could not connect to local host - tomcat6

Recently i installed apache tomcat 6 on my PC.I started the server and try to open the tomcat manager using the url:
8081 is the connector port i used at the time of installation and no other services using this port.But its shows the error like
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:8081
I used this with differnt browsers IE and crome but still getting the same error
Please provide me the solving to getrid of this.

Try the "Test your Install" section here.

first make sure the your server is running correctly by connect to http://localhost:8081/


An error occurred during installation: No such plugin: cloudbees-folder

An error occurred during installation: No such plugin: cloudbees-folder (While installing Jenkins suggested plugins getting the error on windows 10)
This work for me:
service jenkins restart on my Ubuntu
For Windows users, restarting the Jenkins service will resolve the issue.
For that Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Sft+Esc) -> Services -> right-click on Jenkins service and choose the option restart
If you are using the Jenkin's image in Docker if you see this error just try to execute the below command:
you will get a prompt do you need to restart don't click on yes just ignore then start creating your jobs by clicking on NEW, it's just a plugin
For the docker version
1-open the browser
2- write your_ip_address:your_docker_port/restart
Note: you must have the password generated by your Jenkins server
if you do have click here
As a comment suggested: always look for official images mentioned here
I faced the same issue when using the docker image jenkins:2.60.3, it turned out that this image isn't an official one, the official images look like jenkins/jenkins:<something>, you can find them here:
If you are behind a firewall (local or through a VPN), there's a good chance that it's failing to download files correctly.
Try installing from another location or disabling the VPN.
Or request your network admin to allow the connections.
When I initially started my server while on a VPN there were two connection failure stack traces.
I am running Jenkins on Ubuntu in AWS.
I had this initial problem after booting up the box.
Ran the following:
sudo service jenkins restart
All working for me now.
Check the Context Path in tomcat for Jenkins that you have given during deployment and then restart/safeRestart from that path.
For example: The Path in the below screenshot is "/jenkins", So the restart URL will be
http://localhost:8080/jenkins/restart OR
I just Unchecked all the plugins and clicked on the install button. After that, it successfully takes me to the inside.
Just restart the machine. It successfully worked for me.

MongoDB Connect Fail Error in windows

I have installed MongoDB shell version v3.4.9 in windows 7 and when I type mongo in cmd then I get the following error
error see the screenshot
Please tell me how to resolve it.
I am a beginner in MongoDB.
Run a netstat -an from a Console window. Then locate the default MongoDB port 27017 in the output. If it's there you may have a firewall issue.
If it isn't then MongoDB is not running or not listening on the default port. In this case you want to either start the windows service if you've installed MonggDB as a service or manually run mongod. The following links provide some guidance around that:
How to install mongoDB on windows?
How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

Moodle unable to access using domainName

Installing MOODLE_33_STABLE origin/MOODLE_33_STABLE on Ubuntu 16.04.2
I am able to install it and , access it with my vm's ip,
but when i try to change
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://ipaddress'
$CFG->wwwroot = ''
in config.php,
i am unable to access it using in my lan.
i have also mapped the vm ip in hosts file of both apache2 and of the other systems in lan, still it shows HTTP ERROR 502, in chrome.
and Host not found when i check the chrome console.
if i am missing something guide me.
i want to access the moodle installed on my VM across my local connection with some domainname rather than the IP .
Thank you.
Sounds like you have to try classical debugging:
Try to access your moodle instance on the specific port, using eg. telnet
telnet 80
Delete browser cache or open the URL in your incognito mode
Check the apache error log on Ubuntu: /var/log/apache2/error.log.
Check out further possibilities which are causing this 502 error:

Cannot access Jenkins

I have installed Jenkins on my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop machine using this guide:
I also needed to follow this guide:
From my other machine (mac laptop) I now try to access Jenkins through safari:
where is the ip address of my desktop machine but I get an Error 404. I have also tried:
but nothing happens. What am I missing?
The Jenkins service is running on my desktop PC:
service jenkins status
Jenkins Continuous Integration Server is running with the pid 3713
And if I enter: localhost:8080 in a browser on my desktop pc I get the jenkins web interface.
I have followed this guide:
and it now works.
I had the same problem but not using Apache, rather only Jenkins on Ubuntu
I solved it by replacing HTTP_HOST= with HTTP_HOST= on /etc/default/jenkins
Jenkins is set to listen on port 8080 by default,
so you should point your browser to:
(or, in your case: )
If still not able to connect, you may wish to check your firewall settings.

Starting up tomcat-6.0.20 from eclipse-3.5.0 (galileo) leads to the 404 error

Console dogs me. Can anybody help?
The sad story starts like this. My OS is ubuntu-9.04. I installed tomcat-6.0.20 by extracting it from .tar.gz package and put it under the /usr/share/tomcat-6.020 directory.
Then I started tomcat from console, and everything seemed to be fine. localhost answered with the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html page.
The next step was to put my tomcat in the eclipse's servers list. So, I went to Preferences > Server > Runtime Environment > Add > Apache Tomcat v6.0 (here I also browsed to my tomcat and changed JVM from JRE to JDK). Finally, I added my server to the Servers list.
So, having everything configured, I started my tomcat from the eclipse, opened a browser and asked for localhost. 404 all over sudden. Despite the fact that the eclipse's console has shown no errors.
Has anybody encountered the same problem?
I fixed the "Could not load server configuration" problem by deleting the current server configuration from the Servers View and adding it again.
Open your Tomcat settings (double click or F3 on your Tomcat instance in 'Servers' view in Eclipse):
Make sure configuration path is valid and configuration is valid
Click on modules tab and make sure your app is deployed.
I'm with Carlisg. I had this error in Eclipse 3.6 with Tomcat 5.5: "Could not load server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v5.5 server. The configuration maybe corrupt or incomplete." After playing around with every setting for 20 minutes and getting the same error, I just deleted the server, re-added it and it worked in about 90 seconds with no changes.
yes emanemos is right, I tried it today and got it working instantly. Create a new project in eclipse, I created a Dynamic web project. Create a new server, choose your apache version as the server type. Then create your pages and resources in this project space. I created index.html in Webcontent and pointed to http://localhost:8080/trial/ and I can see my index.html. (trial is the name of my project).
In windows vista 32 I fixed like this, In 'serverlocation' selected Use Tomcat installation(takes control of tomcat installation) and for deploy path I added my tomcat webapp dir.'C:\apache-tocat-6.0.26-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\webapps'. With default configuration path /Servers/Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost-config, it just works fine.
I had the same problem and solved it following these steps:
On the Server View, right click on the server (Tomcat 6.0 Server at Localhost)
in the menu options click "Open", this opens a menu with all the configurations for the server.
On tab "Server Locations" you must select the option "Use Tomcat Installation (takes control of tomcat installation)".
Do not forget to check the Deploy path.
I think there is a problem with eclipse configuration over Tomcat and it must use the tomcat installation configuration.
