Mono to Stereo conversion - c

I have the following issue here: I get a block of bytes (uint16_t*) representing audio data, and the device generating them is capturing mono sound, so obviously I have mono audio data, on 1 channel. I need to pass this data to another device, which is expecting interleaved stereo data (so, 2 channels). What I want to do is basically duplicate the 1 channel in data so that both channels of the stereo data will contain the same bytes. Can you point me to an efficient algorithm doing this?

If you just want interleaved stereo samples then you could use a function like this:
void interleave(const uint16_t * in_L, // mono input buffer (left channel)
const uint16_t * in_R, // mono input buffer (right channel)
uint16_t * out, // stereo output buffer
const size_t num_samples) // number of samples
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
out[i * 2] = in_L[i];
out[i * 2 + 1] = in_R[i];
To generate stereo from a single mono buffer then you would just pass the same pointer for in_L and in_R, e.g.
interleave(mono_buffer, mono_buffer, stereo_buffer, num_samples);

You might want to do the conversion in-place to save some memory. Depends on how small an amount of memory the device in question has. So you might want to use something like this instead of Paul R's approach:
void interleave(uint16_t buf[], const int len)
for (int i = len / 2 - 1, j = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
buf[j--] = buf[i];
buf[j--] = buf[i];
When getting the sound data from the mono device, you allocate a buffer that's twice as big as needed and pass that to the mono device. This will fill half the buffer with mono audio. You then pass that buffer to the above function, which converts it to stereo. And finally you pass the buffer to the stereo device. You save an extra allocation and thus use 33% less memory for the conversion.

Pass to both channels the same pointer? If that violates restrict rules, use memcpy()?
Sorry, but your question is otherwise to broad. API? OS? CPUArchitectures?

You are going to have to copy the buffer and duplicate it. As you haven't told us the format, how it is terminated, I can't give code, but it will look like a simple for loop.
int_16* allocateInterleaved(int_16* data, int length)
int i;
int *copy = malloc(sizeof(int_16)*length*2);
if(copy == NULL) {
/* handle error */
for(i =0; i<length; i++) {
copy[2*i] = data[i];
copy[2*i+1] = data[i];
return copy;
forgive any glaring typos, my C is a bit rusty. typdef in whatever type you need for signed 16bit into int_16. Don't forget to free the copy buffer, or better yet reuse it.

You need to interleave the data, but if the frame length is anything greater than one, none of the above solutions will work. The below code can account for variable frame lengths.
void Interleave(BYTE* left, BYTE* right, BYTE* stereo,int numSamples_in, int frameSize)
int writeIndex = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < numSamples_in; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < frameSize; k++)
int index = j * frameSize + k;
stereo[k + writeIndex] = left[index];
stereo[k + writeIndex + frameSize] = right[index];
writeIndex += 2 * frameSize;


reading a UPC barcode from an image

i need some guidance on how to get a 12 digit barcode from a bmp file, i'm completely clueless on how approach this.
i started by reading the image into a bitmam, how can i continue?
example: the barcode of the image below is 081034489030.
how to i get these numbers?
void part1() {
int width, height;
unsigned char ** img = NULL;
img = readBMP("package.bmp", &height, &width);
unsigned char** readBMP(char* filename, int* height_r, int* width_r)
int i, j;
FILE* f;
fopen_s(&f,filename, "rb");
unsigned char info[54];
fread(info, sizeof(unsigned char), 54, f); // read the 54-byte header
// extract image height and width
//from header
int width = *(int*)&info[18];
int height = *(int*)&info[22];
int pad_needed = 4 - (3 * width) % 4; // pad calculation
int paddedRow = 3 * width + ((pad_needed != 4) ? pad_needed : 0);
unsigned char** map2d = (unsigned char**)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned
char*)); // alocate memory for img 2d array
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
map2d[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(height * sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)malloc(paddedRow * sizeof(unsigned
char)); // allocate memory for each read from file
for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
fread(data, sizeof(unsigned char), paddedRow, f); //read line from file
for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
map2d[j][i] = (int)data[3 * j]; // insert data to map2d. jump 3,
//becasue we need only one value of the colors (RGB)
*width_r = width;
*height_r = height;
return map2d;
You need to apply computer vision techniques to:
Segment the barcode from the image
Decode the barcode information so that it can be further used in an application.
There is no single answer to this problem, and it will definitely not be a one-liner.
A way to start is by using a dedicated computer vision library like OpenCV. It will not only handle the image loading on your behalf, but enable you to apply advanced image processing algorithms on the loaded data. It supports C, Python, C#, so you should easily find the version that matches your language of choice.
Once OpenCV is added to your project, it is time to solve point number 1. A good algorithm to start from is described Detecting Barcodes in Images with Python and OpenCV. Don't get distracted by the use of Python, the same OpenCV functions are available in C as well, the idea is to understand the algorithm.
Assuming you now have a working segmentation algorithm, the last step is to decode the barcode itself. Here I would suggest Parts 2 and 3 of this article as a starting point. There are also pre-built libraries (if you Google, there are plenty of UPC decoders written in Java or C# like this one), so with a bit of digging you may be able to find an out-of-the-box solution.
Hope this helps.

figure out why my RC4 Implementation doesent produce the correct result

Ok I am new to C, I have programmed in C# for around 10 years now so still getting used to the whole language, Ive been doing great in learning but im still having a few hickups, currently im trying to write a implementation of RC4 used on the Xbox 360 to encrypt KeyVault/Account data.
However Ive run into a snag, the code works but it is outputting the incorrect data, I have provided the original c# code I am working with that I know works and I have provided the snippet of code from my C project, any help / pointers will be much appreciated :)
Original C# Code :
public struct RC4Session
public byte[] Key;
public int SBoxLen;
public byte[] SBox;
public int I;
public int J;
public static RC4Session RC4CreateSession(byte[] key)
RC4Session session = new RC4Session
Key = key,
I = 0,
J = 0,
SBoxLen = 0x100,
SBox = new byte[0x100]
for (int i = 0; i < session.SBoxLen; i++)
session.SBox[i] = (byte)i;
int index = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < session.SBoxLen; j++)
index = ((index + session.SBox[j]) + key[j % key.Length]) % session.SBoxLen;
byte num4 = session.SBox[index];
session.SBox[index] = session.SBox[j];
session.SBox[j] = num4;
return session;
public static void RC4Encrypt(ref RC4Session session, byte[] data, int index, int count)
int num = index;
session.I = (session.I + 1) % 0x100;
session.J = (session.J + session.SBox[session.I]) % 0x100;
byte num2 = session.SBox[session.I];
session.SBox[session.I] = session.SBox[session.J];
session.SBox[session.J] = num2;
byte num3 = data[num];
byte num4 = session.SBox[(session.SBox[session.I] + session.SBox[session.J]) % 0x100];
data[num] = (byte)(num3 ^ num4);
while (num != (index + count));
Now Here is my own c version :
typedef struct rc4_state {
int s_box_len;
uint8_t* sbox;
int i;
int j;
} rc4_state_t;
unsigned char* HMAC_SHA1(const char* cpukey, const unsigned char* hmac_key) {
unsigned char* digest = malloc(20);
digest = HMAC(EVP_sha1(), cpukey, 16, hmac_key, 16, NULL, NULL);
return digest;
void rc4_init(rc4_state_t* state, const uint8_t *key, int keylen)
state->i = 0;
state->j = 0;
state->s_box_len = 0x100;
state->sbox = malloc(0x100);
// Init sbox.
int i = 0, index = 0, j = 0;
uint8_t buf;
while(i < state->s_box_len) {
state->sbox[i] = (uint8_t)i;
while(j < state->s_box_len) {
index = ((index + state->sbox[j]) + key[j % keylen]) % state->s_box_len;
buf = state->sbox[index];
state->sbox[index] = (uint8_t)state->sbox[j];
state->sbox[j] = (uint8_t)buf;
void rc4_crypt(rc4_state_t* state, const uint8_t *inbuf, uint8_t **outbuf, int buflen)
int idx = 0;
uint8_t num, num2, num3;
*outbuf = malloc(buflen);
if (*outbuf) { // do not forget to test for failed allocation
while(idx != buflen) {
state->i = (int)(state->i + 1) % 0x100;
state->j = (int)(state->j + state->sbox[state->i]) % 0x100;
num = (uint8_t)state->sbox[state->i];
state->sbox[state->i] = (uint8_t)state->sbox[state->j];
state->sbox[state->j] = (uint8_t)num;
num2 = (uint8_t)inbuf[idx];
num3 = (uint8_t)state->sbox[(state->sbox[state->i] + (uint8_t)state->sbox[state->j]) % 0x100];
(*outbuf)[idx] = (uint8_t)(num2 ^ num3);
printf("%02X", (*outbuf)[idx]);
Usage (c#) :
byte[] cpukey = new byte[16]
byte[] hmac_key = new byte[16]
byte[] buf = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1(cpukey).ComputeHash(hmac_key);
MessageBox.Show(BitConverter.ToString(buf).Replace("-", ""), "");
const char cpu_key[16] = { 0xXX, 0xXX, 0xXX };
const unsigned char hmac_key[16] = { ... };
unsigned char* buf = HMAC_SHA1(cpu_key, hmac_key);
uint8_t buf2[20];
uint8_t buf3[8] = { 0x1E, 0xF7, 0x94, 0x48, 0x22, 0x26, 0x89, 0x8E }; // Encrypted Xbox 360 data
uint8_t* buf4;
// Allocated 8 bytes out.
buf4 = malloc(8);
int num = 0;
while(num < 20) {
buf2[num] = (uint8_t)buf[num]; // convert const char
rc4_state_t* rc4 = malloc(sizeof(rc4_state_t));
rc4_init(rc4, buf2, 20);
rc4_crypt(rc4, buf3, &buf4, 8);
Now I have the HMACsha1 figured out, im using openssl for that and I confirm I am getting the correct hmac/decryption key its just the rc4 isnt working, Im trying to decrypt part of the Kyevault that should == "Xbox 360"||"58626F7820333630"
The output is currently : "0000008108020000" I do not get any errors in the compilation, again any help would be great ^.^
Thanks to John's help I was able to fix it, it was a error in the c# version, thanks John !
As I remarked in comments, your main problem appeared to involve how the output buffer is managed. You have since revised the question to fix that, but I describe it anyway here, along with some other alternatives for fixing it. The remaining problem is discussed at the end.
Function rc4_crypt() allocates an output buffer for itself, but it has no mechanism to communicate a pointer to the allocated space back to its caller. Your revised usage furthermore exhibits some inconsistency with rc4_crypt() with respect to how the output buffer is expected to be managed.
There are three main ways to approach the problem.
Function rc4_crypt() presently returns nothing, so you could let it continue to allocate the buffer itself, and modify it to return a pointer to the allocated output buffer.
You could modify the type of the outbuf parameter to uint8_t ** to enable rc4_crypt() to set the caller's pointer value indirectly.
You could rely on the caller to manage the output buffer, and make rc4_crypt() just write the output via the pointer passed to it.
The only one of those that might be tricky for you is #2; it would look something like this:
void rc4_crypt(rc4_state_t* state, const uint8_t *inbuf, uint8_t **outbuf, int buflen) {
*outbuf = malloc(buflen);
if (*outbuf) { // do not forget to test for failed allocation
// ...
(*outbuf)[idx] = (uint8_t)(num2 ^ num3);
// ...
And you would use it like this:
rc4_crypt(rc4, buf3, &buf4, 8);
... without otherwise allocating any memory for buf4.
The caller in any case has the responsibility for freeing the output buffer when it is no longer needed. This is clearer when it performs the allocation itself; you should document that requirement if rc4_crypt() is going to be responsible for the allocation.
The remaining problem appears to be strictly an output problem. You are apparently relying on print statements in rc4_crypt() to report on the encrypted data. I have no problem whatever with debugging via print statements, but you do need to be careful to print the data you actually want to examine. In this case you do not. You update the joint buffer index idx at the end of the encryption loop before printing a byte from the output buffer. As a result, at each iteration you print not the encrypted byte value you've just computed, but rather an indeterminate value that happens to be in the next position of the output buffer.
Move the idx++ to the very end of the loop to fix this problem, or change it from a while loop to a for loop and increment idx in the third term of the loop control statement. In fact, I strongly recommend for loops over while loops where the former are a good fit to the structure of the code (as here); I daresay you would not have made this mistake if your loop had been structured that way.

Simple reverb alghoritm when buffer is small

I'm trying to implement simple delay/reverb described in this post and I have a problem. On windows where I record 16bit/16khz samples and get 8k samples per recording callback call, it works fine. But on linux I get much smaller chunks from soundcard. Something around 150 samples. Because of that I modified delay/reverb code to buffer samples:
#define REVERB_BUFFER_LEN 8000
static void reverb( int16_t* Buffer, int N)
int i;
float decay = 0.5f;
static int16_t sampleBuffer[REVERB_BUFFER_LEN] = {0};
//Make room at the end of buffer to append new samples
for (i = 0; i < REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - N; i++)
sampleBuffer[ i ] = sampleBuffer[ i + N ] ;
//copy new chunk of audio samples at the end of buffer
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
sampleBuffer[REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - N + i ] = Buffer[ i ] ;
//perform effect
for (i = 0; i < REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - 1600; i++)
sampleBuffer[i + 1600] += (int16_t)((float)sampleBuffer[i] * decay);
//copy output sample
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
Buffer[ i ] = sampleBuffer[REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - N + i ];
This results in white noise on output, so clearly I'm doing something wrong.
On linux, I record in 16bit/16khz, same like on Windows and I'm running linux in VMWare.
Thank you!
As indicated in answered post, I was 'reverbing' old samples over and over again. Simple 'if' sovled a problem:
for (i = 0; i < REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - 1600; i++)
if((i + 1600) >= REVERB_BUFFER_LEN - N)
sampleBuffer[i + 1600] += (int16_t)((float)sampleBuffer[i] * decay);
Your loop that performs the actual reverb effect will be performed multiple times on the same samples, on different calls to the function. This is because you save old samples in the buffer, but you perform the reverb on all samples each time. This will likely cause them to overflow at some point.
You should only perform the reverb on the new samples, not on ones which have already been modified. I would also recommend checking for overflow and clipping to the min/max values instead of wrapping in that case.
A probably better way to perform reverb, which will work for any input buffer size, is to maintain a circular buffer of size REVERB_SAMPLES (1600 in your case), which contains the last samples.
void reverb( int16_t* buf, int len) {
static int16_t reverb_buf[REVERB_SAMPLES] = {0};
static int reverb_pos = 0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
int16_t new_value = buf[i] + reverb_buf[reverb_pos] * decay;
reverb_buf[reverb_pos] = new_value;
buf[i] = new_value;
reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + 1) % REVERB_SAMPLES;

How to convert byte to int?

I have an Arduino which is reading in a set of three bytes from a program which correspond to degrees in which an actuator must turn. I need to convert these bytes into integers so I can pass those integers on to my actuators.
For example, I know the default rest state value I receive from the program is 127. I wrote a C# program to interpret these bytes and that can get them to a single integer value. However, I am unable to figure out how to do this in the Arduino environment with C. I have tried typecasting each byte to a char and storing that in a string. However that returns garbled values that make no sense.
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() && sw)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
input[j] =;
//command = ((String)input).toInt();
sw = 0;
String myString = String((char *)input);
The return value of is an int. Therefore, if you have the following code snippet:
int input[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
input[i] =;
Then input should store three ints. However, the code:
char* input[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
input[i] =;
Will just store the byte conversion from int to char.
If you want to store this as a string, you need to do a proper conversion. In this case, use itoa (see Arduino API description).
The code snippet would be:
#include <stdlib>
char* convertedString = itoa(input[i]);
This should work:
int command = input[0]*256*256 + input[1]*256 + input[2];
By the way the default language you use to program your an Arduino is C++, not C. Although they have some similarities.
Below logic will help you
iDst = (cSrc[0] << 16) | (cSrc[1] << 8) | cSrc[2]
or else you can use union for this case
union byte2char
char c[4];
int i;
But union implementation needs to consider little and big endian systems

Save integer value as a byte value in char in ansi c

I want to save a ppm file as a P6. That mean bytes only. Also I want to save it in parallel way, so this is why I am using mmap to map memory.
This is a part of code where I am trying to save everything:
char* map;
int offset = sprintf(map,"P6\n%d %d\n%d\n",x,y,k);
int counter = offset;
for(i = 0; i < x; i++)
for(j = 0; j < y; j++)
map[counter] = outputRed[i][j];
map[counter+1] = outputGreen[i][j];
map[counter+2] = outputBlue[i][j];
The problem is that I am unable to save those values from Red, green and blue array (all are int) into map values.
Earlier I've simply used fputc with fopen(FILE,"wb") and that was doing everything nice, but now I cannot do it like this.
Can someone tell me how I can do it?
You have to increment the counter by 3 for each pixel:
map[counter] = outputRed[i][j];
map[counter+1] = outputGreen[i][j];
map[counter+2] = outputBlue[i][j];
counter += 3;
You can increment the counter after copying data for each pixel. This may be more easy to understand.
map[counter++] = outputRed[i][j];
map[counter++] = outputGreen[i][j];
map[counter++] = outputBlue[i][j];
Make sure the enough memory is allocated to map.
