set a dependency property in xaml - wpf

I have a custom UserControl which exposes the following dependency property: CanEdit. The property was created using a snippet and the generated code is:
#region CanEdit
/// <summary>
/// CanEdit Dependency Property
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CanEditProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CanEdit", typeof(bool), typeof(RequisitionItem),
new PropertyMetadata((bool)false));
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the CanEdit property. This dependency property
/// indicates ....
/// </summary>
public bool CanEdit {
get { return (bool)GetValue(CanEditProperty); }
set { SetValue(CanEditProperty, value); }
I'm trying to set this property to True on the parent UserControl, like this:
<RequisitionItem CanEdit="True" />
but the property stays False.
Why is that?

Assuming that you mean the child items have the property still set to false this sounds like an inheritance issue.
See this page on value inheritance, there is one section called Making a Custom Property Inheritable, which might offer some help.


MVVM, DataObjects in Catel "best practies"

I'm using Catel in my application. I have any questions regarding DataObjects and ViewModels - what is the best way to use Catel efficientlu?
Scenario 1:
I have a MainViewModel and a MainView. In this View I call another View (DataWindow) with a own ViewModel (SettingsViewModel) and show it in a Dialog. In this Dialog I insert some SettingsValues and store it in xml. Last but not least I have a DataObject class to store the data from the Dialog. Here any pseudocode:
MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
private void OnSystemSettingsCommandExecute()
//create a new ViewModel and show as Dialog
uiVisualizerService.ShowDialog(new SystemSettingsViewModel());
SystemSettingsViewModel : ViewModelBase
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the property value.
/// </summary>
public SettingsDataObject SettingsData
get { return GetValue<SettingsDataObject>(SettingsDataProperty); }
set { SetValue(SettingsDataProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static readonly PropertyData SettingsDataProperty = RegisterProperty("SettingsData", typeof(SettingsDataObject));
/// <summary>
/// It is right to define the property again here?
/// </summary>
public string UserName
get { return GetValue<string>(UserNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(UserNameProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Register the UserName property so it is known in the class.
/// </summary>
public static readonly PropertyData UserNameProperty = RegisterProperty("UserName", typeof(string));
// Load and Save right here?
protected override bool Save()
return true;
protected override void Initialize()
SettingsData = SavableModelBase<SettingsDataObject>.Load(#"D:\Projects\Testdata\xml\Settings.xml", SerializationMode.Xml);
public class SettingsDataObject : SavableModelBase<SettingsDataObject>
// Propertys
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the property value.
/// </summary>
public string UserName
get { return GetValue<string>(UserNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(UserNameProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Register the UserName property so it is known in the class.
/// </summary>
public static readonly PropertyData UserNameProperty = RegisterProperty("UserName", typeof(string), "MyUserName");
Is it right that I must define the property "UserName" in the DataClass and in the ViewModel class? Is that the "normal way" that I define my Model property in the ViewModel and than i access my data propertys with [ViewModelToModel("SettingsData")]?
How I can Load and Save automatic my Data Objects? In my case I override the "Save" and the "Initialize" methode? Is there a better way to do this in Catel?
Now I must have access of the SettingsDataObject in the MainViewModel but i didn't find a way to use the object in other ViewModels. What is the "best practices" to load the settings in other ViewModels?
Question 1)
Yes, this is "right", but totally depends on the form of MVVM you want to follow. For more information, read this. I like to protect my model (make it private on the VM) and only expose the properties I really want being exposed on the VM. But some other people like to directly bind on the model instead. It's just the different number of interpretations like you can read in the article.
Question 2)
Overriding the Initialize and Save are exactly meant for this, so you are doing it the right way!
Question 3)
When you need to share a model, you can either use nested user controls to pass the model from one view model to another. If you need to access the model in a lot of different places, it might be wise to register it in the ServiceLocator. It can then automatically be injected into your view models by Catel.
// Somewhere in your code
var serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.Default;
// Your view model constructor
public MyViewModel(ISettings mySettings)
// injected here
If you want to create your own view model, you can do this:
var dependencyResolver = this.GetDependencyResolver();
var viewModelFactory = dependencyResolver.Resolve<IViewModelFactory>();
var viewModel = viewModelFactory.CreateViewModel<MyViewModel>(null);
Note that if you are inside another VM, you can of course let the IViewModelFactory be injected so you only need 1 line of code to create the view model.

WPF Getter/Setter Not Being Called

I have the following code. The PropertyChanged event is being called but the getter and setter is not. I can't for the life of me see why not. I have other properties where the same thing is happening but the values are being set. This is a custom control, if that makes a difference. When I put a breakpoint at the get/set I get nothing. However, the propertychanged is returning the correct value. Any help is greatly appreciated.
/// <summary>
/// Identifies the PlacementTarget dependency property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty PlacementTargetProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits, PlacementTargetPropertyChanged)
/// <summary>
/// Gets or setsthe PlacementTarget of tooltips for all child controls.
/// </summary>
public UIElement PlacementTarget
get { return (UIElement)GetValue(PlacementTargetProperty); }
set { SetValue(PlacementTargetProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the value of the PlacementTarget dependency property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">Target object.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value argument.</param>
public static void SetPlacementTarget(DependencyObject target, UIElement value)
target.SetValue(PlacementTargetProperty, value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the PlacementTarget dependency property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">Target object.</param>
public static UIElement GetPlacementTarget(DependencyObject target)
return (UIElement)target.GetValue(PlacementTargetProperty);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called when the PlacementTarget dependency property changes value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Sender object.</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
private static void PlacementTargetPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
ToolTipService.SetPlacementTarget(sender, (UIElement)e.NewValue);
Additional Info
So essentially PlacementTargetPropertyChanged is handling it fine. I guess the issue is that this particular DP isn't actually propagating to the children. Here's the XAML snippet:
<controls:FunctionPanel BetweenShowDelay="0"
PlacementTarget="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
ShowDuration="60000" />
All of the DPs except PlacementTarget are getting to the children elements. I've tried removing the binding but it made no difference.
I'm verifying the other DPs by using Snoop to check the values. I have created a InitialShowDelay DP that is of type Int. When I set the value to 5000, all child controls inherit that and tooltips delay 5 seconds before appearing. I can verify that the binding is sending the correct control by putting a breakpoint on my PlacementTargetPropertyChanged method.
Update 1
So it seems that PlacementTarget is working fine. The default value of my Placement attached property, which is set to "right", is being ignored. When I set this through XAML, it still doesn't work. However, if I set the value to Top, Left, or Bottom, the tooltips appear in the correct place.
XAML will invoke the SetValue and GetValue methods directly, which is why you shouldn't place any logic in your static Set/Get methods, but use a property changed handler instead.
The Setter and Getter are only the .NET Wrappers for your coding. When Binding from XAML the GetXXXX and SetXXX will be called and not the Property Getter and Setter.
You can also access the DependencyProperty PropertyChanged Callback, this function will be called everytime the Property is changed.
I've found the reason why the getters and setters didn't appear to be firing. In my placement dependency property, I was setting the default value to PlacementMode.Right. WPF is ignoring the default value. I was then setting it to Placement="Right" in the XAML. Because this value was the same as the default, it was again ignored. By changing the default value to PlacementMode.Relative, I can now successfully set the value to "Right" in the XAML. This does prevent me from using Relative if I want, but I guess that could be solved by converting my properties to an object, which would then have a default of null.

WPF MVVM Dependency Properties

I have the following situation:
I have a User Control with just a single Grid inside.
The Grid has its first column as a checkbox column, which is bound to the IsSelected property of CustomerModel
ItemsSource for the Grid is bound to List< CustomerModel>
When the user checks any of the CheckBoxes the corresponding IsSelected property of CustomerModel is getting updated
I added a dependency property to the UserControl named "SelectedCustomerItems", and I want it to return a List< CustomerModel> (Only for IsSelected = true)
This UserControl is placed on another Window
The Dependency Property "SelectedCustomerItems" is bound to "SelectedCustomers" property inside the WindowViewModel
But I am not getting the SelectedCustomer Items through this dependency property. Breakpoint is not hitting in Get{} Please suggest....
Implement your DPs this way:
#region SomeProperty
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="DependencyProperty"/> for <see cref="SomeProperty"/>.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SomePropertyProperty =
// other types here may be appropriate for your situ
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, OnSomePropertyPropertyChanged));
/// <summary>
/// Called when the value of <see cref="SomePropertyProperty"/> changes on a given instance of <see cref="SomeType"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">The instance on which the property changed.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
private static void OnSomePropertyPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
(d as SomeType).OnSomePropertyChanged(e.OldValue as object, e.NewValue as object);
/// <summary>
/// Called when <see cref="SomeProperty"/> changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldValue">The old value</param>
/// <param name="newValue">The new value</param>
private void OnSomePropertyChanged(object oldValue, object newValue)
/// <summary>
/// The name of the <see cref="SomeProperty"/> <see cref="DependencyProperty"/>.
/// </summary>
public const string SomePropertyPropertyName = "SomeProperty";
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public object SomeProperty
get { return (object)GetValue(SomePropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(SomePropertyProperty, value); }
You must understand that a DependencyProperty isn't just a property with a bunch of junk added, its a hook into the WPF Binding system. This is a vast, complex system that lives below the sea level upon which your DP daintily floats. It behaves in ways that you will not expect, unless you actually learn it.
You are experiencing the first revelation all of us had with DPs: Bindings do NOT access DependencyProperty values via the property accessors (i.e., get and set methods). These property accessors are convenience methods for you to use from code only. You could dispense with them and use DependencyObject.GetValue and DependencyObject.SetValue, which are the actual hooks into the system (see the implementation of the getters/setters in my example above).
If you want to listen for change notification, you should do what I have done above in my example. You can add a change notification listener when registering your DependencyProperty. You can also override the "Metadata" of inherited DependencyProperties (I do this all the time for DataContext) in order to add change notification (some use the DependencyPropertyDescriptor for this, but I've found them to be lacking).
But, whatever you do, do NOT add code to the get and set methods of your DependencyProperties! They won't be executed by binding operations.
For more information about how DependencyProperties work, I highly suggest reading this great overview on MSDN.

ObservableCollection<EF4Entity> bound to ListView, but relation fields don't cause ListView to update

I have an ObservableCollection of Entity Framework 4 entities bound to a ListView. If I modify any of the normal, scalar properties of the entity, the values displayed in the ListView are updated.
Any relationship (navigation) properties are not updated in the ListView if they change, because the entity object doesn't implement change notifications for these properties.
Right now, I'm removing the entity from the collection and then reinserting it back into the same position to force the ListView to update.
There must be a better solution. What is it, if it exists?
Here's the generated code from VS2010's EF designer:
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="RovingAuditDb", Name="AuditRecord")]
public partial class AuditRecord : EntityObject
#region Factory Method
/// <summary>
/// Create a new AuditRecord object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param>
/// <param name="date">Initial value of the Date property.</param>
public static AuditRecord CreateAuditRecord(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.DateTime date)
AuditRecord auditRecord = new AuditRecord();
auditRecord.Id = id;
auditRecord.Date = date;
return auditRecord;
#region Primitive Properties
// Deleted for this post
#region Navigation Properties
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
[EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("RovingAuditDb", "AuditRecordCell", "Cell")]
public Cell Cell
return ((IEntityWithRelationships)this).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference<Cell>("RovingAuditDb.AuditRecordCell", "Cell").Value;
((IEntityWithRelationships)this).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference<Cell>("RovingAuditDb.AuditRecordCell", "Cell").Value = value;
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
public EntityReference<Cell> CellReference
return ((IEntityWithRelationships)this).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference<Cell>("RovingAuditDb.AuditRecordCell", "Cell");
if ((value != null))
((IEntityWithRelationships)this).RelationshipManager.InitializeRelatedReference<Cell>("RovingAuditDb.AuditRecordCell", "Cell", value);
// Rest of the Navigation properties removed for this post
Those entities are not suitable for WPF two-way binding, which is based in INotifyPropertyChanged. I suggest you take a look at Self Tracking Entities, which are best suited for use in client/server type WPF application.

WindowsFormsHost and DependencyProperty

I've got a Windows Forms control that I'm attempting to wrap as a WPF control using the WindowsFormsHost class; I would like to bind the legacy control to a view-model. Specifically, the control exposes a grid property, GridVisible, that I would like to bind a view-model to. I'm using a private, static backing field and a static, read-only property to represent the dependency property (functionally the same as a static, public field, but less mess). When I attempt to set the control's GridVisible property via XAML, it's not updating. Ideas? What am I doing incorrectly?
DrawingHost Class
/// <summary>
/// Provides encapsulation of a drawing control.
/// </summary>
public class DrawingHost : WindowsFormsHost
#region Data Members
/// <summary>
/// Holds the disposal flag.
/// </summary>
private bool disposed;
/// <summary>
/// Holds the grid visible property.
/// </summary>
private static readonly DependencyProperty gridVisibleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("GridVisible", typeof(bool),
typeof(DrawingHost), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false,
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender |
/// <summary>
/// Holds the pad.
/// </summary>
private readonly DrawingPad pad = new DrawingPad();
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Get or set whether the grid is visible.
/// </summary>
public bool GridVisible
get { return (bool)GetValue(GridVisibleProperty); }
set { SetValue(GridVisibleProperty, pad.GridVisible = value); }
/// <summary>
/// Get the grid visible property.
/// </summary>
public static DependencyProperty GridVisibleProperty
get { return gridVisibleProperty; }
/// <summary>
/// Default-construct a drawing host.
/// </summary>
public DrawingHost()
this.Child = this.pad;
/// <summary>
/// Dispose of the drawing host.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">The disposal invocation flag.</param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && !disposed)
if (pad != null)
disposed = true;
<UserControl x:Class="Drawing.DrawingView"
<local:DrawingHost GridVisible="True"/></UserControl>
One of the first rules of dependency properties is to never include any logic in the get and set except the GetValue and SetValue calls. This is because when they are used in XAML, they do not actually go through the get and set accessors. They are inlined with the GetValue and SetValue calls. So none of your code will be executed.
The appropriate way to do this is set up a call-back using the PropertyMetadata parameter in the DependencyProperty.Register method. Then in the call-back you can then execute any extra code.
