how to do include within include statement - c

I wanted to include a file say a.h in my program which is located at some location say (/ws/uname/bd/lib) & that file in turn has different include statements whose files are located in vastly different locations.
How can i do that by just including the file with "/ws/uname/bd/lib/a.h".
I dont want to change any of the header file.
Appreciate your help

What compiler are you using? If it's clang or gcc, you can use the -I flag to add search paths for header files. From the gcc(1) man page:
Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header files. This can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version, since these directories are searched before the system header file directories. However, you should not use this option to add directories that contain vendor-supplied system header files (use -isystem for that). If you use more than one -I option, the directories are scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after.


What is the directory the header file is included from?

I have a C project with multiple include directories that hold header files with same names but different content. So how can I know which one is included to my main program.
IDE - Eclipse
Compiler - IAR for MSP430
Build - Makefiles
If your includes use the <[file.h]> form, it depends on the include search path of your preprocessor. For gcc, any -I option will append a path to the include search path. The first matching file is used, so the order of -I options matters.

How to add .h and .o files to gcc

I'm trying to figure out how to add header and object files to the standard library so that I can use my custom files as easy as the standard library.
Currently I have to type the path to the header file in the .c file and then link the object file path when compiling.
I would like to just be able to add:
#include <mystdlib.h>
and not worry about linking the object file like I do when I reference the stdio.h header file.
I have searched around, but I fear I'm not using the proper terminology as I don't seem to find the results I need. Am I the first to want to do this, or it is just impossible, and therefore people don't even try?
gcc uses environment variables C_INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH to look for header and library files. Setting them somewhere (eg., your bash_profile) should achieve what you describe:
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$HOME/include"
export LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/lib"
Alternatively, the -I and -L flags add directories to the list of directories to be searched for header files and library files, respectively.
edit: As noted by #ChrisStratton below, the library name or object file needs to be explicitly specified. AFAIK, there is no way to make gcc always link against a library (like with libc).

New .h file in /usr/include linux

I developed small c application in linux. For this application i placed .h file in
linux standard path (/usr/include). Again i am compiling the same program
FATA ERROR : xyz.h(my own header file) not found
Do i need to update any variable in gcc or way to solve this problem
Thank You
Place the header file in the same directory as your .c file and use -I. when compiling
gcc -I. main.c -o myprog
You shouldn't place your header files in /usr/include that is meant for the system headers.
Note: you don't actually need the -I. because the current directory is searched by default, nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to add it.
Files specified by include directives are meant to be located in one of the search paths of the complier which are specified with the -I option in many cases (at least for gcc, is it the same for other compilers?). The search paths are verified in the order of definition in the command line.
There are 2 kinds of include directives:
double quoted ones (#include "xyz.h")
angle bracket ones (#include <xyz.h>)
IIRC, the default and first search path for the former is the working directory. For the later, it's compiler dependant, but it's usually /usr/include/.
Depending of the include directive you used, you should pick the right location for your file. Or better, put your file in a good location (say the same place as the including file), and add a search path to your gcc command.
You should separate your header .h files, from system and repository built headers so you don't break anything.
I would recommend making a folder in your home directory called include and just adding it to your path, that way you never have to worry about it again and no need for the -I/flag

Adding paths to header files in the Linux kernel

which environmental variable indicates the list of all the directories which are searched in order to find out the header file included in a C file in the Linux kernel? I have some header files in a directory, and would like to include the path to that directory in the list of all directories searched. How may I do that? I tried exporting C_INCLUDE_PATH, but that doesn't remove the error, which says that it still can't find the header file.
There is generally no environment variable that lists all of the directories searched for header files. The directories searched are a function of the compiler used. Your compiler almost certainly has a command-line switch to add a directory to the search list. E.g., for GCC and clang, consider the ā€œ-Iā€ switch and related switches. Your compiler may also have environment variables where you can list directories to be added to the search list, such as C_INCLUDE_PATH. Keep in mind these likely list additional directories to search; they do not list all the directories searched.
Add -I/where/ever arguments to EXTRA_CFLAGS in your Makefile. Though generally this kind of thing is bad form. The kernel build includes its own include tree (and the local directory, of course). Is there a reason your code can't conform to the existing framework?

How to tell the preprocessor to search for a particular folder for header files, when I say #include <xyz.h>

I have around 120 header files (.h files) , and in all of them each one includes many other header files using #include <abcd/xyz.h>, but as I kept .h files in a specific folder, preprocessor is generating filenotfound error.
I moved all the .h files to the single .C file that is calling the first headerfile.
One way to do is make #include <abcd/xyz.h> as #include "abcd/xyz" , but I need to do this in all the header files wherever there is an include statement, and there are hundreds of them.
I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because, some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories. (<abcd/xyz.h>,<efgh/xyz.h>).
Any way to do this?
You should add a path into "Additional include directories" in the "C++" section of the project options (the "General" tab). You can use environment variables as well as "this folder" (.) shortcut and "up one folder" (..) shortcut for this setting to not be bound to a certain directory structure.
and I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because , some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories.(,)
That's a pretty big problem unless the files that are including those non-uniquely named headers are in the same directory as the header files themselves.
You have no way to guarantee that the compiler will locate one header before another without modifying the #include directive itself (and adding a relative path as one example).
EDIT: It looks like Visual Studio will allow you to specify different Additional Include Directories for each source file in a project (rt-click on the source file in Solution Explorer and modify C/C++ properties). But I think this would be more work than modifying the #include directives themselves - depends on how many non-unique header filenames you have.
In the project settings (under C/C++ in VS2005/2008) there's an option for "additional include directories". You can add the folders containing your header files here, using relative paths.
You can also do this at the IDE level in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Include Files. Typically this method is reserved for headers included as part of a formal library. The first option is typically preferred as it's portable (you can ship your project file to another developer and, provided you use relative/macro'd paths, they can build the project as-is).
What you're looking for is the -I flag and you give the directory...
If you have a Makefile, you should add it to the CPP_FLAGS something like that....
You can also add an INCLUDE variable to your environment variables.
