Socket programming accept() in C - c

Okay I'm brand new to socket programming and my program is not behaving like I'd expect it to. In all the examples that I see of socket programming they use accept() and all the code after assumes that a connection has been made.
But my accept() is called as soon as I start the server. Is this supposed to happen? Or is the server supposed to wait for a connection before executing the rest of the program?
EDIT: Oops I forgot to mention it is a TCP connection.

I think this is what you're after.
The main concept within winsocket programming is you're working with either blocking or non blocking sockets. Most of the time if you're using blocking sockets you can query the sockets recieve set to see if any call would result in your call to the routine being blocked..
For starting off with this UDP is easier considering its a datagram protocol. TCP on the other hand is a streaming protocol. So it's easier to think in regards to blocks of data that is sent and received.

For a server, you:
Create the socket - socket().
Bind it to an address.
You enter a loop in which you:
Listen for connection attempts
Accept and process them
It is not clear from your description whether you are doing all those steps.
There are multiple options for the 'process them' phase, depending on whether you plan to have a single-threaded single process handle one request before processing the next, or whether you plan to have a multi-threaded single process, with one thread accepting requests and creating other threads to do the processing (while the one thread waits for the next incoming connection), or whether you plan to have the process fork with the child processing the new request while the parent goes back to listening for the next request.

You are supposed to enter your acceptance loop after you have started listening for connections. Use select() to detect when a pending client connection is ready to be accepted, then call accept() to accept it.


Closing concurrent server socket (TCP)

I'm making a concurrent server/client program in C using threads. Whenever a client connects, I create a new thread to handle it.
My problem is: I want to be able to close the server, from the client. With the command '..' for example. When I type '..' in the client, I want the server to close immediately.
I thought about having a global variable, that indicates wether the server should close or not. The problem is: When the thread is created to handle the client, the main thread goes back to accept(), and it cannot check that variable. So, it will only close when a new client connects.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Use select() or (e)poll() or equivalent to wait for a client to connect BEFORE you then call accept() to accept the connection. Those kind of functions allow you to specify a timeout, that will allow you to stop waiting periodically to check for other conditions, like a shutdown request. On some platforms, you can even have these functions wait on not only the listening socket but also a separate pipe that you create privately for yourself, and when you want to "wake up" your waiting loop to do something, simply write a byte into that pipe, and when the loop detects that byte arriving then it can act accordingly.

TCP: What happens when client connects, sends data and disconnects before accept

I'm testing some code in C and I've found strange behaviour with TCP socket calls.
I've defined one listening thread which accepts clients synchronously and after accepting the client it process it in a for loop until it disconnects. Thus only one client at a time is handled. So I call accept in a loop and then recv in an inner loop until received an empty buffer.
I fire 5 threads with clients, I call connect, send and finally close
I get no error in any call. Everything seems to be fine.
However when I print received message on the server side it turns out that only the first client got through to the server, i.e. accept never fires on other clients.
So my questions are:
Shouldn't connect wait until server calls accept? Or is the kernel layer taking care of buffering under the hood?
If it's not the case then shouldn't the server be able to accept the socket anyway, even if it is in a disconnected state? I mean is it expected to lose all the incoming data?
Or should I assume that there's a bug in my code?
The TCP state-machine performss a synchronized dance with the client's state machine. All of this is performed at OS-level (The TCP/IP stack); the userspace process only can do some systemcalls to influence this machinery now and then. Once the client calls listen() this machinery is started; and new connections will be establisched.
Remember the second argument for listen(int fd, int backlog) ? The whole 3way handshake is completed (by the TCP stack) before accept() delivers the fd to the server in userland. So: the sockets are in connected state, but the user process hasn't picked them up yet (by calling accept() )
Not calling accept() will cause the new connections to be queued up by the kernel. These connections are fully functional, but obviously the data buffers could fill up and the connection would get throttled.
Suggested reading: Comer& Stevens: Internetworking with TCP/IP 10.6-10.7 (containing the TCP state diagram)

select() issue with a push server - c/c++

I'm writing a server in C ++ for both Windows and Unix systems.
A key feature of this server is that it must be able to receive and send network packets at any time.
Specifically, the server must be able to send data to the client not only in response to their messages, but also be able to send packets to them asynch in push.
I'm having difficulty in implementing a solution that uses the select() function in the scenario described above.
The solution I have currently implemented does not convince me at all and I think it can be implemented with better patterns/solutions.
I currently have a dedicated thread (selector) that performs the select by listening on events in the reading for the server socket (to accept new connections) and for the sockets connected to the server.
This is the main select() loop:
if((sel_res_ = select(nfds_+1, &read_FDs_, NULL, &excep_FDs_, &sel_timeout)) > 0){
if(FD_ISSET(serv_socket, &read_FDs_)){
//we have to handle a newly connection.
if(sel_res_ > 1){
//in addition to the newly connection, there is also some other message incoming on client sockets.
//we have to handle incoming messages on client sockets
This solution works well for receiving the data and to respond to client requests in synchronous form.
However, the server must also be able to send asynchronous data, and send when necessary, packets in push.
To do this I currently use separate threads that perform directly the send() on the client sockets.
This solution does not convince me, and I would like to centralize the packets receiving and sending on the selector thread.
The main difficulty is that the select() by its nature is blocking and I have no control until a client does not send any packet or the timeout is triggered.
The solution to set a timeout very low does not convince me; I see it as an easy solution that is actually doing active wait, and not only, however, the worst case I would pay the price of the timeout before sending the push packet.
I thought a more 'elegant' solution; I think, will work well, but only for a Unix/Linux platform.
I thought to use an anonymous pipe and insert into the select() read_FDs_ the anonymous pipe read descriptor.
In this way, when a thread wants to send a data in push, it writes something on this pipe, interrupting the select() and returning control to the selector that can then predispose to send the data to the client, without significant loss of time.
I think that this solution, unfortunately, cannot be implemented on Windows because the select() function on that system works only with fds that are actually sockets.
So the question is: Is there some well known solution that can be used to address this kind of scenario (both Linux and Windows)?
You can create a self connected UDP socket, this works equally well on Windows and Linux.
Basically, you create a UDP socket, bind() it to INADDR_LOOPBACK and port 0, and connect() it to itself (with the address taken from getsockname()).
At this point, you can send yourself a single byte message (or something more specific) to wake yourself up.

creating two sockets at udp server at a time, how to bind()?

I want two functionalities to be implemented on my udp server application.
Creating thread that continuously receives data coming from any client.
Creating a thread that continuously sends data on server socket after specific time period and waits for reply from client. (I implemented this to make aure that whenever any client goes down, the data is not received back from client and server comes to know that client is down.)
Now, the problem I am facing is that since two threads are sharing same connected socket, whenever both threads try to access this socket simultaneously, a deadlock is established.
One of the solution I found was to create two sockets. One that continuously receives data, and the other socket that is meant for sending data from server time to time to clients and wait for their response, but since Server can must be bind()ed and I have bind()ed my socket to INADDR_ANY once, how would I create a separate socket for sending data from server and waiting for replies from client.
Please help me with this complication.
Also do let me know if there is some other better way of its implementation.
Thanks in advance :)
You will have to use non-blocking net functions and use a mutex to ensure no two threads access the socket at once.
A single thread may, however, be enough, if you use non-blocking functions. Using many threads will probably not improve performance, but may make the code more readable.

Use of Listen() sys call in a multi threaded TCP server

I am in the middle of a multi-threaded TCP server design using Berkely SOCKET API under linux in system independent C language. The Server has to perform I/O multiplexing as the server is a centralized controller that manages the clients (that maintain a persistent connection with the server forever (unless a machine on which client is running fails etc)). The server needs to handle a minimum of 500 clients.
I have a 16 core machine, what I want is that I spawn 16 threads(one per core) and a main thread. The main thread will listen() to the connections and then dispatch each connection on the queue list to a thread which will then call accept() and then use the select() sys call to perform I/O multiplexing. Now the problem is how do I know that when to dispatch a thread to call accept() . I mean how do I find out in the main thread that there is a connection pending at the listen() so that I can assign a thread to handle that connection. All help much appreciated.
The listen() function call prepares a socket to accept incoming connections. You then use select() on that socket and get a notification that a new connection has arrived. You then call accept on the server socket and a new socket id will be returned. If you like you can then pass that socket id onto your thread.
What I would do is have a single thread for accepting connections and receiving data which then dispatches the data to a queue as a work item for processing.
Note that if each of your 16 threads is going to be running select (or poll, or whatever) anyway, there is no problem with them all adding the server socket to their select sets.
More than one may wake when the server socket has in incoming connection, but only one will successfully call accept, so it should work.
Pro: easy to code.
naive implementation doesn't balance load (would need eg. global
stats on number of accepted sockets handled by each thread, with
high-load threads removing the server socket from their select sets)
thundering herd behaviour could be problematic at high accept rates
epoll or aio/asio. I suspect you got no replies to your earlier post because you didn't specify linux when you asked for a scalable high-performnce solution. Asynchronous solutions on different OS are implemented with substantial kernel support and linux aio, Windows IOCP etc. are different enough that 'system independent' does not really apply - nobody could give you an answer.
Now that you have narrowed the OS down to linux, look up the appropriate asynchronous solutions.
