What are some good ways of implementing tail call elimination? - c

I've written a small Scheme interpreter in an unholy mix of C/C++, but I have yet to implement proper tail calls.
I am aware of the classic Cheney on the MTA algorithm, but are there other nice ways of implementing this? I know I could put the Scheme stack on the heap, but that would still not be proper elimination, as the standard says one should support an unlimited number of active tail calls.
I've also fiddled with longjmps, but so far I think it'll only work well for non-mutual recursive tail calls.
How do the major C-based Schemes implement proper tail recursion?

Simpler than writing a compiler and VM is to registerize and trampoline your interpreter. Since you have an interpreter and not a compiler (I assume), you only need a couple straightforward transformations to get proper support for tail calls.
You'll have to first write everything in continuation-passing style, which may be weird to think about and do in C/C++. Dan Friedman's ParentheC tutorial steps you through transforming a high-level, recursive program into a form that is machine-translatable to C.
In the end, you'll essentially implement a simple VM where instead of using regular function calls to do eval, applyProc, etc., you pass arguments by setting global variables and then do a goto to the next argument (or use a top-level loop and program counter)...
return applyProc(rator, rand)
reg_rator = rator
reg_rand = rand
reg_pc = applyProc
That is, all of your functions that normally call each other recursively are reduced to a pseudo-assembly in which they are just blocks of code that don't recur. An top-level loop controls the program:
for(;;) {
switch(reg_pc) {
case EVAL:
Edit: I went through the same process for my hobby Scheme interpreter, written in JavaScript. I took advantage of a lot of anonymous procedures, but it might help as a concrete reference. Look at FoxScheme's commit history starting from 2011-03-13 (30707a0432563ce1632a) up through 2011-03-15 (5dd3b521dac582507086).
Edit^2: Non-tail recursion will still consume memory, even if it's not in the stack.

Without knowing what you have, I'd say the easiest (and most enlightening) way to do it is to implement the scheme compiler and VM from Dybvig's "Three Implementation Models for Scheme".
I've done it here in Javascript (a copy of Dybvig's PDF is there too): https://github.com/z5h/zb-lisp
check src/compiler.js: compileCons, and the implementation of the "op codes" in src/vm.js

If you are interested in implementation techniques of interpreters, there
is no way around the book "LiSP - Lisp in Small Pieces" by Christian Queinnec.
It explains all aspects of implementing a Scheme system very thoroughly with
complete code. It is a wonderful book.
But don't forget to check out the papers on ReadScheme.org.
The section
Compiler Technology/Implementation Techniques and Optimization
has quite a few papers on tail call optimization.
Among others you will find a link to Dybvig's thesis (a classic),
which is very well written. It explains and motivates everything in
a very clear manner.


Best way to identify system library commands in Lexer/Bison

I'm writing an intepreter for a new programming language. The language's syntax is very simple and the "system library" commands are treated as simple identifiers (even if is no special construct, but a function like everything else - only pre-defined internally). And no, this is not yet-another-one of the 1 million Lisp's out there.
The question is:
Should I have the Lexer catch them, or should I do it in the AST-construction code?
What I've done so far:
I tried recognizing all of them in my Lexer script, and they are a lot already - over 200. I send the same token back to Bison (SYSTEM_CMD) only with a different value (basically a numeric index pointing to the array of system commands where they are all stored).
As an approach, I think this makes it much faster than having to look up every single one of them in a hash and see if it's a system command.
The thing is the Lexer is getting quite huge (in term of resulting binary filesize I mean) rather fast. And I obviously don't like it.
Given that my focus is something both lightning-fast (I'm already quite good with that) and small enough to be embedded, what would be the most recommended approach?

Knowing where op structs are filled

I am currently trying to write a linux driver and for this it is necessary that I understand some apis to make best use of them. Often I come across a pattern where I start digging into a funciton and end up at a point where the function reads:
returnType OperationX(args...) {
struct operations_t operations = get_operations();
return operations->X(args...)
Basically get_operations() returns a pointer to a global struct, which holds a pointer to the actual function running the operation.
I find it very tedious using the linux cross reference to dig into the different places and then actually understand which assignement actually takes place. Is there a better faster way?
AN example would be dma mapping.
git grep and cscope are your best friends.
By the way, DMA operations are filled either by platform code or in IOMMU implementations. I bet most probably you have lib/swiotlb.c in use for that.

Alternative to Hash Map for Small Data set in C

I am currently working on a command line interface for a particle simulator. Its parser takes reads input in the following format:
[command] [argument]* (-[flag] [flag argument])
Currently, the command is sent through a conditional block, compared to various known commands and its corresponding data packet is sent to the matching function. This, however, seems clunky, inefficient and inelegant.
I am thinking about using a hashmap instead, with a string representation of a command as the key and a function pointer as the value. The function referenced would then be sent a data packet containing arguments, flags, etc.
Is a hash map overkill in this situation? Does the extra infrastructure required to implement one outweigh the potential benefits? I am aiming for speed, elegance, function, and, since this is an open-source project, extensibility.
Thanks for the help.
You might want to consider the Ternary Search Tree. It has good performnce, efficient use of storage; and you don't need a hash function or a collision strategy.
The linked Bentley/Sedgwick article is a very thorough-yet-readable explanation of the accompanying C source.
I've been using a TST for name-lookup in the past 3 versions of my postscript interpreter. The only changes that have been needed have been due to changes in memory management. Here's a version I modified (lightly) to use explicit pointers. I use yet another version in my postscript interpreter, any of the xpost2*.zip versions, in the file core.c, which uses byte-offsets for pointers (have to be added to the user-memory byte-pointer to yield a real pointer).
Speed gained will probably be minimal, but you could hash the command to convert it to a number and then use a switch statement. Faster than a hash map.

My Simpler Dead-code Remover

I am doing a stimulation of dead-code remover in a very simpler manner.
For that my Idea is to,
Step 1: Read the input C-Program line by line and store it in a doubly linked-list or Array.(Since deletion and insertion will be easier than in file operations).
Doubt:Is my approach correct? If so, How to minimize traversing a Linked-List each time.
Step 2: Analyzing of the read strings will be done in parallel, and tables are created to maintain variables names and their details, functions and their calls,etc.,
Step 3: Searching will be done for each entries in the variable table, and the variables will be replaced by its that time's value(as it has).
if(i==3) will be replaced by if(0==3).
But on situation like..
here,'i' will not be replaced since it depends on another variable. 'a' will not be replaced since it depends on user input.
Doubt: if user input is,
if(5*5+6){print hello;} ,
it surely will be unnecessary check. How can i solve this expression to simplify the code as
print hello;
Step 4: Strings will be searched for if(0),while(0) etc., and using stack, the action block is removed. if(0){//this will be removed*/}
Step 5:(E.g) function foo(){/**/} ... if(0) foo(); ..., Once all the dead codes are removed, foo()'s entry in the function table is checked to get no.of.times it gets referred in the code. If it is 0, that function has to be removed using the same stack method.
Step 6: In the remaining functions, the lines below the return statements (if any) are removed except the '}'. This removal is done till the end of the function. The end of the function is identified using stack.
Step 7: And I will assume that my dead-free code is ready now. Store the linked-list or array in an output file.
My Questions are..
1.Whether my idea will be meaningful? or will it be implementable? How
can I improve this algorithm?
2.While i am trying to implement this idea, I have to deal more with string
manipulations rather than removing dead-codes. Is any way to reduce
string manipulations in this algorithm.
Do not do it this way. C is a free-form language, and trying to process it line-by-line will result in supporting a subset of C that is so ridiculously restricted that it doesn't deserve the name.
What you need to do is to write a proper parser. There is copious literature about that out there. Find out which textbook your school uses for its compiler-construction course, and work through that -- or just take the course! Only when you've got the parser down should you even begin to consider semantics. Then do your work on abstract syntax trees instead of strings. Alternatively, find an already written and tested parser for C that you can reuse (but you'll still need to learn quite a bit in order to integrate it with your own processing).
If you end up writing the parser yourself, and it's only for your own edification, consider using a simpler language than C as your subject. Even though C at is core is fairly compact as languages go, getting all details of the declaration syntax right is surprisingly tricky, and will probably detract you from what you're actually interested in. And the presence of the preprocessor is an issue in itself which can make it very difficult to design meaningful source-to-source transformations.
By the way, the transformations you sketch are known in the trade as "constant propagation", or (in a more ambitious variants that will clone functions and loop bodies when they have differing constant inputs) "partial evaluation". Googling those terms may be interesting.

Parsing: library functions, FSM, explode() or lex/yacc?

When I have to parse text (e.g. config files or other rather simple/descriptive languages), there are several solutions that come to my mind:
using library functions, e.g. strtok(), sscanf()
a finite state machine which processes one char at a time, tokenizing and parsing
using the explode() function I once wrote out of pure boredom
using lex/yacc (read: flex/bison) to generate an appropriate parser
I don't like the "library functions" approach. It feels clumsy and awkward. explode(), while it doesn't take much new code, feels even more blown up. And flex/bison often seems like sheer overkill.
I usually implement a FSM, but at the same time I already feel sorry for the poor guy that may have to maintain my code at a later point.
Hence my question:
What is the best way to parse relatively simple text files?
Does it matter at all?
Is there a commonly agreed-upon approach?
I'm going to break the rules a bit and answer your questions out of order.
Is there a commonly agreed-upon approach?
Absolutely not. IMHO the solution you choose should depend on (to name a few) your text, your timeframe, your experience, even your personality. If the text is simple enough to make flex and bison overkill, maybe C is itself overkill. Is it more important to be fast, or robust? Does it need to be maintained, or can it start quick and dirty? Are you a passionate C user, or can you be enticed away with the right language features? &c., &c.
Does it matter at all?
Again, this is something only you can answer. If you're working closely with a team of people, with particular skills and abilities, and the parser is important and needs to be maintained, it sure does matter! If you're writing something "out of pure boredom," I would suggest that it doesn't matter at all, no. :-)
What is the best way to parse relatively simple text files?
Well, I don't know that you're going to like my answer. Maybe first read some of the other fine answers here.
No, really, go ahead. I'll wait.
Ah, you're back and relaxed. Let's ease into things, shall we?
Never write it in 'C' if you can do it in 'awk';
Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible.
-- Taylor's Laws of Programming
If you're writing it in C, but C feels like the wrong tool...it really might be the wrong tool. awk or perl will likely do what you're trying to do without all the aggravation. You may even be able to do it with cut or something similar.
On the other hand, if you're writing it in C, you probably have a good reason to write it in C. Maybe your parser is a tiny part of a much larger system, which, for the sake of argument, is embedded, in a refrigerator, on the moon. Or maybe you loooove C. You may even hate awk and perl, heaven forfend.
If you don't hate awk and perl, you may want to embed them into your C program. This is doable, in principle--I've never done it myself. For awk, try libmawk. For perl, there are proably a few ways (TMTOWTDI). You can run perl separately using popen to start it, or you can actually embed a Perl interpreter into your C program--see man perlembed.
Anyhow, as I've said, "the best way to parse" entirely depends on you and your team, the problem space, and your approach to the issue. What I can offer is my opinion.
I'm going to assume that in your C-only solutions (library functions and FSM (considering your explode to essentially be a library function)) you've already done your best at isolating the relevant code, designing the code and files well, and so forth.
Even so, I'm going to recommend lex and yacc.
Library functions feel "clumsy and awkward." A state machine seems unmaintainable. But you say that lex and yacc feel like overkill.
I think you should approach your complaints differently. What you're really doing is specifying a FSM. However, you're also hiring someone to write and maintain it for you, thereby solving most of the maintainability problem. Overkill? Did I mention they'll work for free?
I suspect, but do not know, that the reason lex and yacc originally felt like overkill was that your config / simple files just felt too, well, simple. If I'm right (a big if), you may be able to do most of your work in the lexer. (It's even conceivable that you can do all of your work in the lexer, but I know nothing about your input.) If your input is not only simple but widespread, you may be able to find a lexer/parser combination freely available for what you need.
In short: if you can do this not in C, try something else. If you want C, use lex and yacc--they have a little overhead, but they're a very good solution.
If you can get it to work, I'd go with an FSM, but with a huge assist from Perl-compatible regular expressions. This library is easy to understand, and you ought to be able to trim back sufficient extraneous spaghetti to give your monster that aerodynamic flair to which all flying monsters aspire. That, and plenty of comments in well-structured spaghetti, ought to make your code-maintaining successor comfortable. (And, as I'm sure you know, that code-maintaining successor is you after six months, when you've moved on to something else and the details of this code have slipped your mind.)
My short answer is to use the right too for the problem. If you have configuration files use existing standards and formats e.g. ini Files and parse them using Boost program_options.
If you enter the world of "own" languages use lex/yacc, since they provide you with the required features, but you have to consider the cost of maintaining the grammar and language implementation.
As a result I would recommend to further narrow you problem scope to find the right tool.
