Elementary Apex Object IDs - salesforce

Quick Question. In the below code, you can see that the for loop (which takes all of the records in newTimecards and puts them as a variable called timecard) and adds the Resource_c to the resourceIds set. I'm confused about how this object is considered an ID data type. When an object is made in Salesforce does it automatically have an ID made, so that it knows Resource_c ID can be added to a set? Note that within the Resource_c Object there is also a field called Resource_ID_c. Resource_c within Timecard_c is a Master-Detail data type. Resource_c is the parent of Timecard_c.
Now that I think about it, resourceIds.add(timecard.Resource_c), does that reference the relationship between the two objects and then searches through Resource_c and adds the ID field Resource_ID_c automactically since it's a unique field?
Thanks for your help.
public class TimecardManager {
public class TimecardException extends Exception {}
public static void handleTimecardChange(List<Timecard__c> oldTimecards,
List<Timecard__c> newTimecards) {
Set<ID> resourceIds = new Set<ID>();
for (Timecard__c timecard : newTimecards) {

Every object instance (and that means EVERY, including factory ones) has a unique organization level ID, whose field name is always Id, is covered by Apex type ID and is a case-sensitive string of 15 characters that also has an 18 character case-insensitive representation. The first three characters are object prefix code (e.g. 500 for a Case) so all instances of the same object share the same prefix. You see these values all across SF (for example in https://na1.salesforce.com/02s7000000BW59L the 02s7000000BW59L in the URL is the ID). When an instance of the object is created using INSERT DML operation, the salesforce automatically assigns unique value based on the prefix and the next available transactional sub ID, it all happens transparently to you.
This is not to be confused with object Name field which is a field you define when you create an object and which can be auto-incremented and so on (e.g. MYOBJ-{00000}) and which can have more meaning to a user than a cryptic ID
When you create a lookup or master-detail relationship it is ID that is being used to link the two instances, not the Name. In the above example Resource__c seems to be that lookup field and it contains Id value of row's master.
What the code does is it enumerates all resources used in timelines and builds a set of their IDs, the purpose of which is most probably to be used via WHERE Id IN :resourceIds clause to load resource details from master table.

mmix's answer is a great overview to what an ID is and where it comes from. To answer what I think is your specific question:
Any time there is a reference from one object to another (like here, between Timecard_c and Resource_c), the field representing the reference will be an ID. So, the for loop that calls resourceIds.add(timecard.Resource__c) is just building up your set of ID's (those 15-character strings). The timecard.Resource__c doesn't look through the Resource__c table to find the ID, timecard.Resource__c is the ID.


Avoiding database queries in Anylogic

I would like to avoid costly repeated data base queries in Anylogic. I have seen the following thread in Stack Overflow What is the fastest way to look up continuous data on Anylogic (Java, SQL) where a simple three step answer is provided but I'm not sure what the second point of the three actually means:
Save all rows as instances of that class at model start-up into a map - you can use Origin/Destination as the key (use Anylogic's Pair object) and the class instance as the value
I have created a class that takes as inputs the information from each column of my database. I would now like to save each row as an instance of that class - is there an easy way to do this? I may be missing something simple as I'm new to Anylogic.
I'm also unsure of how to create a mapping, if anyone could add more detail to point 2 above I'd be very grateful!
this is effectively the best advice, you created the class, which is a great step, but now, one element of that class, will be used as the key... for example the name... for instance if your class has firstName as one variable and lastName as another variable, you will use a string that is the concatenation of firstName and lastName as your key. Of course any key is fine, assuming that it is unique for all your table. Also an integer as an id is ok too.
create a collection of type LinkedHashMap
Create a class (you did that)
Your collection will take as the key a String (first + last name) and as the value of the elment the class...
now, when you read your database you will have something like this:
for(Tuple t : yourQueryResults){
YourClass yc=new YourClass(t.get(db.var1),t.get(db.var2));
String totalName=t.get(db.first_name)+"_"+t.get(db.last_name);
Now every time you want to find someone with the a name, for example "John Doe", instead of making a query, you will do
if you use an id instead of the name, you can set an int as the key, and then you will just do yourCollection.get(theId).theVarYouWant

How to find a MoveTo destination filled by database?

I could need some help with a Anylogic Model.
Model (short): Manufacturing scenario with orders move in a individual route. The workplaces (WP) are dynamical created by simulation start. Their names, quantity and other parameters are stored in a database (excel Import). Also the orders are created according to an import. The Agent population "order" has a collection routing which contains the Workplaces it has to stop in the specific order.
Target: I want a moveTo block in main which finds the next destination of the agent order.
Problem and solution paths:
I set the destination Type to agent and in the Agent field I typed a function agent.getDestination(). This function is in order which returns the next entry of the collection WP destinationName = routing.get(i). With this I get a Datatype error (while run not compiling). I quess it's because the database does not save the entrys as WP Type but only String.
Is there a possiblity to create a collection with agents from an Excel?
After this I tried to use the same getDestination as String an so find via findFirst the WP matching the returned name and return it as WP. WP targetWP = findFirst(wps, w->w.name == destinationName);
Of corse wps (the population of Workplaces) couldn't be found.
How can I search the population?
Maybe with an Agentlink?
I think it is not that difficult but can't find an answer or a solution. As you can tell I'm a beginner... Hope the description is good an someone can help me or give me a hint :)
Is there a possiblity to create a collection with agents from an Excel?
Not directly using the collection's properties and, as you've seen, you can't have database (DB) column types which are agent types.1
But this is relatively simple to do directly via Java code (and you can use the Insert Database Query wizard to construct the skeleton code for you).
After this I tried to use the same getDestination as String an so find via findFirst the WP matching the returned name and return it as WP
Yes, this is one approach. If your order details are in Excel/the database, they are presumably referring to workplaces via some String ID (which will be a parameter of the workplace agents you've created from a separate Excel worksheet/database table). You need to use the Java equals method to compare strings though, not == (which is for comparing numbers or whether two objects are the same object).
I want a moveTo block in main which finds the next destination of the agent order
So the general overall solution is
Create a population of Workplace agents (let's say called workplaces in Main) from the DB, each with a String parameter id or similar mapped from a DB column.
Create a population of Order agents (let's say called orders in Main) from the DB and then, in their on-startup action, set up their collection of workplace IDs (type ArrayList, element class String; let's say called workplaceIDsList) using data from another DB table.
Order probably also needs a working variable storing the next index in the list that it needs to go to (so let's say an int variable nextWorkplaceIndex which starts at 0).
Write a function in Main called getWorkplaceByID that has a single String argument id and returns a Workplace. This gets the workplace from the population that matches the ID; a one-line way similar to yours is findFirst(workplaces, w -> w.id.equals(id)).
The MoveTo block (which I presume is in Main) needs to move the Order to an agent defined by getWorkplaceByID(agent.workplaceIDsList.get(nextWorkplaceIndex++)). (The ++ bit increments the index after evaluating the expression so it is ready for the next workplace to go to.)
For populating the collection, you'd have two tables, something like the below (assuming using strings as IDs for workplaces and orders):
orders table: columns for parameters of your orders (including some String id column) other than the workplace-list. (Create one Order agent per row.)
order_workplaces table: columns order_id, sequence_num and workplace_id (so with multiple rows specifying the sequence of workplace IDs for an order ID).
In the On startup action of Order, set up the skeleton query code via the Insert Database Query wizard as below (where we want to loop through all rows for this order's ID and do something --- we'll change the skeleton code to add entries to the collection instead of just printing stuff via traceln like the skeleton code does).
Then we edit the skeleton code to look like the below. (Note we add an orderBy clause to the initial query so we ensure we get the rows in ascending sequence number order.)
List<Tuple> rows = selectFrom(order_workplaces)
for (Tuple row : rows) {
1 The AnyLogic database is a normal relational database --- HSQLDB in fact --- and databases only understand their own specific data types like VARCHAR, with AnyLogic and the libraries it uses translating these to Java types like String. In the user interface, AnyLogic makes it look like you set the column types as int, String, etc. but these are really the Java types that the columns' contents will ultimately be translated into.
AnyLogic does support columns which have option list types (and the special Code type column for columns containing executable Java code) but these are special cases using special logic under the covers to translate the column data (which is ultimately still a string of characters) into the appropriate option list instance or (for Code columns) into compiled-on-the-fly-and-then-executed Java).
Welcome to Stack Overflow :) To create a Population via Excel Import you have to create a method and call Code like this. You also need an empty Population.
int n = excelFile.getLastRowNum(YOUR_SHEET_NAME);
for(int i = FIRST_ROW; i <= n; i++){
String name = excelFile.getCellStringValue(YOUR_SHEET_NAME, i, 1);
double SEC_PARAMETER_TO_READ= excelFile.getCellNumericValue(YOUR_SHEET_NAME, i, 2);
WP workplace = add_wps(name, SEC_PARAMETER_TO_READ);
Now if you want to get a workplace by name, you have to create a method similar to your try.
WP workplaceToFind = wps.findFirst(w -> w.name.equals(destinationName));
if(workplaceToFind != null){
//do what ever you want

how to assign value to lookup fields in salesforce

i have two objects KNDY4__Sales_Order__c and KNDY4__Bill_to__c.these two are linked through lookup relationship.i am trying to insert one order record as follows
`KNDY4__Sales_Order__c order=New KNDY4__Sales_Order__c();
order.KNDY4__Ship_to__c ='a14q0000001LnIeAAK';
order.KNDY4__Bill_to__r.Predicted_External_ID__c ='CN-0222741-Sold To';
order.KNDY4__Company__c ='a0l1N00000BQQKF';
Insert order;`
i am geting error as {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}.
how to assign values to lookup field.can anyone help me
When linking a record based on an external id, the relationship field needs to be set to an sObject with the external id, and not just the value of the id itself.
On line 3, since KNDY4__Bill_to__c is a lookup field to a custom object possibly named KNDY4__Customer__c, you should set the value of the lookup to an instance of that object, e.g.
order.KNDY4__Bill_to__r = new KNDY4__Customer__c(KNDY4__Predicted_External_ID__c ='CN-0222741-Sold To');

objectify query filter by list in entity contains search parameter

in an app i have an entity that contains a list of other entities (let's say an event holding a list of assigned employees)
using objectify - i need to find all the events a particular employee is assigned to.
is there a basic way to filter a query if it contains the parameter - kind of the opposite of the query in
... quick pseudocode
findAll(Employee employee) {
return ofy.query(Event.class).filter("employees.contains", employee).list();
any help would be greatly appreciated
i tried just doing filter("employees", employee) after seeing this http://groups.google.com/group/objectify-appengine/browse_thread/thread/77ba676192c08e20 - but unfortunately this returns me an empty list
currently i'm doing something really inefficient - going through each event, iterating through the employees and adding them to a new list if it contains the given employee just to have something that works - i know this is not right though
let me add one thing,
the above query is not actually what it is, i was just using that because i did not think this would make a difference.
The Employee and Events are in the same entity group with Business as a parent
the actual query i am using is the following
ofy.query(Event.class).ancestor(businessKey).filter("employees", employee).list();
unfortunately this is still returning an empty list - does having the ancestor(key) in there mess up the filter?
solution, the employees field was not indexed correctly.
I added the datastore-indexes file to create a composite index, but was testing originally on a value that I added before the employees field was indexed, this was something stupid i was doing - simply having an index on the "business" field and the "employees" field fixed everything. the datastore-indexes file did not appear to be necessary, after deleting it and trying again everything worked fine.
Generally, you do this one of two ways:
Put a property of Set<Key<Employee>> on the Event
Put a property of Set<Key<Event>> on the Employee
You could also create a relationship entity, but if you're just doing filtering on values with relatively low counts, usually it's easier to just put the set property on one entity or the other.
Then filter as you describe:
ofy.query(Event.class).filter("employees", employee).list()
ofy.query(Employee.class).filter("events", event).list()
The list property should hold a Keys to the target entity. If you pass in an entity to the filter() method, Objectify will understand that you want to filter by the key instead.
Example :
public class News {
#Id Long id;
String news ;
#Index List<Long> friend_list = new ArrayList<Long>();
// My friends who can see my news , exemele : friend_list.add(id_f1); friend_list.add(id_f2); friend_list.add(id_f3);
//To make an operation on "friend_list", it is obligatory to index it
public News(Long id_f){
List<Long> friend_id = new ArrayList<Long>();
Query<Nesw> query = ofy().load().type(News.class).filter("friend_list in",friend_id).limit(limit);
//To filter a list, just after the name of the field you want to filter, add "IN".
//here ==> .filter("friend_list in",friend_id);
// if friend_list contains "id_friend" ==> the query return value

best method to keep and update unique data entries google app engine python

What is the best method to create a database for the given example model and assign each entry with a unique key/name which I already have and to overwrite it if the given key/name shows up again. From what I read you are supposed to use keyname? But I am not getting it to overwrite.
class SR(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
title = db.StringProperty()
url = db.StringProperty()
s = SR(key_name="t5-2rain")
s.name = 't5-2rain'
s.title = 'kaja'
s.url = 'okedoke'
If I enter this again with the same key name but different title value, will create another entry how do I overwrite an existing value with the same key-name.
Basically how do I populate a table with unique identifiers and overwrite values if the same unique identifier already exist?
I realize I can search for an existing name or key name etc, call that object make the changes to the instances and repopulate but, I would imagine there has to be a better method than that for overwriting especially if I am trying to put a list where some values may be overwrites and some not.
You've got the right idea already.
If 2 SR entities were constructed with the same key_name argument, then they will have the same Key path. Writing one will overwrite any old SR entity which had that key_name argument.
You should be able to observe this by querying the datastore for the entity with its unique key:
s = db.get(db.Key.from_path('SR', 't5-2rain'))
