#include inside the main () function - c

I would like to know if it's possible that inside the main() function from C to include something.
For instance, in a Cell program i define the parameters for cache-api.h that later in the main() function i want to change .
I understood that what was defined with #define can be undefined with #undef anywhere in the program, but after redefining my needed parameters I have to include cache-api.h again . Is that possible?
How can I solve this problem more elegant ? Supposing I want to read from the main storage with cache_rd(...) but the types would differ during the execution of a SPU, how can i use both #define CACHED_TYPE struct x and #define CACHED_TYPE struct y in the same program?
Thanks in advance for the answer, i hope i am clear in expression.

#define and #include are just textual operations that take place during the 'preprocessing' phase of compilation, which is technically an optional phase. So you can mix and match them in all sorts of ways and as long as your preprocessor syntax is correct it will work.
However if you do redefine macros with #undef your code will be hard to follow because the same text could have different meanings in different places in the code.
For custom types typedef is much preferred where possible because you can still benefit from the type checking mechanism of the compiler and it is less error-prone because it is much less likely than #define macros to have unexpected side-effects on surrounding code.

Yes, that's fine (may not be the clearest design decision) but a #include is just like a copy-and-paste of that file into the code right where the #include is.

#define and #include are pre-processor macros: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_preprocessor
They are converted / inlined before compilation.
To answer your question ... no, you really wouldn't want do do that, at least for the sake of the next guy that has to try and unscramble that mess.

You can #include any file in any file. Whether it is then valid depends on the content of the file; specifically whether that content would be valid if it were entered directly as text.
Header files generally contain declarations and constructs that are normally only valid outside of a function definition (or outside any kind of encoding construct) - the clue is in the name header file. Otherwise you may change the scope of the declarations, or more likley render the compilation unit syntactically invalid.
An include file written specially for the purpose may be fine, but not just any arbitrary header file.
General purpose header files should have include guards to prevent multiple declaration, so unless you undefine the guard macro, re-including a header file will have no effect in any case.
One possible solution to your problem is to create separately compiled modules (compilation units) containing wrapper functions to the API you need to call. Each compilation unit can then include the API header file after defining the appropriate configuration macros. You will then have two separate and independent interfaces provided by these wrapper functions.


is it possible to have only header file in C without source file

I would like to write a C library with fast access by including just header files without using compiled library. For that I have included my code directly in my header file.
The header file contains:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef INC_TEST_H_
#define INC_TEST_H_
void test(){
My program doesn't compile because I have multiple reference to function test(). If I had a correct source file with my header it works without error.
Is it possible to use only header file by including code inside in a C app?
Including code in a header is generally a really bad idea.
If you have file1.c and file2.c, and in each of them you include your coded.h, then at the link part of the compilation, there will be 2 test functions with global scope (one in file1.c and the other one in file2.c).
You can use the word "static" in order to say that the function will be restricted so it is only visible in the .c file which includes coded.h, but then again, it's a bad idea.
Last but not least: how do you intend to make a library without a .so/.a file? This is not a library; this is copy/paste code directly in your project.
And when a bug is found in your "library", you will be left with no solution apart correcting your code, redispatch it in every project, and recompile every project, missing the very point of a dynamic library: The ability to "just" correct the library without touching every program using it.
If I understand what you're asking correctly, you want to create a "library" which is strictly source code that gets #incuded as necessary, rather than compiled separately and linked.
As you have discovered, this is not easy when you're dealing with functions - the compiler complains of multiple definitions (you will have the same problem with object definitions).
You have a couple of options at this point.
You could declare the function static:
static void test( void )
The static keyword limits the function's visibility to the current translation unit, so you don't run into multiple definition errors at link time. It means that each translation unit is creating its own separate "instance" of the function, leading to a bit of code bloat and slightly longer build times. If you can live with that, this is the easiest solution.
You could use a macro in place of a function:
#define TEST() (printf( "hello\n" ))
except that macros are not functions and do not behave like functions. While macro-based "libraries" do exist, they are not trivial to implement correctly and require quite a bit of thought. Remember that macro arguments are not evaluated, they're just expanded in place, which can lead to problems if you pass expressions with side effects. The classic example is:
#define SQUARE(x) ((x)*(x))
y = SQUARE(z++);
SQUARE(z++) expands to ((z++)*(z++)), which leads to undefined behavior.
Separate compilation is a Good Thing, and you should not try to avoid it. Doing everything in one source file is not scalable, and leads to maintenance headaches.
My program do not compiled because I have multiple reference to test() function
That is because the .h file with the function is included and compiled in multiple C source files. As a result, the linker encounters the function with global scope multiple times.
You could have defined the function as static, which means it will have scope only for the curent compilation unit, so:
static void test()

#undef not work as expected in my C program

I am writing linear list ADT as my practice in DS class. I use one header file, one function source code and a driver as a whole project. I defined macro "ELEMENT_TYPE" and "MAXSIZE" in the header file. My design is that I can #undef and immediately #define those two macros in the driver program to change "ELEMENT_TYPE" to any type the driver need.
If I put these code:
#define ELEMENT_TYPE char
#undef MAXSIZE
#define MAXSIZE 50
into the header file after the #define, then in the driver program, the functions can be recognized properly(For example, insertion() 's second augment was "ELEMENT_TYPE", use those code above, IDE shows that insertion() receive a char augment in driver program.) However, if I put those codes into the driver below #include "foo.h", then IDE cannot recognize what augments the fuction should receive and use the initial definition of "ELEMENT_TYPE", in this case, int. Who know what was wrong in my program so that preprocessing directives don't work properly?
Here are the original codes:
PS:I am not native English speaker, so maybe there are some places I didn't express clearly. Point them out and I'll add more details if needed.
What it sounds like is happening is you're trying to #define these values in the driver in the hopes that they will stay defined in linear_list.c.
The problem is that these files are compiled separately and then linked. The #defines placed in driver.c cannot change those found in linear_list.c.
In order to have the effect I think you would like, you will need to change these values in linear_list.h. This is the best way to do this because that header is included in both the source files, and will presumably be #included in any file that works with the functions defined in linear_list.c. Please bear in mind that in order to see a change in the behavior of your program you will need to recompile not only driver.c but linear_list.c after changes to linear_list.h have been made.
As a side note, you should generally #include local headers like linear_list.h after you #include global headers like stdio.h and stdlib.h. In linear_list.c either of those headers could overwrite the values you've used in linear_list.h, if those identifiers are used. They look like they could be common enough, that it's not implausible that some header may use them, so it may be worthwhile to use a more unique identifier in the future. Which leads me to my final point: using #undef on these identifiers without checking if they're used somewhere else could lead to some problems, so you should generally check with #ifndef.
Hope that helps. If I've misunderstood please correct me.
EDIT: Clarification, additional information, credit to the other answer for reminding me of some important practices.
Macros in source code are replaced with the macro definition in effect at that point where the macro is used in the source code. So function declarations using ELEMENT_TYPE use the macro definition that most recently precedes the declaration. Changing the macro later will not change the function definition.
An alternative is to define ELEMENT_TYPE in the header only if it is not already defined:
#if ! defined ELEMENT_TYPE
#define ELEMENT_TYPE char
Then a source file can do either of:
Do not define ELEMENT_TYPE itself. When the header is included, the default type of char will be used.
Define ELEMENT_TYPE, then include the header. If desired, #undef ELEMENT_TYPE afterward. The type the source file provides in ELEMENT_TYPE will be used.
The driver and the program that uses it must use the same type. You cannot compile the driver using one type and the program using another. Compiling the program with a different type will not change the driver.

Computed Includes in C

I was reading the C Preprocessor guide page on gnu.org on computed includes which has the following explanation:
2.6 Computed Includes
Sometimes it is necessary to select one of several different header
files to be included into your program. They might specify
configuration parameters to be used on different sorts of operating
systems, for instance. You could do this with a series of
#if SYSTEM_1
# include "system_1.h"
#elif SYSTEM_2
# include "system_2.h"
#elif SYSTEM_3 …
That rapidly becomes tedious. Instead, the preprocessor offers the
ability to use a macro for the header name. This is called a computed
include. Instead of writing a header name as the direct argument of
‘#include’, you simply put a macro name there instead:
#define SYSTEM_H "system_1.h"
#include SYSTEM_H
This doesn't make sense to me. The first code snippet allows for optionality based on which system type you encounter by using branching if elifs. The second seems to have no optionality as a macro is used to define a particular system type and then the macro is placed into the include statement without any code that would imply its definition can be changed. Yet, the text implies these are equivalent and that the second is a shorthand for the first. Can anyone explain how the optionality of the first code snippet exists in the second? I also don't know what code is implied to be contained in the "..." in the second code snippet.
There's some other places in the code or build system that define or don't define the macros that are being tested in the conditionals. What's suggested is that instead of those places defining lots of different SYSTEM_1, SYSTEM_2, etc. macros, they'll just define SYSTEM_H to the value that's desired.
Most likely this won't actually be in an explicit #define, instead of will be in a compiler option, e.g.
gcc -DSYSTEM_H='"system_1.h"' ...
And this will most likely actually come from a setting in a makefile or other configuration file.

How to copy macro contents to another macro in C [duplicate]

I am using both the JUCE Library and a number of Boost headers in my code. Juce defines "T" as a macro (groan), and Boost often uses "T" in it's template definitions. The result is that if you somehow include the JUCE headers before the Boost headers the preprocessor expands the JUCE macro in the Boost code, and then the compiler gets hopelessly lost.
Keeping my includes in the right order isn't hard most of the time, but it can get tricky when you have a JUCE class that includes some other classes and somewhere up the chain one file includes Boost, and if any of the files before it needed a JUCE include you're in trouble.
My initial hope at fixing this was to
#undef T
before any includes for Boost. But the problem is, if I don't re-define it, then other code gets confused that "T" is not declared.
I then thought that maybe I could do some circular #define trickery like so:
// some includes up here
#define ___T___ T
#undef T
// include boost headers here
#define T ___T___
#undef ___T___
Ugly, but I thought it may work.
Sadly no. I get errors in places using "T" as a macro that
'___T___' was not declared in this scope.
Is there a way to make these two libraries work reliably together?
As greyfade pointed out, your ___T___ trick doesn't work because the preprocessor is a pretty simple creature. An alternative approach is to use pragma directives:
// juice includes here
#pragma push_macro("T")
#undef T
// include boost headers here
#pragma pop_macro("T")
That should work in MSVC++ and GCC has added support for pop_macro and push_macro for compatibility with it. Technically it is implementation-dependent though, but I don't think there's a standard way of temporarily suppressing the definition.
Can you wrap the offending library in another include and trap the #define T inside?
#include "juice.h"
#undef T
#include "JUICE_wrapper.h"
#include "boost.h"
rest of code....
I then thought that maybe I could do some circular #define trickery like so:
The C Preprocessor doesn't work this way. Preprocessor symbols aren't defined in the same sense that a symbol is given meaning when, e.g., you define a function.
It might help to think of the preprocessor as a text-replace engine. When a symbol is defined, it's treated as a straight-up text-replace until the end of the file or until it's undefined. Its value is not stored anywhere, and so, can't be copied. Therefore, the only way to restore the definition of T after you've #undefed it is to completely reproduce its value in a new #define later in your code.
The best you can do is to simply not use Boost or petition the developers of JUCE to not use T as a macro. (Or, worst case, fix it yourself by changing the name of the macro.)

What does #include actually do?

In C (or a language based on C), one can happily use this statement:
#include "hello.h";
And voila, every function and variable in hello.h is automagically usable.
But what does it actually do? I looked through compiler docs and tutorials and spent some time searching online, but the only impression I could form about the magical #include command is that it "copy pastes" the contents of hello.h instead of that line. There's gotta be more than that.
Logically, that copy/paste is exactly what happens. I'm afraid there isn't any more to it. You don't need the ;, though.
Your specific example is covered by the spec, section 6.10.2 Source file inclusion, paragraph 3:
A preprocessing directive of the form
# include "q-char-sequence" new-line
causes the replacement of that directive by the entire contents of the source file identified by the specified sequence between the " delimiters.
That (copy/paste) is exactly what #include "header.h" does.
Note that it will be different for #include <header.h> or when the compiler can't find the file "header.h" and it tries to #include <header.h> instead.
Not really, no. The compiler saves the original file descriptor on a stack and opens the #included file; when it reaches the end of that file, it closes it and pops back to the original file descriptor. That way, it can nest #included files almost arbitrarily.
The # include statement "grabs the attention" of the pre-processor (the process that occurs before your program is actually compiled) and "tells" the pre-processor to include whatever follows the # include statement.
While the pre-processor can be told to do quite a bit, in this instance it's being asked to recognize a header file (which is denoted with a .h following the name of that header, indicating that it's a header).
Now, a header is a file containing C declarations and definitions of functions not explicitly defined in your code. What does this mean? Well, if you want to use a function or define a special type of variable, and you know that these functions/definition are defined elsewhere (say, the standard library), you can just include (# include) the header that you know contains what you need. Otherwise, every time you wanted to use a print function (like in your case), you'd have to recreate the print function.
If its not explicitly defined in your code and you don't #include the header file with the function you're using, your compiler will complain saying something like: "Hey! I don't see where this function is defined, so I don't know what to with this undefined function in your code!".
It's part of the preprocessor. Have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_preprocessor#Including_files. And yes, it's just copy and paste.
This is a nice link to answer this question.
Usually #include and #include "path-name" just differs in the order of the search of the pre processor
