Cannot connect to the database - sql-server

I have created a database in App_Data and I want to use this file in my project.
In the toolbar I grabbed the sqlDatasource. I clicked on Configure data source. I chose Microsoft SQL Server database file and said continue. I browsed for the file. I chose it then I clicked ok. The following error occurred:
I says the database myweb.mdf cannot be opened because it is version 661 and the server version is 662 and earlier: create database is aborted. The attempt to attached an auto-named database for the \app-data\myweb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists or specified file cannot be opened or it is located on UNC share.

Sounds like you've upgraded to SQL Server 2008 R2 Whilst the database was created in SQL Server 2008, seems you need to upgrade the database using the database migration wizard
see this answer for a similar problem

Check this: SQL Server: Attach incorrect version 661
You'll have to either upgrade your 2008 SP2 instance to R2, or you have to copy out the data in that database into an 2008 database (eg using the data migration wizard, or something equivalent).


Restoring a running database in a different name in same server in SQL Server 2012 using Management Studio

I have SQL Server 2012 (64-bit) (MSSQL11)
running on Windows 2012 R2 (64-bit) (NT 6.3)
with .NET framework 4.0.
It has a database called db_X and since this is a live production database it is always running and stopping it is not an option.
This is the only SQL Server database server that I practically have.
I want to take a backup (i.e. a full backup) of db_X (which I know how to do) and restore that backup (that .bak file) under a different name (say db_Y) in the same SQL Server database server.
I created a new database called db_Y, then right clicked db_Y then went to Tasks --> Restore --> Database...
Then I gave the path to that .bak file (as source) and tried to restore it by giving db_Y as destination (with the option - overwrite the existing database i.e. WITH REPLACE)
But this is not working. It is giving an error.
It says restore of database db_Y failed. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The file C:...\db_X1.mdf cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database db_X. Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.
But I still believe that this can be done using the Management Studio. Or at least using a script. (as this is a common requirement.)
Why is it trying to restore on db_X, when I have clearly given db_Y as my destination? Isn't this a bit scary as db_X is my live database (because I might lose some data)?
How is it possible to (have a copy of an existing and running database under a different name in SQL Server or in other words) restore a backup of an existing and running database with a different name in SQL Server 2012?
I am grateful if someone could kindly explain how this can be done using the Management Studio or at least using a script.
When you are restoring the database, you need to rename the database to something other than the name of the original:
And then click the Files section and makes sure the file names are different than the original database:

Adventureworks restore failed

I've just installed MS SQL Server Express 2014 and SQL Server Management Studio 2014 under Windows 10. I'm following the official Microsoft tutorial on database fundamentals, which uses the Adventureworks DW2008 database. I have tried to restore this dB using the Restore GUI, but it fails every time, as shown here:
AdventureWorks restore failure
I have verified the backup media, but it still fails. I have also restored a different dB, and that worked fine, so I know I am following the correct procedure. I have the file (AdventureworksDW2008Big.bak) in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup
Yes, I have thoroughly researched this, but still apologies if there is already an answer on here - I couldn't find it.
The DW in the filename is for Data Warehouse and only works on that edition of SQL Server. As you only installed SQL Express you cannot use it.
Why not try Adventure Works 2014 Full Database instead. If you really need 2008/R2 try the none-DW from here:
I do not know if it will solve your problem or not,
but I had same problem. I mean I am using SQL SERVER 2017 and I wanted to restore AdventureWorks2012.
I received restore failed error, and I decided to restore AdventureWorks2017. my queries on AdventureWorks2012 in an older system in university led to the same results as my queries in AdventureWorks2017 in my system. if you are using a version of SQL SERVER and trying to restore an older or another version of AdventureWorks, you can try the same way.
I mean restoring a version of AdventureWorks which is the same as the version of your SQL SERVER.
Best to run SSMS as an administrator to avoid access denied errors (do this by right click on SSMS and choose More -> administrator)
copy adventureworksxx.bak into the sql server DATA directory where by
default all databases are usually located. ( Note: if it is in other directory
the restore may not find it OR may cause errors later)
Restore the database

SQL Server Management Studio error 948

I tried to attach a database (.mdf) file and I got this error:
Attach database failed for Server '...\SQLINSTANCE'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Additional information:
An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
The database 'DBName' cannot be opened because it is version 782. This server supports version 706 or earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
Could not open new database 'DBName'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)
P.S. I have installed SQL Server 2012 Express, and database 'DBName' has been made in Visual Studio 2012.
If you have source control
Rollback the mdf file
Rollback the idf file (log file) to the same version
I had a similar problem and this solution fixed is.
If you do not have source control and you are using Code First
Backup the mdf and idf files
Delete the mdf and idf files in the solution explorer
Create a new database from project->add new item->data->SQL server database
In the package manager console write "Enable-migrations" then "Add-migration init" then "Update-database" to create your tables in the database.
For me, if things got too complicated, I would just recreate the project and copy the code :)

Error copying SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to upgrade a database from a SQL Server 2000 instance to a SQL Server 2008 instance. I'm doing this by right clicking on the database and selecting copy database. My current issue is that I'm getting this error in the log file:
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,aque-db2000_aque-sqldev_sql2008_Transfer Objects
15:38:37,18/10/2011 15:38:37,0,0x,Script failed for User 'WebUser'.
StackTrace: at
depList, SqlSmoObject[] objects) at
objects) at
metadataProvider) at
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Transfer.TransferData() at
InnerException-->Creating a user without an associated login is not
supported in SQL Server 2008.;
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Based on the error it sounds like you need to create a login first on the SQL 2008 server that matches the same login/user that exists on the SQL 2000 server. You could do a couple of things:
create a new database in 2008 to migrate to
create a new login in 2008 that matches the existing login from sql 2000
map the new login to that new database from step #1
run the copy database wizard
If it was me, I would do as marc_s suggested and perform a full backup of the existing database on sql 2000, then restore to a blank database in sql 2008. If you can, update the compatibility mode in database properties to be 2008. I've done this hundreds of times and works like a charm.
The reason can be that a file with the new Database name already exist on the filesystem. We encountered this when we renamed Database X to X_Old, and tried to copy database Y to X. This cannot be done, because database X_Old is still associated with the filename X.
Either delete the conflicting database, or rename the file on the file system.

DB cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 612

I'm trying to do some excercises from exam 70-515. Unfortunately I fail while trying to attach Northwind to a grid-control. It would result in:
NORTHWND.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 612 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
I use Windows 7 Home and MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. As fas as I understand this error, SQL Express must be an old version on my system. I downloaded and installed SQL Express 2008r2 from here. No effect. From other sources I figured out that I might need to change the instance name: Tools -> Options -> Database Tools -> Data Connections -> SQL Server Instance Name. There it is written SQLEXPRESS. I don't know what else I should insert there?
Turns out that deinstalling SQL Express and reinstall the latest version fixed the problem. I chose SQLSERVER2008 as Instance-Name while installing and set it in Visual Studio as described above.
Go to the Services control panel and look for a service named SQL Server (XXX) -- that XXX is the name of the instance that service is running. You just have to find the 2008R2 instance that you installed and type that into the "SQL Server Instance Name" box.
Might help to try to change the compatibility level, to make sure its backwards compatible.
Verify what level it is
SELECT compatibility_level
FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'VJ_DATABASE';
Then make it compatible with the older version
100 = Sql Server 2008
110 = Sql Server 2012
120 = Sql Server 2014
By default, Sql Server 2014 will change the db versions compatibility to only 2014, using the ## version you should be able to tell, which version Sql Server is.
Then run the command above to change it the version you have.
Additional step: Ensure you look at the accessibility of the DB is not reset, do this by right clicking on properties of the folder and the database. (make sure you have rights so you don't get an access denied)
I read this post but nothing helped me. Then I tried a few other options.
The way that I found that worked was to export the database and stored procedures from the original database. Then upload them into the second database(second computer).
Firstly export the DB content (data) - I used SQL server export data wizard. on the database you wish to export from right click then choose tasks, then export data. Follow the instructions and save in whichever format is best for you - I used excel for the data.
then to export the stored procedures rightclick the database name again. choose tasks and this time choose generate scripts. again follow the instructions of the wizard.
To import the data simply go to the second computer and right click the database you wish to import the data into. again tasks > import data. Follow the instructions to import all of the data from the database.
Finally to import the stored procedures, I opened up a new stored procedures command and dragged and dropped the script file that I had previously saved them in and dropped it into this window. The new stored procedure window filled with the entire list of my stored procedures. Finally change the name of the database name that will be used by the SP ( if this is different from the original DB name). (This is the first line USE [DBName]. then simply execute and the SP's will be fully restored.
This has helped me get my entire database up and running again very quickly. Hope this helps.
The SQL Management Studio is different than the SQL Server Version (or Database version). Example: At the current time, my work computer has SQL Server 2012 Management Studio but the SQL Version is 9.0 – which is SQL Server 2005. The SQL Management studio is only an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and is NOT the same as the SQL Server version.
If when you try to Attach a Database, if you get an error similar to the following:
“The database 'AdventureWorks2008' cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 612 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
Could not open new database 'AdventureWorks2008'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)”.
It means that the Database that you are trying to Attach was created with a Newer SQL version then what your computer has and you will NOT be able to use it. See if they have that Database that was created with the same or earlier version of SQL Server that your computer uses. In this case, I found the same Database that was created with SQL Server 2005 (Version 9).
A quick way to check what SQL Server version the computer is running, from the Windows desktop, go to Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), click on the Processess tab, find and select the entry named “sqlservr.exe”, right click and choose Properties, click on the Details tab look at Product Version (Ex. 9….) or File Version (File version states the year and the version - Ex. 2005.9…).
Really this is the same error that i get, but until now i did not solve the problem!!
Go to Tools>Options>Data Connections, provided you have installed SQL Server Express 2008r2, leave the SQL Server instance name blank.
This happens when you are trying to use the SQLServer Express to connect to the MDF file. To remedy this issue, you need to go to Services.msc and turn on SQL Server services. You need to set the log on properties and when the service is started, you will be able to connect to the MDF file without any issues.
