real time intervals in C/C++ - c

It is possible to make real time intervals in not Real-Time Linux application in C/C++?
I'm writing a ADC simulator. This is an application that generates packages with certain frequency. It is important that the frequency of package generation as closely as possible corresponded to the sampling rate of ADC. Why I don't want to use sleep() and usleep() to set package generation time intervals.

It is possible to make real time intervals in not Real-Time Linux application in C/C++?
No... if it were, it would be a Real-Time Linux system.
That said, you can probably get very close, so it depends on your intervals and tolerances. Your only serious option for sub-timeslice precision is to nail the sending thread to a core and let it spin, while keeping other processing off that core, but that's very wasteful of hardware....
If you can afford to have latencies long enough for your sending code to be re-scheduled then you can look at setting up alarms & signal handlers, but that's potentially massively higher latency, perhaps only on relatively rare occasions where the cores have all been otherwise utilised. To assess how well this works, you've got to do real measurements under realistic system loads.

The packet generator shouldn't be with the packet sender.
If you want the packets to be sent on time, you should create the packets before hand, and send them to the packer sender.
So you need a thread with a work queue, and use a sleep on that thread to send the packets on time. (you can look a boost's sleep())


Reading a 4 µs long +5V TTL from a parallel port -- when to use kernel interrupts

I've got an experimental box of tricks running that, every 100 ms or so, will spit out a 4 microsecond long +5V pulse of electricity on a TTL line. The exact time that this happens is not known ahead of time, but it's important -- so I'd like to use the Red Hat 5.3 computer that essentially runs the experiment to service this TTL, and create a glorified timestamp.
At the moment, what I've done is wired the TTL into pin 13 of the parallel port (STATUS_SELECT, one of the input lines on a parallel port) on the linux box, spawn a process when the experiment starts, use chrt to change its scheduled priority to 99 -- i.e. high -- and then just poll the parallel port repeatedly in a while loop until the pin goes high. I then create an accurate timestamp, and, in a non-blocking way write it to disk.
Obviously, this is inefficient -- sometimes the process is suspended, and a TTL will be missed. As the computer is, itself, busy doing other things (namely acquiring data from my experimental bit of kit -- an MRI scanner!) this happens quite often. Polling is easy, but probably bad.
My question is this: doing something quickly when a TTL occurs seems like the bread-and-butter of computing, but, as far as I can tell, it's only possible to deal with interrupts on linux if you're a kernel module. The parallel port can generate interrupts, and libraries like paraport let you build kernel modules relatively quickly, where you have to supply your own handler.
Is the best way to deal with this problem and create accurate (±25 ms) timestamps for an experiment whenever that TTL comes in -- to write a kernel module that provides a list of recent interrupts to somewhere in /proc, and then read them out with a normal process later? Is that approach not going to work, and be very CPU inefficient -- or open a bag of worms to do with interrupt priority I'm not aware of?
Most importantly, this seems like it should be a solved problem -- is it, and if so do any wise people wish to point me in the right direction? Writing a kernel module seems like, frankly, a lot of hard, risky work for something that feels as if it should perhaps be simple.
The premise that "it's only possible to deal with interrupts on linux if you're a kernel module" dismisses some fairly common and effective strategies.
The simple course of action for responding to interrupts in userspace (especially infrequent ones) is to have a driver which created a kernel device (or in some cases sysfs node) where either a read() or perhaps a custom ioctl() from userspace will block until the interrupt occurs. You'd have to check if the default parallel port driver supports this, but it's extremely common with the GPIO drivers on embedded-type boards, and the basic scheme could be borrowed into the parallel port - provided that the hardware supports true interrupts.
If very precise timing is the goal, you might do better to customize the kernel module to record the timestamp there, and implement a mechanism where a read() from userspace blocks until the interrupt occurs, and then obtains the kernel's already recorded timestamp as the read data - thus avoiding the variable latency of waking userspace and calling back into the kernel to get the time.
You might also look at true local-bus serial ports (if present) as an alternate-interrupt capable interface in cases where the available parallel port is some partial or indirect implementation which doesn't support them.
In situations where your only available interface is something indirect and high latency such as USB, or where you want a lot of host- and operation-system- independence, then it may indeed make sense to use an external microcontroller. In that case, you would probably try to set the micro's clock from the host system, and then have it give you timestamp messages every time it sees an event. If your experiment only needs the timestamps to be relative to each other within a given experimental session, this should work well. But if you need to establish an absolute time synchronization across the USB latency, you may have to do some careful roundtrip measurement and then estimation of the latency in order to compensate it (see NTP for an extreme example).

Is there a difference between a real time system and one that is just deterministic?

At work we're discussing the design of a new platform and one of the upper management types said it needed to run our current code base (C on Linux) but be real time because it needed to respond in less than a second to various inputs. I pointed out that:
That point doesn't mean it needs to be "real time" just that it needs a faster clock and more streamlining in its interrupt handling
One of the key points to consider is the OS that's being used. They wanted to stick with embedded Linux, I pointed out we need an RTOS. Using Linux will prevent "real time" because of the kernel/user space memory split thus I/O is done via files and sockets which introduce a delay
What we really need to determine is if it needs to be deterministic (needs to respond to input in <200ms 90% of the time for example).
Really in my mind if point 3 is true, then it needs to be a real time system, and then point 2 is the biggest consideration.
I felt confident answering, but then I was thinking about it later... What do others think? Am I on the right track here or am I missing something?
Is there any difference that I'm missing between a "real time" system and one that is just "deterministic"? And besides a RTC and a RTOS, am I missing anything major that is required to execute a true real time system?
Look forward to some great responses!
Got some good responses so far, looks like there's a little curiosity about my system and requirements so I'll add a few notes for those who are interested:
My company sells units in the 10s of thousands, so I don't want to go over kill on the price
Typically we sell a main processor board and an independent display. There's also an attached network of other CAN devices.
The board (currently) runs the devices and also acts as a webserver sending basic XML docs to the display for end users
The requirements come in here where management wants the display to be updated "quickly" (<1s), however the true constraints IMO come from the devices that can be attached over CAN. These devices are frequently motor controlled devices with requirements including "must respond in less than 200ms".
You need to distinguish between:
Hard realtime: there is an absolute limit on response time that must not be breached (counts as a failure) - e.g. this is appropriate for example when you are controlling robotic motors or medical devices where failure to meet a deadline could be catastrophic
Soft realtime: there is a requirement to respond quickly most of the time (perhaps 99.99%+), but it is acceptable for the time limit to be occasionally breached providing the response on average is very fast. e.g. this is appropriate when performing realtime animation in a computer game - missing a deadline might cause a skipped frame but won't fundamentally ruin the gaming experience
Soft realtime is readily achievable in most systems as long as you have adequate hardware and pay sufficient attention to identifying and optimising the bottlenecks. With some tuning, it's even possible to achieve in systems that have non-deterministic pauses (e.g. the garbage collection in Java).
Hard realtime requires dedicated OS support (to guarantee scheduling) and deterministic algorithms (so that once scheduled, a task is guaranteed to complete within the deadline). Getting this right is hard and requires careful design over the entire hardware/software stack.
It is important to note that most business apps don't require either: in particular I think that targeting a <1sec response time is far away from what most people would consider a "realtime" requirement. Having said that, if a response time is explicitly specified in the requirements then you can regard it as soft realtime with a fairly loose deadline.
From the definition of the real-time tag:
A task is real-time when the timeliness of the activities' completion is a functional requirement and correctness condition, rather than merely a performance metric. A real-time system is one where some (though perhaps not all) of the tasks are real-time tasks.
In other words, if something bad will happen if your system responds too slowly to meet a deadline, the system needs to be real-time and you will need a RTOS.
A real-time system does not need to be deterministic: if the response time randomly varies between 50ms and 150ms but the response time never exceeds 150ms then the system is non-deterministic but it is still real-time.
Maybe you could try to use RTLinux or RTAI if you have sufficient time to experiment with. With this, you can keep the non realtime applications on the linux, but the realtime applications will be moved to the RTOS part. In that case, you will(might) achieve <1second response time.
The advantages are -
Large amount of code can be re-used
You can manually partition realtime and non-realtime tasks and try to achieve the response <1s as you desire.
I think migration time will not be very high, since most of the code will be in linux
Just on a sidenote be careful about the hardware drivers that you might need to run on the realtime part.
The following architecture of RTLinux might help you to understand how this can be possible.
It sounds like you're on the right track with the RTOS. Different RTOSs prioritize different things either robustness or speed or something. You will need to figure out if you need a hard or soft RTOS and based on what you need, how your scheduler is going to be driven. One thing is for sure, there is a serious difference betweeen using a regular OS and a RTOS.
Note: perhaps for the truest real time system you will need hard event based resolution so that you can guarantee that your processes will execute when you expect them too.
RTOS or real-time operating system is designed for embedded applications. In a multitasking system, which handles critical applications operating systems must be
1.deterministic in memory allocation,
2.should allow CPU time to different threads, task, process,
3.kernel must be non-preemptive which means context switch must happen only after the end of task execution. etc
SO normal windows or Linux cannot be used.
example of RTOS in an embedded system: satellites, formula 1 cars, CAR navigation system.
Embedded System: System which is designed to perform a single or few dedicated functions.
The system with RTOS: also can be an embedded system but naturally RTOS will be used in the real-time system which will need to perform many functions.
Real-time System: System which can provide the output in a definite/predicted amount of time. this does not mean the real-time systems are faster.
Difference between both :
1.normal Embedded systems are not Real-Time System
2. Systems with RTOS are real-time systems.

Interupts Vs Poling a Device

In my application a no. of devices (camera, A/D, D/A etc ) are communicating with a server. I have two options for saving power consumptions in a device as not all devices has to work always:
1- Do poling, i.e each device periodically keep on looking at a content of a file where it gets a value for wake or sleep. If it finds wake, then it wakes up and does its job.
In this case actually the device will be sleeping but the driver will be active and poling.
2- Using interrupts, I can awake a device when needed.
I am not able to decide which way to go and why. Can someone please enlighten me in this regard?
Platform: Windows 7, 32 bit, running on Intel Core2Duo
Polling is imprecise by its nature. The higher your target precision gets, the more wasteful the polling becomes. Ideally, you should consider polling only if you cannot do something with interrupts; otherwise, using an interrupt should be preferred.
One exception to this rule is if you would like to "throttle" something intentionally, for example, when you may get several events per second, but you would like to react to only one event per minute. In such cases you often use a combination of polling and interrupts, where an interrupt sets a flag, and polling does the real job, but only when the flag is set.
If your devices are to be woken up periodically, I would go for the polling with the appropriate frequency (which is always easier to setup because it's just looking at a bit). If the waking events are asynchronous, I would rather go for an interrupt-driven architecture, despite the code and electronic overhead.
Well it depends on your hardware and software atchitecture and complexity of software. It is alwasy better to choose interrupt mechanism over polling.
As in polling your controller will be busy continuously polling the hardware to check if desired value is available.
While using interrupt mechanism will free the controller to perform other tasks, and when interrupt arises your ISR can perform task for specific need.

Nanosecond timing across kernel?

I am planning to write some software direct to an FPGA network card, to catch incoming customised network packets.
Eventually I believe I will send the data obtained either to the kernel or to a user application. This is for a latency-critical trading research project.
What kind of nanosecond timing instruments could I use due to the accuracy required and also the fact that I am timing the duration between reception at the PCI-E network card and receivership in the kernel?
This will be on Linux, with "driver" code (I may put the user application at this level to cut latency) written in C.
On linux access to the CPU clock tick is through the tsc equivalent to the Windows QueryPerformanceCOunter
clock_gettime uses HPET if available, which is simple and as good and as reliable as you can get.
If HPET is not available, you have no reliable timer at that scale anyway, so unluckily the resolution of clock_gettime will be worse, but that's just what it is, and there's not much you can do about it.
Any other source, including tsc, is either lower resolution or unreliable or both.
In software every thing happens on multiples of system clock. I think you can use any time measurement function that returns the number of elapsed clock ticks, clock() for example should give you enough accuracy.

What is the minimum guaranteed time for a process in windows?

I have a process that feeds a piece of hardware (data transmission device) with a specific buffer size. What can I reasonable expect from the windows scheduler windows to ensure I do not get a buffer underflow?
My buffer is 32K in size and gets consumed at ~800k bytes per second.
If I fill it in 16k byte batches that is one batch every 20ms. However, what is my lower limit for filling it. If say, I call sleep(0) in my filling loop what is my reasonable worst case scheduling interval?
OS = Windows XP SP3
Dual Core 2.2Ghz
Note, I am making an API call to check the buffer fill level and a call to the driver API to pass it the data. I am assuming these are scheduling points that Windows could make use of in addition to the sleep(0).
I would like to (as a process) play nice and still meet my realtime deadline. The machine is dedicated to this task but needs to receive the data over the network and send it to the IO device.
What can I expect for scheduler perfomance?
What else do I need to take into account.
There is no guaranteed worst-case. Losing the CPU for hundreds of milliseconds is quite possible. You are subject to whatever kernel threads are doing, they'll always run with a higher priority than you can ever get. Running into a misbehaving NIC, USB or audio driver is a problem you'll constantly be fighting. Unless you can control the hardware.
If you can survive occasional under-runs then make sure that the I/O request you use to get the device data is a waitable event. Windows likes scheduling threads that are blocking on an I/O request that completed ahead of all other ones. Polling with a Sleep() is not a good strategy. It burns CPU cycles needlessly and the scheduler won't favor the thread at all.
If you can't survive the under-runs then you need to consider a device driver.
What is the minimum guaranteed time for a process in windows?
There is no guarantee: Windows is not a real-time O/S.
What else do I need to take into account
What else is running on the machine (something high priority might preempt you)
How much RAM you have (system performance changes a lot when RAM is in short supply)
Whether you're dong I/O (because you might e.g. stall while waiting for disk or network access)
I would like to (as a process) play nice and still meet my realtime deadline. The machine is dedicated to this task but needs to receive the data over the network and send it to the IO device.
Consider setting the priority of your process and/or thread at "real time priority".
