannot be a SQL Server 2005 or later Express instance."
Data import - Will not copy the schema.
Will work
Script generation - Tasks -> Generate Scripts. Make sure you set the desired target SQL Server version on the Set Scripting Options -> Advanced page. You can also choose there whether to copy schema, data, or both. Note that in the generated script, you may need to change the DATA folder for the mdf/ldf files if moving from non-express to express or vice versa.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Services - comes with SQL Server 2005 and above, I think. Download the latest version from here. Prerequisites: sqlncli.msi/sqlncli_x64.msi/sqlncli_ia64.msi, SQLServer2005_XMO.msi/SQLServer2005_XMO_x64.msi/SQLServer2005_XMO_ia64.msi (download here).
Here are my 2 cents on different options for completing this:
Third party tools: Probably the easiest way to get the job done is to create an empty database on lower version and then use third party tools to read the backup and synchronize new newly created database with the backup.
Red gate is one of the most popular but there are many others like ApexSQL Diff , ApexSQL Data Diff, Adept SQL, Idera …. All of these are premium tools but you can get the job done in trial mode ;)
Generating scripts: as others already mentioned you can always script structure and data using SSMS but you need to take into consideration the order of execution. By default object scripts are not ordered correctly and you’ll have to take care of the dependencies. This may be an issue if database is big and has a lot of objects.
Import and export wizard: This is not an ideal solution as it will not restore all objects but only data tables but you can consider it for quick and dirty fixes when it’s needed.
Another way to do this is to use "Copy Database" feature:
Find by right clicking the source database > "Tasks" > "Copy Database".
You can copy the database to a lower version of SQL Server Instance. This worked for me from a SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2789.0 to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP2) - 10.0.3798.0
You can try this.
Create a Database onto SQL Server 2008.
Using Import Data feature import data from SQL Server R2 (or any higher version).
use "RedGate SQLCompare" to synchronize script.
Go to Task->Generate Scripts...
In Advanced in "Types of data for script" select "Schema and data" and try to run this script in your lower version.
It's not pretty, but this is how I did it granted you have this option installed on your SQL 2008 R2 install..
1) Right click database in SQL Server 2008 R2 "Tasks".. "Generate scripts" in the wizard, select the entire database and objects in first step. On the "Set Scripting Options" step you should see a button "Advanced" , select this and make sure you select "Script for Server Version" = SQL Server 2008" not R2 version.
This is a crucial step, because "import data" by itself does not bring along all the primary keys, constriants and any other objects like stored procedures."
2) Run the SQL script generated on the new install or database instance SQL Express or SQL Server 2008 using the query window or open saved .sql script and execute and you should see the new database.
3) Now right click on the new database and select "Tasks".. "Import Data.." choose source as the R2 database and the destination as the new database. "Copy data from one or more tables or views", select the top checkbox to select all tables and then next step, run the package and you should have everything on a older version. This should work for going back to a 2005 version as well. Hope this helps someone out.
you can use BCP in and out for small tables.
BCP OUT command:-
BCP "SELECT * FROM [Dinesh].[dbo].[Invoices]" QUERYOUT C:\av\Invoices1.txt -S MC0XENTC -T -c -r c:\error.csv
BCP IN command:-
Create table structure for Invoicescopy1.
BCP [Dinesh].[dbo].[Invoicescopy1] IN C:\av\Invoices.txt -S MC0XENTC -T -c
I appreciate this is an old post, but it may be useful for people to know that the Azure Migration Wizard (available on Codeplex - can't link to is as Codeplex is at the moment I'm typing this) will do this easily.
You'd have to use the Import/Export wizards in SSMS to migrate everything
There is no "downgrade" possible using backup/restore or detach/attach. Therefore what you have to do is:
Backup the database from the server running the new SSMS/SQL version.
Import data from the generated .bak file, by expanding the "Tasks" menu(after right-clicking the target database) and selecting the "Import Data" option.
You can generate script from Task menu
For detailed reference
How to migrate a SQL Server database to a lower version
