Is there something like a "column symlink" in Oracle? - database

I would like to have a column in my DB accessible via two column names temporarily.
Why? The column name was badly chosen, I would like to refactor it. As I want my webapp to remain stable while changing the column name, it would be good to
have a (let's call it) symlink named better_column_name pointing to the column bad_column_name
change the webapplication to use better_column_name
drop the symlink and rename column to better_column_name
"Refactoring Databases" suggests to actually add a second column which is synchronized on commit in order to achieve this. I am just hoping that there might be an easier way with Oracle, with less work and less overhead.

As long as you have code that uses both column names, I don't see a way to get around the fact that you'll have two (real) columns in that table.
I would add the new column with the correct name and then create a trigger that checks which column has been modified and updates the "other" column correspondingly. So whatever is being updated, the value is synch'ed with the other column.
Once all the code that uses the old column has been migrated, remove the trigger and drop the old column.
The trigger would so do something like this:
UPDATE OF bad_column_name, better_column_name ON the_table
:new.better_column_name = :new.bad_column_name
:new.bad_column_name = :new.better_column_name
The order of the IF statements controls which change has a "higher priority" in case someone updated both columns at the same time.

Rename the table:
alter table mytable rename to mytable_old;
Create a view with the original tablename with both bad_column_name and better_column_name that point to the same column (and of course all the other columns):
create or replace view mytable as
select column1
, column2
, ...
, bad_column_name
, bad_column_name better_column_name
from mytable_old
Since this view is updatable by default (I assume here that mytable has a primary key), you can insert/update/delete from the view and it doesn't matter if you use bad_column_name or better_column_name.
After the refactoring, drop the view and rename the table and column:
drop view mytable;
alter table mytable_old rename column bad_column_name to better_column_name;
alter table mytable_old rename to mytable;

The best solution to this is only available in Oracle 11g Release 2: Edition-based Redefinition. This really cool feature allows us to maintain different versions of database tables and PL/SQL code, using special triggers and views. Find out more.
Essentially this is Oracle's built-in implementation of #AHorseWithNoName's suggestion.

you can create a view for the table. And port your application to use that view instead of the table.
create table t (bad_name varchar2(10), c2 varchar2(10));
create view vt as select bad_name AS good_name, c2 from t;
insert into vt (good_name, c2) values ('blub', 'blob');
select * from t;
select * from vt;

If you're on 11g you could look at using a virtual column. I'd probably be tempted to change the order slightly; rename the real column and create the virtual one using the old (bad) name, which can then be dropped at leisure. You may be restricted, of course, and there may be implications on other objects being invalidated that make this order less suitable for you.


How To change the column order of An Existing Table in SQL Server 2008

I have situation where I need to change the order of the columns/adding new columns for existing Table in SQL Server 2008.
Existing column
and I want this order
I got the answer for the same ,
Go on SQL Server → Tools → Options → Designers → Table and Database Designers and unselect Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation
2- Open table design view and that scroll your column up and down and save your changes.
It is not possible with ALTER statement. If you wish to have the columns in a specific order, you will have to create a newtable, use INSERT INTO newtable (col-x,col-a,col-b) SELECT col-x,col-a,col-b FROM oldtable to transfer the data from the oldtable to the newtable, delete the oldtable and rename the newtable to the oldtable name.
This is not necessarily recommended because it does not matter which order the columns are in the database table. When you use a SELECT statement, you can name the columns and have them returned to you in the order that you desire.
If your table doesn't have any records you can just drop then create your table.
If it has records you can do it using your SQL Server Management Studio.
Just click your table > right click > click Design then you can now arrange the order of the columns by dragging the fields on the order that you want then click save.
Best Regards
I tried this and dont see any way of doing it.
here is my approach for it.
Right click on table and Script table for Create and have this on
one of the SQL Query window,
EXEC sp_rename 'Employee', 'Employee1' -- Original table name is Employee
Execute the Employee create script, make sure you arrange the columns in the way you need.
-- Insert into Employee select Name, Company from Employee1
DROP table Employee1.
Relying on column order is generally a bad idea in SQL. SQL is based on Relational theory where order is never guaranteed - by design. You should treat all your columns and rows as having no order and then change your queries to provide the correct results:
For Columns:
Try not to use SELECT *, but instead specify the order of columns in the select list as in: SELECT Member_ID, MemberName, MemberAddress from TableName. This will guarantee order and will ease maintenance if columns get added.
For Rows:
Row order in your result set is only guaranteed if you specify the ORDER BY clause.
If no ORDER BY clause is specified the result set may differ as the Query Plan might differ or the database pages might have changed.
Hope this helps...
This can be an issue when using Source Control and automated deployments to a shared development environment. Where I work we have a very large sample DB on our development tier to work with (a subset of our production data).
Recently I did some work to remove one column from a table and then add some extra ones on the end. I then had to undo my column removal so I re-added it on the end which means the table and all references are correct in the environment but the Source Control automated deployment will no longer work because it complains about the table definition changing.
The real problem here is that the table + indexes are ~120GB and the environment only has ~60GB free so I'll need to either:
a) Rename the existing columns which are in the wrong order, add new columns in the right order, update the data then drop the old columns
b) Rename the table, create a new table with the correct order, insert to the new table from the old and delete from the old as I go along
The SSMS/TFS Schema compare option of using a temp table won't work because there isn't enough room on disc to do it.
I'm not trying to say this is the best way to go about things or that column order really matters, just that I have a scenario where it is an issue and I'm sharing the options I've thought of to fix the issue
SQL query to change the id column into first:
or by using:

Can you change the column length in a view in SQL Server 2000?

Not sure if this is even allowed, but if so, can someone tell me what the T-SQL is? I've tried the following but to no avail.
alter [View_Name]
alter column [Coln_Name] [New size/length] not null
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Not directly.
This is derived automatically from the column expression. You can CAST the expression in the View SELECT list to a particular datatype though.
You would need to change the column length in the underlying table, or to change the SELECT statement forming the view to CAST or CONVERT the column to a different length data type.
Views are ways to see data in other tables; typically the data is simply whatever is in the underlying table, so you would need to change the column there.
However, you can have views that do things like cast() or convert(); these are typically a bad idea, becuase the data needs to be re-fetched every time the view is used, and these operations add overhead. In the design of the view, you can decide to cast as another data type, or do any transformation you would like - but it has overhead, and will not alter the original data.
If you know what the current view selects, you can use something like:
Alter view Viewname[cloumn] as Select cast(original_data as varchar(n)) from Original_Table
I just ran into the same situation. What I did was:
Change the column size in the table that the view looks at.
Create a script to recreate the view (if you don't already have one).
Delete the view
Use the script to recreate the view.
After that the column sizes in the view were the same as the changes I made to the underlying table.
You can not alter the column size in a view as a view is derived from other table. So if you need to change the column size, change the column size of the table. To change the column size use ALTER TABLE as :
ALTER TABLE [Table_Name]
ALTER COLUMN [Column_Name] Data_Type(Size)
After changing the column size you might need to drop the view and recreate it again.
If the length shown in the view doesn't match the underlying table then drop and recreate the view.
Use something like this to investigate the column lengths in the table and view
SELECT o.[name], *
FROM sys.all_columns c
INNER JOIN sys.objects o on o.[object_id]=c.[object_id]
WHERE c.[name] = 'OML'
-- AND c.[max_length]=11
ORDER BY O.[name];
To get the Drop and Create sql I use SSMS and right click context menu (on the view in the Object Explorer), then go to 'Script View as', and 'DROP And CREATE To'.


What is the difference between using
INSERT INTO MyTable (...)
SELECT ... FROM ....
From BOL [ INSERT, SELECT...INTO ], I know that using SELECT...INTO will create the insertion table on the default file group if it doesn't already exist, and that the logging for this statement depends on the recovery model of the database.
Which statement is preferable?
Are there other performance implications?
What is a good use case for SELECT...INTO over INSERT INTO ...?
Edit: I already stated that I know that that SELECT INTO... creates a table where it doesn't exist. What I want to know is that SQL includes this statement for a reason, what is it? Is it doing something different behind the scenes for inserting rows, or is it just syntactic sugar on top of a CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO.
They do different things. Use INSERT when the table exists. Use SELECT INTO when it does not.
Yes. INSERT with no table hints is normally logged. SELECT INTO is minimally logged assuming proper trace flags are set.
In my experience SELECT INTO is most commonly used with intermediate data sets, like #temp tables, or to copy out an entire table like for a backup. INSERT INTO is used when you insert into an existing table with a known structure.
To address your edit, they do different things. If you are making a table and want to define the structure use CREATE TABLE and INSERT. Example of an issue that can be created: You have a small table with a varchar field. The largest string in your table now is 12 bytes. Your real data set will need up to 200 bytes. If you do SELECT INTO from your small table to make a new one, the later INSERT will fail with a truncation error because your fields are too small.
Which statement is preferable? Depends on what you are doing.
Are there other performance implications? If the table is a permanent table, you can create indexes at the time of table creation which has implications for performance both negatively and positiviely. Select into does not recreate indexes that exist on current tables and thus subsequent use of the table may be slower than it needs to be.
What is a good use case for SELECT...INTO over INSERT INTO ...? Select into is used if you may not know the table structure in advance. It is faster to write than create table and an insert statement, so it is used to speed up develoment at times. It is often faster to use when you are creating a quick temp table to test things or a backup table of a specific query (maybe records you are going to delete). It should be rare to see it used in production code that will run multiple times (except for temp tables) because it will fail if the table was already in existence.
It is sometimes used inappropriately by people who don't know what they are doing. And they can cause havoc in the db as a result. I strongly feel it is inappropriate to use SELECT INTO for anything other than a throwaway table (a temporary backup, a temp table that will go away at the end of the stored proc ,etc.). Permanent tables need real thought as to their design and SELECT INTO makes it easy to avoid thinking about anything even as basic as what columns and what datatypes.
In general, I prefer the use of the create table and insert statement - you have more controls and it is better for repeatable processes. Further, if the table is a permanent table, it should be created from a separate create table script (one that is in source control) as creating permanent objects should not, in general, in code are inserts/deletes/updates or selects from a table. Object changes should be handled separately from data changes because objects have implications beyond the needs of a specific insert/update/select/delete. You need to consider the best data types, think about FK constraints, PKs and other constraints, consider auditing requirements, think about indexing, etc.
Each statement has a distinct use case. They are not interchangeable.
SELECT...INTO MyTable... creates a new MyTable where one did not exist before.
INSERT INTO MyTable...SELECT... is used when MyTable already exists.
The primary difference is that SELECT INTO MyTable will create a new table called MyTable with the results, while INSERT INTO requires that MyTable already exists.
You would use SELECT INTO only in the case where the table didn't exist and you wanted to create it based on the results of your query. As such, these two statements really are not comparable. They do very different things.
In general, SELECT INTO is used more often for one off tasks, while INSERT INTO is used regularly to add rows to tables.
While you can use CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO to accomplish what SELECT INTO does, with SELECT INTO you do not have to know the table definition beforehand. SELECT INTO is probably included in SQL because it makes tasks like ad hoc reporting or copying tables much easier.
Actually SELECT ... INTO not only creates the table but will fail if it already exists, so basically the only time you would use it is when the table you are inserting to does not exists.
In regards to your EDIT:
I personally mainly use SELECT ... INTO when I am creating a temp table. That to me is the main use. However I also use it when creating new tables with many columns with similar structures to other tables and then edit it in order to save time.
I only want to cover second point of the question that is related to performance, because no body else has covered this. Select Into is a lot more faster than insert into, when it comes to tables with large datasets. I prefer select into when I have to read a very large table. insert into for a table with 10 million rows may take hours while select into will do this in minutes, and as for as losing indexes on new table is concerned you can recreate the indexes by query and can still save a lot more time when compared to insert into.
SELECT INTO is typically used to generate temp tables or to copy another table (data and/or structure).
In day to day code you use INSERT because your tables should already exist to be read, UPDATEd, DELETEd, JOINed etc. Note: the INTO keyword is optional with INSERT
That is, applications won't normally create and drop tables as part of normal operations unless it is a temporary table for some scope limited and specific usage.
A table created by SELECT INTO will have no keys or indexes or constraints unlike a real, persisted, already existing table
The 2 aren't directly comparable because they have almost no overlap in usage
Select into creates new table for you at the time and then insert records in it from the source table. The newly created table has the same structure as of the source table.If you try to use select into for a existing table it will produce a error, because it will try to create new table with the same name.
Insert into requires the table to be exist in your database before you insert rows in it.
The simple difference between select Into and Insert Into is:
--> Select Into don't need existing table. If you want to copy table A data, you just type Select * INTO [tablename] from A. Here, tablename can be existing table or new table will be created which has same structure like table A.
--> Insert Into do need existing table.INSERT INTO [tablename] SELECT * FROM A;.
Here tablename is an existing table.
Select Into is usually more popular to copy data especially backup data.
You can use as per your requirement, it is totally developer choice which should be used in his scenario.
Performance wise Insert INTO is fast.
References :
The other answers are all great/correct (the main difference is whether the DestTable exists already (INSERT), or doesn't exist yet (SELECT ... INTO))
You may prefer to use INSERT (instead of SELECT ... INTO), if you want to be able to COUNT(*) the rows that have been inserted so far.
Using SELECT COUNT(*) ... WITH NOLOCK is a simple/crude technique that may help you check the "progress" of the INSERT; helpful if it's a long-running insert, as seen in this answer).
[If you use...]
INSERT DestTable SELECT ... FROM SrcTable
...then your SELECT COUNT(*) from DestTable WITH (NOLOCK) query would work.
Select into for large datasets may be good only for a single user using one single connection to the database doing a bulk operation task. I do not recommend to use
as this creates one big transaction and creates schema lock to create the object, preventing other users to create object or access system objects until the SELECT INTO operation completes.
As proof of concept open 2 sessions, in first session try to use
select into temp table from a huge table
and in the second section try to
create a temp table
and check the locks, blocking and the duration of second session to create a temp table object. My recommendation it is always a good practice to create and Insert statement and if needed for minimal logging use trace flag 610.

Oracle move column to the first position

Is there any way to move an column in an Oracle table from last to first position? Someone has dropped the ID column, and recreated it. So now it is at the end, which is a problem because some of our PHP Scripts are using the first column as an identifier (one Abstract Model with more than 100 other Models using this base object...)
See also:
In Oracle, is it possible to “insert” a column into a table?
Inserting new columns in the middle of a table?
The Oracle FAQ says:
Oracle only allows columns to be added to the end of an existing table.
You'd have to recreate your table.
RENAME tab1 TO tab1_old;
CREATE TABLE tab1 AS SELECT id, <the rest of your columns> FROM tab1_old;
the simplest way to modify the logical order of the columns of a table is to rename your table and create a view with the "right" column positions:
ALTER TABLE your_table RENAME TO your_table_t;
CREATE VIEW your_table AS SELECT <columns in the right order> FROM your_table_t;
-- grants on the view (the same as the table)
GRANT ** TO ** ON your_table;
Your application will behave as if the columns were in the "right" position. You don't have to touch at the physical structure.
In Oracle 12c it is now easier to rearrange columns logically. It can be achived by making column invisible/visible.If you change a invisible column to visible , the column will appear last in the odering.
Consider Using Invisible Columns
Create wxyz table:
w INT,
rearrange the x column to the middle:
Recreating the table (via rename/temporary table so you don't lose your data) is the only way I know of.
I don't believe it's possible to simply change the column order.
If there isn't a ton of data/columns, you could simply rename the columns in the order you want. Then just delete * from 'your table name here'. This was a good solution for me since I hadn't inserted many records yet.
You might like to access your table via a view, so you can painlessly rearrange the logical order if it's important to the application technology.
Not possible to move column in oracle. It will be created in the last position. If anyone wanted so either view needs to be created or new table need to be created
I use this all the time:
ALTER TABLE MOVE COLUMN column_name TO ordinal_position;

In Oracle, is it possible to "insert" a column into a table?

When adding a column to an existing table, Oracle always puts the column at the end of the table. Is it possible to tell Oracle where it should appear in the table? If so, how?
The location of the column in the table should be unimportant (unless there are "page sizes" to consider, or whatever Oracle uses to actually store the data). What is more important to the consumer is how the results are called, i.e. the Select statement.
create table YOUR_ORIGINAL_TABLE nologging /* or unrecoverable */
select Column1, Column2, NEW_COLUMN, Column3
Drop table YOUR_NEW_TABLE;
Select * From YOUR_ORIGINAL_TABLE; <<<<< now you will see the new column in the middle of the table.
But why would you want to do it? It's seems illogical. You should never assume column ordering and just use named column list if column order is important.
Why does the order of the columns matter? You can always alter it in your select statement?
There's an advantage to adding new columns at the end of the table. If there's code that naively does a "SELECT *" and then parses the fields in order, you won't be breaking old code by adding new columns at the end. If you add new columns in the middle of the table, then old code may be broken.
At one job, I had a DBA who was super-anal about "Never do 'SELECT *'". He insisted that you always write out the specific fields.
What I normally do is:
Rename the old table.
Create the new table with columns in the right order.
Create the constraints for that new table.
Populate with data:Insert into new_table select * from renamed table.
I don't think that this can be done without saving the data to a temporary table, dropping the table, and recreating it. On the other hand, it really shouldn't matter where the column is. As long as you specify the columns you are retrieving in your select statement, you can order them however you want.
Bear in mind that, under the tables, all the data in the table records are glued together. Adding a column to the end of a table [if it is nullable or (in later versions) not null with a default] just means a change to the table's metadata.
Adding a column in the middle would require re-writing every record in that table to add the appropriate value (or markers) for that column. In some cases, that might mean the records take up more room on the blocks and some records need to be migrated.
In short, it's a VAST amount of IO effort for a table of any real size.
You can always create a view over the table that has the columns in the preferred order and use that view in a DML statement just as you would the table
I don't believe so - SQL Server doesn't allow these either. The method I always have to use is:
Create new table that looks right (including additional column
Begin transaction
select all data from old table into new one
Drop old table
Rename new table
Commit transaction.
Not exactly pretty, but gets the job done.
No, its not possible via an "ALTER TABLE" statement. However, you could create a new table with the same definition as your current one, albeit with a different name, with the columns in the correct order in the way you want them. Copy the data into the new table. Drop the old table. Rename the new table to match the old table name.
Tom Kyte has an article on this on AskTom
link text
Apparently there's a trick involving marking the "after" columns INVISIBLE; when restored, they end up at the back.
CREATE TABLE yourtable (one NUMBER(5, 0), two NUMBER(5, 0), three NUMBER(5, 0), four NUMBER(5, 0))
ALTER TABLE yourtable ADD twopointfive NUMBER(5, 0);
1) Ok so you can't do it directly. We don't need post after post saying the same thing, do we?
2) Ok so the order of columns in a table doesn't technically matter. But that's not the point, the original question simply asked if you could or couldn't be done. Don't presume that you know everybody else's requirements. Maybe they have a table with 100 columns that is currently being queried using "SELECT * ..." inside some monstrously hacked together query that they would just prefer not to try to untangle, let alone replace "*" with 100 column names. Or maybe they are just anal about the order of things and like to have related fields next to each other when browsing schema with, say SQL Developer. Maybe they are dealing with non-technical staff that won't know to look at the end of a list of 100 columns when, logically, it should be somewhere near the beginning.
Nothing is more irritating than asking an honest question and getting an answer that says: "you shouldn't be doing that". It's MY job, not YOURS! Please don't tell me how to do my job. Just help if you can. Thanks!
Ok... sorry for the rant. it suggests this workaround.
First suppose you have already run:
CREATE TABLE tab1 ( col1 NUMBER );
Now say you want to add a column named "col2", but you want them ordered "col2", "col1" when doing a "SELECT * FROM tbl1;"
The suggestion is to run:
RENAME tab1 TO tab1_old;
CREATE TABLE tab1 AS SELECT 0 AS col1, col1 AS col2 FROM tab1_old;
I found this to be incredibly misleading. First of all, you're filling "col1" with zero's so, if you had any data, then you are losing it by doing this. Secondly, it's actually renaming "col1" to "col2" and fails to mention this. So, here's my example, hopefully it's a little clearer:
Suppose you have a table that was created with the following statement:
CREATE TABLE users (first_name varchar(25), last_name varchar(25));
Now say you want to insert middle_name in between first_name and last_name. Here's one way:
ALTER TABLE users ADD middle_name varchar(25);
RENAME users TO users_tmp;
CREATE TABLE users AS SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name FROM users_tmp;
/* and for good measure... */
DROP TABLE testusers_tmp;
Note that middle_name will default to NULL (implied by the ALTER TABLE statement). You can alternatively set a different default value in the CREATE TABLE statement like so:
CREATE TABLE users AS SELECT first_name, 'some default value' AS middle_name, last_name FROM users_tmp;
This trick could come in handy if you're adding a date field with a default of sysdate, but you want all of the existing records to have some other (e.g. earlier) date value.
