The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it - wpf

I am getting the exception "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it" inspite of using Dispatcher.Invoke.
Below is the code: _btnImage1 is an instance of ImageButton declared in xaml of LaneImageReview. Note that I used Dispatcher in the RefreshLiveVESImage method below.
public partial class LaneImageReview : Page
private void RefreshLiveVESImages(VESImagePackageInfo p_VesImageInfo)
public class ImageButton : Button
public void RefreshLiveVESImage(VESImagePackageInfo p_VesImageInfo)
BitmapImage bitmap = null;
//load background if not photo available
//if (p_Image == null)
// _imgPhoto.Source = null;
foreach (VESCameraInfo camInfo in p_VesImageInfo.VESCameras)
if (camInfo.CameraImageSets[0].FullImage != null)
bitmap = DVASViewController.GetBitmapImageFromByteArray(camInfo.CameraImageSets[0].FullImage.VESImage);
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action<BitmapImage>(SetImageSource), bitmap);
catch (Exception ex)
private void SetImageSource(BitmapImage p_Image)
this.imgFrontLeft.Source = p_Image;

you can try something like


How to pop to root

I am writing a WPF application with MvvmCross. I have a custom view presenter that I want to use so that I can pop multiple view models in 1 shot. Here is my view presenter:
public class ViewPresenter : MvxWpfViewPresenter
ContentControl _contentControl;
Type _currentViewModelType;
IMvxViewModel _rootViewModel;
public ViewPresenter(ContentControl c) : base(c)
_contentControl = c;
protected override void ShowContentView(FrameworkElement element, MvxContentPresentationAttribute attribute, MvxViewModelRequest request)
base.ShowContentView(element, attribute, request);
_currentViewModelType = request.ViewModelType;
private bool SetRootHintHandler(SetRootHint hint)
_rootViewModel = hint.CurrentViewModel;
return true;
private bool PopToRootHintHandler(PopToRootHint hint)
// How to pop all the way down to _rootViewModel ?
return true;
How can I pop all the way back to _rootViewModel? Is there a better way of popping back multiple view models in one shot?
I ended up writing a helper class that keeps a reference of all the view models, as well as the one you set as the Root. And then I can just call my PopToRoot method.
public class NavigationStack
private readonly List<IMvxViewModel> _stack;
public IMvxViewModel Root { get; set; }
public NavigationStack()
_stack = new List<IMvxViewModel>();
public void AddToStack(IMvxViewModel viewModel)
public async Task PopToRoot(IMvxNavigationService navigationService)
if (Root == null)
throw new Exception("Can not pop to root because Root is null.");
foreach (var v in _stack)
if (v != Root)
await navigationService.Close(v);
It works, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea since I'm keeping a reference to all the IMvxViewModel in my app, and closing them one after another...does anyone know if this code can cause any problems in the framework?

is there any way call other JinternalFrame from an JinternalFrame but, in the desktopPane of of main Jframe.

The "code part 1" below is used for calling UcakListesi(JinternalFrame) from menuItem in MDI application without problem.
I would like to call same UcakListesi(JinternalFrame) from another JinternalFrame using same code however, I get error about "desktopPane.add(nw);" line see code part 2. Can't access main jframe desktopPane form JinternalFrame ..
is there any way call other JinternalFrame from an JinternalFrame but, in the desktopPane of of main Jframe.
sorry for my poor english.
Regards and thank you.
---code part 1---
private void UckListeMenuItemActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//Uçak listesi penceresi çağrılıyor
UcakListesi nw = UcakListesi.getInstance();
if (nw.isVisible()) {
} else {
try {
//açılan internal frame'in max size ile açılması için
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AnaUygulama.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
---code part 2---
class PopUpx extends JPopupMenu {
JMenuItem anItem1;
JMenuItem anItem2;
JMenuItem anItem3;
JMenuItem anItem4;
JMenuItem anItem5;
JSeparator anSeparator1;
JSeparator anSeparator2;
JSeparator anSeparator3;
JSeparator anSeparator4;
JMenu yeni;
ActionListener anListener2;
public PopUpx(final String x){
anItem1 = new JMenuItem(x+ " numaralı Uçak için");
anItem2 = new JMenuItem("Detay Bilgiler");
anItem3 = new JMenuItem("Arıza İş Emri Aç");
anItem4 = new JMenuItem("Uçuş Öncesi Servis");
anItem5 = new JMenuItem("Uçuş Sonrası Servis");
anSeparator1 = new JSeparator();
anSeparator2 = new JSeparator();
anSeparator3 = new JSeparator();
anSeparator4 = new JSeparator();
yeni = new JMenu ("Servis İşlemleri");
anItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println(x+" nolu uçağın "+anItem2.getText()+" basıldı");
UcakListesi nw = UcakListesi.getInstance();
if (nw.isVisible()) {
} else {
//problem is here
try {
//açılan internal frame'in max size ile açılması için
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AnaUygulama.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
anItem2.setToolTipText(x+ " numaralı Uçağın Detay Bilgilerine ulaşılır...");
I found the solution .
for the first class(MainApplication) where your Jframe and JDesktopPane inside place code below
public javax.swing.JDesktopPane getDesktopPane() {
return desktopPane;
then use in any JinternalFrame class file like this to call another one(YourJinternalFrame)
YourJinternalFrame nw = YourJinternalFrame.getInstance();
if (nw.isVisible()) {
} else {
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MainApplication.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
to get only one instance of called JinternalFrame
place this code below in the called JinternalFrame(YourJinternalFrame)
private static YourJinternalFrame myInstance;
public static YourJinternalFrame getInstance() {
if (myInstance == null) {
myInstance = new YourJinternalFrame();
return myInstance;
Thank me:)
First create f1 frame object on f2 button action
F1 f1 = new F1();
Then create a JDesktopPane object like this
JDesktopPane desktopPane = getDesktopPane();
desktopPane.add(f1);//add f1 to desktop pane
f1.setVisible(true);// set the f1 frame visible
Finally if needed dispose the current frame

Query CRM data in Silverlight

I am building a silverlight app for CRM 2011 and I was wondering what the best way to retrieve data from the CRM system is.
I have linked in my organisation as a service reference and am able to access that. I have seen a few different ways to retrieve data but they all seem rather complicated. Is there anything like what we can use in plugins such as a fetch XMl query or a simple Service.Retrieve method?
If you add a service reference to your project you can use LINQ to query the datasets.
You can download the CSDL from Developer Resources under the customisation area.
private FelineSoftContext context;
private System.String serverUrl;
private DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder> _orders;
public MainPage()
serverUrl = (String)GetContext().Invoke("getServerUrl");
//Remove the trailing forward slash returned by CRM Online
//So that it is always consistent with CRM On Premises
if (serverUrl.EndsWith("/"))
serverUrl = serverUrl.Substring(0, serverUrl.Length - 1);
Uri ODataUri = new Uri(serverUrl + "/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/", UriKind.Absolute);
context = new FelineSoftContext(ODataUri) { IgnoreMissingProperties = true };
var orders = from ord in context.SalesOrderSet
orderby ord.Name
select new SalesOrder
Name = ord.Name,
SalesOrderId = ord.SalesOrderId
_orders = new DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder>();
_orders.LoadCompleted += _orders_LoadCompleted;
void _orders_LoadCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
if (_orders.Continuation != null)
OrderLookup.ItemsSource = _orders;
OrderLookup.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
OrderLookup.SelectedValuePath = "Id";
You will also need to add a method in your class as below:
private static ScriptObject GetContext()
ScriptObject xrmProperty = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("Xrm");
if (null == xrmProperty)
//It may be that the global context should be used
ScriptObject globalContext = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetGlobalContext");
return globalContext;
catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm\" is null and the Global Context is not available.");
ScriptObject pageProperty = (ScriptObject)xrmProperty.GetProperty("Page");
if (null == pageProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page\" is null");
ScriptObject contextProperty = (ScriptObject)pageProperty.GetProperty("context");
if (null == contextProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page.context\" is null");
return contextProperty;
You will need to add an additional class library and put the following code within it. Change the class name to match the Context you exported:
partial class FelineSoftContext
#region Methods
partial void OnContextCreated()
this.ReadingEntity += this.OnReadingEntity;
this.WritingEntity += this.OnWritingEntity;
#region Event Handlers
private void OnReadingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
private void OnWritingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
public abstract class ODataEntity
private readonly Collection<string> ChangedProperties = new Collection<string>();
public ODataEntity()
EventInfo info = this.GetType().GetEvent("PropertyChanged");
if (null != info)
PropertyChangedEventHandler method = new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.OnEntityPropertyChanged);
//Ensure that the method is not attached and reattach it
info.RemoveEventHandler(this, method);
info.AddEventHandler(this, method);
#region Methods
public void ClearChangedProperties()
internal void RemoveUnchangedProperties(XElement element)
const string AtomNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesMetadataNamespace = DataServicesNamespace + "/metadata";
if (null == element)
throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
List<XElement> properties = (from c in element.Elements(XName.Get("content", AtomNamespace)
).Elements(XName.Get("properties", DataServicesMetadataNamespace)).Elements()
select c).ToList();
foreach (XElement property in properties)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(property.Name.LocalName))
private void OnEntityPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(e.PropertyName))
I am will suggest you to use Silvercrmsoap , it's very easy to use. I have used this in my silverlight projects.

Easy way to dynamically invoke web services (without JDK or proxy classes)

In Python I can consume a web service so easily:
from suds.client import Client
client = Client('') #create client
result = client.service.myWSMethod("Bubi", 15) #invoke method
print result #print the result returned by the WS method
I'd like to reach such a simple usage with Java.
With Axis or CXF you have to create a web service client, i.e. a package which reproduces all web service methods so that we can invoke them as if they where normal methods. Let's call it proxy classes; usually they are generated by wsdl2java tool.
Useful and user-friendly. But any time I add/modify a web service method and I want to use it in a client program I need to regenerate proxy classes.
So I found CXF DynamicClientFactory, this technique avoids the use of proxy classes:
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic.DynamicClientFactory;
//create client
DynamicClientFactory dcf = DynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
Client client = dcf.createClient("");
//invoke method
Object[] res = client.invoke("myWSMethod", "Bubi");
//print the result
System.out.println("Response:\n" + res[0]);
But unfortunately it creates and compiles proxy classes runtime, hence requires JDK on the production machine. I have to avoid this, or at least I can't rely on it.
My question:
Is there another way to dinamically invoke any method of a web service in Java, without having a JDK at runtime and without generating "static" proxy classes? Maybe with a different library? Thanks!
I know this is a really old question but if you are still interested you could use soap-ws github project:
Here you have a sample usage really simple:
Wsdl wsdl = Wsdl.parse("");
SoapBuilder builder = wsdl.binding()
SoapOperation operation = builder.operation()
Request request = builder.buildInputMessage(operation)
SoapClient client = SoapClient.builder()
String response =;
As you can see it is really simple.
With CXF 3.x this could be possible with StaxDataBinding. Follow below steps to get the basics. Of course, this could be enhanced to your needs.
Create StaxDataBinding something like below. Note below code can be enhanced to your sophistication.
class StaxDataBinding extends AbstractInterceptorProvidingDataBinding {
private XMLStreamDataReader xsrReader;
private XMLStreamDataWriter xswWriter;
public StaxDataBinding() {
this.xsrReader = new XMLStreamDataReader();
this.xswWriter = new XMLStreamDataWriter();
inInterceptors.add(new StaxInEndingInterceptor(Phase.POST_INVOKE));
inFaultInterceptors.add(new StaxInEndingInterceptor(Phase.POST_INVOKE));
static class RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor
extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
static final RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor INSTANCE = new RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor();
public RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
public void initialize(Service service) {
for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : service.getServiceInfos()) {
SchemaCollection schemaCollection = serviceInfo.getXmlSchemaCollection();
if (schemaCollection.getXmlSchemas().length > 1) {
// Schemas are already populated.
new ServiceModelVisitor(serviceInfo) {
public void begin(MessagePartInfo part) {
if (part.getTypeQName() != null
|| part.getElementQName() != null) {
public <T> DataReader<T> createReader(Class<T> cls) {
if (cls == XMLStreamReader.class) {
return (DataReader<T>) xsrReader;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"The type " + cls.getName() + " is not supported.");
public Class<?>[] getSupportedReaderFormats() {
return new Class[] { XMLStreamReader.class };
public <T> DataWriter<T> createWriter(Class<T> cls) {
if (cls == XMLStreamWriter.class) {
return (DataWriter<T>) xswWriter;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"The type " + cls.getName() + " is not supported.");
public Class<?>[] getSupportedWriterFormats() {
return new Class[] { XMLStreamWriter.class, Node.class };
public static class XMLStreamDataReader implements DataReader<XMLStreamReader> {
public Object read(MessagePartInfo part, XMLStreamReader input) {
return read(null, input, part.getTypeClass());
public Object read(QName name, XMLStreamReader input, Class<?> type) {
return input;
public Object read(XMLStreamReader reader) {
return reader;
public void setSchema(Schema s) {
public void setAttachments(Collection<Attachment> attachments) {
public void setProperty(String prop, Object value) {
public static class XMLStreamDataWriter implements DataWriter<XMLStreamWriter> {
private static final Logger LOG = LogUtils
public void write(Object obj, MessagePartInfo part, XMLStreamWriter writer) {
try {
if (!doWrite(obj, writer)) {
if (part.isElement()) {
QName element = part.getElementQName();
if (obj != null) {
catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new Fault("COULD_NOT_READ_XML_STREAM", LOG, e);
public void write(Object obj, XMLStreamWriter writer) {
try {
if (!doWrite(obj, writer)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Data types of "
+ obj.getClass() + " are not supported.");
catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new Fault("COULD_NOT_READ_XML_STREAM", LOG, e);
private boolean doWrite(Object obj, XMLStreamWriter writer)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj instanceof XMLStreamReader) {
XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = (XMLStreamReader) obj;
StaxUtils.copy(xmlStreamReader, writer);
return true;
else if (obj instanceof XMLStreamWriterCallback) {
((XMLStreamWriterCallback) obj).write(writer);
return true;
return false;
public void setSchema(Schema s) {
public void setAttachments(Collection<Attachment> attachments) {
public void setProperty(String key, Object value) {
Prepare your input to match the expected input, something like below
private Object[] prepareInput(BindingOperationInfo operInfo, String[] paramNames,
String[] paramValues) {
List<Object> inputs = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<MessagePartInfo> parts = operInfo.getInput().getMessageParts();
if (parts != null && parts.size() > 0) {
for (MessagePartInfo partInfo : parts) {
QName element = partInfo.getElementQName();
String localPart = element.getLocalPart();
// whatever your input data you need to match data value for given element
// below code assumes names are paramNames variable and value in paramValues
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
if (paramNames[i].equals(localPart)) {
inputs.add(findParamValue(paramNames, paramValues, localPart));
return inputs.toArray();
Now set the proper data binding and pass the data
Bus bus = CXFBusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus();
WSDLServiceFactory sf = new WSDLServiceFactory(bus, wsdl);
Service svc = sf.create();
Client client = new ClientImpl(bus, svc, null,
StaxDataBinding databinding = new StaxDataBinding();
bus.getFeatures().add(new StaxDataBindingFeature());
BindingOperationInfo operInfo = ...//find the operation you need (see below)
Object[] inputs = prepareInput(operInfo, paramNames, paramValues);
client.invoke("operationname", inputs);
If needed you can match operation name something like below
private BindingOperationInfo findBindingOperation(Service service,
String operationName) {
for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : service.getServiceInfos()) {
Collection<BindingInfo> bindingInfos = serviceInfo.getBindings();
for (BindingInfo bindingInfo : bindingInfos) {
Collection<BindingOperationInfo> operInfos = bindingInfo.getOperations();
for (BindingOperationInfo operInfo : operInfos) {
if (operInfo.getName().getLocalPart().equals(operationName)) {
if (operInfo.isUnwrappedCapable()) {
return operInfo.getUnwrappedOperation();
return operInfo;
return null;

How to register custom module manager in PRISM?

I've created some simple custom ModuleManager in my silverlight application based on PRISM. I also registered this type in bootstrapper, but PRISM still use the default manager. The constructor of my CustomModuleManager is called, but the property ModuleTypeLoaders is never accessed. I can't figure it out, how can I make it work properly?
Here is bootstrapper.cs
protected override void ConfigureContainer()
Container.RegisterType<IShellProvider, Shell>();
Container.RegisterType<IModuleManager, CustomModuleManager>();
public class CustomModuleManager : ModuleManager
IEnumerable<IModuleTypeLoader> _typeLoaders;
public CustomModuleManager(IModuleInitializer moduleInitializer,
IModuleCatalog moduleCatalog,
ILoggerFacade loggerFacade)
: base(moduleInitializer, moduleCatalog, loggerFacade)
public override IEnumerable<IModuleTypeLoader> ModuleTypeLoaders
if (_typeLoaders == null)
_typeLoaders = new List<IModuleTypeLoader>
new CustomXapModuleTypeLoader()
return _typeLoaders;
_typeLoaders = value;
public class CustomXapModuleTypeLoader : XapModuleTypeLoader
protected override IFileDownloader CreateDownloader()
return new CustomFileDownloader();
public class CustomFileDownloader : IFileDownloader
public event EventHandler<DownloadCompletedEventArgs> DownloadCompleted;
readonly FileDownloader _dler = new FileDownloader();
public CustomFileDownloader()
_dler.DownloadCompleted += DlerDownloadCompleted;
void DlerDownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadCompletedEventArgs e)
_dler.DownloadCompleted -= DlerDownloadCompleted;
if (DownloadCompleted != null)
if (e.Cancelled || e.Error != null)
DownloadCompleted(this, e);
new DownloadCompletedEventArgs(e.Result,
public void DownloadAsync(Uri uri, object userToken)
_dler.DownloadAsync(uri, userToken);
Reorder your call to base.ConfigureContainer so that yours wins (last one wins):
protected override void ConfigureContainer()
Container.RegisterType<IShellProvider, Shell>();
Container.RegisterType<IModuleManager, CustomModuleManager>();
