Tried to create shared memory block, and what I got is strange behaviour.
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <sys/ipc.h>
int main() {
int mid = -1;
mid = shmget((key_t)1234, 4096, IPC_CREAT|0666);
if(mid == -1) {
printf("cant get mid\n");
return 1;
} else {
printf("got mid");
int* maddr = 0;
maddr = shmat(mid, NULL ,0);
if(maddr == (int*)-1) {
printf("cant attach memory\n");
return 1;
} else {
printf("got maddr");
while(1) {
int cval = __sync_add_and_fetch(maddr, 1);
if(cval % 2) { // odd values
printf("messager 1");
If I try to execute that code, it prints starting and hangs, nothing more happens, but some why it accepts input from stdin, so I can print just like if scanf is running
stdout is line-buffered by default, which means that it is not flushed until a newline is printed. This means that you need to put \n at the end of your "got mid", "got maddr" and "messager 1" strings, or fflush(); after those printf()s.
By the way, SYSV shared memory is outdated. The POSIX mechanisms are significantly better designed - see shm_open() and related calls.
Try adding a new line (\n) at the end of all of your printf statements. I assume it's failing before printing/flushing the buffer.
You can enter things in because the terminal is not blocking keystrokes, even though you haven't paused anywhere to read it. I regularly type in the "next thing" while my command-line/terminal is busy doing something else so that it just picks up when it's done. The stdin buffer can still accept the input. It just doesn't use it yet.
So, I asked here just a while ago, but half of that question was just me being dumb. And I still have issues. I hope that this will be clearer than the question before.
I'm writing POSIX cat, I nearly got it working, but I have couple of issues:
My cat can not read from a pipe and I really do not know why (redirecting (<) works fine)
I can not figure out how to make it continuously read stdin, without some issues. I had a version that worked "fine", but would create a stack-overflow. The other version wouldn't stop reading from stdin if there was only stdin i.e.: my-cat < file would read from stdin until it got terminated which it shouldn't, but it has to read from stdin and wait for termination if no files are suplied.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "u")) != EOF) {
switch(opt) {
case 'u':
/* Make the output un-buffered */
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
int i = 0, fildes, fs = 0;
do {
/* Check for operands, if none or operand = "-". Read from stdin */
if (argc == 0 || !strcmp(argv[i], "-")) {
fildes = STDIN_FILENO;
} else {
fildes = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY);
/* Check for directories */
struct stat fb;
if (!fstat(fildes, &fb) && S_ISDIR(fb.st_mode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pcat: %s: Is a directory\n", argv[i]);
/* Get file size */
fs = fb.st_size;
/* If bytes are read, write them to stdout */
char *buf = malloc(fs * sizeof(char));
while ((read(fildes, buf, fs)) > 0)
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, fs);
/* Close file if it's not stdin */
if (fildes != STDIN_FILENO)
} while (i < argc);
return 0;
Pipes don't have a size, and nor do terminals. The contents of the st_size field is undefined for such files. (On my system it seems to always contain 0, but I don't think there is any cross-platform guarantee of that.)
So your plan of reading the entire file at one go and writing it all out again is not workable for non-regular files, and is risky even for them (the read is not guaranteed to return the full number of bytes requested). It's also an unnecessary memory hog if the file is large.
A better strategy is to read into a fixed-size buffer, and write out only the number of bytes you successfully read. You repeat this until end-of-file is reached, which is indicated by read() returning 0. This is how you solve your second problem.
On a similar note, write() is not guaranteed to write out the full number of bytes you asked it to, so you need to check its return value, and if it was short, try again to write out the remaining bytes.
Here's an example:
#define BUFSIZE 65536 // arbitrary choice, can be tuned for performance
ssize_t nread;
char buf[BUFSIZE]; // or char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
while ((nread = read(filedes, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0) {
ssize_t written = 0;
while (written < nread) {
ssize_t ret = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf + written, nread - written);
if (ret <= 0)
// handle error
written += ret;
if (nread < 0)
// handle error
As a final comment, your program lacks error checking in general; e.g. if the file cannot be opened, it will proceed anyway with filedes == -1. It is important to check the return value of every system call you issue, and handle errors accordingly. This would be essential for a program to be used in real life, and even for toy programs created just as an exercise, it will be very helpful in debugging them. (Error checking would probably have given you some clues in figuring out what was wrong with this program, for instance.)
Your cat (You can call it my-cat, but I preferred to call it felix, just permit me the pun) should be used with stdio all the time to get the benefit of the buffering done by the stdio package. Below is a simplified version of cat using exclusively stdio package (almost exactly equal as it appears in K&R) and you'll see that is completely efficient as shown (you will see that the structure is almost exactly as yours, but I simplify the processing of the data copy /like K&R book/ and the processing of arguments /yours is a bit meshy/):
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#define ERR(_code, _fmt, ...) do { \
fprintf(stderr,"%s: " _fmt, progname, \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
if (_code) exit(_code); \
} while (0)
char *progname = "cat";
void process(FILE *f);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "u")) != EOF) {
switch (opt) {
case 'u': setbuf(stdout, NULL); break;
/* for the case it has been renamed, calculate the basename
* of argv[0] (progname is used in the macro ERR above) */
progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
progname = progname
? progname + 1
: argv[0];
/* shift options */
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (argc) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
FILE *f = fopen(argv[i], "r");
if (!f) {
"%s: %s (errno = %d)\n",
argv[i], strerror(errno), errno);
} else {
/* you don't need to complicate here, fgetc and putchar use buffering as you stated in main
* (no output buffering if you do the setbuf(NULL) and input buffering all the time). The buffer
* size is best to leave stdio to calculate it, as it queries the filesystem to get the best
* input/output size and create buffers this size. and the processing is simple with a loop like
* the one below. You'll get no appreciable difference between this and any other input/output.
* you can believe me, I've tested it. */
void process(FILE *f)
int c;
while ((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF) {
As you see, nothing has been specially done to support redirection, as redirection is not done inside a program, but done by the program that calls it (in this case by the shell) When you start a program, you receive three already open file descriptors. These are the ones that the shell is using, or the ones that the shell just puts in the places of 0, 1, and 2 before starting your program. So your program has nothing to do to cope with redirection. Everything is done (in this case) in the shell... and this is why your program redirection works, even if you have not done anything for it to work. You have only to do redirection if you are going to call a program with its input, output or standard error redirected somewhere (and this somewhere is not the standard input, output or error you have received from your parent process)... but this is not the case of my-cat.
This is a frontend to the tool dc; the idea is to type an infix expression (2 + 3), map it to the corresponding postfix notation (2 3 +) and send it to dc. It's what bc does.
I'm doing this with pipes, but the frontend hangs waiting for output.
This is the code; I will continue commenting it below. The "h" command in my dc is unimplemented, hence is what I'm looking for as an end of output from dc.
TL;DR: the process hangs because stdout in dc is not flushed or that's what I think to have found. How can I read it regardless or force a flush after every write?
What I've found is commented below.
#define DC_EOF_RCV "dc: 'h' (0150) unimplemented"
#define DC_EOF_SND "h\n"
static FILE *sndfp, *rcvfp;
int dcinvoke() {
int pfdout[2], pfdin[2];
pid_t pid;
switch (pid = fork()) {
case -1: exit(1);
case 0:
dup2(pfdout[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(pfdin[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
execlp("dc", "dc", "-", NULL);
sndfp = fdopen(pfdout[1], "w");
rcvfp = fdopen(pfdin[0], "r");
return 1;
void dcsnd(const char *s) {
fputs(s, sndfp);
void dcrcv(char *buf, size_t max) {
fgets(buf, max, rcvfp); // <<<<< HANGS HERE
int turnaround() {
dcsnd(DC_EOF_SND); fflush(sndfp);
int rcvall() {
char buf[256];
for (;;) {
dcrcv(buf, sizeof(buf));
if (! strcmp(buf, DC_EOF_RCV)) {
printf("%s", buf);
return 1;
int prompt(const char *msg, char *res, size_t resmax, int *eofp) {
char *p;
printf("\n%s ", msg);
if (!fgets(res, resmax, stdin)) {
*eofp = 1;
} else {
if (p = strrchr(res, '\n')) {
*p = 0;
*eofp = 0;
return 1;
int main() {
char buf[128], line[128];
int eof;
dcsnd("2 3 +\n");
for (;;) {
prompt("Expression", buf, sizeof(buf), &eof);
if (eof) {
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s\n", buf);
return 0;
I have removed the error checks for simplicity of this question.
The frontend hangs at the line:
fgets(buf, max, rcvfp);
As I really had no idea how to find the problem, I wrote my own dc which does nothing but responds correctly to an "h" command and outputs everything it gets to a file (so I can debug it; I am not aware of any other way). I can add it here if it's useful.
I've found that a call to fflush(stdout) in (my) dc resumes the frontend, as a call to fgets finally returns.
I cannot change dc itself. How can it not hang on fgets?
Some ideas I had:
Use another thread to flush rcvfp (stdout of dc)
Write it using pseudoterminal
I'm looking for suggestions or a simple way to avoid both of them.
I tried to:
Use read() to fileno(rcvfp)
Read this and this similar posts
Use setlinebuf() (man)
dc sends error messages to stderr, not stdout, so you'll never see them -- they go straight to the terminal (or whatever stderr is connected to in your environment). To be able to read them in your program, you also need to redirect stderr. Add
dup2(pfdin[1], STDERR_FILENO);
in the child fork code.
To make your code actually work, I had to also add a newline to the end of the DC_EOF_RCV string (to match what dc sends), and remove the extra dcsnd(DC_EOF_SND); call from main, since you never do a receive that matches it anywhere. Even with this, you can still get race conditions within dc between writing to stdout and stderr, which can cause the output lines to get mixed, resulting in a response that does not match your DC_EOF_RCV string. You can probably avoid those by adding a small sleep to your turnaround function.
An alternate option is using poll in your main loop to read from stdin and dc simultaneously. With this, you don't need the weird "send h command to trigger an error" mechanism to figure out when dc is done -- you just loop. Your main loop ends up looking like:
struct pollfd polling[2] = { { STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN, 0 }, { fileno(rcvfp), POLLIN, 0 } };
printf("Expression ");
for(;;) {
if (poll(polling, 2, -1) < 0) {
exit(1); }
if (polling[0].revents) {
/* stdin is ready */
if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))
dcsnd(buf); }
if (polling[1].revents) {
/* dc has something for us */
printf("\r \r"); /* erase the previsouly printed prompt */
dcrcv(buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("%s\n", buf); }
printf("Expression "); /* new prompt */
There's more detail you can do here with managing error conditions (the revents might be POLLERR or POLLHUP for an error or hangup rather than POLLIN for normal input -- all of these are non-zero values, so testing just for nonzero is reasonable).
With the dc command provided by macOS 10.14.6 Mojave, sending 2 3 + to the program works fine; it just doesn't say anything because you've not asked it to.
$ dc
2 3 +
The p (print) command triggers the response 5. The q command quits.
Sending h gets a mixed response:
$ dc
dc: 'h' (0150) unimplemented
The response is mixed because the dc: (and space) goes to standard error and the message to standard output:
$ dc >/dev/null
$ dc 2>/dev/null
'h' (0150) unimplemented
Consequently, I think your primary problem is that you are waiting for a response that dc is not going to provide. If you want to ensure that you get a printed value, then you need to add a p command. That can be on the same line or on a different line as the 2 3 + expression.
$ dc
2 3 + p
I'm new to using the pthread library in C and I have an assignment for my class to write a simple program using them. The basic description of the program is it takes 1 or more input files containing website names and 1 output file name. I then need to create 1 thread per input file to read in the website names and push them onto a queue. Then I need to create a couple of threads to pull those names off of the queue, find their IP Address, and then write that information out to the output file. The command line arguments are expected as follows:
./multi-lookup [one or more input files] [single output file name]
My issue is this. Whenever I run the program with only 1 thread to push information to the output file then everything works properly. When I make it two threads then the program hangs and none of my testing "printf" statements are even printed. My best guess is that deadlock is occurring somehow and that I'm not using my mutexes properly but I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help!
If you need any information that I'm not providing then just let me know. Sorry for the lack of comments in the code.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "queue.h"
#define STRING_SIZE 1025
#define INPUTFS "%1024s"
#define USAGE "<inputFilePath> <outputFilePath>"
queue q;
pthread_mutex_t locks[2];
int requestors_finished;
void* requestors(void* input_file);
void* resolvers(void* output_file);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE* inputfp = NULL;
FILE* outputfp = NULL;
char errorstr[STRING_SIZE];
pthread_t requestor_threads[argc - 2];
pthread_t resolver_threads[NUM_RESOLVERS];
int return_code;
requestors_finished = 0;
if(queue_init(&q, 10) == QUEUE_FAILURE)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue_init failed!\n");
if(argc < 3)
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough arguments: %d\n", (argc - 1));
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s %s\n", argv[0], USAGE);
return 1;
pthread_mutex_init(&locks[0], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&locks[1], NULL);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (argc - 2); i++)
inputfp = fopen(argv[i+1], "r");
sprintf(errorstr, "Error Opening Input File: %s", argv[i]);
return_code = pthread_create(&(requestor_threads[i]), NULL, requestors, inputfp);
printf("ERROR: return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", return_code);
outputfp = fopen(argv[i+1], "w");
sprintf(errorstr, "Errord opening Output File: %s", argv[i+1]);
for(i = 0; i < NUM_RESOLVERS; i++)
return_code = pthread_create(&(resolver_threads[i]), NULL, resolvers, outputfp);
printf("ERROR: return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", return_code);
for(i = 0; i < (argc - 2); i++)
pthread_join(requestor_threads[i], NULL);
requestors_finished = 1;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_RESOLVERS; i++)
pthread_join(resolver_threads[i], NULL);
return 0;
void* requestors(void* input_file)
char* hostname = (char*) malloc(STRING_SIZE);
FILE* input = input_file;
while(fscanf(input, INPUTFS, hostname) > 0)
if(queue_push(&q, (void*)hostname) == QUEUE_FAILURE)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue_push failed on %s\n", hostname);
hostname = (char*) malloc(STRING_SIZE);
printf("%d\n", queue_is_full(&q));
void* resolvers(void* output_file)
char* hostname;
char ipstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
FILE* output = output_file;
int is_empty = queue_is_empty(&q);
//while(!queue_is_empty(&q) && !requestors_finished)
while((!requestors_finished) || (!is_empty))
hostname = (char*) queue_pop(&q);
if(dnslookup(hostname, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr)) == UTIL_FAILURE)
fprintf(stderr, "DNSlookup error: %s\n", hostname);
strncpy(ipstr, "", sizeof(ipstr));
fprintf(output, "%s,%s\n", hostname, ipstr);
is_empty = queue_is_empty(&q);
Although I'm not familiar with your "queue.h" library, you need to pay attention to the following:
When you check whether your queue is empty you are not acquiring the mutex, meaning that the following scenario might happen:
Some requestors thread checks for emptiness (let's call it thread1) and just before it executes pthread_mutex_lock(&locks[0]); (and after if(!queue_is_full(&q)) ) thread1 gets contex switched
Other requestors threads fill the queue up and when out thread1 finally gets hold of the mutex if will try to insert to the full queue. Now if your queue implementation crashes when one tries to insert more elements into an already full queue thread1 will never unlock the mutex and you'll have a deadlock.
Another scenario:
Some resolver thread runs first requestors_finished is initially 0 so (!requestors_finished) || (!is_empty) is initially true.
But because the queue is still empty is_empty is true.
This thread will reach while(is_empty) usleep((rand()%100)); and sleep forever, because you pthread_join this thread your program will never terminate because this value is never updated in the loop.
The general idea to remember is that when you access some resource that is not atomic and might be accessed by other threads you need to make sure you're the only one performing actions on this resource.
Using a mutex is OK but you should consider that you cannot anticipate when will a context switch occur, so if you want to chech e.g whether the queue is empty you should do this while having the mutex locked and not unlock it until you're finished with it otherwise there's no guarantee that it'll stay empty when the next line executes.
You might also want to consider reading more about the consumer producer problem.
To help you know (and control) when the consumers (resolver) threads should run and when the producer threads produce you should consider using conditional variables.
Some misc. stuff:
pthread_t requestor_threads[argc - 2]; is using VLA and not in a good way - think what will happen if I give no parameters to your program. Either decide on some maximum and define it or create it dynamically after having checked the validity of the input.
IMHO the requestors threads should open the file themselves
There might be some more problems but start by fixing those.
I'm writing a program that when run from two separate bash sessions as two separate processes, opens a named pipe between the two to allow strings to be sent from one to the other.
When the process is first executed from one terminal, it checks stat(fname, buf) == -1 to see if a file at path fname exists and if not, creates it. The process then assumes that since it was the one to make the FIFO, it is the one that will be sending messages through it and continues accordingly.
After that occurs, the program can then be run from another terminal that should determine that it will be the receiver of messages through the pipe by checking stat(fname, buf) == -1. The condition should return false now, and stat(fname, buf) itself should return 0 because there exists a file at fname now.
But for reasons I am unable to discern, when the second process is run, stat(fname, buf) still returns -1. The variable errno is set to EFAULT. The man page for stat() only decribes EFAULT as "Bad address." Any help determining why the error occurs or what is meant by "Bad address." would be greaty appreciated.
I've verified that the file is indeed created by the first process as intended. The first process waits at the line pipe = open(fname, O_WRONLY); because it can't continue until the other end of pipe is opened.
Edit: The following is a self-contained implementation of my code. I have confirmed that it compiles and experiences the problem I described here.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80
#define oops(m,x) { perror(m); exit(x); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
char line[MAX_LINE];
int pipe, pitcher, catcher, initPitcher, quit;
struct stat* buf;
char* fname = "/tmp/absFIFOO";
initPitcher = catcher = pitcher = quit = 0;
while (!quit) {
if (((!pitcher && !catcher && stat(fname, buf) == -1) || pitcher) && !quit) {
// Then file does not exist
if (errno == ENOENT) {
// printf("We're in the file does not exist part\n");
if (!pitcher && !catcher) {
// Then this must be the first time we're running the program. This process will take care of the unlink().
initPitcher = 1;
int stat;
if (stat = mkfifo(fname, 0600) < 0)
oops("Cannot make FIFO", stat);
pitcher = 1;
// open a named pipe
pipe = open(fname, O_WRONLY);
printf("Enter line: ");
fgets(line, MAX_LINE, stdin);
if (!strcmp(line, "quit\n")) {
quit = 1;
// actually write out the data and close the pipe
write(pipe, line, strlen(line));
} else if (((!pitcher && !catcher) || catcher) && !quit) {
// The first condition is just a check to see if this is the first time we've run the program. We could check if stat(...) == 0, but that would be unnecessary
catcher = 1;
pipe = open("/tmp/absFIFO", O_RDONLY);
// set the mode to blocking (note '~')
int flags;
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(pipe, F_SETFL, flags); //what does this do?
// read the data from the pipe
read(pipe, line, MAX_LINE);
if (!strcmp(line, "quit\n")) {
quit = 1;
printf("Received line: %s\n", line);
// close the pipe
if (initPitcher)
return 0;
You have this piece of code:
struct stat* buf;
if (((!pitcher && !catcher && stat(fname, buf) == -1)
When you call stat(), buf isn't initalized and there's no telling what it points to.
You must allocate some storage for it, so stat() has a valid place to store the result.
The easiest thing is to just allocate it on the stack:
struct stat buf;
if (((!pitcher && !catcher && stat(fname, &buf) == -1)
You have not shown your code, but EFAULT means 'bad address'. This indicates that you have not properly allocated (or passed) your buffer for stat or the filename (fname).
buf isn't initialised anywhere. What exactly do you expect to happen?
I have been stuck with this problem on and off since last night and I'm hoping a second fresh pair of eyes will help.
The problem, if an invalid input is entered in the userIn function (anything that isn't a number between 1-99) the test printf at the end of the while loop in main prints "ERR = 1", the while loops and userIn is called again. So far so good, but when a valid input is entered the test printf at the end of the while loop prints "ERR = 0" and then the program hangs. The test printf saying "HELLO" never gets printed.
Any suggestions as to why are most welcome.
The code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
void userIn (int *x)
char b;
printf("Please enter a new value for Vm: ");
scanf(" %i",x);
while (((b=getchar())!='\n')&&(b!=EOF));
int main (void)
int fd, x, err;
char *npipe = "/tmp/fms",
struct stat info;
//get user input
err = 1;
while (err)
if (x > 0 && x < 100) err = 0;
//else printf("\033[1A\033[K");
printf("ERR = %i\n",err);//TEST PRINTF
//if pipe exists
if ( (!lstat(npipe,&info)) && (S_ISFIFO(info.st_mode)) )
//write user input to named pipe created by 'parent.c'
fd = open(npipe, O_WRONLY);
write(fd, input, sizeof(input));
else printf("\033[0;31mNamed pipe doesn't exist, %i not passed.\n\n\033[0m",x);
return 0;
Contrary to your intuition, the program freezes somewhere after the printf("HELLO"); line. Since you don't have a newline in that printf, HELLO gets buffered up and is not flushed to the terminal immediately.
Is there a process reading from the other end of that pipe of yours?
If I run your code on my system the output looks like this:
Please enter a new value for Vm: 101
ERR = 1
Please enter a new value for Vm: 1
ERR = 0
HELLONamed pipe doesn't exist, 1 not passed.
That is, the loop exits exactly when you think it should. Of course, the code then exits immediately because /tmp/fms does not exist on my system.
However, if I create /tmp/fms, then I see:
Please enter a new value for Vm: 1
ERR = 0
...and no additional output. This is because the output from the printf statement is buffered, and the write to the named pipe is blocking, so the output never gets flushed. Adding a \n to your printf will probably display it as you expect.