Silverlight - Is there a way to have 'variadic' UriMapping? - silverlight

I'm using the Silverlight Navigation framework, with a single Frame in which I have a UriMapper. As I can have several parameters for one of my pages, I'd like a have a kind of wildcard or variadic mapping to avoid creating all the combinations of parameters.
Here is what it looks like with only three parameters, and some combinations omitted:
<sdk:UriMapper x:Name="uriMapper">
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="List/query={query}/sort={sort}" MappedUri="/Views/ListPage.xaml?query={query}&sort={sort}" />
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="List/filter={filter}/sort={sort}" MappedUri="/Views/ListPage.xaml?filter={filter}&sort={sort}" />
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="List/filter={filter}/query={query}/sort={sort}" MappedUri="/Views/ListPage.xaml?filter={filter}&query={query}&sort={sort}" />
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="List/sort={sort}" MappedUri="/Views/ListPage.xaml?sort={sort}" />
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="{}{Page}" MappedUri="/Views/{Page}Page.xaml" />
I'd like a way to write all the possible parameters to the 'List' Page with a single line, as they all follow the same rule. Something like (which doesn't work):
<sdk:UriMapping Uri="List/{params}" MappedUri="/Views/ListPage.xaml?{params}" />
So, is there a way to do that in Silverlight?
EDIT: If everything else fails, I might fallback to generating the mapping in code, which would look less ugly than dozens of XAML lines.
EDIT2: Or just forget about mapping URIs and just pass the real page name to Navigate().

This is where the Silverlight navigation framework falls flat on its face, and one of the big reasons I don't use it in production applications. That being said, in Silverlight 4 you can use the INavigationContentLoader to programmatically map all the different params to their correct view, and create your own mapper class that is more robust.
Also note, that this is not available in Windows Phone 7 currently (I see you do a lot of iOS dev, so wanted to point that out). If I recall correctly, it should be available in the Mango update for Windows Phone, which should be available in the next month or so for developers and end of this year for consumers.
Check out these links for more info:


Correct way to get access to Dnn Stuff while using Modern 2sxc Hybrid Views

Now that my new views start with
#inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor12
What do I need to do to continue to get access to Dnn Stuff when needed? I've been bouncing around the docs, but haven't spotted anything yet.
Are there compile codes that will let us do things like <### IF DNN ###>?
My specific need right now, and I am hoping someone can offer an example, is we always wrapped our module/View output like this
<div id="viewtype-#(Dnn.Module.ModuleID)">
And this allowed us to include some very module-targeted (non-leaky) CSS.
#viewtype-#(Dnn.Module.ModuleID) .navbar{
So then this sort of becomes two questions:
How do you do DNN specific things in a View properly?
What is the new-correct way to do the thing in the example above so that it would ALSO work on Oqtane? Do they have a Helper that would provide a unique ID at the same level as the View?
When you are editing a template, there is a menu at the left of the edit window. If you expand the <> you will see all sorts of helpers, DNN and otherwise.
And, the top icon expands to a list of all of the files/views/css that you might want to edit.
Or am I misunderstanding?
Oh, you don't have to do any of the <## xxxx ##> stuff any more. You can just refer to the DNN variables and methode (perhaps preceded by #) and just use them. After all, the template is a mixture of HTML and Razor stuff. The Razor stuff is darned close to c#.
So, you could drop something in like:
This is an example of using the portal id: #Dnn.Module.PortalID
Note: < and > replaced by [ and ] so that they aren't interpreted as tags.

Spreadsheet Gear migration errors

I am migrating Spreadsheet gear of my application from to am getting my issues with Color property.Can any one help me in this.Now I am using using Color = System.Drawing.Color; and also ToSGColor().This became very hectic to do in all places where ever we use color.I expect we should have some shortcut to do this.Can any one suggest me How can i get all functionalities with few changes only.I am also getting exceptions to c onvert IColorFormat.LineColor to system.drawing.Color.
Note the "Breaking Changes" page in the SpreadsheetGear 2012 documentation, which lists this particular change:
In order to support WPF and Silverlight, the core API has been
separated from the GDI+ and Windows Forms APIs and therefore uses the
new SpreadsheetGear.Color type rather than
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color. SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color has been
moved to SpreadsheetGear2012.Drawing.dll. See
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color for an example which uses the implicit
and static converters to convert between SpreadsheetGear.Color,
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color and System.Drawing.Color.
SpreadsheetGear.Colors and SpreadsheetGear.SystemColors provide
helpful predefined colors to replace the use of predefined colors in
So you'll need to ensure than any place where you were previously using System.Drawing colors now use SpreadsheetGear.Drawing colors, including API like IColorFormat.LineColor.
There aren't really any "migration" tools to automatically convert such instances to the new API. So you'll need to resolve these errors for each code file. Doing a Find/Replace keyword search for "System.Drawing" and "SpreadsheetGear.Drawing" could possibly speed up the process, though this would depend on what using statements you have added to each code file.

Sitecore country ISO in url

I have created a site with multiple languages in sitecore... I the content editor (system > languages) I have specified three languages (Dutch, English and German). No I have 2 problems.
When an item has, for example: an English version but no German and Dutch version and I type the address to the German site: I get the German site, but without content. In this case I want a 404 page to be shown.
Another problem is when I go to language that is not specified in system > language and also on the item is still get an empty site. In this case I also want a 404 page to be shown. Sitecore shows the page as long as it is a valid ISO-code.
I'm using Sitecore 6.4
Does anybody has a solution for these problem(s)?
Thanks in advance!
My LinkManager is specified as follows in the Web.config:
<add name="sitecore" type="Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider, Sitecore.Kernel" addAspxExtension="true" alwaysIncludeServerUrl="false" encodeNames="true" languageEmbedding="asNeeded" languageLocation="filePath" shortenUrls="true" useDisplayName="false"/>
Unfortunately you have to manage both of these scenarios manually in Sitecore, they both have quite simple solutions but will require some development on your part.
For the first (accessing of pages without translations) I think you would need to extend the current ItemResolver within Sitecore and have it explicitly check that a version exists for the language that has been selected. I haven't implemented that myself but that's how I'd look at handling it.
The second (only accepting certain languages) is something I have handled, and it really bothered me that Sitecore couldn't handle it itself (though perhaps it does and I missed it). For this I created a step in the pipeline immediately after the LanguageResolver called PermissableLanguageChecker. This checks to see if the current language of the request is one of certain allowable values, and if it isn't it sets the language back to the default language, or in your case throw a 404.
For the "allowable values", I read them from the site config with a new property there:
<site name="website" ... permissableLanguages="pl-PL,en" language="pl-PL" ... />
That permissableLanguages property is handy as we can also use it later on in the site when presenting a language selection control to the user.
You may want to take a look at the Language Fallback module in the Sitecore Shared Source Library. As it covers some of your scenarios.

At design time pack uri is valid, but not at runtime?

I'm setting a Button's content to an Image. It looks something like this:
<Image Source="pack://application:,,,/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" />
In my project I have a subfolder named NavigationImages and within that folder is the image file nav_up_left.png.
When I view the Designer the image appears, however during runtime I get an IOException error saying it cannot locate the resource.
The Build Action is set to Resource.
Actually, this worked fine in one project. But when I copied it over the another project it fails. This seems like an incredibly simple problem, but I find myself stumped and ready to start pulling out hair. #_#
Your thoughts and suggestions will be much appreciated!
Whelp, I figured it out...kinda.
I copied that xaml code from one project where the output type is Windows Application, to another project where the output type is Class Library.
I didn't think of it at the time, but apparently when the output type is a Class Library the pack URI needs to change.
So instead of "pack://application:,,,/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" I changed it to "/ProjectName;component/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" and now it's working just fine.
I'm not 100% clear why this is works and not the former. I've read through the MSDN documentation on pack URIs in WPF but perhaps I misinterpreted something.
I'll leave this answer unchecked in the event someone can give me a good explanation why what I previously had doesn't work in a project with output type Class Library.
I'm probably missing something really simple. #_#
I just struggled with this same problem for quite a while, and I think that part of what was going wrong in the original was the missing word "component". I, for instance, had
myBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(#"pack://application:,,,/MyApp;images/mona2.jpg");
but should have had
... = new Uri(#"pack://application:,,,/MyApp;component/images/mona2.jpg");
The word "component" is not part of the pathname, despite its appearance -- it's a string literal that has to be there. Why? Someone thought it'd be a good idea, I guess.
And for those struggling with another part of the thing, what about "MyApp"? That's the name of the Assembly. Right-click on your project name, select "Properties...", and under the "Application" tab you'll see the "Assembly name:" field.
If you don't feel like searching for that (or worry that it might change, breaking your code), you can do this:
String appUri = #"pack://application:,,,/" +
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name + ";";
String path = appUri + "component/images/mona2.jpg";
myBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(path);
Not very pretty code, I admit -- it can clearly be shortened -- but it'll gets you where you need to go, I hope. Remember to set the "Build" property on your image file to "Resource"!
Just to shine a light on what was happening in your situation. The second pack uri. The one that worked. Is meant for resources located in an assembly other than the host application. By the sounds of it, the host application was loading this resource from the Class Library in question?
You can see the differences in the pack uri schemes here:
MSDN Pack URI Scheme
The uri changes slightly when referencing a resource from the main assembly, and referencing one from another assembly.
Also, the pack://application:,,, includes what is referred to as the "authority", to omit it would basically make it a relative path, both are valid in most cases where the application authority is assumed.
EDIT: basically because /Subfolder/Resource.xaml(.jpg etc.) and /Assembly;component/Resource.xaml are very similar, the latter tells the parser/loader that it's looking in a referenced assembly, not in the main application's assembly. (I imagine this helps speed up the search).
One other solution to getting this right:
Once your image Build Action is set to 'Resource' and you have rebuilt, navigate to the properties of your <Image /> object. The properties window will provide a ... file resource browser, whereupon selecting your image the Source="..." attribute of your <Image /> will be correctly filled in.

What's a good, affordable "knob" library?

I'm currently thinking of a new pet project, an "editor" for MIDI-enabled synths. I've got the MIDI side covered, I suppose, but what I'm looking for right now is something that can pass for nice "dials" and "knobs" like you see in Ableton Live, Reason, Reaktor, and so forth.
Putting my form full of trackbars, is sort of wasteful, y'know?
So, what is a nice affordable .NET 2.0 library that has that sort of graphical components?
1- has some related controls (C#)
2- is another C# based Knob Control
Used the (2) personally on one project and it worked great (though not visually very strong). (1) looks cooler but havn't explored
Check out some of these. If none just do search for ".net gauges". Most of the major UI control libraries have a gauge or dashboard library.
I've never used this myself, but found KineticaRT controls. $67.06.
GMSI.Net Knob v2.0. $169.00.
alt text
