Modelling C Programs - c

I have done some research on this question and most answers are a few years old or suggest just using text.
I need to model some C code I have developed for an embedded system. It is not massively complex but there are a great number of functions and UML does not appear to cover it as this is working on the pretense that the language to be modeled is object orientated.
Whilst I have read that it isn't far fetched to modify this and still use it to try and model C I wondered what thoughts people had on this or if anyone had any suggestions for how I could professionally document or model my code?

You should take a look at the Gtk documentation and the GTK-Doc tool:
It is a big API and it is pure C.


chatbot with artificial intelligence

I am new to programming and would like to create a chatbot(I know a little about arithmetic, statistic, linear algebra but no knowledge yet in ML/DL/AI theory. And as I'm starting, I haven't done any projects yet. But the final goal I set myself is to be able to create a chatbot with artificial intelligence. But after some research, I saw that it will take me quite a long time.
So I set myself an intermediate level. One just to create a chatbot that can send and reply to messages automatically. To this end, the programming languages ​​that have been recommended to me are: Python, Ruby, PhP, Java... but (in view of my final objective : creating a chatbot with AI) I would like to know which programming language will be more useful and more appropriate for me?
[RE]: Given my situation, I haven't started a project yet (I'm looking for the right language to be able to get started). Yes, I know I'm repeating myself but that's why I can't present a community-specific problem. Besides since I just learned that my question is a matter of opinion and that it does not respect the rules of the platform, I humbly ask the moderators to remove it.
Thanks !
Hey that’s an interesting project to do.
As you are more focused on the artificial intelligence I would stick with the biggest and most common ML language:
Python - this is currently the biggest Machine Learning language and allows you to use open source tensorflow for your ML models.
I think what you will find interesting and challenging, once you go into more complex sentences is dealing with natural language processing, Python has the nltk (Natural Language Toolkit) that’s a good place to start and learn from.
Once you have gotten a possible basic python console chat system working you might want to show it off in a nicer presented way so more so you could wrap it in a simple python api and call upon it using a small JavaScript web browser chat application. Although your more interested in the first part so I’d suggest go with python.
I’d start off by trying to make the ai respond to predefined strings and then go from there. It’s worth nothing there is a number of open-source GitHub projects that have ML and Natural Language Processing bots so have a little look around for inspiration.
Also fyi if your writing a report on this doing detailed investigative work in what tooling and language to use is an important part of your report and you should gather information and sources about usage etc and then reason as to why.
Hope this points you in the correct direction and good luck 👍

A 'C' based web application framework like Tornado or Twisted?

Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places. Or maybe I might just be dumb. But I am just curious. Are there any Web application frameworks available for just the plain old 'C' Language. Like Tornado and Twisted for python? Again, I am just Curious.
UPDATE: After keeping a tag for years, I finally found one: GitHub:
I asked this question 3 years ago. And I have always kept a tag on C-based framework. Now I found one which is more than worthy to mention. GitHub:
Previously, I accepted Aidenn's answer But I am choosing my own as accepted because this is modern and actively maintained.
There aren't many since most web apps are not CPU bound, and involve mutations to variable sized strings, thus not playing to Cs strengths, while hitting C in one of its weakest points.
That being said:
Sorry but Aidenn is wrong. Every scripting language is written in C. It just takes a lot more work. C is a very strong programming language with unlimited possibilities to what you can program.
list of C frameworks.

MUD Programming language

I have been playing a MUD game now off and on for over a year. I have scoured the internet looking for the best computer language to learn to develop my own. So far, I have come up with nothing but C. Is C the best language to learn for this application, or is there something better?
I know SMAUG was written in C, but that was years ago. I am new to programming in general and have some experience with Python. I have been playing Aardwolf, which allows it users (after a certain level) to create their own area's. The user does this using Lua. This was interesting to me, because Lua is a "scripting" language. So this begs another question - Do you build the game's format in C (or something else) but create the world with a script?
Also, this would be a game with only my friends, so a direct connection would be required since I would not be hosting it online. So, once again, I would like to dive into this world and use this as a pet project to also help me learn a programming language... but which one would be the best that would also allow me to scale it uo in the funture
P.S. - Any open source code out there that I can look at and study?
So, once again, I would like to dive into this world and use this as a pet project to also help me learn a programming language... but which one would be the best that would also allow me to scale it uo in the future
Most MUD codebases tend to be in C, but this is mainly for historical reasons. MUDs were fairly popular a while back, and at the time, C was by far the best language for portability which was supported by most hosting options out there.
That being said, a MUD is really fairly simple, in many ways. You could easily write a MUD in any language, provided it supports sockets and text parsing. Using a language with a good string parsing and high level socket support would actually be far simpler than some of the classic MUD code bases.
There are a ton of available MUD engines available online : a quick look at MudConnector will give you a ton info of available servers, software and code bases.
As for your programming language of choice, if you intend on only making it available to you and your friends, Python would be fine - I made one entirely in Lua a few years ago and it was a breeze. It's a great learning experience !
perhaps you should look for a MUDOS

How does Wolfram Alpha work?

Behind the tables and tables of raw data, how does Wolfram Alpha work?
I imagine there are various artificial intelligence mechanisms driving the site but I can't fathom how anyone would put something like this together. Are there any explanations that would help a programmer understand how something like this is created? Does the knowledge base learn on its own or is it taught very specific details in a very organized manner? What kind of structure and language is used to store this type of data?
Obviously this is a huge question and can't fully be answered here but some of the general concepts would be nice to know so I can build off of them and do my own research.
Does the knowledge base learn on its
own or is it taught very specific
details in a very organized manner?
AI systems are usually something distinctly in between. The system will usually learn in a directed way, where the developers can apply a metric that measures the quality of the learning, and the system learns by attempting to maximise that metric. Where the expertise comes in is in developing efficient and effective representations of the data, so that it lends itself to this learning process and to the measurement of how well the learning is going.
Take a look at the API
This official blog post has some portion of the explanation: the language Mathematica.
Looks like a large number of algorithms from which some that might be relevant are selected by pattern matching.

An amnesia patient's "first" functional language? (I really like Clojure...)

I was recently diagnosed with a cascading dissociative disorder that causes retrograde amnesia in addition to an existing case of possible anterograde amnesia. Many people have tried to remind me of how great a programmer I was before -- Right now I get the concepts and the idioms, but I want to teach myself whether I know or not. I think I can overcome the amnesia problems in part with it.
My question for you, stackoverflow, is this: I recently found Clojure and it... it feels good to use, even in just copying down the examples from whatever webpage I can find. My goals in learning a functional programming language are to create a simple webserver, an irc AI bot of some variety, and a couchdb-like database system, all of which lightweight and specifically for education. What flaws does Clojure have? Is there a better functional programming language to use right now for education /and/ application?
I think Clojure is a very nice language. If I should point to any defect it is that it's very new, and even though the language seems very mature and production ready, the tools and frameworks around it aren't. So if you are going to make, for instance, a web-app, don't expect to fire three commands and have a "Your first web app is running, now read this documentation to create your models"-page on your browser.
There aren't that many libraries written in Clojure yet either, but that's not a huge problem if you consider that you can use almost anything written in Java.
Haskell currently has a large following and a growing base of libraries and applications. It's also used for education and research. I find it a very nice language to use.
Haskell, Erlang and Clojure are all good choices. I would personally recommend Clojure, you might be able to do some interesting database stuff with the Software Transational Memory system that is part of Clojure.
You list CouchDB in your question, and it's written in Erlang, which is meant to be a pretty engrossing language once you get into it.
I have no personal experience with Clojure, but i really recommend F#. It's quite a powerful language in the style of OCaml. I really like it because it's debugging tools and IDE are second to none, and you can take advantage of practically every library on the (huge) .NET platform.
