Good opensource WPF applications - wpf

I have experience with Silverlight + MVVM + WCF RIA. My next project will be developing by WPF and its architecture is 3-tiers. I want to know are there good example for this kind of project?

The MVVM is pretty cool and here is a MVVM lite which make your developement more easier.
Also, I recommend to check the project "Ribbon for WPF" which uses binding a lot. You can download from "" which comes with the source code and samples.


what's a framework used to build a wpf project?

i had an interview yesterday. i'm new with the wpf technology and they asked me what's the framework i used to build my project? (it's not .Net framework)
it's smth like best practices.
have you an idea about this?
There are several MVVM frameworks to build WPF applications like the following:
Caliburn Micro
MVVM Light Toolkit
I believe that for other than trivial applications you should use a MVVM framework.

Using Sharpdevelop Addin Architecture to develop WPF application

I am new to this AddIns architecture but it really seems fascinating to me. I downloaded shardevelop code to understand it but it is too huge and the examples given are using Winforms. I want to use WPF. Can you please provide me some links where they have used sharpdevelop with WPF?
Priyank Thakkar
In most cases, SharpDevelop code base is your best resource.
BTW, did you check out MEF from Microsoft?

Tips on creating a plug-in architecture for WPF

I'm making the switch from Winforms to WPF. In Winforms I have a plug-in architecture where a user control is hosted in a Winform. Does anyone have any suggestions on creating a plug-in architecture for WPF? I want to rally the forces of the developers in my community to further extend my products so I believe in an extensible framework for my apps. I'm just starting WPF so I'm not sure what the best way is to go about this.
Thank you.
Have a look into the Managed Extensibility Framework
You might find the article about modular architecture for WPF applications interessting as well. Please not that a plugin is the same thing as a module in this aspect.
The Information Manager sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF) shows how to apply these concepts to create a plug-in architecture. It uses MEF as well to discover and load the Plug-Ins.

Good way for experience WPF developer to learn Silverlight

I'm a developer with WPF experiences, my next project will use Silverlight. I have read some articles on the internet (almost all msdn and and I think that they aren't much different. Anyway, I still have questions that I'm not sure.
What is different between WPF 4 and Silverlight 4? (I found an article on msdn but its based on .NET framework 3.5)
Are there any resources for learning Silverlight that are good for experience WPF developer?
Do I need a book on Silverlight?
I personally really like the course posted here:
I don't know what you intend to develop using Silverlight. But it's a good start if you like to develop business applications using Silverlight.
WPF has hardware-accelerated full faceted 3D support
WPF has direct access to the full .NET framework
WPF can take full advantage of the hardware on the system.
Silverlight allows you to create a single app that works across browsers, operating systems.
You can use Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 development
For Books, I would recommend Silverlight Recipes and Microsoft Silverlight 4 Data and Services Cookbook.

A good Silverlight 3.0 reference application, with source?

Having never written a production quality Silverlight app, I am looking to find a quality open source reference application for Silverlight 3.0 (Silverlight 4.0 is no good as I have VS2008) to help learn Silverlight.
Ideally I'd like to see:
a line of business application, in the client-server tradition.
SQL Server back end
no use of 3rd party libraries like PRISM or CSLA as I would like to see how the core Silverlight technologies work.
I realise there are plenty of open source projects on Codeplex, but struggled to find any classic line of business apps there.
This is a really good one:
The following does use Prism, but you can learn a lot from it. It even shows localization:
In all honesty, get yourself upgraded to VS 2010. If you are serious about becoming a professional in Silverlight development, version 4 has the most bang-for-your-buck.
Not all the newer technologies are supported for Silverlight 3 and all the latest cool tutorials and project examples tend to be in VS2010/SL4.
You also should not ignore patterns like MVVM and libraries like Prism & MEF as they are rapidly becoming commonplace for Silverlight projects. There is more danger of you getting into Win-forms-style bad habits if you use a Win-forms style approach to Silverlight at first.
Here is a simple explanation of MVVM for Silverlight:
These videos are a good introduction to creating/understanding Prism-based projects, specifically for Silverlight:
It includes him building an Outlook-style application using prism (with full source provided).
The codeplex project, full source and documents etc, for Prism and soon MEF is here:
Prism was created by Microsoft and will soon have a final release of version 4 (including MEF).
