Does WAP supports Android and IOS mobile operating system - mobile

I want to start development on WAP..In initial findings i have found that
WAP is a communications protocol and application environment.
It can be built on any operating system including PalmOS, EPOC, Windows CE, FLEXOS, OS/9,
JavaOS etc.
It provides service interoperability even between different device families.
What i want to know is Does it can be built on Android and IOS operating System?

There are two major WAP version.
WAP 1.x and WAP 2.0
WAP 1.x is old and obsolete. It can be built on Android. But no value. Because WAP 1.x client needs WAP 1.x gateway. But virtually all major operator stopped WAP gateway a couple years ago.
WAP 2.0 is current but becoming less meaning. Because most smartphone can support standrad web technology. It does not need less functional mobile version web technology.
The bottom line, if there is no WAP 1.x service in your country, any effort is pointless.


Developing for a handheld device

We have developed a WPF application (VS 2010 C#, .NET 4.0, MVVM, CaliburnMicro, Agatha) that mostly deals with selling tickets for different transportation types.
Now i need to start developing an application for a handheld device that will be used alongside this WPF application (buying tickets on bus/train, printing, searching etc). Handheld device has an integrated printer + touch display.
The application will have it's own local database (probably SQLite) on the handheld device, but will also need to communicate with the main database (PostgreSQL) using the WPF application's host (WCF service).
Our client has initially picked out a device with Windows Mobile 6.5 / Windows CE 5.0.
I have no experience with handheld devices/developing for them. Now, i’ve been digging around and understand that
WPF/Silverlight type development is supported only for Windows Mobile 7.0 + and Windows CE starting from 6.0 (with latest version).
If we are to develop for older OS, we cannot use VS2010 with all the latest tools etc, since .net compact framework is not supported there anymore.
Developing for older OS can be more time consuming and problematic, CE 5.0 support has already been dropped.
My questions:
If we manage to find a device that supports Mobile 7.0+ / CE 6.0+, what tools, frameworks would be best suited for our development? Or could someone suggest some up-to-date books?
If we need to use Mobile 6.5 / CE 5.0, what are our best options for development?
I understand we need to downgrade to VS2008, but which frameworks/tools are best suited for UI / communication with the WCF service?
Can someone with experience on this subject foresee any problems communicating with the WCF service?
How much more time consuming (ballpark figure) or complicated it would be to develop for these older operating systems? i.e. i would like to know how hard we should push our client for switching to a device with a newer OS (since it’s quite problematic to find a suitably built/priced device with newer OS).
Thanks in advance.
It seems like the Pocket version of Internet Explorer is going to be what you'd want to develop for. I'm not sure how it supports Silverlight and other newer technologies, though. One of the answers in >>THIS QUESTION<< shows how to do some HTML stuff, if that helps.
Windows CE and Windows Mobile (WM) require different SDK downloads. I only use WM here, and I'm not sure what you'd gain by going one route verses another. I was given WM, so I develop for WM.
Are you looking to decide which way to go (CE verses WM)?
The bigger problem is that most newer devices running Microsoft operating systems are all phones. It seems that if you want an industrial style device, you are either stuck with old Windows devices or turn to something running a newer Android platform.
As far as WM platforms, the newer they are, the more features you have access to (like turning on the radio, getting battery status, etc.). WM 6 and up has these features. WM 5 and down does not. Older than WM 5 is referred to as PocketPC.

Where can I download Nokia os?

I want to develop an application for Nokia mobiles. For that I need the Nokia OS and a suitable SDK
Where can I get these two, possibly with some sample applications to ease the learning?
This looks like pretty much everything you would need to know - I know it's not a specific answer but it should provide a great starting place:
Nokia phones use Symbian OS. Symbian is an open source OS, which was maintained by the
Unfortunately, recently converted to a licensing body only and stopped any further development on the OS, and as part of that the Symbian official website was shut down. The Symbian platform is still accessible over FTP, until March 31, 2011.
The further OS development will officially be driven and maintained by Nokia. You can read the latest news about this from Nokia official Symbian blog. You can find some samples and documentation about the platform at Forum Nokia. There you can also find the latest Symbian SDK (S^3 SDK), along with other Nokia-specific SDKs and libraries, like S60 development library and Qt development library.
what you refer to as Nokia OS in fact:
legally not available to 3rd party
not suitable for "normal" binary apps - it had been designed to not have installable applications in order to protect telco environment from malware and other risks on terminal side
you can develop at least for S40 but you don't need "Nokia OS" for that, all necessary tools are available there - it is common J2ME programming with (optionally) some Nokia flavors

Mobile Programming for Blackberry, iPod, and Android

I bought an iPod touch 3rd Gen half year ago, and I got recently an iPad WiFi. I also have a Onyx Bold Blackberry.
I don't have a Mac Book or any other apple product of laptop.
As a programmer, I speak C, Delphi and Java. I'd like to start playing around in mobile application.
I don't know whether I should start in Blackberry platform, iPod /iPad platform, or Android platform.
Ok, for each platform, what is the cheapest way to get started to play around the language?
1. Blackberry
2. iPod
3. Android
Learn HTML5 and you can build apps that can work on all platforms such as IPhone/IPad, Android and Blackberry. You can just build a mobile version of your site such as You can then choose to implement the server side with the language of your choice/familiarity.
The path of least resistance and also of lowest cost for you is Java development for Android. Only problem, you don't seem to have an Android phone. Though i'm sure you can pick up a used one cheap.
Why: The Eclipse IDE is free, there are free Eclipse plugins available from Google for Android dev, there's no annual dev cost like with iPhone/iPad development
In my opinion, you should start with an Android phone. You will be able to write your applications in Java, and test your applications on the device. The iPhone requires that you write your applications in objective-c, and requires developers to be a part of the iPhone Developer's Program in order to run their applications on an actual device (The membership fee is $99/year).
The documentation for the Android OS is superb, and once you have installed the Android SDK with the Eclipse Plugin, you can have a hello world application finished in a few minutes.

Chat client on Mobile

We have to develop a chat client for mobile. The devices should be for the following:
Windows mobile
Windows CE
Which technology we should use for the multiple OS computability. We like the most of code common.
This chat client also support the video and audio chat.
Android and BlackBerry: Java
Symbian and Win Mo: C++
iPhone and Palm: Objective C and C
It is possible from to write the apps so that some common functionality can be reused, but it needs careful design. But you are a bit out of luck on this.
I would recommend starting with Java and Objective C implementations as this will get you Android, BlackBerry and iPhone, which have a lot more traction in market than other platforms.
Look at cross platform frameworks like PhoneGap - that way you can keep the UI and as much code as you care to port to JavaScript common, then do the remaining in native code.
Currently React Native framework gains popularity as a solution for implementing JavaScript based apps for Android and iOS platforms. Here is a guide for React Native.
JavaScript SDK can be also used for preparing desktop app for Windows via Electron for example.
Since you need to cover a lot of platforms, you might need also a backend solution providing an API option to cover all your needs.
Try ConnectyCube. It has React Native support in its JS SDK and provides API to cover the rest of cases. So, it's flexible enough and you can use it for developing apps for all your platforms.

Mobile Device Programming Tools

What SDKs/Tools/Toolkits/IDEs should I download to start programming mobile applications for iPhone, Symbian and BlackBerry from within Windows platform?
And from where can I download them?
For the iPhone platform, your current option is to become an iPhone developer, use the iPhone SDK and develop on a Mac. The IDE you will most likely use is XCode and the language of development will be Objective-C.
The Mono project seems to be developing an alternative to this in the form of the MonoTouch framework. Using this framework you can develop your iPhone applications in C# using MonoDevelop and they will be compiled to native iPhone applications; however, you still need the iPhone SDK and you still need to develop on a Mac. This framework is in closed preview at the moment, though.
For Symbian, it used to be the case that you needed to develop using the C/C++ libraries provided by the Symbian SDK but now you have the choice to develop in C++ using the Qt for S60 toolkit (I should note that it is still a technical preview).
Depending on what you are trying to build, you might want to develop J2ME applications which will work on all Java-enabled phones (thus you won't be limited to just the S60 platform). You can develop such J2ME applications using the EclipseME plugin for Eclipse.
For Blackberry, the default development environment is the Blackberry JDE. However, I hate the user interface on that tool and (for me at least) the usability leaves a lot to be desired. However, you have an alternative: There is an official Blackberry JDE plugin for the Eclipse IDE that makes developing Blackberry applications a joy (well not so much :) but still makes it really easy)
In case you are interested, you can develop Windows Mobile applications in C# targeting the .NET Compact Framework using Visual Studio (I think you can use the Express Edition, which is free).
Then, there is the Android platform. The default development environment for that platform is using the Android Eclipse plugin and developing in Java.
Hope, it helps.
iPhone sdk
For Symbian, I would recommand Qt.
Moreover, you can use it for Windows CE based mobile.
