I'm working in WPF, but SVG would probably be the same so I've tagged it. I have some paths that I am rotating/translating multiple times and in it's final rendered position, I would like to take the path and "unrotate" at that position. The issue is that I can't find the right CenterX/CenterY for this (renderTransformOrigin="0.5, 0.5" doesn't work because the final rendered path has been translated). Finding the boundingbox of the final rendered shape also doesn't not work to rotate it back.
Here's what the non-rotated paths look like:
And here's what they look like when rotated:
To get this, here's my XAML.
<Rectangle Fill="DarkGray" Opacity=".3" Canvas.Left="168.48" Width="100.08" Height="200.16" Canvas.Top="164.88"/>
<!-- ////////////////// -->
<!-- ///shape/// -->
<Path Stroke="Purple" x:Name="purpleShape" Data="M0,150 25,150 25,0 75,0 75,150 100,150 50,200 Z" StrokeThickness="2">
<Path.RenderTransform >
<!--shape transforms-->
<RotateTransform Angle="30" CenterX="50" CenterY="100"/>
<TranslateTransform X="46.08" Y="0"/>
<!-- ///childGroup/// -->
<!-- ///childGroup.shape/// -->
<Path Stroke="Green" x:Name="greenShape" Data="M0,25 150,25 150,0 200,50 150,100 150,75 0,75 Z" StrokeThickness="2">
<Path.RenderTransform >
<!--shape transforms-->
<RotateTransform Angle="330" CenterX="100" CenterY="50"/>
<TranslateTransform X="50" Y="200" />
<!--childgroup transforms-->
<RotateTransform Angle="60" CenterX="150" CenterY="150"/>
<TranslateTransform X="0" Y="96.46" />
<!-- ///childGroup.shape/// -->
<Path Stroke="Red" x:Name="redShape" Data="M0,150 25,150 25,0 75,0 75,150 100,150 50,200 Z " StrokeThickness="2">
<Path.RenderTransform >
<!--shape transforms-->
<RotateTransform Angle="330" CenterX="50" CenterY="100"/>
<TranslateTransform X="150" Y="0" />
<!--childgroup transforms-->
<RotateTransform Angle="60" CenterX="150" CenterY="150"/>
<TranslateTransform X="0" Y="96.46"/>
Notice in this code <Rectangle Fill="DarkGray" .... as the first element. This is where I am hoping to "unrotate" the red path to, so that it fits in this bounding box (the size of this is the size of the non-rotated bounding box).
Here's what this looks like:
The final render path of the red shape is: Data="M150,283.064 171.651,295.564 246.651,165.66 289.952,190.66 214.952,320.564 236.603,333.064 168.301,351.365 Z " and now I want to unrotate that (-30 degrees) so that it is pointing down again - again, at this same exact location. (again, getting the bounding box of the red shape doesn't work as it has a different center x/y than I need in order to unrotate).
So using another shape (orange shape) and the path data above, I place it on the red shape and try to rotate it back (i.e. so it doesn't appear rotated).
<Path RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Stroke="Orange" x:Name="unrotatedShape" Data="M150,283.064 171.651,295.564 246.651,165.66 289.952,190.66 214.952,320.564 236.603,333.064 168.301,351.365 Z " StrokeThickness="4">
<Path.RenderTransform >
<RotateTransform Angle="-30" CenterX="0.5" CenterY="0.5"/>
And this is the result:
This is obviously getting rotated from the path as it is both rotated and translated (e.g. Data="M150,283.064...). It's that 150,283.064 that are causing the issue.
So I'm asking for solutions that allow me to "unrotate" the "red shape" (the rendering of which is the "orange shape") at the same position so that it looks like the following (blue shape).
Your grey rectangle is not the same size as the red arrow. I'll place the center of the red arrow on the center of the grey box.
Rotating around some point, P, is equivalent to translating P to the origin, rotating around the origin, and then translating the origin back to P again.
Define a function which does that, and check how it modifies the individual coordinates. (Below is Mathematica.)
In[1] :=
RotateVAroundP[V_, \[Theta]_, Px_, Py_] := {{Cos[\[Theta]], -Sin[\[Theta]]}, {Sin[\[Theta]], Cos[\[Theta]]}} . (V - {{Px}, {Py}}) + {{Px}, {Py}}
MatrixForm[Simplify[RotateVAroundP[{{x}, {y}}, \[Theta], Px, Py]]]
Out[2]//MatrixForm =
MatrixForm[{{Px + (-Px + x)*Cos[\[Theta]] + (Py - y)*Sin[\[Theta]]}, {Py + (-Py + y)*Cos[\[Theta]] + (-Px + x)*Sin[\[Theta]]}}]
Rotate the point (1,0), 90 degrees around the point (1,1) to (2,1).
In[3] :=
MatrixForm[RotateVAroundP[{{1}, {0}}, 90*Degree, 1, 1]]
Out[3]//MatrixForm =
MatrixForm[{{2}, {1}}]
Start with the center of the original red arrow: V1 = (50, 100). Apply all the transformations. The final transformation has the desired -30 degrees, around an unknown point (x,y). This final rotation needs to place the center of the arrow on the center of the box, which is (168.48 + 100.08/2, 164.88 + 200.16/2).
In[5] :=
V1 = {{50}, {100}};
V2 = RotateVAroundP[V1, 330*Degree, 50, 100];
V3 = V2 + {{150}, {0}};
V4 = RotateVAroundP[V3, 60*Degree, 150, 150];
V5 = FullSimplify[V4 + {{0}, {96.46}}];
Solve[RotateVAroundP[V5, -30*Degree, x, y] == {{168.48 + 100.08/2}, {164.88 + 200.16/2}}]
Out[10] =
{{x -> 218.78146997001204, y -> 264.4524797111341}}
I don't know anything about WPF, but I dabble in SVG. Working from the initial opaque arrow to the transparent one, the subsequent transformations in each element are applied from right to left.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="-25 -25 350 425" width="560" height="680">
<rect xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" stroke="black" x="0" y="0" width="300" height="375"/>
<rect fill="darkgray" fill-opacity=".3" x="168.48" width="100.08" height="200.16" y="164.88"/>
<path stroke="red" id="redShape" d="M0,150 25,150 25,0 75,0 75,150 100,150 50,200 Z " stroke-width="2" fill=" red"/>
<use href="#redShape" transform="rotate(330, 50, 100)" fill-opacity=".8"/>
<use href="#redShape" transform="translate(150,0) rotate(330, 50, 100)" fill-opacity=".6"/>
<use href="#redShape" transform="rotate(60,150,150) translate(150,0) rotate(330, 50, 100)" fill-opacity=".4"/>
<use href="#redShape" transform="translate(0,96.46) rotate(60,150,150) translate(150,0) rotate(330, 50, 100)" fill-opacity=".2"/>
<use href="#redShape" transform="rotate(-30, 218.781, 264.452) translate(0,96.46) rotate(60,150,150) translate(150,0) rotate(330, 50, 100)" fill-opacity="0"/>
If you want to rotate the point V to the point W by applying a rotation θ around a point P, the coordinates for P are the expressions below.
In[11] :=
FullSimplify[Solve[RotateVAroundP[{{Vx}, {Vy}}, \[Theta], Px, Py] == {{Wx}, {Wy}}, {Px, Py}]]
Out[11] =
{{Px -> (1/2)*(Vx + Wx + (Vy - Wy)*Cot[\[Theta]/2]), Py -> (1/2)*(Vy + Wy + (-Vx + Wx)*Cot[\[Theta]/2])}}
In my XAML, I have a button like this:
<Button Name="btnName" Width="194" TabIndex="3514" Click="btnName_Click" Margin="5,10,0,10" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ContentControl Width="16" Height="16" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Content="{StaticResource iconFolderOpen}" />
<Label>Click Me</Label>
In my resource dictionary, I have a style defined to draw out the icon:
<Viewbox x:Key="iconFolderOpen" x:Shared="False" Stretch="Uniform">
<Path Fill="#ff2d66b0" Data="F1 M 15.736,7.579 L 12.875,10.950 C 12.381,11.530 11.377,11.990 10.627,11.990 L 1.362,11.990 C 1.056,11.990 0.622,11.896 0.622,11.513 C 0.622,11.308 0.750,11.104 0.885,10.950 L 3.747,7.579 C 4.241,6.999 5.245,6.540 5.995,6.540 L 15.259,6.540 C 15.566,6.540 16.000,6.634 16.000,7.016 C 16.000,7.221 15.872,7.426 15.736,7.579 Z M 13.079,5.450 L 5.995,5.450 C 4.931,5.450 3.610,6.054 2.921,6.872 L 0.051,10.244 L 0.009,10.295 C 0.009,10.227 0.000,10.150 0.000,10.082 L 0.000,1.907 C 0.000,0.860 0.860,0.000 1.907,0.000 L 4.632,0.000 C 5.679,0.000 6.540,0.860 6.540,1.907 L 6.540,2.180 L 11.172,2.180 C 12.219,2.180 13.079,3.040 13.079,4.087 L 13.079,5.450 Z"/>
Now, you'll notice on the icon above, I have a Fill="#ff2d66b0"
Is there a way I can get to this attribute directly in my XAML code? Reason being, I would obviously like to control the fill color for different designs. I can obviously make an iconFolderOpenBlue, iconFolderOpenRed, and so on, but that does not seem very efficient.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
You can change the Path.Fill property by binding it to the ContentControl's Background property for example, by using a RelativeSource binding :
<Viewbox x:Key="iconFolderOpen" x:Shared="False" Stretch="Uniform">
<Path Fill="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type ContentControl}},Path=Background}" Data="F1 M 15.736,7.579 L 12.875,10.950 C 12.381,11.530 11.377,11.990 10.627,11.990 L 1.362,11.990 C 1.056,11.990 0.622,11.896 0.622,11.513 C 0.622,11.308 0.750,11.104 0.885,10.950 L 3.747,7.579 C 4.241,6.999 5.245,6.540 5.995,6.540 L 15.259,6.540 C 15.566,6.540 16.000,6.634 16.000,7.016 C 16.000,7.221 15.872,7.426 15.736,7.579 Z M 13.079,5.450 L 5.995,5.450 C 4.931,5.450 3.610,6.054 2.921,6.872 L 0.051,10.244 L 0.009,10.295 C 0.009,10.227 0.000,10.150 0.000,10.082 L 0.000,1.907 C 0.000,0.860 0.860,0.000 1.907,0.000 L 4.632,0.000 C 5.679,0.000 6.540,0.860 6.540,1.907 L 6.540,2.180 L 11.172,2.180 C 12.219,2.180 13.079,3.040 13.079,4.087 L 13.079,5.450 Z"/>
and to change the fill just set the ContentControl Background
<Button Name="btnName" Width="194" TabIndex="3514" Click="btnName_Click" Margin="5,10,0,10" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ContentControl Width="16" Background="Red" Height="16" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Content="{StaticResource iconFolderOpen}" />
<Label>Click Me</Label>
Here is my XAML Code:
<s:SurfaceWindow x:Class="map_test.SurfaceWindow1"
xmlns:m="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF;assembly=Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF" mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" Height="1080" Width="1920" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">
<m:Map x:Name="NotreDameMap" CredentialsProvider="AmNh-jzPEmrdpc2T2wBxEjyB0fvSimavosz4B4_IPEAY4RDE-r7L2rHa439uEzlz" Mode="AerialWithLabels" Center="41.702380,-86.234168" ZoomLevel="16" >
<Canvas Width="175.198" Height="85"
m:MapLayer.PositionOrigin="BottomCenter" Opacity="0.75">
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Path> -->
<Path StrokeThickness="0.2" Stroke="#ffec008b" StrokeMiterLimit="1.0" Data="F1 M 122.944,144.000"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Path> -->
<Path StrokeThickness="0.2" Stroke="#ffec008b" StrokeMiterLimit="1.0" Data="F1 M 65.081,47.477"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Group>/<Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ff0e223e" Data="F1 M 159.484,130.991 L 158.570,130.991 L 158.570,128.309 C 158.791,128.277 159.073,128.247 159.484,128.247 C 160.901,128.247 161.408,128.941 161.408,129.636 C 161.408,130.609 160.523,130.991 159.484,130.991 Z M 161.187,131.494 L 161.187,131.432 C 162.036,131.180 162.732,130.547 162.732,129.505 C 162.732,128.750 162.479,128.213 162.006,127.866 C 161.532,127.521 160.744,127.269 159.544,127.269 C 158.600,127.269 157.968,127.364 157.306,127.457 L 157.306,135.373 L 158.570,135.373 L 158.570,131.965 L 159.453,131.965 C 160.459,131.965 160.964,132.347 161.155,133.355 C 161.312,134.396 161.502,135.122 161.693,135.373 L 163.019,135.373 C 162.890,135.122 162.700,134.646 162.511,133.420 C 162.354,132.251 161.879,131.623 161.187,131.494 Z"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Group>/<Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ff0e223e" Data="F1 M 154.433,89.842 L 149.441,95.128 L 144.158,95.128 L 144.158,47.566 L 149.441,47.566 L 154.433,52.852 L 154.433,89.842 Z M 123.018,95.128 L 120.080,95.128 L 91.603,47.566 L 123.018,47.566 L 123.018,95.128 Z M 62.242,95.128 L 62.232,95.128 L 62.232,47.566 L 65.170,47.566 L 93.646,95.128 L 62.242,95.128 Z M 41.101,95.128 L 31.693,95.128 L 31.693,47.566 L 41.101,47.566 L 41.101,95.128 Z M 157.372,26.423 L 144.158,26.423 L 144.158,21.138 L 157.372,21.138 L 157.372,0.000 L 109.807,0.000 L 109.807,21.138 L 123.018,21.138 L 123.018,26.423 L 78.677,26.423 L 62.242,0.000 L 27.892,0.000 L 27.892,21.138 L 41.101,21.138 L 41.101,26.423 L 0.000,26.421 L 0.000,47.737 L 10.571,47.737 L 10.571,95.299 L 0.000,95.299 L 0.000,116.276 L 40.808,116.265 L 40.808,121.550 L 27.609,121.550 L 27.609,142.688 L 75.453,142.688 L 75.453,121.550 L 62.242,121.550 L 62.242,116.265 L 106.345,116.265 L 122.165,142.688 L 144.158,142.688 L 144.158,116.265 L 157.372,116.265 L 175.598,97.774 L 175.598,44.921 L 157.372,26.423 Z"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Group>/<Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ff0e223e" Data="F1 M 159.925,137.267 C 156.771,137.267 154.215,134.617 154.215,131.241 C 154.215,127.928 156.771,125.251 159.895,125.251 L 159.925,125.251 C 163.079,125.251 165.602,127.928 165.602,131.272 C 165.602,134.617 163.079,137.299 159.925,137.267 Z M 159.925,124.146 L 159.895,124.146 C 156.014,124.146 152.859,127.300 152.859,131.241 C 152.859,135.248 156.014,138.373 159.895,138.373 C 163.802,138.373 166.896,135.248 166.896,131.241 C 166.896,127.300 163.802,124.146 159.925,124.146 Z"/>
<TextBlock FontSize="9" Foreground="White" Margin="65" TextAlignment="Center">
Hesburgh<LineBreak />
Library <LineBreak />
<ToggleButton x:Name="toggleButton" Content="Change Map Mode"/>
<TextBlock Text="Maps" />
Quite simply i am trying to create a button that will change the mode of the map from AerialWithLabels to Road mode.
any help will be appreciated.
P.S sorry if its a fairly basic question I am new to coding
If you are using C# with your application, Then one way to do this would be:
Create a button in XAML, and give it a name:
<Button Name="TestButton">
<TextBlock FontSize="26">Change Map Mode</TextBlock>
Assign an event handler to the button's MouseUp or TouchUp events:
<Button Name="TestButton" TouchUp="Toggle_Map">
<TextBlock FontSize="26">Change Map Mode</TextBlock>
In your C# codebehind, create the event handler like so, with the proper C# code to toggle the map mode:
using Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF;
private void Toggle_Map(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
if (myMap.Mode.ToString() == "Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF.RoadMode")
//Set the map mode to Aerial with labels
myMap.Mode = new AerialMode(true);
if (myMap.Mode.ToString() == "Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF.AerialMode")
//Set the map mode to RoadMode
myMap.Mode = new RoadMode();
MyMap needs to match the Name of your map control, using Name="myMap" in XAML.
That should get you started...
I couldn't add a comment on the previous answer. So I will answer again with a modification
1) create a button on XAML
<Button Content="Toggle Map" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="81" Click="btnToggleMap_Click"/>
2) in C# the event handler should have an if and else. The code fixed it is:
using Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF;
private void btnToggleMap_Click(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
if (NotreDameMap.Mode.ToString() == "Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF.RoadMode")
//Set the map mode to Aerial with labels
NotreDameMap.Mode = new AerialMode(true);
} else if (NotreDameMap.Mode.ToString() == "Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF.AerialMode")
//Set the map mode to RoadMode
NotreDameMap.Mode = new RoadMode();
NOTE: NotreDameMap is the name of the Map, it has to be the same as the Map on XAML
You can copy and paste the code and should work.
I have two projects, a resourcelibrary which holds a xaml file that simply has a visualbrush inside of it with a key called Theme. Inside this element is the Visual element and so on so forth. My main project is pulling in the xaml file like this
<VisualBrush Visual={DynamicResource Theme}" />
If I manually put the xaml code in this area it works perfect but I want the user to be able to flip through different xaml "themes". The problem is that right now because visualbrush in the xaml file has the key property the visual property won't convert to visualbrush... obviously... is there a way to set the visualbrush to the dynamicresource of the visualbrush element in the xaml file in resourcelibrary? This would give the effect I want to achieve. Thanks.
Main Window
<Window x:Class="OASYS_View.MainWindow"
controls:ThemeManager.Theme="{Binding ElementName=themes, Path=SelectedItem}"
Title="V" Height="1080" Width="1920"
<VisualBrush Visual="{DynamicResource Theme}" />
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Window.Loaded">
<Storyboard Name="WindowFade" Completed="WindowFade_Completed">
<DoubleAnimation Name="WindowFadeAnimation"
From="0.0" To="1.0" Duration="0:0:1"
AutoReverse="False" RepeatBehavior="1x"
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Window.Unloaded">
<Storyboard Name="WindowFadeOut" Completed="WindowFadeOut_Completed">
<DoubleAnimation Name="WindowFadeOutAnimation"
From="1.0" To="0.0" Duration="0:0:1"
AutoReverse="False" RepeatBehavior="1x"
<ComboBox x:Name="themes" Width="150" Height="20" SelectionChanged="themes_SelectionChanged" SelectedIndex="0" />
<controls:ProgressIndicator x:Name="Progress" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0,0,0,50" Foreground="White" />
The Themed xaml file
<VisualBrush x:Key="Theme">
<Viewbox Width="1920" Height="1080">
<Canvas x:Name="PART_Canvas" Width="1920" Height="1080">
<Path Data="F1 M 1920.000,1079.906 L 0.000,1080.000 L 0.000,0.094 L 1920.000,0.000 L 1920.000,1079.906 Z">
<LinearGradientBrush MappingMode="Absolute" StartPoint="959.917,-1324.218" EndPoint="959.916,-55.456">
<GradientStop Offset="0.00" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<GradientStop Offset="0.66" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<GradientStop Offset="0.76" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<GradientStop Offset="0.95" Color="#ff287bbf"/>
<GradientStop Offset="1.00" Color="#ff0067b1"/>
<MatrixTransform Matrix="1.000,0.000,-0.000,-1.000,0.084,0.631" />
<Path Data="F1 M 1920.000,1080.789 L 0.001,1080.789 L 0.001,983.908 L 1920.000,983.908 L 1920.000,1080.789 Z">
<LinearGradientBrush MappingMode="Absolute" StartPoint="959.917,-1102.122" EndPoint="959.917,-988.308">
<GradientStop Offset="0.00" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<GradientStop Offset="0.87" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<GradientStop Offset="1.00" Color="#ff5090cd"/>
<MatrixTransform Matrix="1.000,0.000,-0.000,-1.000,0.084,0.631" />
<Path Fill="#ff0067b1" Data="F1 M 51.500,1042.869 C 51.500,1038.111 50.352,1034.229 48.053,1031.217 C 45.751,1028.203 42.730,1026.695 38.986,1026.695 C 35.227,1026.695 32.205,1028.203 29.921,1031.217 C 27.640,1034.229 26.498,1038.111 26.498,1042.869 C 26.498,1047.592 27.631,1051.420 29.899,1054.344 C 32.166,1057.268 35.195,1058.732 38.986,1058.732 C 42.764,1058.732 45.794,1057.268 48.075,1054.344 C 50.359,1051.420 51.500,1047.592 51.500,1042.869 Z M 56.825,1042.869 C 56.825,1047.979 55.179,1052.160 51.887,1055.408 C 48.595,1058.654 44.296,1060.277 38.986,1060.277 C 33.678,1060.277 29.382,1058.654 26.097,1055.408 C 22.813,1052.160 21.174,1047.979 21.174,1042.869 C 21.174,1037.744 22.824,1033.510 26.135,1030.166 C 29.441,1026.818 33.727,1025.148 38.986,1025.148 C 44.263,1025.148 48.556,1026.818 51.863,1030.166 C 55.172,1033.510 56.825,1037.744 56.825,1042.869 Z"/>
<Path StrokeThickness="0.5" Stroke="#ff0067b1" StrokeMiterLimit="1.0" Data="F1 M 21.224,1018.291 L 290.490,1018.291"/>
<Path Data="F1 M 135.245,1003.188 L 135.060,1009.395 L 137.035,1009.199 L 135.245,1003.188 Z M 130.846,1012.207 L 124.915,1008.137 L 129.871,1013.525 L 130.846,1012.207 Z M 137.423,1010.262 C 133.455,1010.262 130.202,1013.304 129.860,1017.178 L 144.985,1017.178 C 144.644,1013.304 141.391,1010.262 137.423,1010.262 Z M 133.857,1009.986 L 127.557,1002.258 L 132.096,1011.004 L 133.857,1009.986 Z M 145.892,1016.332 L 151.180,1014.025 L 145.482,1014.719 L 145.892,1016.332 Z M 142.287,999.391 L 138.402,1009.178 L 140.571,1009.801 L 142.287,999.391 Z M 128.842,1016.477 L 129.334,1014.762 L 118.275,1012.311 L 128.842,1016.477 Z M 143.382,1011.316 L 146.301,1004.479 L 141.899,1010.357 L 143.382,1011.316 Z M 144.091,1012.125 L 145.122,1013.596 L 151.921,1005.924 L 144.091,1012.125 Z">
<RadialGradientBrush MappingMode="Absolute" GradientOrigin="706.543,618.713" Center="706.543,618.713" RadiusX="5.469" RadiusY="5.469">
<GradientStop Offset="0.00" Color="#ffffffff"/>
<GradientStop Offset="0.43" Color="#ffcccccc"/>
<GradientStop Offset="1.00" Color="#ff999999"/>
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You'll see that VisualBrush has the keyname but in mainwindow.background I need to bind to visual property of visualbrush.
{"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Media.VisualBrush' to type 'System.Windows.Media.Visual'."}
Try this
<Window Background="{DynamicResource Theme}"
Try adding your resource dictionary file to the Window's resources and then point to the visual in the background.
<ResourceDictionary Source="Theme.xaml"/>
<VisualBrush Visual="{VisualKey}"/>