Is flat file blog SEO friendly? [closed] - database

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to create an online blog using flat file database, but I'm not sure if the posts are going to be indexed by Google. I wanted to use MySQL, but search engines don't see the posts. So I thought maybe flat file db will do the trick, but I'm not sure, can't find any answers online.
I'm also wondering if Google will index my .txt files (the db itself)?
Thank you.

Google will index the web pages your site generates. It doens't know or care whether those pages are backed by a database, a txt file, or just somebody typing really really fast

It doesn't matter to Google what kind of database you use, in fact, it can't tell the difference. The only thing Google gets to see is your public-facing webpages (obviously). If Google indexes your page it follows every link, so if you put links to your .txt files it will index them. However, this is unneccessary and a bad idea at that (you wouldn't want your users to see them).
If you want to be sure Google indexes your page you can submit it to Google yourself.


What is the best way to store data for Next.js websites? [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I'm currently building a website in Next.js and I've gotten to the Blog page which got me thinking about how to handle this page but also whether or not I should approach the rest of the pages differently too. I am just hard-coding all the content (text and images) and I was wondering if there is a better/smarter way to do this? Or should I keep going like this and also hardcode blog posts into my website.
I'm not that experienced so I wouldn't really know how this affects performance or other aspects.
Better or smarter way is very subjective in my opinion. But I will give you some options:
Hardcode it just like the way you do right now. It won't affect performance but you will have to write the code, push it to some version control (if you use one), trigger the build, and make sure it works.
Use Markdown file for every post and have next.js automatically build routes of it. See this tutorial if you wanna take a look. The pros are it's simple (doesn't need a database), and you don't have to write the entire code -- just write the content in a markdown syntax. But you still need to push your changes and trigger the build.
Use headless CMS like Strapi, etc. Personally this is the most convenience way. Write your content, click that Save button, and you're done. But it needs more setup then the other options.
Create your own backend and database setup.
Hope it helps.

Is it better to store my Strings on Front-End or Back-End [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This question is a little more generic, a brainstorm one. I'm about to develop a small website, and I still don't know if it’s better for me to store my “Text” (to fill Labels, Messages, etc) data on the Database or just on the frontend.
I know that for a fact, consulting the BackEnd Database is slower than just searching a specific file, but it’s also better to update the list later-on (when the website is developed) by just running a script.
I want to know some opinions, experiences, advantages and disadvantages about both.
Edit: For the technologies, i was thinking in using ExtJS with a Java Backend, I'm not quite sure about the BD yet.
Consider what data you are storing and the purpose of your website.
Advantages of front end storage: quicker
Advantages of database storage: more secure/structured
If your strings are sensitive then I would secure them in your database. Any client information, including "Text" data should be stored on the back end. If the strings are only relevant to you as the site owner then I don't see a problem with storing them on the front end.
Also perhaps specify which technologies you are using to build this site to get more specific responses.

How to get my HTML code into a published webite [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I feel like this is a simple enough question that it should have already been asked and answered, but I have not seen anything on it in my searches.
I am creating a website for my club at school, and need to publish it/make it live/public, whatever you want to call it. Thusfar it is a simple HMTL-only document, but once I get it up and running I will expand it with CSS and Javascript (as I learn them, haha). So how do I turn this HTML file into a real website? Here is some key info:
The HMTL code is sitting on my desktop in a file (blablabla.html)
I have server space allocated for me, provided by the school. No need to find a domain.
I am familiar with using ssh to visit said server, and I have successively used scp to upload my html file to the server address, but when I navigate to the webpage though Chrome, I get an Object Not Found/404 error.
I'd like to do this the old fashioned way for now, but if there are any reccomendations for web publishing suites on Ubuntu, they are welcome.
So what exactly do I need to do to make it a working webpage? Is there a specific place I need to put the .html file, a specific name it must have? What am I missing?
P.S. For once I do get it working, how do I obtain/upload some MIDI music to give my website that good old fashioned early 90s feel?
yes, try to rename it to index.html if that file is you home page.
At what URL are you trying to reach your website? ??? or maybe ??

Web application to organize and serve a library of PDF files [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a large library of PDF ebooks, and I'm looking for a web app to host on my site to organize and sort a database of the files, as well as have the ability to annotate them by adding data like publisher, year published, keywords, authors, etc. I have a great hosting provider (WebFaction) with access to all sorts of frameworks, like Drupal, Django, Rails, Node, etc., as well as MySQL and Postgres servers, so the language and back-end aren't that important, although .NET is out.
I've searched all over and just can't seem to find anything that fits the bill, although it seems like someone ought to have open-sourced this before. I'm not interested in services like Mendeley ( or Scribd, but rather something I can host myself, both to overcome file size limits and privacy issues, but also so I can check out the source and modify it if needed.
You seem to need a document management system.
Check out OpenKM or Nuxeo

How to let google index my database driven pages - that are not direcly linked to [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Hi in simple terms have a company listing website.
I have a database of companies people can search and results are shown - fine.
Now what I want to do is open my database or these database driven pages to google so they can be indexed - so in an ideal world if someone searches for 'xyz company' their profile on my company listing website could be dispalyed in the search results.
As these pages wont all have direct links to them how can I get google to spider them?
OK to clarify they will be accessible by links ie "" maybe even seo friendly urls if I can sort out dupe company name issues. It was more that the actual links wont all be listed on the site but now as others have suggested I can return all of these to a sitemap.xml but as per BiAiB's comment Google sounds like it will cap the number they will index...
I like the idea of a company by county page though that would work with direct links.
You should make an XML sitemap, then submit it to Google Webmaster Tools.
Google have a page about it here:
Another way would be to make an HTML sitemap that contains all the pages, and have a link to it in the footer. Without any links to the content, Google will likely not think it's very important, and won't give it high rankings.
Your ideal solution is to create a contextual link structure to all your businesses.
This not only lets Google find your businesses but also helps Google categorise them.
It would probably also help your visitors.
