Error in postgresql 8.3 restore database - database

when i try to restore my database ,it shows error
could not create large object 515025
in pgAdmin and command line as well
its not working even if i am creating another backup
any suggestion?

i got solution
before restoring database i used to delete all tables, but when i delete whole database and create new one, then restore is done successfully


Error when trying to restore from .bak to 2 new databases, "Database in use"

I have a .bak file called PublishingEngine_03102019.bak. I would like to restore this back twice, once to a DB called PublishingEngine (the original name of the source database) and again to a DB called PublishingEngine_Dev.
I can do the original restore just fine. I now have a DB called PublishingEngine. Now I'm trying to do the second backup. But I get this error:
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use
I've changed the name of the database in the Destination Database field. Do I need to change it anyplace else?
In the Options page check "Close existing connections to destination database".
In the option section in restoring wizard change the name of the ldf and mdf files or set other directory rather than the default ones..i guess it will solve the problem..
I ended up renaming the existing database first, and then the second restore ran w/o a problem.

Restoring backup of AdventureWorks2017 on Linux SQL Server

I have found myself in a very strange situation: what used to work before does not work anymore.
I'm trying to restore an Adventureworks backup on a SQL Server running on an Ubuntu machine with this T-SQL code:
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2017
FROM DISK = '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017.bak'
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2017' TO '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks2017_log' TO '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017_log.ldf'
But I'm getting an error:
[S0001][3142] File "AdventureWorks2017" cannot be restored over the existing "/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017.mdf". Reissue the RESTORE statement using WITH REPLACE to overwrite pre-existing files, or WITH MOVE to identify an alternate location.
This blog post seem to talk about a similar issue, but the recipes mentioned does not work.
Any help is highly appreciated!
The error message states, that the target file already exists.
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2017
FROM DISK = '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017.bak'
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2017' TO '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks2017_log' TO '/home/sergey/AW/AdventureWorks2017_log.ldf',
The full documentation for the RESTORE Transact-SQL command can be found here.

Creating a Copy of a Database inside the same machine using Backup/Restore is rasing an errror :- The backup set holds a backup of a database

I want to create a copy of my sql server 2008 r2 database (named ERP) inside the same machine. so I did the following steps:-
I right click on the original database ERP and I select Tasks>>Backup.
then I create a new empty database named "ERP_Copy".
I right click on the ERP_Copy database, then select restore>>database.
inside the restore options I define the To to be ERP_Copy and the From to be ERP.
then I click to start the process, but I got the following error :-
so can anyone advice on these 2 questions:-
what is causing this error ?
could my original database ERP got corrupted or modified due to the error ?? or my ERP should not be modified by my above operation and the error I got ?
the error is as stated in the message: you are restoring on a target database that is not the one used as the backup source.
To solve and complete the restore, start the restore, go to the Options page and tick the Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE) checkbox.
DOUBLE CHECK source and destination database because the above checkbox would completely smash your production db if you make the wrong choices...
The original database has not been altered by the first (failed) operation.

How to delete database from SQL Server if .mdf and .ldf file is removed from the machine?

I have restore database into SQL Server as WMDATA.
One day my friend using my machine and removed .mdf and .ldf file for WMDATA.
Now I want to remove WMDATA database from my SQL Server but it gives me error for .mdf and .ldf file.
DROP DATABASE WMDATA should work, because it will drop a database even if it is suspect.
If that doesn't help, you should add some more useful information: what version of MSSQL; how are you dropping the database; what is the error message etc. You might also get a better answer on the DBA or Server Fault sites.
I run into this issue as well, while trying to delete some localdb databases through SSMS and DROP DATABASE didn't work for me. However, I found that it is possible to "recreate" the database after an unsuccessful deletion. I did the following:
Delete the database, get error that .mdf files are missing.
Create new database with the same name.
Delete the database again, this time without errors.
PS: If you don't do step 1, you get an error in step 2 that a database with that name already exists.
Right click on the DB > Delete
Uncheck "Delete backup and restore history information for databases"
Check "Close existing connections"
And hit OK.

What causes "SQL01268: Msg 1834: cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database"? (in Database Project)

Full error below:
Error 1 SQL01268: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 1834, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\testdatabase.mdf' cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database 'testdatabase'. SchemaCompare5 25 0
I read about this on some forums and quite a few people were getting this and supposedly for some it had to do with parameterising the file path name to the db etc. or ticking "ignore file names and path for files and log files" prior to doing the comparison - this I have tried to no avail.
Someone else who has the same/similar issue:
Basically for me I seem to get this error irrespective of which databases I am using for target and source. Say even if I create a new database with one table and another database with no tables and different name and try to update the schema of the database with no tables using the db with the single table it still gives me the error. Almost like SQL server express has gone nuts. I remember using the schema comparison tool before with no trouble. All db connections were created, tried many ways to do this to no avail ie: pointing to copy of *.mdf db in another folder or deleting things from the DATA folder in mysql directory in program files etc.
Also believe I read someone had solved a similar issue be deleting some files the scheme
comparison tool creates, think they were *.sql type not sure which ones though.
The problem arises because the database files already exist.
Try the below within the Visual Studio database project.
Create the schema comparison.
Go to menu: Data > Schema Compare > Export to > Editor
Once the script has been created delete the alter database commands that add the physical files. Then create a connection, switch to SQLCMD mode (making sure you have focus on the script) and execute the script.
To switch to SQLCMD mode access: Data > Transact-SQL Editor > SQLCMD Mode
If the target DB already exists, just delete through Management Studio first before you deploy for the first time.
I had already created the database manually through SQL Server Management Studio when I was establishing the original connection when creating the Database Project via the SQL Server 2008 Wizard in VS. It wouldn't allow me to continue until it could detect that the database existed. Then once I got to the Deploy step for the first time, it threw the same error as above. I just went into Management Studio and deleted the DB, then tried to deploy and it worked fine. Interestingly, it's deploying every time now without me having to go in and delete it every time.
WITH MOVE 'DataFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\SQL Directory\DATA\B.mdf',
MOVE 'LogFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\SQL Directory\DATA\B.ldf',
REPLACE ---> Needed if database B already exists
