Problem reference converter from an external assembly - wpf

I am creating a Resource Dictionary, where I reference all my converters, so there is no need to reference each individual converter.
My converters are in the different assembly, to import them I do the following:
Add reference to external assembly
Create a Resource Dictionary
Add xml namespace referencing Converters assembly
Reference converters
So my Dictionary looks like:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns:Converters="clr-namespace:Client.Utilities.Converters;assembly=Client.Utilities">
<Converters:BoolToBrushConverter x:Key="boolToBrush"/>
However I get the following exception when trying to build:
Error 18 The tag 'BoolToBrushConverter' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:Client.Utilities.Converters;assembly=.Client.Utilities'. Line 12 Position 6. C:\Resources.Tests\Resources\ResourceDictionaries\Converters\ConvertersResources.xaml 12 6 Client.eZenith.Resources.Tests
Any ideas why that is happening?
Note: From intellisense it seems that namespace for Converters assembly is correct, as all converters show up in the suggestion list after typing <Converter:
Edit: VS and blend designer both are able to find that converter, when rendering control preview.
Edit: I have figured out, that it is nothing to do with dictionaries being merged. The same issue appears, when adding a converter to Window's Resources.

I have found the problem eventually, it is merged resourcedictionary bug introduce in .NET 4.
I have fixed it by adding an empty style into the merged resource dictionary (previously I had a RD where I was merging other RD and nothing else).
here is a blog post which I found recently which describes the same problem.

Try using
<ResourceDictionary xmlns:Converters="clr-namespace:Client.Utilities.Converters;assembly=Client.Utilities">
Change: clr-namespace instead of namespace.


Why can't I move my resource dictionary in Silverlight?

For some reason the following code is giving me an exception.
<ResourceDictionary Source="/PPCa.Common.Infrastructure;component/Skins/Default.xaml"/>
<app:ResourceWrapper x:Key="ResourceWrapper" />
<app:NotOperatorValueConverter x:Key="NotOperatorValueConverter" />
Here is the exception:
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred
Message=Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source'. [Line: 11 Position: 44]
at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
Line 11 is this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/PPCa.Common.Infrastructure;component/Skins/Default.xaml"/>
Am I somehow merging my dictionaries wrongly?
Why is no one answering my questions? Am I blacklisted or something. People used to help me out quite a bit more. Anyway, I discovered my problem. The exception was a red herring. The problem had nothing to do with my application resource definition. The problem I was having deep inside my resource dictionaries. I was merge-referencing a dictionary inside my dictionary that no longer existed. That was difficult to figure out.
Are these dictionaries in the same XAP? If so, a relative path should work. I have used all relative paths to merge in dictionaries without any issue. Here is an example of mine:
<ResourceDictionary x:Name="appDictionary">
<ResourceDictionary x:Name="ControlStylesDictionary"
Source="Resources/Styles/ControlStyles.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary x:Name="MenuStylesDictionary"
Source="Resources/Styles/MenuStyles.xaml" />
That is the only difference I can see in your XAML.
If the dictionary is in another XAP, you need to download the XAP and load the dictionary from there.
I ran into the same problem, same generic error message and found the solution. This appears to be a bug IMHO.
I am building an app for .Net, SL5, WP7.1. To do this I put the code in the .Net app and add source links for the other projects. Works great.
My main app projects are called MyApp.Net, MyApp.SL, and MyApp.WP. However, I make the default namespace and project output for these projects simply MyApp. Again, works great as it should.
I place my resources in projects MyApp.Resources.Net, MyApp.Resources.SL, and MyApp.Resources.WP. There is a bit of a glitch with using the VS source links as Expression Blend wants direct access to the physical files and gets confused when (for example) the MyApp.Resources.WP project contains a source link to a MyStyles.xaml file in the MyApp.Resources.Net projects. Therefore, all my resource projects actually contain physical files. This works fine also, I just have to synch the files manually. No problems so far.
However, for my resource projects I change the namespace and output files to MyApp.Resources. This keeps my application code simple also, regardless the platform it's built for, the namespace is the same.
Yes, I know this is a bit complicated but it allows me to build for 3 platforms (technically 5 if you include Blendability and UnitTesting) all with the same code base.
To continue, if I create a ResourceDictionary as such
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyApp.Resources;component/Styles/TextStyles.xaml"/>
I get the Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' etc...
In short, I discovered that if the assembly name contains a '.' this error shows up. For example if I change my project names to simply 'Resources' it works fine. Or if I leave my projects with their default build names of 'MyApp.Resources.WP' it also works fine.
This has nothing to do with changing my resource dll output file names, I change them all day long and it works great, but if they contain a '.' I get the above error. For example, I can change the output name to "MyAppResourceThatWorks" (leaving the project name as MyApp.Resources.WP and load it in App.xaml with
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyAppResourceThatWorks;component/Styles/TextStyles.xaml"/>
Works great. Change the output name to "MyAppResourcesThatDoNot.Work" and load it with
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyAppResourceThatDoNot.Work;component/Styles/TextStyles.xaml"/>
Yes, I tried changing the assembly properties, etc. etc. It's a load issue with Pack Uri's.

How can I add a ResourceDictionary defined in a subfolder to App.xaml?

All of the code samples I've found so far reference a Resource Dictionary that's not in a project subfolder (the dictionary is at the root of the project). I have mine in a subfolder, and I can't figure out how to get WPF to find it. This doesn't work...
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Skins/Black/GlossyButtons.xaml"/>
The ASP.Net tilde syntax doesn't seem to work either.
Is this the best way to include a ResourceDictionary in your app so that WPF can find resources? My goal in this particular case is to apply a style defined in GlossyButtons.xaml to all of the buttons in my app.
Try the Pack URI syntax
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Skins/Black/GlossyButtons.xaml"/>
Discovered the problem - WPF couldn't find an assembly referenced in GlossyButtons.xaml, but didn't show the actual error (that there was a problem with the .xaml) until I had compiled and executed several times. The error displayed (at first) was that GlossyButtons.xaml couldn't be located.
That was a little confusing.

Why are absolute uri's required for merged dictionaries in Generic.xaml?

Consider a File | New Project of a WPF Application that contains:
A new custom control named CustomControl1
Two new resource dictionaries named Dictionary1 and Dictionary2
Take the generated style out of Generic.xaml and move it to Dictionary2. Then merge Dictionary2 into Dictionary1 and Dictionary1 into Generic like this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Themes/Dictionary1.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Dictionary2.xaml"/>
Then, add an instance of CustomControl1 into MainWindow's grid. (This part is necessary to reproduce the issue. The project always compiles fine - only at runtime does the issue show up, and the dictionaries must be referenced.)
In Dictionary1.xaml I am merging in another dict in the same folder, so a simple Source="Dictionary2.xaml" works. Yet in Generic.xaml I must use an absolute URI. If I change the above to be Source="Dictionary1.xaml" without the pack://application stuff then I get a XamlParseException caused by an IOException "Cannot locate resource 'dictionary1.xaml'" when it tries to construct the MainWindow.
My Question: What's special about generic.xaml regarding relative URI resolution, and why?
Excuse me because I have no ability to write comments so I post this as an answer.
I have the same situation and everything works fine for me. I don't need to put "pack://application" in the path in Generic.xaml. But only when the output type of an assembly is "Windows Application".
For "Class library" I need to add assembly name to the path (Source="/ClassLibarayAssemblyName;component/Themes/Dictionary1.xaml") becasue without it WPF engine tries to look for Dictionary1.xaml in application's main assembly.
Target framework in both cases is ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile"
Just a guess: generic.xaml needs to be accessible from outside assemblies as well, so it's a way to ensure that the resources can be found from anywhere, using absolute URIs. As I said, it's just a stab in the dark, not sure.

WPF UserControl cannot find XAML resource in referencing project

In my WPF project i keep a user control in a separate library project. The user control accesses resources in a separate XAML file, like this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Resources/ViewResources.xaml" />
<!-- Local styles here -->
The resource file, ViewResources.xaml, resides in a folder in the control library project named Resources. It has the default build action (Page) and custom tool (MSBuild:Compile).
The problem is when I reference the control library in my WPF application and use the user control. At runtime, I get the following XamlParseException:
Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' threw an exception.
...which wraps the IOException:
Cannot locate resource 'resources/viewresources.xaml'.
How can I fix this? I have tried to change the resource file's build action to "content" and have it copied to the output directory (that works for files and similar "dumb" resources). But to no avail. Also, it doesn't work property in the user control then.
Is there a better way to specify the path?
Will I have to move the resource file to the application project (I'd rather not, as it belongs in the user control's domain).
Found it.
Turns out there is a better way to specify the path, Pack URIs. I changed the XAML to the following:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/RoutingManager;component/Resources/ViewResources.xaml" />
<!-- Local styles here -->
and that fixed it.
I thought it was worth posting this just in case anyone else is struggling with the same problem, as I've spent over two hours fighting with syntax, etc. only to find that the solution was dead simple, but not that apparent:
When referencing a packed resource from another control library, it seems to work fine at design time, and even compiles without error, but fails at runtime with the 'Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' threw an exception' error. It turns out that simply referencing the resource assembly from your control library is not enough, you ALSO need to add a REFERENCE to the assembly containing the resource dictionary in you main application assembly, else it seems it does not get compiled into the application. (i.e. Startup Application (the one with app.xaml) -> Add Reference -> select assembly with referenced resource file/s).
Hope this helps!
In my case I had the ResourceDictionary and the UserControl on the same Library, but separate from the main application. What worked for me was specifying the name of the assembly in the format Adam suggested in the comment AND I had to change the ResourceDictionary in the project from Embedded Resource to Page. I didn't try using the pack:// format, but I assume it would work too.
<ResourceDictionary Source="/AssemblyName;component/Assets/MyResource.xaml"/>
I had the same error (IOException - file not found), which cost me a day of my life that I'll never get back.
Using neither the simpler "/assemblyname..." nor the "pack://...." syntax worked for me.
I was referencing the resource assembly in my main assembly correctly.
The error disappeared when I changed my xaml resource file Build Action property to "Resource", as mentioned above.
However, I then encountered a XamlParseException at this line:
<ImageBrush x:Key="WindowBackground" ImageSource="Images/gradient.png" />
(which I had hand-typed).
This left the xaml resource file I was trying to include with effectively an invalid dependency.
Oddly the fix was to delete the ImageSource property I had typed, re-insert it BUT select the image from the pulldown menus that appear as a result.
Even though the resulting line appears exactly the same, it clearly isn't.
Starting to dislike WPF (VS2013), but hope this helps.
I had the same situation, but the Pack URIs didn't help me, I was still getting "Cannot locate resource..." exception in the referencing (executable) project. What helped me, was the setting of my ResourceDictionary files in the custom control library project as Embedded Resource.

Can't use silverlight namespace

Whenever I try to reference the following namespace in my XAML, the code compiles and the project starts, but the InitializeComponent method throws an error. Here's the XAML reference:
and here's the use of ExtendedVisualStateManager
The error is this:
The type 'ExtendedVisualStateManager' was not found because '' is an unknown namespace. [Line: 19 Position: 37]
Is there a new namespace I need to use to use this control?
Here are some facts.
The Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll version contains the namespace Microsoft.Expression.Interactivity.Core.
This Microsoft.Expression.Interactivity.Core contains the type ExtendedVisualStateManager.
The Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll version carries a XmlnsDefinition that maps the URL "" to the namespace Microsoft.Expression.Interactivity.Core.
Hence a project referencing version of Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll can contain Xaml using xmlns:ei="" that can then contain ei:ExtendedVisualStateManager.
You'll note I've repeated the version number a few times. If you do have an interactions dll referenced in a Silverlight 4 project but your code doesn't work then perhaps its the wrong version. However in that case Dan's answer should still have worked.
Make sure your Silverlight application has a reference to the Microsoft.Expression.Interactions assembly.
...other namespaces... />
I had everything correct per the other answers and like you, the problem still existed. It was failing at runtime on a usercontrol in my project (and that project did reference Microsoft.Expression.Interactions).
However, that usercontrol was being used on a form in another project. Once I added the reference to Microsoft.Expression.Interactions to the outer project, the runtime error was solved. I was not loading assemblies dynamically and so I'm not 100% certain why this was a problem.
I think you should look in your project's properties. Find the references (Microsoft.Expression.Interactions or/and other "Expression" assemblies you may use, and set the "Copy Local" property to TRUE and try it again.
None of the answers solved this puzzling problem to me.
Apparently I needed Microsoft Expression Blend SDK for Silverlight 4.
Installing it has solved the issue.
