I'm very new to Solr and I'm looking at someone else's code. I'm looking at the schema.xml and found the following:
What is the difference between these please?
Thanks! :)
They're all thoroughly explained in the Solr wiki.
Also here's a blogpost about dynamicFields, and here's another one about copyFields, they might help.
I am a new to solr working on solr version 4.8.0. I want to add/update/delete fields in the schema.xml at runtime using solrj. i can create or delete a core using solrj.
For adding documents or search using solrj, i referred this link
I want to learn advance functionality in solrj. I need any good tutorials or example code.
Can anyone please guide me?
Thanks in advance.
Solrj version 5.3 (features) introduced an experimental Schema API.
I think this page - https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SchemaRESTAPI contains all you need. Pay attention to Modifying the schema section. Although, it's not SolrJ way but it will work fine for you.
I am currently using Apache Solr to build a search engine. The queries in Solr are of the field:value format. Now I want to use a part-of-speech tagger to separate the subject, verb and predicate and search the values in each fields. For example, if I input "Who likes Starbucks" then I need some code to give me "q=subject:*&verb=likes&object=starbucks". Is there any library that can handle this job? Thank you!
I think several people have used UIMA for this, see solr wiki
There are a number of POS taggers. Here is another StackOverflow posting about this: What is a good Java library for Parts-Of-Speech tagging?
Hey so I started researching about Solr and have a couple of questions on how Solr works. I know the schema defines what is stored and indexed in the Solr application. But I'm confuse as to how Solr knows that the "content" is the content of the site or that the url is the url?
My main goal is I'm trying to extract phone numbers from websites and I want Solr to nicely spit out 1234567890.
You need to define it in Solr schema.xml by declaring all the fields and its field type. You can then query Solr for any field to search.
Refer this: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SchemaXml
Solr will not automatically index content from a website. You need to tell it how to index your content. Solr only knows the content you tell it to know. Extracting phone numbers sounds pretty simple so writing an update script or finding one online should not be an issue. Good luck!
can anyone tell me if there is a way to retrieve a list of popular searches in solr and/or solrnet?
Thanks in advance
No, Solr doesn't implement anything like that. It's entirely up to you to gather/retrieve this information.
I was wondering if it was possible to query Solr for some index-metadata, e.g. the most frequent words in the index?
If so, how do you do this? Unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything about this.
thx for any help in advance
Have a look at the LukeRequestHandler