Design question on dynamic Apache camel routes/context - apache-camel

We have ActiveMQ onto which the events that happen in the system are published. The project involves users adding entities to their watch-list and whenever there are events on those entities I would like an email to be sent out to the interested participants.
The use-case roughly translates to some one expressing an interest in a product information page on the catalog and an email being sent whenever any activity happens on that product (price goes down, there is a positive review etc.,). I had modelled this interaction as a Camel route.
So, for example, if the user says email me whenever this product's rating equals 5, then the following route would be added to the camel context:
from("").filter().xpath("/object[<object id>]/rating").isEqualTo("5").to("email:<user's email>")
Similarly if the user wants to be notified whenever there is a new comment on a product, another route would be created and so on. This could potentially, end up creating thousands of routes as each user starts adding their watches of interest.
Some questions that I have are:
Is this an acceptable way of creating dynamic routes? One option I am considering is to use recipient lists. But I haven't been able to come up with a solution that would make it elegant to route messages to the bean that would return the recipient list. For example for the case explained above would the bean have a bunch of if-else to see which recipient list to return?
The camelcontext has a method to load routes from a xml file but no method to persist the existing routes. What would be simplest (and efficient) way to persist these dynamically created routes? This thread in the camel-users list sums up my request.

Given the dynamic nature of your subscription requirements, you should use a database to store the information rather than trying to create dynamic routes. This is a much more scalable/appropriate use of technology...
Then you can only need a single static route or a POJO consumer (see below) that can process the product update messages using a simple POJO bean (bean-binding can help, etc). The POJO bean would then be responsible for querying the database to find all "interested" users and send an email using camel-mail
public class NotificationBean {
public void onUpdate(#XPath("/object/id") String id,
#XPath("/object/rating") String rating) {
//query database for subscriptions for this product ID/rating, etc.
//for each interested subscriber
//send email (camel-mail, etc)
public void addSubscription(String productID, Integer rating, String email) {
//create/update subscription entry in database, etc...


Custom Entity UUID w/ embedded info

I follow clean arch / solid principles on my entire stack. I'm coming across a situation where I want to embed an UUID in some of my entity id fields in the domain logic, for example:
Create OrganizationEntity id=abc123
Create a ItemEntity and embed the OrganizationEntity 's id that owns that ItemEntity in the id field when it's created, ie: = itm-abc123-sdfnj344
I'm thinking of going this route so that I can reduce the amount of DB lookups to see if someone has access to a ItemEntity - if the client request belongs to OrganizationEntity then I can pattern match abc123 on both the client request session id and the requesting record for ItemEntity ... this would greatly improve performance.
Is this a known pattern/implementation? Are there any concerns or gotchas?
Try to keep your domain model as close to the language of the domain experts as you can. So if an Item belongs to an organization it is ok to have a reference id in the Item. But if an item belongs to another domain object and this one belongs to an organization you should not reference the organization in the item domain object because of performance (persistence) reasons.
You said that you want to check if someone has access to the ItemEntity. This means that there is a kind of context in which ItemEntity objects are accessible.
I see 3 options to implement such a context:
a repository api that has a organization id argument
public interface ItemRepository {
public List<ItemEntity> findItems(...., organizationId);
When you pass the organization id on every repository call, the repository is stateless. But it also means that you must pass the organization id from the controller to the use case and then to the repository.
a repository that is bound to an organization
public ItemRepository {
private UUID organizationId; // constructor omitted here
public List<ItemEntity> findItems(...){}
When you create a repository that is bound to an organization, you must create it when you need it (and also the use case), because it is stateful. But you can be sure that noone can get items that he is not allowed to see.
organization id in a call context
When the controller is invoked it takes the organization id from the session, puts it in the call context and calls the use case. In Java you would use a ThreadLocal. You can also implement this as an aspect and apply it to every controller (AOP). The repository implemetation can then access the call context and get the organization id and use it in it's queries or filter the items before returning them.
This option will allow you to access the organization id in every layer that is in the flow of control, e.g. in all use cases, entities, repositories or when you call an external service.
In all three cases you can avoid to put the organization id in the item just for database access reasons.

Domain driven design database validation in model layer

I'm creating a design for a Twitter application to practice DDD. My domain model looks like this:
The user and tweet are marked blue to indicate them being a aggregate root. Between the user and the tweet I want a bounded context, each will run in their respective microservice (auth and tweet).
To reference which user has created a tweet, but not run into a self-referencing loop, I have created the UserInfo object. The UserInfo object is created via events when a new user is created. It stores only the information the Tweet microservice will need of the user.
When I create a tweet I only provide the userid and relevant fields to the tweet, with that user id I want to be able to retrieve the UserInfo object, via id reference, to use it in the various child objects, such as Mentions and Poster.
The issue I run into is the persistance, at first glance I thought "Just provide the UserInfo object in the tweet constructor and it's done, all the child aggregates have access to it". But it's a bit harder on the Mention class, since the Mention will contain a dynamic username like so: "#anyuser". To validate if anyuser exists as a UserInfo object I need to query the database. However, I don't know who is mentioned before the tweet's content has been parsed, and that logic resides in the domain model itself and is called as a result of using the tweets constructor. Without this logic, no mentions are extracted so nothing can "yet" be validated.
If I cannot validate it before creating the tweet, because I need the extraction logic, and I cannot use the database repository inside the domain model layer, how can I validate the mentions properly?
Whenever an AR needs to reach out of it's own boundary to gather data there's two main solutions:
You pass in a service to the AR's method which allows it to perform the resolution. The service interface is defined in the domain, but most likely implemented in the infrastructure layer.
e.g. someAr.someMethod(args, someServiceImpl)
Note that if the data is required at construction time you may want to introduce a factory that takes a dependency on the service interface, performs the validation and returns an instance of the AR.
tweetFactory = new TweetFactory(new SqlUserInfoLookupService(...));
tweet = tweetFactory.create(...);
You resolve the dependencies in the application layer first, then pass the required data. Note that the application layer could take a dependency onto a domain service in order to perform some reverse resolutions first.
If the application layer would like to resolve the UserInfo for all mentions, but can't because it doesn't know how to parse mentions within the text it could always rely on a domain service or value object to perform that task first, then resolve the UserInfo dependencies and provide them to the Tweet AR. Be cautious here not to leak too much logic in the application layer though. If the orchestration logic becomes intertwined with business logic you may want to extract such use case processing logic in a domain service.
Finally, note that any data validated outside the boundary of an AR is always considered stale. The #xyz user could currently exist, but not exist anymore (e.g. deactivated) 1ms after the tweet was sent.

How should we structure our models with microservices?

For example, if I have a microservice with this API:
service User {
rpc GetUser(GetUserRequest) returns (GetUserResponse) {}
message GetUserRequest {
int32 user_id = 1;
message GetUserResponse {
int32 user_id = 1;
string first_name = 2;
string last_name = 3;
I figured that for other services that require users, I'm going to have to store this user_id in all rows that have data associated with that user ID. For example, if I have a separate Posts service, I would store the user_id information for every post author. And then whenever I want that user information to return data in an endpoint, I would need to make a network call to the User service.
Would I always want to do that? Or are there certain times that I want to just copy over information from the User service into my current service (excluding saving into in-memory databases like Redis)?
Copying complete data generally never required, most of times for purposes of scale or making microservices more independent, people tend to copy some of the information which is more or less static in nature.
For eg: In Post Service, i might copy author basic information like name in post microservices, because when somebody making a request to the post microservice to get list of post based on some filter , i do not want to get name of author for each post.
Also the side effect of copying data is maintaining its consistency. So make sure you business really demands it.
You'll definitely want to avoid sharing database schema/tables. See this blog for an explanation. Use a purpose built interface for dependency between the services.
Any decision to "copy" data into your other service should be made by the service's team, but they better have a real good reason in order for it to make sense. Most designs won't require duplicated data because the service boundary should be domain specific and non-overlapping. In case of user ids they can be often be treated as contextual references without any attached logic about users.
One pattern observed is: If you have auth protected endpoints, you will need to make a call to your auth service anyway - for security - and that same call should allow you to acquire whatever user id information is necessary.
All the regular best practices for API dependencies apply, e.g. regarding stability, versioning, deprecating etc.

Handle Scenarios when exposing route as a restlet service

I have used rest servlet binding to expose route as a service.
I have used employeeClientBean as a POJO , wrapping the actual call to employee REST service within it, basically doing the role of a service client.
So, based on the method name passed, I call the respective method in employee REST service, through the employeeClientBean.
I want to know how how I can handle the scenarios as added in commments in the block of code.
I am just new to Camel, but felt POJO binding is better as it does not couple us to camel specific APIs like exchange and processor or even use
any specific components.
But, I am not sure how I can handle the above scenarios and return appropriate JSON responses to the user of the route service.
Can someone help me on this.
public void configure() throws Exception {
.dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true")
rest("/employee").description("Employee Rest Service")
.get("/{id}").description("Find employee by id").outType(Employee.class)
.to("bean:employeeClientBean? method=getEmployeeDetails(${})")
//How to handle and return response to the user of the route service for the following scenarios for get/{id}"
//1.Passed id is not a valid one as per the system
//2.Failure to return details due to some issues
.post().description("Create a new Employee ").type(Employee.class)
//How to handle and return correct response to the user of the route service for the following scenarios "
//1. Employee being created already exists in the system
//2. Some of the fields of employee passed are as not as per constraints on them
//3. Failure to create a employee due to some issues in server side (For Eg, DB Failure)
I fear you are putting Camel to bad use - as per the Apache documentation the REST module is supporting Consumer implementations, e.g. reading from a REST-endpoint, but NOT writing back to a caller.
For your use case you might want to switch framework. Syntactically, Ratpack goes in that direction.

How to capture original endpoint URI within an expression (Recipient List EIP)

I'm attempting to use the Recipient List EIP to dynamically generate the consumer endpoint URI during runtime based on configuration entries in a database ( I've got a number of routes that I want to handle this way so I'd like to build something that can handle multiple routes generically.
Therefore, my idea is to keep an in memory map of these URI values keyed on some type of identifying information (original endpoint URI seems like a logical choice) which would be updated if/when the database is updated to keep the routes in sync, and prevent having to go to the database for every exchange. Using the RouteBuilder, I am setting up the route with the recipient list and Bean expression.
from(endpointUri).recipientList(bean(MyBean.class, "getUri"));
I know that I can capture various objects such as the exchange, body, headers (as long as I know the name), etc using the Bean binding for the getUri method. Is it possible to somehow get the original endpoint URI value so that I can use it as a key to fetch the correct consumer endpoint?
The Exchange interface has getFromEndpoint() method which returns an Endpoint. The Endpoint interface has getEndpointUri() method which returns a String. Perhaps that's what you need? If that's not sufficient, you could set header value(s) at some point and then subsequently retrieve them later in your route.
