Randomness in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - artificial-intelligence

This question came to my mind while working on 2 projects in AI and ML. What If I'm building a model (e.g. Classification Neural Network,K-NN, .. etc) and this model uses some function that includes randomness. If I don't fix the seed, then I'm going to get different accuracy results every time I run the algorithm on the same training data. However, If I fix it then some other setting might give better results.
Is averaging a set of accuracies enough to say that the accuracy of this model is xx % ?
I'm not sure If this is the right place to ask such a question/open such a discussion.

Simple answer, yes, you randomize it and use statistics to show the accuracy. However, it's not sufficient to just average a handful of runs. You need, at a minimum, some notion of the variability as well. It's important to know whether "70%" accurate means "70% accurate for each of 100 runs" or "100% accurate once and 40% accurate once".
If you're just trying to play around a bit and convince yourself that some algorithm works, then you can just run it 30 or so times and look at the mean and standard deviation and call it a day. If you're going to convince anyone else that it works, you need to look into how to do more formal hypothesis testing.

There are models which are naturally dependent on randomness (e.g., random forests) and models which only use randomness as part of exploring the space (e.g., initialisation of values for neural networks), but actually have a well-defined, deterministic, objective function.
For the first case, you will want to use multiple seeds and report average accuracy, std. deviation, and the minimum you obtained. It is often good if you have a way to reproduce this, so just use multiple fixed seeds.
For the second case, you can always tell, just on the training data, which run is best (although it might actually not be the one which gives you the best test accuracy!). Thus, if you have the time, it is good to do say, 10 runs, and then evaluate on the one with the best training error (or validation error, just never evaluate on testing for this decision). You can go a level up and do multiple multiple runs and get a standard deviation too. However, if you find that this is significant, it probably means you weren't trying enough initialisations or that you are not using the right model for your data.

Stochastic techniques are typically used to search very large solution spaces where exhaustive search is not feasible. So it's almost inevitable that you will be trying to iterate over a large number of sample points with as even a distribution as possible. As mentioned elsewhere, basic statistical techniques will help you determine when your sample is big enough to be representative of the space as a whole.
To test accuracy, it is a good idea to set aside a portion of your input patterns and avoid training against those patterns (assuming you are learning from a data set). Then you can use the set to test whether your algorithm is learning the underlying pattern correctly, or whether it's simply memorizing the examples.
Another thing to think about is the randomness of your random number generator. Standard random number generators (such as rand from <stdlib.h>) may not make the grade in many cases so look around for a more robust algorithm.

I generalize the answer from what i get of your question,
I suppose Accuracy is always average accuracy of multiple runs and the standard deviation. So if you are considering accuracy you get using different seeds to the random generator, are you not actually considering a greater range of input (which should be a good thing). But you have to consider the Standard deviation to consider the accuracy. Or did i get your question it totally wrong ?

I believe cross-validation may give you what you ask about: an averaged, and therefore more reliable, estimate of classification performance. It contains no randomness, except in permuting the data set initially. The variation comes from choosing different train/test splits.


Non-converging Neural Network in C

I wrote my first feed-forward neural network in C, using the sigmoid 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x)) as activation function and gradient descent to adjust the weights. I tried to approximate sin(x) to make sure my network works. However, the output of the neuron on the output layer seems to always oscillate between the extreme values 0 and 1 and the weights of the neurons grow to absurd sizes, no matter how many hidden layers there are, how many neurons are in the hidden layer(s), how many training samples I provide, or even what the target outputs are.
1) Are there any standard 'tried and tested' data sets used to proof-test neural networks for errors? If yes, what structures work best (e.g. numbers of neuron(s) in the hidden layer) to converge to the desired output?
2) Are there any common errors that generate the same symptoms? I found this thread, but the issue was because of faulty data, which I believe is not my case.
3) Is there any preferred way of training the network? In my implementation I cycle through the training sets and adjust the weights each time, then rinse and repeat ~1000 times. Is there any other order that works better?
So, to sum up:
Assuming that your gradient propagation works properly usually the values of parameters like topology, learning rate, batch size or value of a constant connected with weight penalty (L1 and L2 decay) are computed using a techniques called grid search or random search. It was empirically proved that random search performs better in this task.
The most common reason of weight divergence is wrong learning rate. Big value of it might make learning really hard. But on the other hand - when learning rate is too small - learning process might take a really long time. Usually - you should babysit the learning phase. The specified instruction might be found e.g. here.
In your learning phase you used a technique called SGD. Usually - it may achieve good results but it's vulnerable to variance of data sets and big values of learning rates. What I advice you is to use batch learning and set a batch size as additional learning parameter learnt during grid or random search. You can read about here e.g. here.
Another thing which you might consider is to change your activation function to tanh or relu. There are a lot of problems with saturation regions of sigmoid and it usually needs a proper initialization. You can read about it here.

traversing numbers in an interval wisely

I want to scan the numbers in a big interval wisely until I find the one I need.
But, I don't have any clue where this number might be and I will not have any clue during searching process.
Let me give an example to make it easy to state my question
Assume I am searching a number between 100000000000000 and 999999999999999
Naive approach would be starting from 100000000000000 and counting to 99... one by one.
but this is not wise because number can be on the far end If I am not lucky.
so, what is the best approach to this problem. I am not looking for mathematically best, I need a technique which is easy to implement in C programming Language.
thanks in advance.
There is no solution to your problem, but knowledge. If you don't know anything about the number, any strategy to enumerate them is equally good (or bad).
If you suppose that you are fighting against an adversary that is trying to hide the number for you, a strategy would be to make your next move unguessable. That would be to randomly pick numbers in the range and ask for them. (to avoid repetitions, you'd have to use a random permutation of your numbers.) By that you'd then find your number with an expected number of about half the total number, that is you'd gain a factor of two from the worst case. But as said all of that depends on the assumption that you can make.
Use bisection search. First see if your number is above or below the middle of the range. Depending on the answer, repeat the process for the upper or lower half of the range, respectively.
As you already know there is no strategy to improve search speed. All you can do is to speed up the search itself by using multithreading. So the technically best approach might be to try to implement the algorithm in OpenCL (which is fairly similar to C and which can be used through a C library) and run several hundred tests in parallel, depending on your hardware (GPU).

How to do good benchmarking of complex functions?

I am about to embark in very detailed benchmarking of a set of complex functions in C. This is "science level" detail. I'm wondering, what would be the best way to do serious benchmarking? I was thinking about running them, say, 10 times each, averaging the timing results and give the standard dev, for instance, just using <time.h>. What would you guys do to obtain good benchmarks?
Reporting an average and standard deviation gives a good description of a distribution when the distribution in question is approximately normal. However, this is rarely true of computational performance measurements. Instead, performance measurements tend to more closely resemble a poisson distribution. This makes sense, because not many random events on a computer will cause a program to go faster; essentially all of the measurement noise is in how many random events occur that cause it to slow down. (A normal distribution, by contrast, makes no intuitive sense at all; it would require the belief that a program has a non-zero probability of finishing in negative time).
In light of this, I find it most useful to report the minimum time over many runs of a program, rather than the average; the noise in the distribution is typically noise of the measuring system, rather than meaningful information about the algorithm. For complex algorithms that have early out conditions, and other shortcuts, you need to be a little more careful, but the minimum of many runs where each run handles a representative balance of inputs usually works well.
"10 times each" sounds like very few iterations to me. I generally do something on the order of thousands (or more, depending on the function/system) of runs unless that's completely infeasible. At a bare minimum, you need to make sure that you run the timing for sufficiently long as to shake out any dependence on system state, some of which may change at fairly large time granularity.
The other thing you should be aware of is that essentially every system has a platform-specific timer available that is much more accurate than what is available <time.h>. Find out what it is on your target platform[s] and use it instead.
I am assuming you are looking at benchmarking pure Algorithmic computation in your program and there is no user input or output which can take unpredictable time.
Now for purely number crunching programs, your results could vary based on the time your program actually runs which will be impacted by other ongoing activities in the system. There could be other factor which you may choose to ignore depending upon level of accuracy desired i.e. impact due to cache miss, different access time through the memory hierarchy"
One of the methods is as you suggested calculation average over a number of runs.
Or you could try to look at the assembly code and see the instructions generated. And then based on the processor get the cycle count for these instructions. This method may not be practical depending on the amount of code you are looking to benchmark. If you are particular about memory hierarchy impact then you may want to control execution environment very carefully i.e. where program is loaded, where its data is loaded etc. But as I mentioned depending on the accuracy desired, you may absorb the variation caused due to memory hierarchy in you statistical variation" .
You may need to carefully design the test input for you functions to ensure the path coverage and may choose to publish statistics of performance as a function of test input. This will show how function behaves across range of inputs

Generating totally random numbers without random function? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
True random number generator
I was talking to a friend the other day and we were trying to figure out if it is possible to generate completely random numbers without the help of a random function? In C for example "rand" generates pseudo-random numbers. Or we can use something like "srand( time( NULL ) );" This will allow the computer to read numbers from its clock as seed values. So if I understand everything I have read so far right, then I am pretty sure that no random function actually produces truely random numbers. How would one write a program that generates numbers that are completely random and what would code look like?
Check out this question:
True random number generator
Also, from wikipedia's entry on pseudorandom numbers
As John von Neumann joked, "Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin."
The excellent random.org website provides hardware-based random numbers as well as a number of software interfaces to retrieve these.
This can be used e.g. for genuinely unpredictable seeds or for 'true' random numbers. Being a web service, there are limits on the number of draws you can make, so don't try to use this for your graduate school monte carlo simulation.
FWIW, I wrapped one of those interface in the R package random.
It would look like:
int random = CallHardwareRandomGenerator();
Even with hardware, randomness is tricky. There are things which are physically random (atomic decay is random, but with predictable average amounts, so that can be used as a source of random information) there are things that are physically random enough to make prediction impractical (this is how casinos make money).
There are things that are largely indeterminate (mix up information from key-stroke rate, mouse-movements, and a few things like that), which are a good-enough source of "randomness" for many uses.
Mathematically, we cannot produce randomness, but we can improve distribution and make something harder to predict. Cryptographic PRNGs do a stronger job at this than most, but are more expensive in terms of resources.
This is more of a physics question I think. If you think about it nothing is random, it just occurs due to events the complexity of which make them unpredictable to us. A computer is a subsystem just like any other in the universe and by giving it unpredictable external inputs (RTC, I/O garbage) we can get the same kind of randomness that that a roulette wheel gets from varying friction, air resistance, initial impulse and millions of factors that I can't wrap my head around.
There's room for a fair amount of philosophical debate about what "truly random" really even means. From a practical viewpoint, even sources we know aren't truly random can be used in ways that produce what are probably close enough for almost any practical purpose though (in particular, that at least with current technology, full knowledge of the previously produced bitstream appears to be insufficient to predict the next bit accurately). Most of those do involve a bit of extra hardware though -- for example, it's pretty easy to put a source together from a little bit of Americium out of a smoke detector.
There are quite a few more sources as well, though they're mostly pretty low bandwidth (e.g., collect one bit for each keystroke, based on whether the interval between keystrokes was an even or odd number of CPU clocks -- assuming the CPU clock and keyboard clock are derived from separate crystals). OTOH, you have to be really careful with this -- a fair number of security holes (e.g., in Netscape around v. 4.0 or so) have stemmed from people believing that such sources were a lot more random than they really were.
While there are a number of web sites that produce random numbers from hardware sources, most of them are useless from a viewpoint of encryption. Even at best, you're just trusting your SSL (or TLS) connection to be secure so nobody captured the data you got from the site.

Kernel methods for large scale dataset

Kernel-based classifier usually requires O(n^3) training time because of the inner-product computation between two instances. To speed up the training, inner-product values can be pre-computed and stored in a two-dimensional array. However when the no. of instances is very large, say over 100,000, there will not be sufficient memory to do so.
So any better idea for this?
For modern implementations of support vector machines, the scaling of the training algorithm is dependent on lots of factors, such as the nature of the training data and kernel that you are using. The scaling factor of O(n^3) is an analytical result and isn't particularly useful in predicting how SVM training will scale in real-world situations. For example, empirical estimates of the training algorithm used by SVMLight put the scaling against training set size to be approximately O(n^2).
I would suggest you ask this question in the kernel machines forum. I think you're more likely to get a better answer than on Stack Overflow, which is more of a general-purpose programming site.
The Relevance Vector Machine has a sequential training mode in which you do not need to keep the entire kernel matrix in memory. You can basically calculate a column at a time, determine if it appears relevant, and throw it away otherwise. I have not had much luck with it myself, though, and the RVM has some other issues. There is most likely a better solution in the realm of Gaussian Processes. I haven't really sat down much with those, but I have seen mention of an online algorithm for it.
I am not a numerical analyst, but isn't the QR decomposition which you need to do ordinary least-squares linear regression also O(n^3)?
Anyways, you'll probably want to search the literature (since this is fairly new stuff) for online learning or active learning versions of the algorithm you're using. The general idea is to either discard data far from your decision boundary or to not include them in the first place. The danger is that you might get locked into a bad local maximum and then your online/active algorithm will ignore data that would help you get out.
