EXT.js Grid CheckboxSelectionModel: Header Check box not updating - extjs

I have an EXT js grid that uses the CheckboxSelectionModel. The grid is paged. The first column is check-boxes and this columns header is a check box as well. When the column header box is clicked, it selects/delesects all rows on the page, and only that page. The problem is that if on one page you select all, and then go to another, the column header box is still checked. the records are not selected which is correct, it's just the top one that is not updated. I found the code that fires when switching pages. I already have a selModel var set up. I found a condition to check whether or not the column header should be checked, I just don't know how to updated it. can anyone give me an idea how to do this?

Have you tried adding a listener to your grid's data store:
listeners : {
'load' : function() {
Hopefully the clearSelections() method will also uncheck the header checkbox.


Another Checkbox gets Focus when I hover over the checkbox present in below Table Row

I am facing an issue inside a React App.
On clicking a button, a new Table row gets generated which contains a Checkbox as well. I have three such rows present on my Screen.
When I am trying to select the Checkbox present on Third or Second row, the Checkbox present on the First Row gets Focused and also gets checked.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, what does this issue mean and what can be the potential cause for this.
PS: I am New to Frontend!!

ExtJs property grid - Selected rows editable?

I'm using a property grid with editors set in sourceConfig. I want only some rows to be editable and not all. Returning false in beforeedit disables all. The reason is, I have a button in a grid. When I click the button, the grid turns to a textfield! Any way to do this?
The beforeedit event should provide you with the editor and the editing context. Lets say your callback function looks like this:
function(editor,context) { ... }
Using the context you will get the record which get edited by accessing context.record while the editor can provide you with the editor form from where you have access to all rendered fields within that form. To get the form you have to get the editor first and after that you can fetch the form
var form = editor.getEditor().getForm()
This way you can be sure that the editor has been set up. To get a field within that form simply call
form.findField('fieldname') // fieldname is the dataIndex of the column
You can now do nearly anything based on your conditions.
In addition the record is also loaded into this form an can be accessed by calling form.getRecord()

EXT JS Row Expander in Salesforce

I am trying to display EXT JS with Row Expander plugin in a Visual Force page.
Check this link http://mikhailstadnik.com/ext/examples/nested-grid.htm
As per the link, I am successful in displaying Accounts in first grid and respective Contacts in child grid.
Problem is: When I click on first row, it is expanded and shows the respective contacts.
When I click on second row and first row is not closed, the data which I can see for second row (Contacts) are visible at first row contacts also.
So, I think when second row is clicked, I need to close the first row.
Please suggest me how to do this..
The plugin you are talking about features collapseRow(row) method.
Each time you are trying to expand a row (use beforeexpand event for that) you need to loop through all the rows and collapse expanded ones.
Here is how you check if the row is expanded:
Ext.fly(row).hasClass(this.rowCollapsedClass) // this is referring to plugin instance

newly added rows cannot be drag dropped in extjs gridpanel

I have a problem with extjs gridpanel dragdrop.
the scenario is as follows:
The gridpanel is initially rendered by loading a remote store.
Then, the rows are added, updated dynamically.
Drag drop feature is implemented on "render" event of gridpanel.
Drag drop works fine for the originally retrieved rows from the remote store.
but when i try to use drag drop for the newly added or edited rows, it doesn't work.
I am getting the following error on firebug:
Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1
This is may be because , the newly added rows are not taken as a part of the store . I tried changing the event to "click" but it doesnt work that way..
Please please suggest a solution for this fast.. Its needed urgently.
I know 2 methods for drag and drop in ext, one of them is only for grid rows, the other one that I'm using is with setting dragzones and dropzones. With that method, the only thing you have to do is catch an event which is fired when you add new rows to the grid. In that event, set every new row to be a dragzone (so it can be dragged). That's what I did in a similar situation. Hope this helps..
By the way grid rows don't have a .el (DOM element attached to the Ext component, which is the row in this case). So you'll have to create a div for each row component and then use the initializeDropZone(row[x]), where row[x] is the new added row.

ExtJs: Programly select rows of a GridPanel in an inactive tab not working?

Basicly, I have a window contains two tabs, the second tab is a GridPanel and is initially inactive.
I want to programly select two rows of this GridPanel(via CheckboxSelectionModel) by clicking a "show window" button , but found it not working. There will be a javascript error thrown and no rows selected. After I manually clicked the second tab to make the grid visible, everything works well.
what's the most possible mistake I made?
I'll paste the code soon if it's not a common mistake for extjs beginner.
This is because your tabpanel will not render any components that are not visible (i.e., any components in your second tab in this case).
If you add the following config option to your Ext.TabPanel it should fix your problem:
deferredRender: false
