How to install JudyArrays (C library) on Windows - c

I know it can sound as a pretty dumb question, but I do not have a great experience with installing downloaded libraries...
Anyhow I downloaded the source code of JudyArrays (which is a C library for a 256-trie for those who doesn't know it) from sourceforge and the installation instructions refers to the make command. I tried to download this utility, but I can't get it work. Which is the correct target makefile? All I managed to get was:
"..path\":15: *** missing separator. Stop.
I tried googling for some help but didn't find anything, either I'm searching with the wrong query string or I'm the only dumb person in the whole planet that can't manage to install it...
Any help? Is there any simpler method?
Thanks everyone

Run your Visual Studio Command Prompt to get a cmd.exe with the proper paths set. cd into the src directory of the JudyArrays source code and run build.bat. This'll compile Judy and produce a .lib and a .dll and a Judy.h header file file you'll have to use in your projects as any other 3. party library.


Mingw gives my a libwinpthread-1.dll was not found error when compiling code

I just downloaded and installed Mingw. I also setup the system environment variables for C:\MinGW\bin and C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin. I wanted to test to see if I had installed it correctly (it seemed to be since running gcc --version worked), so I wrote hellow world in c and tried to compile with gcc main.c -o hello_world.exe. However I got the error:
"The code execution cannot proceed because libewinpthread-1.dll" was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."
I have tired reinstalling it and restarting my computer. I have also tried to see if this problem has occurred to others, and while there are a few places it is mentioned, I can't seem to find a solution mentioned. I have thought about trying to download the dll separately, but if I remember correctly, downloading dlls is a big no no.
Awhile ago I installed mingw though chocolatey and it seemed to be working. I have deleted that download from my computer and removed the paths, since I wanted to try to install it the normal way. Could this be part of the error?
Any ideas what the issue could be? Thanks!
You have built an .exe file that depends on libwinpthread-1.dll.
Solutions to make sure the .exe can run:
Add the MinGW bin path to your PATH so libwinpthread-1.dll - this would only fix it for your own system so I wouldn't recommend this if you want to use the .exe file on other systems.
Copy libwinpthread-1.dll from MinGW in the same folder as your .exe file. This is generally needed for any shared dependancy library your .exe is linked against.
Build a static .exe (--static linker flag) to avoid the shared (.dll) dependancy.
Yes! probably is an error, cause MinGW is a bit stinky when it comes to DLLs
Here are some things you have to check:
Make sure the variable helding the location of MinGW is named "path"
and its pointing at: C:\MinGW64\bin

Missing .dll files when compiling with notepad++ and minGW

Recently I started coding in C and I tried to find a way to compile with notepad++. After thouroughly installing minGW with some basic upgrades I tried to use a specific code that allows me to compile.
This code is can be found on thise webpage:
So you can see what I am trying to do.
However when I try to execute the command, it gives me the warning that several .dll files are missing.
These are the ones: libgmp-10.dll ; libiconv-2.dll ; libmpc-3.dll and libmpfr-4.dll
After some research, I added those files to the bin, lib and libexec folders of the minGW headfolder and it resulted in giving me another missing lib file:
Ok I added that one too and now it starts over saying it is missing libiconv-2.dll
I added all the folders to my PATH and there is nothing else I can think of that is wrong =(
If u find a solution, please explain it in detail since I am not a programmer and only have little experience with going this 'deep' into files and paths etc ...
Thanks in advance!
Oh I found it myself I think.
I read somewhere that using gcc in stead of g++ could help and after copying the missing files to a bunch of folders it worked :D

cmake install multiple version of the same library

I am trying to have a scheme with my library that is coherent and usable/reusable.
I work in a team where we work with continuous integration but sometimes I need to use old version of the same library. That's because some part of the software are not updated for using the new version.
I'm actually in the middle of a headache understanding how to use cmake for having something like this:
Where Library is a common name where to put my stuff
Processor could be attiny24, atmega, lxpXXXX, etc
Library_X is the name of the library
Version a progressive number from 0 to X
static_library_and_includes the static libraries built within that cmake module and the include files needed for using it.
How can I do this using cmake?
I work with different microprocessor crosscompiling with gcc. This is not a problem.
I work with static library, this is not a problem.
I can install them in the right directory. Not a problem
I can't ask the executable to link to the right .a file. Sometimes cmake pick the right one, sometimes not.
Can you please give me a hint on how you guys do it?
thank in advance
See the search paths here: .
CMake will find packages in directories named name*, so you can install to <prefix>/FizzBuzz-1.0.0 and <prefix>/FizzBuzz-2.0.0.
As long as each as a correct ConfigVersion.cmake file, it should do what you want.

How to use CUDA 6.0 with XCODE 5

My question may completely be a noob. Sorry, for that but I have been trying to compile my first Cuda code in Xcode and I'm lost where and how I could set up the IDE to invoke NVCC.
I installed the latest CUDA toolkit CUDA 6.0 and have even installed GCC 4.8 using brew. I have XCODE 5.5
When I run my code from XCODE all the directives like global are marked as unidentified.
I don't where and to change the settings to invoke NVCC. I will be really thankful, if anyone could help me with this.
Further, when I created the XCODE project, I created it as a C project. So, I placed the CUDA code in this C file, which is what is giving me the above mentioned errors. I tried to replace this .C file with a .cu file (just change the extension), which too failed badly - XCODE didn't even know what to do with the .cu files
COuld anyone please help me?
Thanks in Advance
I have given it a try. Although I have not completely succeeded I thought I'd post my progress here in hopes of helping others. The steps I took were inspired by this page.
Create a new Xcode project
Under Build Settings add a new user defined setting CC with the value /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
Add /usr/local/cuda/include to Header Search Paths under Build Settings.
Set Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to No.
Add /usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib to Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases.
For any C files you create set their extension to .cu in the File Inspector, after you have done that you have to set the type of that file to C source to get syntax highlighting, by going to Editor->Syntax Coloring->C.
Problems with this setup:
- Xcode can't run the executable, at least nog if it is compiled for debugging. However you can make it copy the executable to some reasonable location and run it in the terminal.
- Whenever you try 'Build for running' sometimes Xcode magically destroys the whole project.

Error - Compiling Gnuplot on Windows 7 using nmake and makefile.nt

Gnuplot experts or anyone who is willing to help me - I have explained what I have done in very simple words and in a detailed manner. Thanks for your time and patience in advance.
My aim is to develop a new feature in Gnuplot by adding a new terminal to it. I did the following steps in the order mentioned
I formatted my system and reinstalled Windows 7. (no antivirus installed)
Installed Visual Studio 2008
Downloaded the source code of Gnuplot
Now, am supposed to set up the compiling environment for Gnuplot in Windows. So, I did the following steps as per the instructions in "README" and "INSTALL" files in the source code package.
Opened up Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt
changed directory to the "src" folder in the source code
Then I ran the nmake tool (the make tool meant for Visual Studio) using the file makefile.nt (which is for Windows)
nmake -f C:\Users.........\config\makefile.nt
It compiled successfully and gave the wgnuplot.exe and gnuplot.exe files as output. Also the manifest files were created. (Note: I have not changed any piece of code from the original source code package)
When I tried to open the exe file generated from the compilation, it threw me this error
The program can't start because MSVCR90.DLL is missing from your computer. Try re-installing the program to fix this problem.
This MSVCR90.dll should be installed already when Visual Studio was installed. I checked the C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90... folder and the MSVCR90.DLL was alread there. Then, I tried 2 things to solve this -
Anything to do with PATH variable? I made the PATH variable point to that directory. It threw me a new error that says
Microsoft Visual C++ Library. Run time error. R6034. Here is the detailed picture of the error
So, I reset my path variable back to the old value and followed the steps in THIS FORUM POST to fix the missing dll problem by copying the dll files to the C:\Windows\system32 folder. Again it threw me the same run time error
AM STUCK AT THIS POINT. Please advise me on how to rectify this
problem. THANKS A MILLION :) Advance thanks to you :)
Is there any reason you need to use VS2008?
If not I'd recommend to use the current VC release.
Your problem looks like some sort of version mismatch/incompablilty issue to me ...
