I am trying to display the state values for each country name in Django app. To save the user response, I am using Django generic CreateView. My models look something like this:
class Question(model.Models):
ques_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
country = models.ForeignKey(Country)
state = models.CharField(max_length=...)
class Test(model.Models):
test = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, )
test_num = models.CharField(max_length=6, )
class Response(model.Models):
response = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
test_id = models.ForeignKey(Test, related_name='test', )
ques_offered = models.ForeignKey(Question, related_name='choice',
ans_submitted = models.CharField(max_length=240,
To display the available choices for field state for each country value (in the db), I am looping through Django management form for the formset in my template. However, I am unable to get to the values of field state instead I am getting the country values.
Additional info:
The views that I am using to achieve this:
class ResponseCreateView(CreateView):
template_name = ...
model = Test
form_class = # Form_name
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
data = super(ResponseCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
if self.request.POST:
data['get_response'] = responseFormset(self.request.POST, self.request.FILES)
data['get_response'] = responseFormset()
def form_valid(self, form):
context = self.get_context_data()
get_response = context['get_response']
with transaction.atomic():
if get_response.is_valid():
self.object = form.save()
get_response.instance = self.object
return redirect('...')
context.update({'get_response': get_response,
return self.render_to_response(context)
return super(ResponseCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
I'm trying to code the page so that every user has its userpage where they can add their own info ( in this case YCD data). Now I'm trying to code the add button, with which user will be able to add a note to its personal page.
def add_YCD(request):
current_user = request.user
current_profile = Profile.objects.get(user_id = current_user.id)
if request.method == "POST":
if current_user.is_authenticated:
YCD_form = YCDForm(request.POST, instance = current_profile)
if YCD_form.is_valid():
messages.success(request,('Your profile was successfully updated!'))
messages.error(request,('Unable to complete request'))
return redirect("main:homepage")
YCD_form = YCDForm(instance = current_profile)
return render(request = request,
template_name = "main/add_YCD.html",
context = {"YCD_form": YCD_form,
"user": request.user,})
The code works without instance = current_profile, it just saves the note to database but doesn't display it on the userpage. I've also tried using instance = request.user.profile.
But it doesn't work at all.
Here are the Models themselves:
class Yield_Curve_Data(models.Model):
b1 = models.BigIntegerField()
b2 = models.BigIntegerField()
b3 = models.BigIntegerField()
tau = models.BigIntegerField()
Date = models.DateTimeField('date published', default = datetime.now)
class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
yield_curve_data = models.ManyToManyField(Yield_Curve_Data, null = True)
#receiver(post_save, sender = User)
def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
if created:
#receiver(post_save, sender = User)
def save_user_profile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
And here's the code for forms:
class YCDForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Yield_Curve_Data
fields =('b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'tau',)
Is there another way to specify the user itself or o I need to change the code completely?
I am trying to create order amount from the catalogue which works like a shopping cart but the amount returned is 1 for all orders made:
def get_user_pending_order(request):
#get order from correct profile
user_profile = get_object_or_404(Profile,user=request.user)
order = Order.objects.filter(owner=user_profile,is_ordered=True)
if order.exists():
#to get an order in the list of filtered orders
return order[0]
return 0
def add_to_catalogue(request,employee_id):#product_id,employee_id
user_profile= get_object_or_404(Profile, user =request.user)
order_to_purchase = get_user_pending_order(request)
amount= self.order_to_purchase.get_catalogue_total(),
employee = Employee.objects.get(pk=employee_id)
if employee in request.user.profile.ebooks.all():
messages.info(request,'you already own this ebook')
return redirect(reverse('freelance:employee_list'))
order_task,status =
user_order,status = Order.objects.get_or_create(owner=user_profile,
is_ordered=False,order_amount=amount)####TThis IS WHWERE TO EDIT TO PREVENT
if status:
user_order.ref_code = generate_order_id()
messages.info(request,"task added to catalogue")
return redirect(reverse('freelance:employee_list'))
def get_user_pending_order(request):
#get order from correct profile
user_profile = get_object_or_404(Profile,user=request.user)
order = Order.objects.filter(owner=user_profile,is_ordered=True)
if order.exists():
#to get an order in the list of filtered orders
return order[0]
return 0
class Order(models.Model):
ref_code = models.CharField(max_length=15)
owner = models.ForeignKey(Profile, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=
is_ordered = models.BooleanField(default=False)
tasks = models.ManyToManyField(OrderTask)
date_ordered = models.DateTimeField(auto_now= True)
order_amount = models.DecimalField(default=0.01, max_digits= 10,
def order_tasks(self):
return ','.join([str(c.employee) for c in self.tasks.all()])
def get_catalogue_tasks(self):
return self.tasks.all()
def get_catalogue_total(self):
return sum([task.employee.pricing for task in self.tasks.all()])
def __str__(self):
return '{0} - {1}'.format(self.owner, self.ref_code, self.order_amount)
def tasks_summary(request):
existing_order = get_user_pending_order(request)
my_user_profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=
my_orders = Order.objects.filter(is_ordered= True, owner=
order_to_purchase = get_user_pending_order(request)
amount= order_to_purchase.get_catalogue_total(),
order = Order.objects.filter(is_ordered= True)
context = {
# 'total':total,
return render(request,
'freelance/tasks_summary.html',context)###Belongs to the admin sisde
Output of the template
I am getting this error when I try to add anything to the catalogue:
AttributeError at /admin/tasks_summary/
'int' object has no attribute 'get_catalogue_total'
Here is function I wrote, it checks field called 'url' inside 'Url1' Model and continues IF it's empty.
def mozs():
getids = Url1.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)
for id in getids:
if Url1.objects.get(id=id).pda == None:
authorities= {"pda": 58.26193857945012, "upa": 36.56733779379807}
authorities['keyword'] = id
serializer = MozSerializer(data=authorities)
if serializer.is_valid():
print "For %d we added %s" % (id, authorities)
Here is output:
For 37 we added {'keyword': 37, 'pda': 58.26193857945012, 'upa': 36.56733779379807}
But it doesn't add it. Here is serializer:
class MozSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
keyword = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=KW.objects.all())
pda = serializers.FloatField()
upa = serializers.FloatField()
def save(self):
keyword = self.validated_data['keyword']
pda = self.validated_data['pda']
upa = self.validated_data['upa']
Url1.objects.update(pda=pda, upa=upa)
I need to access an attribute from a related model (to use as a filter attribute in an admin), but I get this error: 'EventTimeAdmin.list_filter[1]' refers to field 'event__sites' that is missing from model 'EventTime'.
Here is are the relevant classes from models.py:
class Event(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
short_description = models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True)
long_description = models.TextField(blank=True)
place = models.ForeignKey(Place, related_name="events", default=0, blank=True, null=True)
one_off_place = models.CharField('one-off place', max_length=100, blank=True)
phone = models.CharField(max_length=40)
cost_low = models.DecimalField('cost (low)', max_digits=7, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
cost_high = models.DecimalField('cost (high)', max_digits=7, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
age_lowest = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField('lowest age', blank=True, null=True, help_text='Use 0 for "all ages". Leave blank if no age information is available') # Not every event submits info about age limits
priority = models.ForeignKey(EventPriority)
ticket_website = models.URLField('ticket Web site', blank=True)
posted_date = models.DateTimeField('date entered', default=datetime.datetime.now())
updated_date = models.DateTimeField('date updated', editable=False, blank=True)
small_photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/events/%Y', blank=True)
teaser_text = models.TextField(max_length=1000, blank=True)
is_ongoing_indefinitely = models.BooleanField(db_index=True, help_text="If this box is checked, the event won't be displayed by default in the event search. Users will have to manually select \"Display ongoing events\" in order to display it.")
is_national_act = models.BooleanField('is a national marquee touring act')
categories = models.ManyToManyField(EventCategory, related_name="events")
bands = models.ManyToManyField(Band, related_name="events", blank=True)
sites = models.ManyToManyField(Site)
related_links = generic.GenericRelation(RelatedLink)
generic_galleries = generic.GenericRelation(GalleryRelationsPiece)
staff_photographer_attending = models.BooleanField('Staff Photographer will be attending')
index = EventIndex()
class Meta:
ordering = ('title',)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.updated_date = datetime.datetime.now()
super(Event, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_absolute_url(self):
if self.is_recurring():
return reverse('ellington_events_ongoing_detail', args=[self.id])
next = self.get_next_time()
if next:
return next.get_absolute_url()
last = self.event_times.order_by("-event_date", "start_time")[0]
return last.get_absolute_url()
except IndexError:
return reverse('ellington_events_todays_events', args=[])
def _sites(self):
"""A property used for indexing which sites this object belongs to."""
return [s.id for s in self.sites.all()]
# def start_time(self):
# return self.event_times.start_time
# TODO: Redundant
def get_absolute_url_recurring(self):
"Returns the absolute URL for this event's recurring-event page"
return reverse('ellington_events_ongoing_detail', args=[self.id])
def is_recurring(self):
"""Returns ``True`` if this event is a recurring event."""
return bool(self.recurring_event_times.count())
def get_cost(self):
"Returns this event's cost as a pretty formatted string such as '$3 - $5'"
if self.cost_low == self.cost_high == 0:
return 'Free'
if self.cost_low == self.cost_high == None:
return ''
if self.cost_low == 0 and self.cost_high == None:
return 'Free'
elif self.cost_low == None and self.cost_high == 0:
return 'Free'
if self.cost_low == self.cost_high:
cost = '$%.2f' % self.cost_low
elif self.cost_low == 0 or self.cost_low == None:
cost = 'Free - $%.2f' % self.cost_high
elif self.cost_high == 0 or self.cost_high == None:
cost = '$%.2f' % self.cost_low
cost = '$%.2f - $%.2f' % (self.cost_low, self.cost_high)
return cost.replace('.00', '')
def get_age_limit(self):
"Returns this event's age limit as a pretty formatted string such as '21+'"
if self.age_lowest is None:
return 'Not available'
if self.age_lowest == 0:
return 'All ages'
return '%s+' % self.age_lowest
def get_place_name(self):
"Returns this event's venue, taking into account the one_off_place field."
if self.one_off_place:
return self.one_off_place
if self.place is not None:
return self.place.name
return ""
def get_next_time(self):
Return the next (in the future) ``EventTime`` for this ``Event``.
Assumes the event is not recurring. Returns ``None`` if no next time is
now = datetime.datetime.now()
for et in self.event_times.filter(event_date__gte=now.date()).order_by("event_date", "start_time"):
dt = datetime.datetime.combine(et.event_date, et.start_time)
except TypeError:
return None
if dt >= now:
return et
return None
# TODO: proprietary
def get_lj_category(self):
Returns either 'Nightlife', 'Music', 'Theater', 'Misc.' or
'Museums and Galleries' for this event.
('Activities', 'Misc.'),
('Art', 'Museums and Galleries'),
('Children', 'Misc.'),
('Community', 'Misc.'),
('Culinary', 'Misc.'),
('KU calendar', 'Misc.'),
('Lectures', 'Misc.'),
('Museums', 'Museums and Galleries'),
('Performance', 'Misc.'),
# "Performance | Theater" is a special case.
for c in self.categories.all():
if str(c) == "Performance | Theater":
return 'Theater'
parent_categories = [c.parent_category for c in self.categories.all()]
for parent_category, lj_category in MAPPING:
if parent_category in parent_categories:
return lj_category
# Failing that, we must be in either 'Music', which can be either
# 'Music' or 'Nightlife', depending on the venue.
if self.one_off_place:
return 'Music'
# If it's downtown, it's 'Nightlife'. Otherwise, it's 'Music'.
if "downtown" in self.place.neighborhood.lower():
return 'Nightlife'
return 'Music'
class EventTime(models.Model):
event = models.ForeignKey(Event, related_name="event_times")
event_date = models.DateField('date')
start_time = models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True)
finish_time = models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True)
objects = EventTimeManager()
def long_desc(self):
return self.event.long_description
# def sites(self):
# return self.event._sites
# def sites(self):
# return self.event.sites
# #property
# def _sites(self):
# """A property used for indexing which sites this object belongs to."""
# return [s.id for s in self.event.sites.all()]
# def _sites(self):
# """A property used for indexing which sites this object belongs to."""
# return [s.id for s in self.event.sites.all()]
# def _sites(self):
# """A property used for indexing which sites this object belongs to."""
# return [s.id for s in event.sites.all()]
class Meta:
ordering = ('event_date', 'start_time')
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s -- %s at %s" % (self.event.title, self.event_date.strftime("%m/%d/%y"), self.event.get_place_name())
def get_absolute_url(self):
year = self.event_date.strftime("%Y")
month = self.event_date.strftime("%b").lower()
day = self.event_date.strftime("%d")
return reverse('ellington_events_event_detail', args=[year, month, day, self.event.id])
def get_time(self):
"Returns this event's time as a pretty formatted string such as '3 p.m. to 5 p.m.'"
if self.start_time is not None and self.finish_time is not None:
return '%s to %s' % (dateformat.time_format(self.start_time, 'P'), dateformat.time_format(self.finish_time, 'P'))
elif self.start_time is not None:
return dateformat.time_format(self.start_time, 'P')
return 'time TBA'
def get_part_of_day(self):
Returns a string describing the part of day this event time is taking
place -- either 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening' or 'Night'.
if self.start_time is None:
return 'Time not available'
if 3 < self.start_time.hour < 12:
return 'Morning'
elif 12 <= self.start_time.hour < 18:
return 'Afternoon'
elif 18 <= self.start_time.hour < 21:
return 'Evening'
return 'Night'
def is_in_the_past(self):
return self.event_date < datetime.date.today()
def happens_this_year(self):
return datetime.date.today().year == self.event_date.year
def get_other_event_times(self):
"Returns a list of all other EventTimes for this EventTime's Event"
if not hasattr(self, "_other_event_times_cache"):
self._other_event_times_cache = [et for et in self.event.event_times.order_by("event_date", "start_time") if et.id != self.id]
return self._other_event_times_cache
# TODO: proprietary
def get_weather_forecast(self):
"Returns a weather.forecast.DayForecast object for this EventTime"
from ellington.weather.models import DayForecast
except ImportError:
return None
if not self.event.place.is_outdoors:
raise DayForecast.DoesNotExist
if not hasattr(self, "_weather_forecast_cache"):
self._weather_forecast_cache = DayForecast.objects.get(full_date=self.event_date)
return self._weather_forecast_cache
(0, 'Sunday'),
(1, 'Monday'),
(2, 'Tuesday'),
(3, 'Wednesday'),
(4, 'Thursday'),
(5, 'Friday'),
(6, 'Saturday'),
The thing is, event__title is accessed from EventTimeAdmin:
class EventTimeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('event', 'event_date', 'start_time', 'finish_time','long_desc')
list_filter = ('event_date','event__sites')
search_fields = ('event__title', 'event_date')
ordering = ('-event_date',)
class Meta:
model = EventTime
But event__sites is not accessible... why is that?
Edit: You can see my attempts (commented out) to define sites in models.py above. None of these worked.
event__sites is a ManyToManyField
You could try the following:
def get_sites(self):
sites = self.event.sites.all()
result = u''
for site in sites:
result = u'%s - %s' % (result, site.name) # unsure about NAME - is it a valid field of Sites Model?
return result
get_sites.short_description = u'Sites'
class EventTimeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_filter = ('event_date', get_sites)
admin.site.register(EventTime, EventTimeAdmin)
Hope it helps.