Click through transparent window in Xlib - c

I would like to be able to draw anywhere on the screen, so I think I should create a transparent, fullscreen, undecorated window.
The problem is, all events pass through the window. I'd like to catch a mouse-move event and use it.
Any ideas? Might I be able to do this in a higher-level library?

Simply take a screen capture and make a full screen window filled with those pixels. You won't get live update but you will be able to process the mouse and keyboard events however you like.


WPF Window HorizontalAlignent Stretch

I have a simple task that I want to accomplish: Have a WPF window launch with a Horizontal Alignment that is stretched to the total width of the current screen. I want to achieve a kind of custom Overlay MessageBox (I dont want to use third party controls such as MahApps), I am not using any third party references for this.
Please see what I have achieved so far (Not sure if the image will show, the link is
I have tried setting the width with a Controller object that I wrote which works, that basically sets the Width, Height, Left and Top to the width of the primary monitor. Downside is the window then pops up on the primary screen, not on the screen that is currently in use.
As far as I know, WPF doesn't have any multi-screen functions. You could PInvoke some native Multiple Display Monitor Functions, wrap them in a managed class and utilize them in that regard, though.
As a workaround, I have done the following:
var screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromRectangle(new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)window.Left, (int)window.Top, (int)window.Width, (int)window.Height));
window.Width = screen.WorkingArea.Width;
window.Left = screen.WorkingArea.Left;
where window is the instance of my window I want to resize.
This works with the current screen the window was opened on.

ImageViewer in WPF

Hi everyone I would like to implement an ImageViewer (like the one in Facebook for example) in a WPF application
I already have a ListBox whith my pictures, it works well. But I would like to add pop "image full size" when the user double click on one of them. (something like in FB, with a fade out of the background etc).
Currently I'm thinking of to use a Window...Do you have a better idea of what I should use ?
i would probably use a window for that as well. Then you can easily put an opacity animation when the window loads to give it the fade in and fade out effect
You could also use a Popup control.
It comes with some some built in (but very limited) animations, like fade, see PopupAnimation.
I'd try that and if it doesn't fit your needs, I second bflosabre91 oppionion and would use a separate opacity animated window.
But bear in mind that with an additional window you could have negative side effects e.g always sync the window positions correctly, handle task switches (ie. correctly hide the window in the taskbar/tasklist)

Duplicate a control on two windows on two screens

I need to duplicate a control on two windows on two different screens, I am writing a WPF application in which I have a "WebBrowserControl", I need to duplicate the "WebBrowserControl" onto another window and on another screen. I need to render exact copy on both screens, moreover I need to capture mouse movement on both screens. Mouse should be moving at exact locations on both screens.
Can anyone suggest anything? I have tried capturing screen and putting it in another window, but how do I capture mouse movement?
Any ideas? Any help will be of great value.
Handle the mouse move event is the answer on how to capture mouse movement.
The part that confuses me is how you are going to have a mouse on both screens.

WinAPI mouse move notification for full desktop

In WinAPI is there a mouse move notification for the full desktop (full screen) and not for a window only?
I would like to receive mouse screen coordinates in my main window procedure.
What I try to do is getting the coordinates from the mouse when dragging from a button in my window to outside that window.
Not as such, no. If you wanted to do something anywhere on the desktop from within your program, e.g. point somewhere or draw something anywhere, you could capture the mouse and then follow the movement until the mouse button is released. See SetCapture for this.
For an example, see this article on MSDN: Drawing Lines with the Mouse
Otherwise you can always use Windows hooks to follow mouse movements anywhere.
You can set a mouse hook to be notified about all mouse events.
You can use GetCursorPos, or GetMessagePos that contains coordinate of the last message

Center a Silverlight modal popup in a canvas that is larger than the screen

I currently have a Silverlight canvas that exceeds the viewable area of the screen (I'm letting the users drag the viewable areas around to navigate). I'm trying to display a modal popup that always shows up in the middle of the viewable area, and I can't seem to find any property that tells me what currently is on the screen. Basically if the user has panned down to the bottom and clicks something that causes a modal popup to appear it is stuck at the far top of the screen.
Any ideas anyone?
I don't think this is possible since the visibility isn't being surfaced. Perhaps with some fun JavaScript to figure out where the panning is?
Quite true. I wound up creating a holding canvas, making that full screen, and putting everything else as a child canvas within that. The modal popup now comes up in the holding canvas.
Gabriel GuimarĂ£es one works good.
App.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight(and ActualWidth) does bring the browser size inside. Good for calculating position. And of course you can use LayoutUpdated on your main control to double check the sizes and resize stuff if need be.
