mind mapping based on file system [closed] - file

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've just started using some mind mapping software (Freemind and Xind) as a replacement for text documents I was previously using to keep track of my work. The main issue (in both cases) is to maintain references to files and folders when I add,remove, or rename them (as every time I have to update the mind map).
What I am looking for is a mind mapping tool that would allow me to:
-automatically generate a folder/file structure in the mind map matching a folder on my filesystem.
-create relations between, add notes to, and change the style of these folders and files.
-whenever a folder/file is added, removed, or renamed, the mind map would automatically be updated accordingly (I'm guessing on linux it would work based on inodes).

Freemind can create your entire file structure by going to import->folders.
It works fine in freemind or freeplane but is you publish it to the web with the addon, it crashes. Working on that problem.
Mindjet 8 has a limited capacity but only maps two levels down. Not very useful.

Docear has a mindmap mode which will import a directory structure, create a mind map, allow you to create graphical links between folders, and add notes. It has a feature "Add Monitoring Folder" and "Re-read Monitoring Folder", but the monitoring feature seems to only work for pdf files and sub-folders with pdf files in them. It might be a good place to start since it's open source. (It's based on freeplane).

There is an add-on for Freeplane that looks promising for what you are trying to achieve: dView(indexfile)

A sub-optimal solution is to use your file manager as the mind-mapping tool and then using directory names for topics, text files for details/notes and links for inter-relations.
To the best of my knowledge FreeMind and Xmind provide some sort of linking to external files but are not as extensive as what you request.


create a searchable database of word documents [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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At work we have a large amout of processes which are laid out in several different Word documents. Some as large as 30mb and they include screenshots. What I would like to do is create a front end using in order to be able to search all of them simultaneously and have autocomplete to suggest which part of the process to go to. I've looked at various ways of doing this but it seems I would have to put all the Word document data in to a database to make it work and that would have the disadvantage of not being able to see the screenshots. Is the best way to compile all of the processes in to one Word document then search that somehow or would I need to export the different sections in to a database but how would I then make the screenshots visible? The other way I was thinking was making each part of the processes in to a seperate page which I could call via bootstrap as I have a rough idea of how to structure the data. The problem is this would be very laborious and I'd prefer if there was a way of categorising it by some automated process or script. Any ideas welcome. The method I would like to implement is a single web page which I could store locally and everyone could access implemented using Ajax.
This seems to be off topic, based on the subject...
but at first glance, A simple media-heavy Filemaker database could be made in 30 minutes, and you could implement .pdfs of the Word files as well as full text content, for quick lookups.
The added advantage would be that you could access it via iOS, Mac, or PC....
This option could easily allow thumbnails as well as full documents (.doc or .pdf) either inserted or attached to the file, and available for download if preferred..
The only component of prep which could take time would be actually cutting .pdfs from each Word file to attach for easy viewing...
You would then reference the text in each file in one record field, view the thumbnails in another, and download (or read) the whole document in another. Filemaker allows numerous views of any record, and this can all be accomplished quickly in a single layout.

How to Prevent from re-uploading a file? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i have an Educational website and i create always pdf files from my learning and ad them for download
but there is many learchers that download my files and reupload them somewhere else
i used google dmca but is there any way to Prevent from re-uploading my files?
One way is to use your .htaccess to prevent hotlinking, but even if you do that, you'll again have the problem that when someone views the document via an in-browser extension (e.g. Adobe Reader, Foxit PDF Reader), they can save it and you've lost control over what they can do with it. Or, depending on how you've set up your site, they can simply directly download it, leaving you again back at square one.
Hence, the solution is to bypass direct access to the document. And, there are a number of ways to do that, which varies based on technique and web software (platform) used.
However, since you didn't mention a particular platform or technology: you can use web controllers (MVC type controllers) to broker the dynamic viewing and displaying of the documents in tandem with a client-side tool / plugin to do the displaying for you (much like Scribd).
However, Scribd uses a proprietary Flash PDF viewer called iPaper, and while it isn't available for use, you can find many other alternatives on the web. One that comes highly recommended (there's even a tag on SO for it) is FlexPaper, an open source plugin that implements a client-side web-based PDF viewer - which I think will suit your needs perfectly (from here):
This project provides a light weight document viewer component
enabling PDF files to be viewed without having any PDF reader software
installed. This project provides both Flex library and stand-alone web
Here are some demos of it in action:
Sorry, by mistake posted partial comment. Anyway...
Why do you afraid of reuploading of your files ? Put links to original site into the PDF and get profit of this. More copies, more downloads, more popularity for your resource. If you indeed would like to make PDFs available from your site only, you have to hide files from users and provide some functionality to read them from your web site only (you can use existing sites of this type). That makes duplicating of your resources to be harder task, but be ready that many users reject to read it this way.

How do database driven blog-style websites work? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Before I start: I know this is a very broad question, but it is the best way I could phrase it, I have searched around a lot and can only seem to find generic explanations. I searched SO and didn't find much. I have also skimmed through some pages in the wordpress codex, and didn't find anything really useful.
I would like to create a simple database driven blog-style website, it will really only consist of stories (their title, date, content, etc), I just began teaching myself web development and my idea of how database driven websites work has proven to be completely wrong. I figured you would always need a file connecting to the database for each article, but the more I read I learn about mark up being generated on request, and so on, so the actual /year/month/day/article doesn't actually have to exist on the server, or that may be wrong, that is why I am here.
As I said I cannot find much on this topic that isn't a generic graphic of a server interacting with a web page. How does one go about creating a database driven website of this style? Are the files/directories not actually on the server but only created on a case by case basis as someone requests it? If so, then why can you type out a complete url and it be there with out throwing a 404? I have a lot of questions, really all I need is a strong explanation of how these sites work, code examples, and so on. Could someone explain how they work or point me to information (recommended articles, examples or books)?
EDIT: Please don't recommend a framework, I want to understand how these sites work and build one myself.
It's actually quite simple. Wordpress's index page calls wp-blog-header.php. That file calls for other files, and those files call for other files. It goes on for some time until all the contents of the page are actually loaded.
The databases come in when you start thinking about having users. Obviously the user information is stored in the database. Beyond that, Wordpress keeps post titles, dates, and other information in the database for easy loading later on.
Comments are also stored in the database. Each comment is associated with a number, and in the database, just like the posts, the dates/times as well as the usernames associated with the comments are kept.
Further exploration in the actual Wordpress files will reveal a lot of interesting features.
You might want to check out Django. It is an open source Python web framework that provides a lot of the functionality you are talking about. It also has a lot of very good high-level documentation with even a free e-book. It is centered a bit more on newspaper type sites than blogging, but most of the same principles apply. If you are new to python and like to use IDEs I would recommend checking out PyCharm. It has tight Django integration and makes for simple project setup and debugging.
Generally speaking, you'll use a framework that will take input parameters (year/month/day/article), run some code to fetch data from the database, and dynamically create the webpage. There isn't an actual .html file sitting on the webserver. One of the most popular frameworks to do websites like you're describing is Ruby on Rails, which makes it incredibly simple to do.

Tagging file system instead of directories? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
In the modern file systems there are files and directories. In a directory, there are sub-directories and files.
My question is, wouldn't it be better if all the files were in one place, and each file could tagged? So each file have tags, just like in Stack Overflow: every question has tags. The main advantage, is that searching could be much more faster.
What is your opinion? For you, was it more comfortable?
Having developed my own tagging program http://www.taggtool.com I can offer the following thoughts:
It is super useful to be able to cross-reference multiple files using tags but
it involves a lot of upfront and ongoing effort to add tags to your files although automatic rules help.
Technically on Windows it's a challenge to code such a system, where do you save the tag metadata? Ideally in the file but that's only possible with a tiny set of file formats.
Alternative Data Stream offered a possible solution but it feels like a half baked solution.
The other option is to store the metadata in a database which introduces the new challenge of keeping everything in sync.
It's a shame that the native OS doesn't provide a robust metadata storage for files but that's the way it is at the moment.
Hmm. Current research goes into this direction. For example tracker
or WinFS.
Personally I believe that we cannot easily resign from directory structure as:
It is tightly connected with how computers file systems works and what programs expects
Hierarchical organisation helps manage large number of files if there is strong separation. I.e. I have folders Projects, Music, University etc. which shares no files in common
I guess that semi-power users (like *nix geek on windows) need to know the underlying structure easily. I gave up when I tried to do 'search for file XYZ.exe and delete the folder containing it' using standard tools in Windows 7.
On the other hand tags function better when the sets overlaps like:
Photos of family, photos of buildings - where photo of my parents in from of monument belongs?
If user is 'power-user' enough he might want to use hierarchical tags and form some ontologies. Those on the other hand can be simulated on *nixes by symlinks.
To conclude - in certain areas I prefer tags but not for all of them. Sometimes I need to know underlying structure. But probably as most other stackoverflow users.
File system tagging would be useful - not as a replacement, but as a complement of a directory system. I don't want to have all files in one directory, but I would like to have some files or directories inside a tree hierarchy (like image/video/music collections) organized using tags.
I've started a project to develop a tagging filesystem. Check it at http://code.google.com/p/labelfs/
You may take a look at Reggata It's a simple tagging system for local files.

Is there a way to automate the generation of PowerPoint slides? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a bunch of data in a database and I want to generate some tables in PowerPoint. I had started doing this manually but I thought there might be a way I can simply write some code to take my data from the database and output it onto a PowerPoint slide.
Any advice here?
You can certainly automate powerpoint trough the use of its XPCOM api --
(although, everytime I looked for documentation on the COM API for MS Office I haven't found it)
But, I'd suggest that instead of creating PowerPoint slides, you created Open Document presentations (ISO 26300 - .ODT files) - which are easy to undestand, parse and edit programatically -
.ODT files are the default presentation format for Open Office, Koffice, and other office software, and I think that Microsoft has come to support it by now - (although they have pushed ISO to approve their own proprietary specification of a similar format)
Anyway, editing the contents of a .odp file is trivial; the ODP file itself is a zipped archive, you unzip it, and edit the "contents.xml" file inside it -- creating new slides is a matter of copying the XML node corresponding to a slide and editing the desired text --
and pack everything inside a zip archive again.
you can generate Powerpoint files with Apache POI (a java library)
python-pptx is a python library for creating and updating PowerPoint files
OpenOffice has an interface called UNO with bindings in several languages
PowerPoint has access to VBA right? (It does, I checked) So, you should be able to automate the generation that way. I've done this pretty extensively but in to an excel document. I've never tried it with power point.
The problem now becomes one of time investment? Learn how to do it with VBA or do it manually... If this could be a common thing, I'd suggest you learn how to do it via VBA. Generally speaking, I found that automating Excel with VBA was not too hard once you understood the basics. The time saved was definitely worth it in the long run.
Finally, I wish I could recommend a book to get you started, but alas, I've never considered trying this so I've never put anytime in researching this.
Probably the easiest route to take would be to use Excel to extract the data and then embed the spreadsheet in PowerPoint.
I think for what you listed ODT (or a spare intern) is the best solution. Especially if you just need this 1 or 2 times and/or how it looks in the final PPT is not important.
However, if this grows to be a situation where you have complex logic for what is pulled, or you want to have maore control over how the output looks and give non-programmers the ability to create/edit the templates used, then take a look at Windward Reports (disclaimer - I'm the CTO at Windward). With Windward you can design reports in PowerPoint that pull data from multipel datasources to then generate the final PowerPoint with the data incorporated.
Only for once or twice you can use excel. Place data in excel and generate tables. Then copy and paste it in your power point. Easy way but not an exact tool.
