I have a directory structure like so:
What is the best way to delete dir2 and all it's sub-elements using rmname? Can I simply do 'cleartool rmname dir2' and have it recursively delete all it's contents?
You only need to:
cleartool checkout -nc root_dir
cleartool rmname dir2
cleartool checkin root_dir
That remove the reference to dir2 in the new version of root_dir, making dir2 and all its content invisible (not reachable).
And you can easily restore dir2 (and all its content) by merging the previous version of root_dir (which was still referencing dir2) with the current version (the one where you rmname'd dir2) in order to recreate a new version where you get back dir2.
Note: when using rmname, you might have an error message mentioning that the element is in checked out, even though it is not checked out in the branch where you are doing the rmname.
using rmname -force is the solution to still perform the rmname: see this technote.
UNIX mkdir has the -p flag that creates the parent directories if they don't exist. Is there an equivalent in cleartool for that? Obviously cleartool mkdir foo/bar/ doens't work when foo doesn't already exist.
The simplest way is to create a file in the directory structure and use mkelem -mkpath...
I created a "temp1" directory, and a "temp2" directory, and a "temp.txt" file in one of my sandbox vobs, then added the file to source control with -mkpath from the parent of the "temp1" view private directory.
PS M:\tempview\foobarf\Documents> cleartool mkelem -mkpath .\temp1\temp2\temp.txt
Creating parent directory element ".\temp1\temp2".
Creating parent directory element ".\temp1".
Created directory element ".\temp1".
Checking out parent directory ".\temp1".
Created directory element ".\temp1\temp2".
Checking out parent directory ".\temp1\temp2".
Creation comments for ".\temp1\temp2\temp.txt":
Created element ".\temp1\temp2\temp.txt" (type "utf16le_file").
Checked out ".\temp1\temp2\temp.txt" from version "\main\0".
It's UTF-16LE because Powershell's Locale is wide character and the "temp.txt" was created using "dir > temp1\temp2\temp.txt".
cleartool mkelem -mkpath is a good option when adding one file.
But if you have multiple files to add, in a tree structure which does not exist yet, don't forget about clearfsimport: it can import flat files to a branch in one command, and will create any missing folder for you.
As seen here: clearfsimport -rec -nset <Source> <target>
From every branch and node.
Not only in branch of current view.
I have tried using "cleartool rmlabel -rec YOUR_LABEL yourDirectory" . but it removes only current view of version.
You can try instead to remove the entire label type:
cleartool rmtype -rmall yourlabel#\avob
But be careful, that would remove all instances of that label anywhere in that repo.
See another example of rmtype with "How to delete a clearcase branch with a single command?" using find and cleartool rmlabel.
Since you don't want to remove the label in the all vob, only in a given folder, you need to apply a slower solution, searching files with that label in your folder and subfolders:
cd /path/to/your/folder
cleartool find . -version "{lbtype(LABEL)}" -print
If the above line do print version for files in your folder and your subfolder, then try:
cd /path/to/your/folder
cleartool find . -version "{lbtype(LABEL)}" -exec "cleartool rmlabel YOUR_LABEL \"%CLEARCASE_XPN%\""
When I do "ct lsco -a" I can see that I have three checkouts. But they don't show up in xclearcase, and the directories aren't visible from the command line.
ct lsco -a | grep hendrixjl
--07-29T15:32 hendrixjl checkout directory version "/vobs/CORE/CORE_APPS/src/mapmgr_decoupled##/main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_54__0.5.0.0_decouple_map_manager/3/icondetails_decoupled" from /main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_47__0.5.0.0_ui_decouple/0 (unreserved)
--07-29T15:32 hendrixjl checkout directory version "/vobs/CORE/CORE_APPS/src/mapmgr_decoupled##/main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_54__0.5.0.0_decouple_map_manager/4/overlays" from /main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_47__0.5.0.0_ui_decouple/0 (unreserved)
--07-29T15:32 hendrixjl checkout directory version "/vobs/CORE/CORE_APPS/src/mapmgr_decoupled##/main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_54__0.5.0.0_decouple_map_manager/4/overlays/main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_54__0.5.0.0_decouple_map_manager/1/images" from /main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_47__0.5.0.0_ui_decouple/0 (unreserved)
[hendrixjl#BA-JBCP-HENDRIX CORE]$ cd /vobs/CORE/CORE_APPS/src/mapmgr_decoupled
[hendrixjl#BA-JBCP-HENDRIX mapmgr_decoupled]$ ls
Makefile ascope_translator common_decoupled displaySA_decoupled filters mgr_decoupled unit_test
[hendrixjl#BA-JBCP-HENDRIX mapmgr_decoupled]$ ct unco .
cleartool: Error: No branch of element is checked out to view "cc-svr:/data/cc_store/viewstore/hendrixjl/fea__cr_47__0.5.0.0_ui_decouple__hendrixjl_view.vws".
cleartool: Error: Unable to find checked out version for ".".
[hendrixjl#BA-JBCP-HENDRIX mapmgr_decoupled]$ ct unco icondetails_decoupled
cleartool: Error: Element name not found: "icondetails_decoupled".
[hendrixjl#BA-JBCP-HENDRIX mapmgr_decoupled]$
Those directories are checked-out in parent directories which are not visible/selected by your current view, probably because they have been removed (rmnamed).
That means the checked-out versions are not accessible from this view.
However, a potential workaround is to search for those same checked-out directories from the GUI "find checkouts" window: there you can select the checked-out element (file or directory) and select "undo checkout".
Another workaround is to go to the full extended path of that directory in a dynamic view: you will then be able to "cleartool unco" the directory.
cd /vobs/CORE/CORE_APPS/src/mapmgr_decoupled##/main/rel_core_0.5.0.0__int/fea__cr_54__0.5.0.0_decouple_map_manager/3
cleartool unco icondetails_decoupled
In any case, whenever you don't see an element, the first think to do is a version tree of the parent directory of that element, in order to check if the missing element has been rmname'd in one of the version of said parent directory.
Lets say I have a directory at \testfolder, and the latest is currently at /main/10. I know that the operation resulting in testfolder##/main/6 is to remove a file named test.txt.
What's a sequence of cleartool operations that can be done in a script that will take "testfolder##/main/6" and "test.txt" as input, and will cat out the contents of test.txt as of that time?
One way I can think of is to get the time of /main/6 operation, create a view with config spec -time set to that time, and then cat the test.txt at the directory. But I'm wondering if I can do this in a easier way that doesn't involve manipulating config specs, perhaps through "cleartool find" and extended path names
If you are using a dynamic view, you should be explore directly the extended pathnames of testfolder in order to access the content of test.txt.
cd m:\myview\myVob\path\to\testfolder
# In version 5 of testfolder, test.txt was still there
cd ##/main/5
# Note: test.txt is a directory! only LATEST is a file
type test.txt#/main/LATEST
The OP adds:
how about if test.txt was moved from testFolder to testFolder2, and then a new version of test.txt is checked in? In this when I go into testfolder##/main/5, test.txt##/main/LATEST is incorrect...
Technically, this is a case of evil twins: 2 objects of the same names exists (one in testfolder##/main/5, one in testfolder##/main/10) with different history.
You need, to get back the former test.txt (a like rollbacking a file), remove your current test.txt and get back the old one currently moved to Folder2. (cleartool move)
cd testFolder2
cleartool checkout -c "move test.txt back to testFolder"
cd ../testFolder
cleartool checkout -c "get back test.txt from testFolder2"
cleartool rmname test.txt
cleartool move ../testFolder2/test.txt
cleartool ci -nc .
cleartool ci -nc ../testFolder2
I want to check in a directory and all the sub-directories into the clear case.
Is there a specific command to achieve it?
Currently I am going into each directory and manually checking in each file.
I would recommend this question:
Now the problem is to checkin everything that has changed.
It is problematic since often not everything has changed, and ClearCase will trigger an error message when trying to check in an identical file. Meaning you will need 2 commands:
ct lsco -r -cvi -fmt "ci -nc \"%n\"\n" | ct
ct lsco -r -cvi -fmt "unco -rm %n\n" | ct
(with 'ct being 'cleartool' : type 'doskey ct=cleartool $*' on Windows to set that alias)
But if by "checkin" you mean:
"enter into source control for the first time"
"updating a large number of files which may have changed on an existing versionned directory"
I would recommend creating a dynamic view and clearfsimport your snapshot tree (with the new files) in the dynamic view.
See this question or this question.
the clearfsimport script is better equipped to import multiple times the same set of files, and automatically:
add new files,
make new version of existing files previously imported (but modified in the source set of files re-imported)
remove files already imported but no longer present in the source set of files.
make a clear log of all operations made during the import process.
clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset c:\sourceDir\* m:\MyView\MyVob\MyDestinationDirectory
did you used -recurse option in the clearfsimport command.
Example: clearfsimport -recurse source_dir .
This should help.
If you're using the Windows client, right-click on the parent folder, select Search, leave the file name field empty, click Search, select all the files in the result window (ctrl-A), right-click on them and select ClearCase -> Add to Source Control
If you are in windows you may try,
for /f "usebackq" %i in (`cleartool lsco -cview -me -r -s`) do cleartool ci -nc %i